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A Research Project presented

to the class of Ms. Jennifer Sinapuelas.

Gorgonia, John Cristopher N.

Magbutay, John Benedict L.

Menor, Gabriel A.

Martin,Mark Alfred D.

Ocampo, Edgar Jr S.

Balajadia, Rydalem B.

Ejercito, Apryl Chie

Erguiza, Sabrina May G.

Gonzales, Mary Joy B.

Ugay, Bride Glaidel Mae C

11 – ABM – CIO

(Group 1)


Introduction ............................................................................................3
Background of the study..........................................................................4-5
Statement of the problem .......................................................................8
Method and Sampling technques............................................................9
Research Questionnaires........................................................................10
Significance of the study.........................................................................11
Scope and Delimitations..........................................................................12
Definition of Terms .................................................................................13-14
Review of Related Literatue and Studies.........................................................15-23

Research Methodology...................................................................................24
Research Design.............................................................................................25
Sampling and Participants...............................................................................26
Research Instruments.................................................................................... 27

Data Interpretation.................................................................................31-33


According to Oxford Dictionary time management is the ability to use one's

time effectively or productively, especially at work or at school. If you organize your task
or events, it seem that you have more time in each day. Time management has been
found to have a positive impact in earlier studies. It has been shown that time
management abilities have a positive impact on student learning and related results.

Studies have shown that time management has a good effect. It has been
demonstrated that time management abilities enhance students' academic
performance. Students majoring in Accounting and Business Management are aspirant
members of the business world. Throughout their senior years, students not only
develop the intelligence needed to succeed academically but also the self-management
abilities, such as effective time management and educational objectives. Being
determined with your time is key to effective time management for students. It is taking
control of the time you do have and making it as productive, concentrated, and, most
importantly, balanced as possible. You need to be more strategic if you want to properly
manage your time and get ahead with your academic requirements.


Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual's

overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always commented that
they do not have enough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them (S Razali et al
2018). For students to better manage their curriculum and achieve learning objectives,
time management behaviors or skills are argued to improve the positive academic
output (Kumar, P. M., & Aithal, P. S. 2019). Effective time administration is essential for
students to gain high scores. Therefore, majority of students do not have good
command on time management. They have insufficient time management skills and this
thing has adversely influence their social and academic life. (Ahmad, Batool &
Choudhry 2019).

Effective time management is essential for individuals to achieve their

goals and maintain productivity. Time management is defined as the process of
organizing and planning how much time to spend on various activities to maximize
efficiency (Chapman, 2019). The study aims to identify the factors that contribute to
poor time management and develop strategies to improve time management skills. The
study will focus on the different techniques and tools that individuals can use to manage
their time effectively, such as creating schedules, utilizing technology, and developing
self-discipline. The study will also examine the psychological factors that impact time
management, including motivation, self-efficacy, and goal orientation (Chen et al.,
2019). It will provide practical solutions to help individuals overcome these challenges
and manage their time more effectively, leading to improved productivity, reduced
stress, and better work-life balance.

Improving time management is an essential skill that is important for

academic success, particularly for students in grade 11 ABM. As they progress through
their studies, they will be expected to handle multiple tasks, assignments, projects, and

Effective time management skills can help these students better manage
their workload and reduce stress. This paper will highlight the challenges faced by
students in managing their time and offer solutions to overcome them. The strategies
proposed in this paper are designed to help students prioritize their academic activities,
make efficient use of their time, and achieve their academic goals.

Effective time management is essential for grade 11 ABM students to

succeed academically. With a demanding curriculum and increasing responsibilities, it
can be easy to fall behind or become overwhelmed. However, by developing and
implementing effective time management strategies, students can prioritize tasks,
improve productivity, and reduce stress. Some strategies may include creating a
schedule or to-do list, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones,
eliminating distractions, and prioritizing self-care. By incorporating these techniques into
their daily routines, grade 11 ABM students can optimize their time and achieve
academic success.

The objective of this research is to identify and implement effective strategies

to improve time management among grade 11 ABM (Accountancy, Business, and
Management) students in their academic activities. The study aims to explore the
current time management practices of the students, determine the factors that affect
their time management, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions that can help
them manage their time more efficiently. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to equip
grade 11 ABM students with the skills and tools necessary to prioritize their academic
tasks, avoid procrastination, and achieve better academic outcomes.


The learning potential and capacity of Accountancy and Business

Management in managing their time management skills to enhance their performance
on academic tasks will be studied through this research. This study seeks to provide a
thorough investigation of improving time management in completing academic tasks
and offers suggestions for improvement.

The following are the objectives to be achieved in this study:

 Identify the typical activities tend to cause procrastination.

 Develop students to manage their time when they have a different task to complete.

 Find the most efficient methods and tools that students can use to prioritize and
complete their schoolwork within a limited time frame.


This are the following hypothesis of this research:

 Providing them with a structured time management program that includes goal-
setting,prioritization techniques,and effective study habits will lead to improved
academic performance and reduced stress levels.

 Through the implementation of a comprehensive time management

program,students may be better equipped to manage their time and resources
effectively, leading to improved academic outcomes

 Effective time management skills will results in a higher general average.

 Providing them with personalized time management tools and strategies, along with
guidance and feedback from their teachers, will lead to increased self-awareness
and self-regulation,which will in turn improve their time management skills,
academic performance, and overall well-being.

 In the end of our research, the researcher predict that the people interviewed will be
able to handle their time more effectively.


This study aims to improve time management for academic activities

among Grade Eleven Accountancy and Business Management students at Caloocan
City Business High School.

Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions :

 What are some frequent distraction that cause people to procrastinate?

 How students manage their time when they have a number of different task to

 How do the students intend to complete their schoolwork when they only have a
limited amount of time?


Random sampling will be used in this study. The respondents of the study
will be selected from thirty (30) Grade Eleven Accountancy and Business Management
students of Caloocan City Business High School enrolled for the academic year 2022-

This method is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling

methods since it only involves a single random selection and requires little advance
knowledge about the population. Because it uses randomization, any research
performed on this sample should have high internal and external validity, and be at a
lower risk for research biases like sampling bias and selection bias. It helps ensure high
internal validity: randomization is the best method to reduce the impact of potential
confounding variables. In addition, with a large enough sample size, a simple random
sample has high external validity: it represents the characteristics of the larger
population (Lauren Thomas., December 2022}


Based on the problems we found, we developed these questionnaires that will

guide us through the process of getting answers to our research.

1. What are some common distraction that lead you to procrastinate?

2. How do you organize your time when you have a multiple competing task?

3. How do you plan to work on your school activities when your time is limited?


The findings of this study can also inform the development of effective
interventions and support services aimed at improving time management skill.

This study will be greatly significant to the following:

Students,learn effective time management skills are able to prioritize their tasks,
manage their workload, and meet deadlines, resulting in better academic performance
and reduced stress levels.

Teachers,can lead to better classroom management, more effective teaching

strategies, and increased student engagement.

Parents,can help them better manage their family's schedule and improve their own

Society,it can lead to a more efficient use of resources, better work-life balance, and
improved economic growth.

Future Researchers- The future researchers will be able to utilize this research for
them to use it as a guide that can improve for conducting similar studies. Also, the
future researcher could explore wider information regarding time management skills.


The study focused in improving time management of grade 11 Accountancy

Business Management students, during school year 2022-2023. The assumption that
individuals are willing and able to invest time and effort in learning and implementing
time management strategies.

The qualification of the co-researcher are the following :

 11th Grade Accountancy and Business Management students

 Enrolled in Caloocan City Business High School, academic year 2022-2023.

This study is delimited among participants of 11th grade Accountancy

Business Management students at Caloocan City Business High School that is
experiencing a hard time in managing their time. The focus of improving time
management skills may be limited to specific tasks or activities rather than general time
management. The scope of improving time management skills may be limited to specific
contexts such as work, school, or personal life. Time management skills may not be the
only factor contributing to productivity and efficiency, as other factors such as
motivation, skills, and resources can also play a role. The improvement of time
management skills may be limited by the resources available to the individual such as
time, money, and access to information and training.


For better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the
context of this research.

Academic Activities. Tasks or actions that are related to studying, learning, or

researching in an educational setting

Academic Performance. The measure of a student's achievements in an academic

environment, including grades, test scores, and overall success in coursework.

Curriculum. The set of courses and educational experiences that a student must
complete in order to obtain a degree or certification in a specific subject or field.

Motivation. It refers to the driving force or reason behind an individual's actions,

behaviors, or goals.

Procrastination. Delaying or avoiding tasks or responsibilities, often resulting in

reduced productivity and increased stress.

Self-discipline. The ability to regulate one's own behavior and make choices that lead
to personal and professional success, often involving the ability to resist immediate
temptations in favor of long-term goals.

Self-efficacy. It refers to an individual's belief in their ability to successfully accomplish
a task or achieve a goal.

Time Management. The process of planning and organizing how to allocate time
effectively to accomplish tasks and goals, often involving prioritization, scheduling, and
monitoring progress.



The researchers are going to provide facts, studies, and literature about improving time
management academic activities. The review of related literature and studies are helpful
for the researchers, in order to identify the existing knowledge and how they are going
to contribute to it. The objective of review of related literature and studies is to provide
the reader with a general overview of the topic.

This chapter provides the related studies and literature from foreign and the local to
seek, to answer and to support the questions on the statement of the problem in chapter
one. However, it will also show the relationships between the studies reviewed and give
its similarities or differences.

In addition, with these materials and sources that the researcher gathered and collected
will provide deep understanding about the topic. This will also present some information
on the strategy used in the past conducted studies.


Literature, most generically, is anybody of written works. More restrictively, literature

refers to writing considered to be an art form, or any single writing deemed to have
artistic or intellectual value, often due to deploying language in ways that differ from
ordinary usage. It is any form of articles, books, magazines and reviews. It can be a
good source of good ideas and topics. The following literature is the material that has a
relevance to the study.

Foreign Literature

The literature revealed that the students’ time management skills affect their
academic achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the predictors of
academic performance. The relevant literature suggested that students should start to
acquire time management senses on their own in their primary school years by reading
materials on the issue or via the framework of psychological counseling and guidance
studies applied in schools and adopt effective time management attitudes and
techniques to determine how and where they spend their time (Lisa & Robert, 2008).
The various group of students who exploited time-saving proficiencies notably had rich
academic achievement. They accomplished those students who do not use time saving
techniques in their educational surrounding having significantly lower academic
ascompared to results students who employ time-management tactics have
considerably higher achievement (Mercanlioglu, 2010). To calculate the cumulative
time spent working during a week, these objects were also added. Time management
practices have been proven to be some of the top indicators toward achieving a high
level of academic success and performance. They not only influences on the
achievement but using time management techniques also serve only one reason
meaning that there are multipurpose fulfilled by time management (Fazal, 2012).
Taking part in proceedings and being engaged in other outside class activities, not
inevitably a job, but being energetic in institution also has a strong correlation to
reaching high academic achievements. Various studies showed that time management
practices serve for many purposes not only for challenging performance of the
students. Time management practices show the way not only to a high level of
academic performance, but to good physical condition and lower levels of stress. The
foremost purpose of the present study was educational competency, using time
managing techniques, test pressure, and test proficiency (Faisal, Miqdadi, Abdulla &
Mohammad, 2014). Academic competence scores were established to some extent
improved in the current sample indicating that students found course material/content
encouraging and enjoying their classes.

According to Khanam, N., Sahu, T., Rao, E. V., Kar, S. K., & Quazi, S. Z. (2017)
time management is a priority-based structuring of time allocation and distribution
among competing demands since time cannot be stored, and its availability cannot be
increased beyond nor decrease from the twenty four hours. Good time management
skills stems from the issue of prioritizing one's time effectively. ). Based on S N A M
Razali et al (2018) time management behaviors can be classified into three main
groups which are time planning, time attitudes and time wasting. Besides that, the
outcome of the study also indicated that gender and races of students show no
significant differences in time management behaviors. While year of study and faculty
of students reveal the significant differences in the time management behaviors.
Meanwhile, all the time management behaviors were significantly positively related to
academic achievement of students although the relationship is weak. Time planning is
the most significant correlated predictor.

The use of time can be vary depending on the tasks and responsibilities
performed (Alay & Kocak, 2013). Moreover, the competitive environment nowadays
urged the individuals, particularly students to manage time effectively to achieve
desirable outcomes. Time symbolizes perhaps the most important resource of life. Time
involves multiple disciplines and is the most precious resource of mankind without
which every existence is questionable. Time is one of the most precious asset available
to everybody in their life(, 2007). The increasing pace of life occasioned
by such factors as growing competition in all spheres is creating increased time
pressure on mankind (Ojokuku R.M. & Ubasankehinde, 2011). This is often expressed
by doing things faster, contracting time expenditure and compressing action. The ability
to take control of time and to make the most of every moment on and off the job is the
key to being successful and surviving in today’s world of work (Ramsey, 2014). Thus,
the time and timing issues has become critical factor for employees and professional
and one of the best ways to use limited and valuable time is conscious and permanent
application of time management. This section will shed light on the concepts,
importance and applications of time management, acad3emic performance and the
relationship between the two. In general sense, Claessens et. al (2014) have defined

time management as types of behavior that differentiate people who do things on time,
stick to deadline and spend little time on their activities from those who are often late,
pass deadline, spend much time on their activities and waste time on unimportant
matters. Time management is defined as one process by which you can accomplish the
tasks and goals which will enable you to be effective in your job and career. It is also
through time management that the students’ ability to make decisions can be enhanced
thereby using time more effectively. While there is no universally accepted way to
manage time, it is still important for individuals like students to value time management
and apply it indifferent contexts. In addition, being good at planning and prioritizing
such as scheduling time and working to deadlines is also positively correlated with
perceived effectiveness and work related morale. In the book Practicing College
Learning Strategies, Seventh Edition, Carolyn H. Hopper writes, the cardinal rule of
time management is to always carry pocket work something that you can do easily
while waiting. If students are prepared, any time can become study time.

Local Literature

According to Paguio, A. (2019) Academic procrastination occurs at all levels of

education. People with procrastination are unable in managing their time and there is
high difference between their actual perception and their perceived behaviors. This is
supported by the Adams, R. V., & Blair, E. (2019) findings, in which they found out that
students find themselves procrastinating on tasks they do not like but must be done. It
was found that although time management behaviors seemed to influence academic
performance, they only accounted for a small percentage of the variability of the
cumulative GPA, implying that there are other factors, such as study skills, problem
solving, socioeconomics, and personality, that need to be explored.

According to Juan Dela Cruz (2013), The word “late” is a generally accepted
connotation for “Filipino Time”, at least for a big chunk of Filipinos. In programs,
gatherings, appointments, meetings and even a simple meet ups, Filipinos tend to be
late. This is how the word “late” was knitted with “Filipino Time”. It has been said that

time runs in either linear or cyclical pattern depending on the perspective of the person
using it. Time Management is the conservation of time to match people‘s needs and
wants. People decide on what activities to be included for the day, week, month, or
year. Time management can reflect a person‘s personal goal, at home and at work.
Also, Lorna Candelario (2005) defined time management as the use of time that is
available in the most productive manner – the development of a clear objective for a job,
and the identification of activities that will help accomplish and can lead the manager
toward greater effectiveness. No matter how well something is done, it has no value if it
fails to contribute directly or indirectly to the achievement of objectives. As stated
Valeriano (2016), Many factors are attributed to being late in the Philippines. The
number one perennial problem is traffic. In this life time, about thousands of people may
have reasoned out traffic as an excuse for being late a sit has been an everyday.
However, it’s still not an acceptable reason because one can always estimate the travel
time and leave earlier than usual. But then again, there may still be other factors to
consider such as vehicular accidents or emergencies. Iamjeydii (2018), said on his blog
that Filipino time is a negative attitude that many of our people are accustomed to. This
is the type that does not come at the time of negotiation or discussion. It’s sad that this
is always the case and it is as though there has been no change since then. Many are
wondering why the amount of work can be negatively negative in time. It's a
characteristic that we cannot look any where in The effect of the Philippine time is that
there is no lack of discipline and loyalty. The above-mentioned local literature dealt with
the importance of time management that most of the Filipinos did not know. These
reviews also explain the meaning and value of time. Time management refers on how
the individuals assign specific time slots to activities as etheir importance.

According to Alyanna Joyce Paguio's (2019) dissertation on her literature

procrastination greatly influences their academic performance.


The reviewed related studies consist of sources that were from previous
researches related to the topic of the study. It includes information from both local and
foreign researchers.

Foreign Studies

According to Van Eerde, W. (2015) time management Is an overarching term

derived from popular notions on how to be effective at work. The majority of study on
procrastination has taken a personality viewpoint, paying close attention to the
emotional and psychological aspects of the phenomena. The author discusses
procrastination and time management. While also discussing solutions that could assist
people in overcoming procrastination. Studies on time management demonstrate that it
is an effective strategy for taking charge and lowering stress. Building emotional
fortitude, utilizing social support, and training self-regulatory skills like planning and time
management are three types of therapies that have been used to combat
procrastination. There is not enough research to conclusively say that all sorts should
be utilized for everyone, therefore it's generally preferable to take a more individualized
approach. The intervention's main focus should be on planning and time management.
However, planning one's own action includes self-control, has emotional overtones, and
exhibits certain trait-like characteristics. So many people find it challenging to overcome
procrastination. Because of this, planning is usually insufficient to stop procrastination.
Procrastinators must strengthen their emotional defenses and gain others' support in
order to give them the control they lack.

This study was carried out to investigate the issues of time management by the
international students in Northeast Normal University Hostel in terms of what activities
were done as a schedule of daily life in priority order and how much time was allocated
and spend in each prioritized activities as sealed in five Linkert scale basis ranging from
never to more than fifteen hours. The research design implied for the study was a
phenomenological study where time was taken as a phenomenon. The data was
collected via purposive participatory observation. The time duration of the study was

one week. The data was analyzed qualitatively but the presentation was made in
pyramid diagram to some extent. There were three research questions led by two
research objectives. The result revealed that study, social media, sleeping/rest, eating
and drinking, travelling, grooming, leisure/sports and working for job-related activities as
the top priority activities as the perception of students. The core activities were divided
into the time interval series scales including Never, 1-5 Hours, 6-10 Hours, 11-15 Hours
and above than 15 Hours. The above table shows that more than 80% of students have
the time allocation to study in the range of 6-10 hours and 20%of students enjoy the
time less than 6 hours. Maximum students have reported having the time utilization on
the use of social media from 1-5 hours' time allocation.80%of students were founded to
use the time to have the talk with teachers and friends in the range of 1-5 hours
whereas 20% student consumed the time for communication about the range 6-10
hours. Almost all students were reported to have not regular physical exercise for their
health and 20% students have used about 1-5 hours of time for physical exercise.
During the campus hours and the days all students have used about 1-5 hours on
campus and in the days of off-campus, more than 80% of students were allocating their
time in off-campus activities in the range of more than 11 hours. The Oubibi Mohamed,
Ram Bahadur Hamal, Krim Mohamed A STUDY ON TIME MANAGEMENT: CASE OF
Journal of Alternative Education Studies-Volume 3 │ Issue 1 │ 2018 18 time allocating
for Television Watching for 50% student was zero and other 50% student they were
found to watch TV as 1-5 hours range time period. All students were found in the use of
social media tools in the time 1-5 hours daily. Maximum students have utilized the 6-10
hours for the daily rest Mohamed et al., (2018).

Local Studies

In the Philippines, some similar studies on Time Management and academic

performance were already conducted. For instance, the recent study of Balatbat and
Dahilig (2016) on Student Perceptions on factors Affecting Academic Performance in a
Tertiary Institution in Manila, Philippines wherein Time Management is used as one
variable that affect academic performance. Findings show that there is a significant
relationship between time management and the academic performance of the
respondents. Conversely, Marpa (2008) stated on his study abouth the Correlation
among Time Management, Study Habits and Academic Achievement of the Math Major
Students in the Philippine Normal University that the variables mentioned are related
with each other. However, he also indicates that there is no significant correlation
between math major students’ time management and academic achievement in
Mathematics. This means that no matter how you manage your time if you do not pay
attention to your studies then academic achievement is at stake. This arguing concepts
prodded the researcher to explore the relationship that lie, if there is, between time
management and academic performance of college of education students of Eastern
Samar State University Can-Avid Campus. There are various studies that link time
management to students’ academic performance. For instance, proper time
management positively correlates to better academic performance (Sevari and Kandy,
2016). There are several factors that can be considered to demonstrate time
management. The study of Nashrullah and Khan (2015) identified time management
variables to include planning, time attitude as independent variables linking to the
students’ academic performance. Similarly, another study also posits the time
management variables to include independent variables such as prioritization,
procrastination, socialization and students’ academic performance (Adebayo, 2015).
Specifically, the said study claimed that there is positive relationship between time
management factors such as prioritization, procrastination, and socialization and
students’ academic performance. Karim, et. al, (2015) also links time to management
factors to include students attitude and behavior on time management. King (2014) had
also emphasized the different external forces that challenges time management and

these can be compromised of challenge to one’s ability or expertise, which imposes an
unwelcome demand on time, abilities and emotional reserves.

Time Managements endless, and the time consumed by everyone can never
be retrieved. Time may seem to flow constantly, but as it is spent on certain activities,
some may find it not enough to finish the things to be done in a day (Carroll, 2015).
Time management is a skill that everyone should possess to effectively and efficiently
accomplish their tasks. According to Carroll (2015), proper time management leads to
better decisions, especially if one is not pressured, and thus, by making the right
decisions in a mindful manner, one can attain a successful life just by properly
managing their time. Moreover, time management skills and techniques can be
characterized by one’s personal approach, which contributes to numerous fundamental
qualities in general and some of the main and primary factors that should be considered
in one’s time management skills are goal setting, planning, prioritizing, and scheduling.

According to the study conducted by Fulgencio et al.,(2020) they found that

effective time management significantly influenced the attendance, project deadlines,
and priorities of Grade 12 General Academic Strand students at Bestlink College of the
Philippines, highlighting the importance of developing time management skills to
enhance academic performance.



This study uses a phenomenological research approach to explore the

subjective time management experiences of Grade Eleven Accountancy, Business, and
Management students at Caloocan City Business High School. To guarantee a wide
representation of experiences, the research uses a random sampling of individuals from
the target group. Qualitative data is gathered through in-depth interviews. The collected
data is coded conceptually to show constant patterns and themes.The coding process
involves systematically categorizing and organizing the data to capture the essence of
the students' time management experiences. The study aims to gain a deep
understanding of how these students perceive and navigate time management in their
academic lives, providing valuable insights for future interventions and support program


In this study, the researcher will employ qualitative method and use a
phenomenological research design to improve time management for academic activities
among Grade Eleven Accountancy and Business Management students at Caloocan
City Business High School. Phenomenological research is a qualitative approach that
seeks to explore the essence of individuals' experiences of a particular phenomenon, in
this case, managing time for academic activities. The researcher will use purposive
sampling techniques to select a sample of Grade Eleven Accountancy and Business

students from Caloocan City Business High School. The sample will be selected based
on their shared experience of managing their time for academic activities.

The researcher will collect data using qualitative methods such as in-depth
interviews and focus groups. The data will be collected through a series of questions
that aim to explore the experiences of the students in managing their time for academic
activities. The researcher will use a phenomenological approach to identify and describe
the essence of the students' experiences. The data will be analyzed through a process
of coding, categorizing, and interpreting the data to identify key themes and patterns.

Overall, the phenomenological research design aims to explore the essence

of the students' experiences in managing their time for academic activities. Through this
study, the researcher hopes to gain insights that can inform strategies for improving
time management among Grade Eleven Accountancy and Business Management
students at Caloocan City Business High School.


Simple random sampling technique is used to gather the respondents in this

study. A simple random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this
sampling method, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being
selected. The researchers selected respondents from Caloocan City Business High
School (CCBHS). The chosen students are senior high school students specializing in
the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand. They are divided into three
groups: CEO, COO, and SVP.


Research instruments are usually determined by the researcher and

associated with the research methodology. The researchers utilized the interview as a
research instrument. This study specifically used Semi-Structured Interview. According
to Datko (2015), semi-structured interview is a data collection method appropriate in a
qualitatively-oriented language pedagogy research. In contrast to an unstructured
conversation, the researcher has more control over the content; nonetheless, the
informants are not restricted in response. Moreover, Ryan et al. (2009) stated that the
interview involves a set of open-ended questions that allow for spontaneous and in-
depth responses. The researchers used semi-structured interview because questions
can be prepared ahead of time and also it can make the interviewee comfortable while
being interviewed.



Research Question #1 : What are some common distractions that leads you to

Respondent #1: The online games are often the distraction for me to procrastinate.

Code: Online games

Respondent #2: Usually it is social media such as Facebook and Tiktok.

Code: Social Media

Respondent #3 : The common distraction that leads me to procrastinate is mostly

social media like Tikrtok, Instagram, and Twitter.

Code : Social Media

Respondent #4: Some common distractions that leads me to procrastinate probably is

too much use of social media and that incidents of some people around you.

Code: [1] Social Media

[2] People around you

Research Question #2: How do you organize your time when you have multiple
completing task?

Respondent #1: I prioritize the task that can be done quickly before working on the
ones that take longer.

Code: Prioritizing task that can be done quickly

Respondent #2: I prioritize which task are more difficult to do so that when time is
short, I’ll just have to do the easier ones.

Code: Prioritize more difficult task

Respondent #3: As much as possible I control or limit my time in everything, avoid

things that can be the reason to be distracted and last I make a to do list to be more
organized and avoid missing or forgetting any school works.

Code: [1] Control Time

[2] To do list

Respondent #4: When I have multiple completing task to do I make sure to organize
my time In the way of making a to do list, to avoid distractions, and focusing on the
harder things that needs to be pass earlier than the other ones or the other tasks.

Code: To do list

Research Question #3: How do you plan to work on your school activities when your
time is limited?

Respondent #1: I prioritize the tasks that should be submitted first and the ones that
can be done more quickly.

Code: Prioritize task that should be submitted first

Respondent #2: I prioritize doing things that are needed to pass in early or those that
are closer to the deadline, before the deadlines that are much farther.

Code: Closer to the deadline

Respondent #3: When time is limited I will most likely start in easiestt work or subject
done, I will make the harder to be last.

Code: Easiest to hardest

Respondent #4: I’ll make sure to do the important ones first before proceeding to the
task knowing every single minute is actually important when you have a lot of things to

Code: Important ones first


Research Question #1

It shows in the data that the researchers collected that the main reason or
common distraction that leads the students to procrastinate is using too much social
media like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. Also, playing online games can
lead the students to procrastinate.

Based on the data collected by the researchers, a clear pattern emerges

regarding the primary factors contributing to student procrastination. The analysis
reveals that excessive usage of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
TikTok, and Instagram serves as a prominent distraction. Additionally, engaging in
online gaming activities also proves to be a significant cause of procrastination among
students.These results imply that the tendency of learners to engage in excessive social
media use and online gaming has a negative impact on their ability to properly manage
their duties and res[onsibilities. Students risk procrastinating by giving in to the
temptation of these digital distractions and postponing or avoiding their academic or
other important tasks.

Research Question #2

It shows in the data that the researchers collected that the students /
respondents make to-do lists to organize their time and ensure that they don't miss or
forget any school work. But the other students / respondents said that they prioritize the
tasks that can be done quickly or the tasks that are difficult to do so they can organize
their time when they have multiple completing tasks.

Two distinct methods of task organization and prioritization among

students can be identified based on the data the researchers collected. To-do lists are
used in the first strategy to manage time wisely and prevent forgetting or skipping any
school-related activities. Students that use this strategy understand how important it is

to organize their tasks and actively work to keep their work organized. The second
method, on the other hand, focuses on prioritizing tasks according to their duration or
level of difficulty. Students that use this approach are more likely to take on tasks that
can be finished quickly or without serious challenges. Students attempt to maximize
their time management when faced with various chores that need attention by
prioritizing these particular activities.

These results show that students use a variety of coping mechanisms to

manage their work and increase productivity. While some students use to-do lists to
keep a complete overview of their work, others prioritize tasks according to their
difficulty or efficiency. It is significant to remember that both approaches have
advantages and disadvantages, and that the best course of action will rely on personal
preferences and the specifics of the task at hand.

Research Question #3

It shows in the data that the researchers collected that students /

respondents plan to work on school activities when their time is limited by prioritizing the
tasks that should be submitted first or those that are closer to the deadline. Some
students / respondents plan to work on school activities when their time is limited by
doing the easiest task first and making the hardest the last, or the ones that are most
important to do.

The researchers' data show that when students have little time to do
schoolwork, they tend to use one of two basic strategies. The first strategy involves
arranging tasks according to their submission due dates or closeness to the deadline.
Students that choose this strategy are aware of the urgency to finish assignments with
approaching due dates or deadlines. Students want to ensure timely submission and
remain clear of any bad outcomes related to late submissions, so they concentrate first
on these duties. The second strategy involves arranging tasks according to their priority
or level of difficulty. With this strategy, students choose to do the simpler tasks first and
save the more difficult or important work for last. As a result, students can do easier

tasks more quickly, gaining momentum and a sense of achievement. With fewer
interruptions and time limitations, individuals are also able to give more time and energy
to the more difficult or important jobs.

These results show that when given a time limit for school-related activities,
students use a variety of prioritization strategies. Some people order their work
according to due dates, stressing the need of complying with submission deadlines on
time. Others choose to prioritize jobs according to their difficulty or relevance because
they understand the advantages of developing momentum and spending time and effort
to important tasks.



Based on the data collected by the researchers, it is evident that excessive

use of social media platforms and engagement in online gaming are the primary
distractions leading students to procrastinate. These activities divert their attention and
hinder their focus on academic tasks. However, the data also reveals that students
employ effective strategies to manage their time and combat procrastination. One
prevalent approach is the use of to-do lists, which helps students organize their
workload and ensure they do not overlook or forget any school assignments.
Interestingly, while some students prioritize tasks that can be completed quickly, others
opt to tackle the more challenging ones first, allowing them to allocate their time
efficiently when faced with multiple concurrent tasks. Additionally, when time is limited,
students prioritize tasks that have imminent deadlines or are crucial to their academic
progress. Alternatively, some students choose to begin with the easiest tasks and
gradually work their way towards the most challenging or important ones. These
findings highlight the diverse strategies employed by students to effectively manage
their time and overcome procrastination tendencies.


As a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby made;

Students We researchers recommend this study for students to equip them with the
necessary knowledge and strategies to effectively manage their academic activities, the
founding of this study will serve as a guide to assist students in navigating the demands
of their academic lives.

Teachers We recommended to the teachers this study to know how hard it is to

procastinate because of their giving unexpected giving task to the students to be
considerate with that situation.

Youth We researchers recommended That the Youth should read and understand this
study to be aware about how they can Handle their Time.

Community We researchers recommended to the community that they should support

this study to help them what is their responsibility to do their task especially if it needed
that will avoid to procastination.

Future researchers We recommend this study to the future researchers to use our
abstract as their reference or guide to those who wants to conduct the same study
related to Improving Time Management.


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