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Problem Sociological Research Discovery/Solution

Divorce Currently, one of the most So the researchers found the main reasons for
problematic social problems in the breakup.
Kazakh society is the problems of
divorce.The most difficult thing is 1) Misunderstanding or inconsistency of
that every year the number of character. The absence of a common
divorces increases. child.
2) Because of lust.
In general, the question of the 3) Jealousy.
consequences of divorce has not yet 4) Violence.
been fully studied.
According to the report of the sebepteri-ne_a2829408/amp
relevant UN Control Committee,
Kazakhstan ranks 24th among the
countries of the world in terms of
divorce rates.
Event/ Description Proof
situation in
one of offered
sphere Suicidal behavior among According to published data, 2,034 people took their
young people of the own lives in the capital last year. Among them,
Republic of Korea. 32.2% are people aged 60 and over, 17.4% are
Philosophy people aged 20 to 59..By 2021, the number of young
people over the age of 20 who committed suicide in
the capital of South Korea has increased by almost

Undoubtedly, the reason for all these tragic

indicators does not lie on the surface. According to
psychologists and sociologists, this is depression,
despair, anger at society and much more. But no one
says that all these factors are the result of pressure
from society and the wrong work of the state.

If we talk about schoolchildren and students, then in

most cases the cause of suicide is the stress of
passing exams ... and bullying at school. School
violence has become one of the most discussed
topics in Korea, because it manifests itself more and
more often, and in the most sophisticated forms.

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