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Information Technology Fundamentals 2022-2023

Semester one HL03

Analysis of climate
change in Hong Kong
Group 6
Kwok Heung Catherine 20156396
Lau Hoi Yiu Cherie 20193025
Loh Kin Wan Killian 20227596
Kwok Tsz Wing Sarina 20192685
lesha Faisal 20190127

• Date Source
• Background
• Data Analysis and Finding
• Data Source
• Image Editing
• Conclusion
Date source-Excel
• Link/UTR
Date source-Excel
• Link/UTR

• These links are mentioned the data provided by the Hong Kong Observatory, which includes
different types of weather statistics, such as the mean temperature, and total rainfall from 1884 to
2021 and 2022
Date source-Excel
• Link/UTR



• These links are provided by Hong Kong Observatory and include different types of
weather statistics such as the maximum and minimum temperature, hot and cold weather warnings,
and average. temperature
Date source-GIMP Image 1


• https://encrypted-

• https://encrypted-
Date source-GIMP Image 2
• https://encrypted-


Date source-GIMP Image 3

• https://encrypted-

• https://encrypted-
Cat part
Problems of climate change

Displaced polar bears low-lying areas submerged

Desertification of tropical rainforests

Extreme weather
Analysis of climate
change in Hong Kong
Temperature and Rainfall
Mean Temperature and Total Rainfall in 2001-2021
• The mean temperature and total rainfall in 2001-2021 per month inserted from the Hong Kong
Observatory on sheet 1
Mean Temperature and Total Rain Fall in 2001-2021
Mean Temperature and Total Rain Fall in 2001-2021
• Utilizing the average function in all month data in 2001-2001 on sheet 1, such as
=AVERAGE(o2:o3] to get the mean temperature and total rainfall per year in 2001-2021 on sheet 1
Correlation Between Mean Temperature and Total Rainfall in 2001-2021

• The Date analysis-Correlation is used on sheet 1 to demonstrate the correlation between mean air
temperature and total rainfall in 2001-2021
• This table reflects that mean air temperature, and total rainfall is a negative correlation which is –
0.099371208, and therefore if the mean air temperature fall, the total rainfall will raise in 2001-2021
Correlation Between Mean Temperature and Total Rainfall in 2001-2021

• The Scatter chart on sheet 1 has shown the correlation between mean air temperature and total
rainfall in 2001-2021
• The trendline in the scatter chart will predict the trend of the correlation
Prediction of Mean Temperature Change in the Future 10 years
• The Forecast Sheet on sheet
7 has illustrated the prediction
of the mean temperature
change in the future change
with three possibilities, such as
the forecast, the lower
confidence und, and the upper
confidence bound

• For instance, the sheet shows

that the temperature will
decrease to 24.2°C (date round
off to 1 decimal place) in the
typical forecast, decrease to
23.43°C in the lower
confidence bound, or decrease
to 24.94°C in the upper
confidence bound in 2022
Prediction of Mean Temperature Change in the Future 10 years

• This chart on sheet 7 shows the prediction of the mean temperature change in the future change with
three possibilities, such as the forecast, the lower confidence bound, and the upper
confidence bound
• Meanwhile, the chart reflects that from 2001-2021 overall, the temperature will increase in which case,
such as in the lower confidence case, the temperature will increase from the 23.620 °C in 2001 to 23.7
°C in 2021 or more confidence case the temperature will increase from the 23.620 °C in 2001 to 25.3 °C
in 2021.]
Total Rainfall Forecast in the Future 3 years-Scenario Manager
• Because the Hong Kong Observatory only includes
the complete rainfall date till 2021, we utilize the
scenario manager on sheet 9 to forecast the total
rainfall in the future 3 years with three scenarios,
including normal, optimistic, and pessimistic, with
three assumption rates which are –4%, -2% and -6%

• Regarding the assumption rates, according to

the total rainfall decreased percentage is 4%(date
rounded off to 1 decimal place), so I assume that the
next year’s change percentage will follow the
previous year.
Total Rainfall Forecast in the Future 3 years-Scenario Manager

• The scenario manager function's scenario

summary on sheet 10 shows the forecast of the
total rainfall in the future three years with the three

• Such as, the total rainfall will decrease from

2307.15(mm) in 2021 to 2261.007(mm) in 2022 in
the optimistic scenario

• Meanwhile, I assume that the total rainfall will keep

Predict the Rainfall-Goal Seeking Function
• Due to the date of total rainfall in
December 2022 being missing, using the
goal-seeking function on sheet 11 to find
the actual amount and utilizing the total
rainfall in 2022 (prediction from the
scenario manager-normal scenario)

• Setting the Set cells total rainfall in

December 2022, To value to the result
from the scenario manager, and the
changing cells to the final total rainfall

• Finding the amount of total rainfall in

December 2022 is 36.164mm
If function, conditional formatting, average
In sheet one, Maximum
temperature and minimum
temperature from HKO was
inputted, the average was
calculated using the average
formula e.g. for 2001,
=Average(C2:C13) from 2001-

The IF function was used to

compare the average with the
max and min temperature
and identify whether they are
above average or below average.
average","Below average")

Conditional formatting was used

to make it visibly identifiable of
whether the temperature is above
or below average.
Mean, median, maximum, minimum, average, countif

The maximum =MAX(C14:C253), minimum =MIN(C14:C253), median =MEDIAN(C14:C253),

and average =AVERAGE(C14:C253) temperature was also found as a whole for year 2001-

The total number of temperature that were above average=COUNTIF(E14:E253,"Above

average") were found and so was the total number of temperature below
average =(COUNTIF(E14:E253,"Below average")) so we know whether the temperature has
been constant or fluctuating in comparison to the average.
Clustered chart

Clustered carts were used to have a visual comparison of average minimum temperature and
average maximum temperature throughout the year to effects of climate change on temperature.
The graph shows the extreme fluctuation of temperature per year for both minimum and
maximum temperatures.
Pivot table

A pivot table is made to summarize the all data found. Filtering and sorting was applied to
makes it easier to search for data fitting specific criterions like 2001 data only.
Sum, counta,count,date formatting

In sheet 3, data for very hot weather warnings and very cold weather warnings was inputted to count for
the number of days with extreme temperatures. The count =COUNT(D9:D15) and
counta =COUNTA(M12:M16) function were used to count the number of months that had these extreme
temperatures. The sum function =SUM(D9:D15) was used to tally the total number of warnings per
year. The text function =TEXT(B3&"/"&A3,"mmm-yyyy") was used to format the date to increase it's
Countblank, median, maximum,minimum, average

The countblank function =COUNTBLANK(M2:M106) was used to calculate the number of months that had
no warning. Like the other graphs the maximum =MAX(M7:M106), median =MEDIAN(M2:M106) ,
minimum =MIN(M2:M106)and sum =SUM(M2:M106) of warnings were also calculated.
Vlookup function

The Vlookup function =VLOOKUP(F137,J129:K146,2,TRUE) was used for inputting the change
of number of warnings per year. The change for very cold and very hot weather warning
was recorded next to the sum of warnings column.
Pivot table

A pivot table with sorting and filtering was added for the hot and cold weather warning table.
Pivot table

A pivot chart was created to visibly compare the amount of weather warnings. It shows that there
are more hot weather warnings than cold weather warnings and the number of hot weather
warnings significantly increase throughout the year
Pivot table

A pivot table was made to summarize the data of average temperature and absolute minimum
and maximum temperature.
Skill used

Cat part
Image Editing 2

Original Edited
Skill used
1. Foreground select tool (crop)
2. Color balance
3. Scale layer (resize image)
Image Editing 3
Original Edited
Skill Used
● Scale
● Layer Mask
● Crop
● Gaussian Blur
● Eraser
● Colour Balance
● Flip
● Paintbrush
● Etc.
• Regarding the excel segment
• About the temperature, it shows an increasing trend, whether short-term or
long-term, on sheet 7. Meanwhile, through the forecast function, we can
predict the temperature will keep increasing on sheet 7. Therefore, we
assume that the temperature will increase continuously in Hong Kong

• Regarding the rainfall, it shows a decreasing trend in the short-term and

long-term, and we can forecast the rainfall will decrease in the future
through the scenario manager function. Hence, we also assume that the
rainfall in Hong Kong will keep decreasing in the future.

• As for the correlation, between the mean temperature and rainfall show a
negative correlation
• Regarding the excel segment

• On sheet 1, The clustered chart shows that the maximum temperature increased as the year
increased, as well as the minimum temperature. There was also heavy fluctuation for both
maximum and minimum temperatures.

• On pivot chart 1 and pivot chart 2, it showed the number of hot and cold warnings increasing
throughout the year. When comparing both charts, the number of hot weather warnings was
significantly more than the number of cold weather warnings.
• Regarding the GIMP segment

• We have learned many different skills in photo editing. I used to only edit photos in mobile photo
editing applications. It is really helpful in our daily life. Due to covid-19, we don’t have the
opportunity to go travel, so we can edit photos by putting ourselves in different backgrounds
which is from other countries, to pretend that we travelled to different places. I think that many
people will love to do this during this pandemic.

• For this photo editing section, I think that the foreground select tool is kind of the most useful tool
to me, it allows me to crop out what I want and put it in different backgrounds, I think I will use
this skill a lot in my daily life.

• I have learned how to crop an image and how to rotate an image. These actions seem easy
when we use our mobile phones but are actually difficult when it comes to computer
The End
Thank you for

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