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RollerFORM Inspection of CFRP using

OmniScan SX \ MX2
Part 1 – OmniScan Setup and Configuration

MXU 4.3R2
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – OmniScan Setup Overview
 Preparing the OmniScan for RollerFORM wheel probe inspection of CFRP panels
and similar components requires the following steps:
– Part Wizard. (Probe and water wedge parameters)
– Setup Wizard. (Group creation and beam parameters)
– UT configuration.
– Synchronization gate configuration.
– Manual TCG construction.
– Detection gate configuration.
– C-scan configuration.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Filling the Tire Chamber
 This presentation assumes the RollerFORM tire wheel has been filled with water IAW
the user manual and is free of bubbles.
 It is not necessary to pressurize the tire and when completely filled with water there
should be a gap of approx. 2mm between the black acoustic wheel flange and the
inspection surface.
 Distilled deionized water is recommended and for best results fill water chamber the
day prior to inspection to allow the water to completely degas.
 Bubbles can be purged using the water out valve and there is also a bubble trap
inside the black wheel flange on the same side as the in and out valves.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Filling the Tire Chamber cont.
 Both the RollerFORM user manual and the accompanying videos for these
presentations contain detailed explanation of these functions.
 Please review the user manual and videos prior to use.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Part Wizard
 Select >File>Setup>New. This will clear all existing configuration and generate a
default A-scan.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Part Wizard cont.
 Select >Wizard>Part & Weld>Start.
 Enter part thickness (mm) and >Material: Composite. This will apply a longitudinal
velocity of 3000 meters\second to the group.
 >Select Next and >Weld: None.
 Select Finish.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard
 Select >Wizard>Setup>Start.
 Select Group Mode: PA.
 Depending on the OmniScan model and configuration different options will appear
here for phased array, conventional UT, and\or conventional UT from the phased
array connector.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 Select >Application > Composite.
 Selecting the zero degree technique will automatically define default parameters for
the phased array zero degree inspection to reduce setup time and complexity.
 Features that are affected by this include the readings, C-scan configuration for
thickness, gate mode parameters and displays.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 Olympus probes have a chip that stores the probe parameters that will auto-populate
the software.
 The pitch of the probe is the center to center distance between the elements.
 The probe reference point is the distance from the edge of the probe casing to
element #1 inside the probe.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 The RollerFORM probes are designed for use in water and are optimized for CFRP
and similar component inspections.
 The right side of the RollerFORM tire is optimized for near wall inspection and the
natural scanning sequence is right to left.

Element #64

Element #1

Element #64

Element #1
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 Select the RollerFORM water wedge. The 25mm height is the distance through the
water tire between the probe and component surface.
 The primary offset is the distance from the edge of the tire material to element #1 in
the phased array probe.
 The secondary offset is aligned with the center of the probe wheel in green below.
 Select Next.

OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 The element selection for the phased array group will determine the size of the
beam, step resolution, and the width of coverage across the probe.
 The default and recommended element quantity for most composite and aluminum
panel inspections is 4 elements. (4 X .8mm element pitch = 3.2mm probe aperture)
 Thicker and more attenuative material may require increasing the aperture for a
larger more powerful beam.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 The default value of the element step is 1. This means that every focal law (A-scan)
has 4 elements and will step 1 element. (1-4, 2-5, 3-6, etc.)
 When a step resolution smaller than one element is required, a ½ element step
resolution can be selected by entering .5. (1-4, 1-3, 2-5, 2-4, 3-6, 3-5, etc.)
 This will result in 2X the file size and ½ the scan speed. This is the same function as
improved resolution in the Tomoview calculator.
 Select Next.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Setup Wizard cont.
 Select >Skew: 90 degrees.
 The skew parameter defines the orientation of the beams in relation to the
mechanical movement of the wheel probe on the scan axis.
 Do not modify the index offset from the default value of 0mm at this time.
 Leave the focal laws unfocused for maximum coverage.
 Select Generate.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Display A-S
 From the interactive title bar, select >Layout> A-S display if not already selected.
 At this point the group is created and should look similar to below after wetting the
RollerFORM and coupling to the component.
 The high amplitude signal below represents the unsynchronized interface between
the RollerFORM tire and the component.
 The back wall of the component is barely visible and that is normal before the UT
gain is adjusted.

Water column between probe surface and tire

Tire to component interface signal

Component back wall

OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Synchronization Gate Config.
 The OmniScan has 3 gates:
– Gate A (Red) and gate B (Green) are detection gates and red gate A is the primary.
– Gate I (Yellow) is the A-scan synchronization gate.
 A-scan synchronization is a feature normally associated with immersion tank testing
and allows the component interface signal to be dynamically adjusted to 0mm on the
S-scan and A-scan as the water path distance changes during inspection.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Synchronization Gate Config.
 Select >Gate\Alarms>Gates>Gate: I >Parameters: Mode, >A-scan Synchro: I/. This
will enable the synchronization of the A-Scans and S-scan to 0mm.
 After synchronization the interface signal is stable and straight and will be
dynamically adjusted as the probe moves similarly to an immersion tank inspection.
In this mode no wedge delay is stored or needed.
 Selection of linear zero inspection during group wizard creation set the gate measure
modes to first peak and edge.
 In sync mode it is normal that
the yellow I gate is no longer
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Probe Orientation Optimization
 Manually adjust the probe orientation inside the tire to optimize the interface signal at
zero degrees to the component surface. The probe orientation is optimized when the
amplitude of the interface signal at 0mm is maximum.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration
 After entering synchronization mode select >UT>General> and adjust UT range start
to -1mm and ensure there is enough range to cover the component back wall.
 The back wall signal in in red gate A below is the component back wall.
 Adjust the UT gain so that the back wall is detected at low amplitude.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 The UT start and UT range can be adjusted at any time by tapping 1X on the purple
UT axis ruler.
 Similarly the UT gain can also be modified at any time by tapping 1X on the dB area
in the upper left hand corner of the OmniScan display.

UT Start

UT Range
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 Optimizing the UT configuration is similar to a conventional UT probe flaw detector
but will be applied to all the focal laws (Beams or A-scans) in the group.
 Select >UT Settings>Pulser> and adjust voltage appropriately. CFRP panels are
highly attenuative and optimum voltage is relative to element size and material. Use
what works best. If back wall signal is saturated at 0dB use lower voltage.
 The pulse width is automatically adjusted based on probe frequency.
 Select optimum PRF.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 Select >UT>Receiver and select the filter or no filter that provides best SNR.
 Select the rectification that produces best results and it is recommended that HW-
(Half wave negative) is used by default.
 Select >Video Filter: Off.
 Select >Averaging: 1.
 Select >Reject: 0%.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 The 2-5% indications between the interface signal and back wall are not noise to be
filtered out of the data but the composite layers in the CRFP.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 Select >UT>Advanced>Point Quantity: Auto. In auto mode the software will manage
the point quantity based on UT range and will ensure a low compression scale factor
and optimum results.
 At this point the UT configuration is complete.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – UT Configuration cont.
 The linear zero inspection will provide best results when the interface signal is
sufficient amplitude for syncro gate detection but does not extend into the
component’s near surface any more than necessary.
 In the example below the interface signal extends to approx.1mm and this signal
defines the near surface resolution capability of the inspection. A function of the
RollerFORM tire material, probe frequency, aperture, component surface, and scan
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Manual TCG Configuration
 The purpose of the manual TCG is to increase the signal of the component back wall
without increasing the signal of the interface signal that affects near surface
 Select >Sizing>Type: TCG.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Manual TCG Configuration cont.
 Select >Curves Setup and move the position of TCG point 1 to just beyond the
interface signal as below. (The white dot is the current TCG point position)
 Select Add to create TCG point 2.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Manual TCG Configuration cont.
 Adjust the position of TCG point 2 to the back wall signal. (5.82mm below)
 Increase the gain of TCG point 2 until the signal is approx. 75-100% amplitude. The
inspection sensitivity will vary depending on procedure and scan speed but ensure it
is high enough so as to minimize data loss in the gate.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Display A-S-C
 From the interactive title bar, select >Layout>A-S-C to display the scrolling C-scan.
 The C-scan displayed is a time C-scan that will move at the speed of the PRF and
inspection resolution.
 A linear zero inspection created from the wizard will display the C-scan color palette
based on the component thickness (Time of flight) and set the gate A detection mode
to first peak edge.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Gate Thickness Source
 Select >Gate>Thickness>Source> A/ - I/.
 The gate mode and source can be changed at any time as all A-scans are saved in
the data file.
 The min and max defaults are created based on part thickness and will define the
limits of the readings and purple vertical thickness scale on the C-scan.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – Display Color Palette
 Select the top or bottom part of the color palette and adjust the Max to the thickness
of the component.
 The color palette can be adjusted at any time before or after the inspection and 1mm
for min and part thickness for max is normal practice for acquisition.
OmniScan RollerFORM Inspection for CFRP – File Save
 Press and hold the touch screen area over the file name in the header and select
save as.
 A dialog box will open and the setup file can be named and saved on the SD memory
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