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PREMIO Marketing

XXXVI edizione
Il caso
Consorzio Recupero Vetro
Engaging citizens
for proper glass
• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
Marketing SIM
A successful story
The Marketing Award: A Success Story

The longest-running competition

between students of Italian
• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
CoReVe – The Consortium
• CoReVe is the national consortium for the collection, recycling and recovery
of glass packaging waste produced in Italy
• The Consortium, established by implementation of the Ronchi decree in
1997, operates within the CONAI (National Packaging Consortium) system,
and is non-profit
• CoReVe works to ensure proper and effective environmental management
of end-of-life glass packaging waste and to achieve the recycling targets set
by the legislator
• The Consortium signs agreements with the Municipalities or their delegated
managers that govern the methods of collection and the economic refund
to be paid to them because of the higher costs involved in the separate
collection of glass in comparison with undifferentiated collection
CoReVe – The Consortium
• In 2022, CoReVe paid Italian municipalities approximately €111
million (+11% compared to the previous year)
• CoReVe's activities involve more than 97% of the Italian population
and more than 7,500 municipalities benefit from the initiatives
carried out by the consortium
• Among the main activities of the Consortium are information and
training activities aimed at citizens, businesses and local institutions
in order to raise their awareness on the issue of correct collection and
consequent recycling of glass
CoReVe – The Consortium
• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
Glass is a 100% recyclable material and
can be reborn countless times
What peculiarities make it unique?
• Chemical inertness
• Isolation of the contained product
• Product Hygiene
• Transparency
Glass is a 100% recyclable material and can be reborn
countless times
What peculiarities make it unique?
• Chemical inertness
• Isolation of the contained product
• Product Hygiene
• Transparency

Glass is an immortal material that can be a resource because, if

properly collected and recycled, it can become a Secondary Raw
Material (MPS) suitable for producing new packaging
From production to recycling: the numbers of glass in Italy
million euros

The environmental and economic benefits of recycling

• In the last year, each Italian
citizen recycled 42.6 kg of glass
(+1.6 kg compared to 2021)
436 Millions of gas m3
Energy saved

• The amount of glass sent to

landfill has been reduced by
2,5 Million tons of CO2
Emissions avoided

100,000 tons
• Economic savings increased by 4,2 Million tons
Raw materials saved
€18 million, while the benefits
in terms of reducing gas
consumption increased by
111 Million euros
Revenues for municipalities
approximately 7 million cubic
metres 450 Million euros
The environmental and economic benefits of recycling
9 out of 10 Italians collect glass, but
with some peculiarities:
The development of waste
sorting of glass from
Packaging represents an
important opportunity
for economic growth

To achieve this result, an

increasingly active and
participatory involvement of
stakeholders is needed
The environmental and economic benefits of recycling
Still many errors due to erroneous knowledge:
The environmental and economic benefits of recycling
Still many errors due to erroneous knowledge:
The environmental and economic benefits of recycling
Still many mistakes due to erroneous acquaintances: false friends
Ceramics Crystal Borosilicate glass

Bottles and jars only

• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
Glass collection
Different modes for a single goal
Method of collection Material

Glass only

Door to door E.g. glass + metal

In some municipalities, glass collection is done by color

• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
CoReVe Communication
2 macro-typologies:
• Service Activities
activities and projects targeting mainly:
local communities, public administrations
and businesses
• Attività di sensibilizzazione
activities and projects targeting all citizens
to increase their awareness of the
importance of proper separate collection
of glass packaging
CoReVe Communication
Service Activities
Calls in collaboration with ANCI
CoReVe Communication
Awareness-raising activities 2022
CoReVe Communication
Awareness-raising activities 2023
CoReVe Communication
Awareness-raising activities 2023
La comunicazione CoReVe
Focus Ho.Re.Ca

• Il circuito Ho.Re.Ca produce grandi quantità di rifiuti in

vetro, superiore a 2,5 volte quella delle utenze
• Dal 2016 CoReVe ha avviato una serie di programmi
dedicati al circuito Ho.Re.Ca
• Non solo materiali di comunicazione e gadget, ma
coinvolgimento attivo degli operatori della raccolta
che diventano principale punto di riferimento per gli
• Il Premio Marketing
• CoReVe – Il Consorzio
• Il mercato del vetro riciclato
• Le sfide della raccolta del vetro
• La comunicazione CoReVe: comunicazione di sensibilizzazione
e di servizio
• La sfida 2024
The 2024 Challenge
• The commitment made to date by
CoReVe has allowed our country to
achieve important results in the process
of collecting and recycling this material,
but it is not enough...
• It is necessary to inform citizens,
Ho.Re.Ca operators and their employees
to increase their awareness and
engagement towards proper separate
collection of glass in order to improve its
quality for the good of society
The 2024 Challenge
Taking on the role of CoReVe's Marketing Team, each team
will have to:
1. Analyze the market for waste sorting of packaging glass
2. Segment the market and identify the "consumer" target
and the "business" target of reference
3. Develop a two-year communication plan to achieve the
goal of the 2024 challenge, also identifying innovative
approaches to the chosen targets
4. Define all the strategic and operational aspects
necessary to realize your idea
The 2024 Challenge

Region Italy & nightlife areas

and/or historic centres
Target 1 Citizens
Target 2 Ho.Re.Ca
Timing 24 Months
Marketing Leverage Communication
Budget €2,000,000 per year (*)

(*) It will be possible to design all kinds of TV activities but no shares of the budget will have to be allocated for the realization and
La sfida 2024

Area geografica Italia & zone della movida

e/o centri storici
Target 1 Citizens
Target 2 TargetHo.Re.Ca
Either 24 mesi
the entire national territory or a local context of your choice.
the national territory, theComunicazione
di marketing critical variable is the correct recycling
rules; For the local context, the teams will have to select an area of the
Budget 2.000.000
nightlife and/or historic center euro
with the aim of reducing the
abandonment of glass packaging
La sfida 2024

Area geografica Italia & zone della movida

e/o centri storici
Target 1 Cittadini
Target 2 Ho.Re.Ca
Timing 24“business”
Target mesi
Levateams are asked to prepare
di marketing a plan for the managers of public
places in the cities in which they reside, carrying out local analyses in
the field 2.000.000
and developing a strategy euro concrete solutions that
that contains
can be replicated on a national scale to improve the quality of glass
collection, helping to reduce the presence of "false friends" and
therefore to reduce wastelse

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