Unit 5 Pharmacology 3rd Nob7jy 1

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UNET- $_ _Porinciples _of i 7 4 on dap cleline aa dhe teeench of Science dhich —olecls _coith Study of — effects ot cltugie_orndl thet tans of poise “S % also Jo Sdudy advlence eHect y of leu g - i _ AdNense effecd= 9+ ip Ihe umdeniable amd : : umndtended elect of a: Q —terlegorieS mio 9 Ska beet - uy) predeclable_ et Seaction.) — bane —_—__—_— aa 94 ferestidule 80s ae of — ddvesrce akxuq 1q__eae aged —Arnamnly _4he __Com8i (uem Ce psi Pa » eHlecd of fhe dug 0% aid tanvetpn de p—_eHecd am _@_imdex ofthe ug 5 Now prcelecki ble Cty pe B_ a > Sector These acre ~ cli 9 syn estedlic (a8 PT TT. oX_MoNad sceiponn Se zs Conn not be _preclicled chrom the k/nn | e cology) rs the abut weg $f tops eh 5 Side edted — : Sol cere the. Jan Wanders) 8 adhe nal at Sherapeule clase 7 Toric eHecl may rest gi ge —to be oes, ee of the dx. ao py ein “Texicify etl _- = 3 Acule toxicity Corn be olalected within 4 days - } ia he 2 alay Sub pale — pric id clealecdeal the _2& ; er deseiciiy deolec|ecl dhe 6 month a ~Specieel MW Getcinagen { i | ee edRewle derrcrty test — E Po li'gove new tral Umnaspected eHecl of olxuy - |! D> To determine Lis deco « —— ~S— Requlatty —authdy need okila om acute —— Aexcicky fore th “study ef 4ho . ob rugy om humans r a Rede torre! fy — ‘ tos 3 Toxicity produce. ye tha Single — 7 an rnuliple dose" Woithin 24 | Acute Aowicity Nest “This deat ato Pesichrnny im those amine? jn Which tre gimgle_clore 2} the _olxuy 2% ol Hesrerd_ Oléadion Carepy—2_ etre) Syom torn Inne ude nn Cagney _famtlonn Wor Amusele Spagna, : Convers S10 > Suh actute_ . Joxicity ap ay adver, Hey OCCUStiny ak ee 7 1 vepen pfs Cos-e of, et cheans ak OVeo4 Pedy oz aA Seok Week 4s iy olegy ign to — @kdyote aren — of men - Lae the | of any "chant, ao Jo —_chswernie_hoxicity. — — st ip oleae cas the help. — hich _clenelop _affeo, the ~epeatecl 0¥ comtineous aolmnimishesed of Jeb —koenaple fox dhe oe cone of ame fe eH: (tie A) 7 — Obyechive _ _the exit ciy= shad — 3 —cledesmmine the —dowicity of _ dheo bseor viarey — changing — tne onchinn Shape — of er hurley ONGANIEN » ia pects H haw ts > EHect of Pesthiculus, chuy on _$ Gone due __ Reproduction crn fst _and__ ow net = deleormime dhe cbrrage take — fedut —=>"To cleleommme — the— Giinege cy 04d — — beugy _Sususre Lanatan ce nt sien ~ Genodo%ici dy - — > oge toxicity a wootd_— “genodicc udhich ve? delime cA oll isheutive elec fon celle_gene hie _ enol _geno Ao ence Cougeg on con they ——trnclude__ FR loo th _aCeadhy ton S _ chemical % — they Aste ee ae __genotoricihy - eee aan 4 =< stain of “Gat Gino JOY) _- es —— es 7 —————————— | Vervogenact sy ~ I TC Geni dic a Gay ‘ Beforelive ‘ \ 1 1 olegoviet. 7 hcg ecegowiet= 2 = $4 shoo am Cute _Camces im See arr ee es Foner _ Categorie k~2 = Cauhe Cupar jammed & “wees ——_prohesdy to human _alaso ——Coeqoviet . = — = They — Asie tastmagem bid. —————atkeolence Bugort tm rar crmagencity yp ——Wurmonn _do mot eset s ——_Bgent _C CaQable — of eee DNA shomage —_3s_Uv Sadialion \ ive — Oxygen Spied down fermen, ‘ —trliilite 7 prodalen eed > clachoghiic — Sperulic a lien tend 1 1D i dn HAD py AB eters - ate _ _ Gear fy! 1 ee ae, as IE eg the —albitidy ov dendenty of he chermmiaely to _Imeluce _Sumous ov _@nces, —_dasucinngenn _—sangy—be_ “chemitr? Subeamce Physi ce — Agent ox ee Cammy Sirus) enaci4 co ees —Teso.toy 8 wD ie Rpwelvoline tie aay rea ne dp _Ocusvence lo biologic : ee? _weproduchve syoten ad vere effect — “_wweweey Gene toxicid - Geno oxic Subsiance Can be dacibed ag all, a Chermi(a0s thad _pNoduce DNA obrmage leading — smutation eX __Ganfex: Gyemelic_rmnoteria2 trnelud rng pnt & RNP ubich — thereby alec ssewla. Thus _geroloving _Can_be clelimed af omulagen’ Yat “Carus —_ gernoloxtecdy —efetulding in darnage. of sna ___Sdxmahie cell —€ = Germ cet : a £ ee seh = mm Authrod casidinyastulad Disease __ DR aeage Genie pee - aa Lange Gene) - —tyshe ek 1s — : Arms Sie¥le i) Paawophilia — — Proves’ _ — techn’ of _Lewol xcicily - eras The “goxno fori _Sulastern (ep provoke —dhemage Jo the __germelic —venak@otia) im the (ells: thou —volkh dre DNA S€quence_ cilia” Bet ex re beungdion ome dad chro ani um —interacd coc \ — XV) ba E : : 3 natn Sie. aia —

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