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OPINION Review of the worldwide epidemiology of eating
Hans W. Hoek a,b,c

In the eating disorder section in this issue, Keski- countries [5–7]. In Europe, anorexia nervosa is
Rahkonen and Mustelin state that a basic require- reported by 1–4%, bulimia nervosa by 1–2%, and
ment for advances in the detection and treatment of binge eating disorder (BED) by 1–4% of women;
eating disorders is a better understanding of their 0.3–0.7% of European men report eating disorders
epidemiology [1]. They compare epidemiologists [1].
with news reporters, who also attempt to answer However, it is worth remembering that – as is
five basic questions: who, what, when, where, and the case with most diseases – because of their large
why? [1]. In previous years, the review articles in the population size India with over 1.32 billion and
eating disorder section in this journal showed that China with over 1.38 billion people, lead the world
eating disorders most frequently occur in the high- – along with the United States – as countries with
risk group of young Western females, but do occur in the highest contributions of total DALYs caused by
older women, in men and in persons in non-West- eating disorders among women aged 15–49 years
ern countries [2,3]. In 2014, Pike et al. found that [7]. Thomas et al. describe that notwithstanding
eating disorders appear to be increasing in Arab and evidence that eating disorders have a global distri-
Asian countries in conjunction with increasing bution and are associated with increasing health
industrialization, urbanization, and globalization burdens in Asia, epidemiological data in Asia and
[4]. This year, the articles in the section on eating Pacific Island countries remain sparse [7]; the same
disorders try to address a global perspective and holds true for Latin America [8] and epidemiological
reviewed the worldwide epidemiology of eating dis- data in Africa are even more scarce [9].
orders, with a special focus on understudied areas of
the world.
Incidence and prevalence are the two principal
THE GLOBAL BURDEN OF DISEASE measures of the distribution of a disorder in the
Erskine et al. describe the inclusion of eating dis- population under study. Incidence studies on eating
orders in the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) disorders hardly exist in most parts of the world. In
as a watershed moment in the recognition of these the review articles on Asia, Latin America, and Africa
disorders in the wider global health community [5]. only the prevalence is studied [7–9]. Prevalence
Of 306 physical and mental disorders, anorexia studies of eating disorders are usually conducted
nervosa and bulimia nervosa combined ranked as in the high-risk population of young females. Most
the 12th leading cause of disability-adjusted life epidemiological studies report on point-prevalence,
years (DALYs) in females aged 15–19 years in defined as the proportion of actual cases in a popu-
high-income countries, responsible for 2.2% of all lation at a specific point in time; a two-stage screen-
DALYs [5,6]. Although globally this ranking did not ing strategy has been widely used, even in the few
change a great deal between 1990 and 2013 (moving studies in Africa, the most understudied continent.
from 13th in 1990 to 12th in 2013), the ranking in The first stage involves screening a large number of
low-income and middle-income countries increased
from 58th in 1990 to 46th in 2013 [5]. This was a
Department of Psychiatry, University Medical Center Groningen, Uni-
largely a relative increase because of improvements
versity of Groningen, Groningen, bParnassia Psychiatric Institute, The
in prevention and treatment of communicable dis- Hague, The Netherlands and cDepartment of Epidemiology, Mailman
eases in these countries, which increased the pro- School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA
portion of total burden attributed to eating disorders Correspondence to Prof Hans W. Hoek, MD, PhD, Parnassia Psychiatric
despite the absence of a time trend in absolute Institute, Kiwistraat 43, NL-2552 DH, The Hague, The Netherlands.
numbers [5]. Tel: +31 88 357 0334; e-mail:
In the GBD 2013 the number of DALYs per Curr Opin Psychiatry 2016, 29:336–339
100 000 of the population is highest in Western DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000282 Volume 29  Number 6  November 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Worldwide epidemiology of eating disorders Hoek

individuals for suspected cases, usually by means of to 2.32%, and eating disorder not otherwise speci-
an administered questionnaire. The second stage fied (EDNOS) increased from 0.89 to 3.32% [7,12].
involves (semi-structured) interviews with the per- Van Hoeken et al. could only find four studies in
sons who are likely to have an eating disorder, based Africa providing specific epidemiological data on
on their answers to the questionnaire. More eating disorders over a period of more than two
thorough studies also interview a number of ran- decades [9]. Only three of these African epidemio-
domly selected persons who – on the basis of their logical studies examined the prevalence of bulimia
questionnaires – do not appear to suffer from a nervosa and EDNOS, which in DSM-IV includes BED
disorder, to confirm that they are not cases. [9]. No cases of anorexia nervosa were reported in
The current issue of this journal incorporates the the epidemiological studies in Africa [9]. These find-
first meta-analyses of the prevalence of eating dis- ings in Africa are in line with the absence of cases of
orders in Latin America [8] and Africa [9], which anorexia nervosa in both a prevalence study among
enables us to compare the results with recent find- African American women in the USA [14] and a
ings in Asia [7], Europe [1], and among Hispanics/ comprehensive incidence study among the majority
Latinos in the USA [10], also in this issue. Table 1 African Caribbean population of Curaçao [9,15].
highlights prevalence rates of eating disorders in Some women in the African studies would have
two large Asian countries (China and Japan), in fulfilled the criteria for anorexia nervosa according
Africa, in Latin America, and among Hispanics/ to the DSM-5 criteria, which are more cross-
Latinos in the USA. culturally sensitive and do not require the amenor-
Thomas et al. describe that epidemiological rhea criterion as specified in the DSM-IV [9].
studies of eating disorders in Asia pose a major In a systematic review and meta-analysis, Kolar
challenge because of the uncertain validity of diag- et al. found that anorexia nervosa is also a rare
nostic assessment [7]. For example, the average BMI disorder in Latin America, but that bulimia nervosa
in South Asia is among the lowest globally, with and especially BED are common mental disorders
nearly a quarter of both men and women classified [8]. Interestingly, the rates in Latin America
as underweight (i.e., BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) [7,13]. The resemble the prevalence of eating disorders among
most robust epidemiological data on eating dis- Hispanics/Latinos in the USA with a very low rate for
orders in Asia come from East Asia, including China, anorexia nervosa and high rates for bulimia nervosa
the country with the largest population in the and BED [10].
world. Recent studies suggest that fat concern and
other maladaptive eating attitudes are on the
increase among young females in China and may SOCIO-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES
be even more common than among some of their The most striking finding is the very low prevalence
Western counterparts [7]. A two-stage study among of anorexia nervosa in Africa and Latin America and
female students in Wuhan, China [11] showed among Hispanics/Latinos in the USA compared with
very high prevalence rates of eating disorders (see the rates in Western countries, but also compared to
Table 1). In a large-scale multicohort study of female at least some Asian countries, such as China and
students in Japan, between 1982 and 2002, the Japan [7–12]. Perez et al. argue that Hispanics/La-
prevalence of anorexia nervosa increased from tinos in the USA endorse fewer weight concerns as
0.11 to 0.43%, bulimia nervosa increased from 0.0 well as less dieting and exercise behaviors than their
non-Hispanic White peers, leading to fewer cases of
anorexia nervosa [10]. Kolar et al. also suggest that
Table 1. Point prevalence of anorexia nervosa, bulimia
there may be some aspects of Latin American culture
nervosa, and binge eating disorder (BED) among young
that are protective against the development of ano-
females rexia nervosa, such as a different body ideal of
Country or Anorexia Bulimia BED Latinas and Latinos compared with other ethnic-
continent nervosa (%) nervosa (%) (%) ities, which idealizes a more curvaceous shape and
higher body weight than in Western countries [8]. In
China [7,11] 1.05 2.98 3.58
Africa, a large-scale National Health and Nutrition
Japan [7,12] 0.43 2.32 3.32a
Examination Survey in South Africa revealed that
Africa [9] <0.01 0.87 4.45a
despite a very high mean BMI (29.0 kg/m2) more
Latin America [8] 0.1 1.16 3.53 black African women were happy with their current
Hispanics/Latinas USA [10] 0.08 1.61 1.92 weight, and fewer attempted to lose weight, com-
pared with females from other ethnicities [9,16].
Prevalence of eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS), including
mainly BED, but also anorexia nervosa without amenorrhea and partial Culture does not only have an impact on the
bulimia nervosa. occurrence of eating disorders, but it also influences

0951-7367 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 337

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Eating disorders

treatment plans [10]. Perez et al. describe that these trend data for anorexia nervosa from this previous
cultural differences highlight the need to incorpo- article [18] for the first decade of this century – based
rate into treatment issues related to acculturative on the number of cases referred to mental healthcare
stress (e.g., managing conflicting gender roles, from a general practice study in the Netherlands in
beauty ideals, and family conflict) and to discuss 2005–2009 [17]. Although, different strategies have
the cultural importance and meaning of food [10]. been used in these studies, the time trend data
suggest an increase in the incidence of anorexia
nervosa from the 1930s into the 1970s. This might
INCIDENCE OVER TIME be the result of better detection of persons with
Incidence rates are better measures to study time anorexia nervosa and the availability of more men-
trends than prevalence, because incidence is defined tal healthcare facilities, but it is also possible that it
as the number of new cases in the population per reflects a true increase in the incidence of anorexia
year. Because the incidence of eating disorders in the nervosa up to the seventies. In the 1960s and 1970s,
general population is relatively low, it is hard to another beauty ideal became more widely adopted,
study; for example, it is impossible to screen a as represented by very thin models such as the
sufficiently large population – at least 100 000 famous supermodel Twiggy in the midsixties. From
people – continuously over several years. Therefore, 1970 into the 21st century, the incidence of ano-
incidence rates have often been based on detected rexia nervosa in mental healthcare facilities in the
cases in hospital records and case registers of inpa- Netherlands appears to be very stable at around 5 per
tients and outpatients in mental healthcare facili- 100 000 total population per year (Fig. 1).
ties. On the basis of some recent European studies,
anorexia nervosa might appear to have become
more common over time [1]. However, a possible OUTCOME
reason for increasing rates is changing diagnostic The epidemiological studies in most countries,
practices [1]. Keski-Rahkonen and Mustelin high- especially non-Western countries, have focussed
light a Dutch nationwide community-based study, on the occurrence of eating disorders, showing that
which tried to account for changing diagnostic differences in rates might at least partially be
practices by tracking eating disorders in general explained by socio-cultural factors. In Western
practice using the same diagnostic protocol from countries, especially in Western Europe, the focus
1985 to 2009 [1,17]. The incidence rates of anorexia of epidemiological research on eating disorders
nervosa remained stable, but surprisingly those shifts toward studies on course and risk factors,
of bulimia nervosa significantly decreased in including genetic vulnerability [1,19]. Important
primary care in the Netherlands over a period of parameters of outcome are recovery and on the
three decades [1,17]. other end of the spectrum, mortality [2]. A large
Ten years ago, a review article in this journal community-based study in Finland found that most
described time trends over the 20th century of the (88%) young women with anorexia nervosa were
registered incidence of anorexia nervosa in mental weight-restored by their mid-thirties [1,20]. How-
healthcare in Europe [18]. Figure 1 updates the time ever, clinical samples show that the mortality of

5.0 4.7 4.5



2.0 1.6

0.1 0.2 0.4
1930 –'39 1940 –'49 1950 –'59 1960 –'69 1970 –'79 1980 –'89 1990 –'99 2000 –'09

Hospital records sweden Case register NE scotland Mental health care netherlands

FIGURE 1. Registered yearly incidence of anorexia nervosa in Western Europe over time.

338 Volume 29  Number 6  November 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Worldwide epidemiology of eating disorders Hoek

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22. Yilmaz Z, Hardaway A, Bulik C. Genetics and epigenetics of eating disorders.
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and suicide attempts: evidence from a population registry in Sweden. JAMA
member of the DSM-5 Eating Disorders Work Group. Psychiatry 2016; 73:284–291.

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