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My discord Ninten#0268

Change Log / Notes

Date Ver Note
Nov 28, 2019 2.0 2.0 guide has been created by someone else - I will update this guide when I have time
Nov 19, 2018 1.1 Hiro PE tested & works. Foreplay guide added
Nov 18, 2018 1.1 Game patch v1.1 has released - no choice changes should be necessary. Going to re-test perfect endings
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 It seems like 1.0 may have NO perfect end code available, and getting perfect end will just crash the game after credits
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 Missed some day 1-8 entries. Still missing some sex scene entries - fixing. Hiro PE does not work.
Nov 13, 2018 1.0 Originally posted to 4chan /y/ Options with the most points for each route have been selected

Known Issues
Date Ver Note
Nov 22, 2018 1.1 Possible Yoichi day 15 glitch - can be ignored
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 Certain routes are incomplete or missing code on perfect ending
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 Hiro perfect end does not work, RenPy looks for non-existent label: day341_hirope

To-do List
Date Ver Note
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 Go through perfect end code and routes, find any issues in code
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 See if perfect end points (100 or 90) are even attainable on some routes
Nov 14, 2018 1.0 Write crack scene guide

How does this game work?

Camp buddy is made using the Ren'Py visual novel engine
Every option (except a select few) will gain or lose you points for each of the 4 main characters (as well as Taiga)
For each option, you can gain 1 or 2 points, gain 0, or lose 1 or 2 points
In the middle of day 8 the character with most points sets your main "route" (in 1.0 Taiga has no route)
Near the end (day 32 or 33), the game counts your points to determine your "ending" (Worst, Bad, Good, Perfect)
v1.1 by Ninten

Day Prompt / Comment Choice

8 Anything for you!
8 Compliment Hiro
8 hiro_1 Please, do it...
15 That's the hardest part.
15 So what if I'm jealous?
15 You're still cute as ever
15 He's probably feeling tired.
15 I'm sorry
15 Count me in too.
15 No one's trying to steal me away from you!
16 I was thinking the same thing.
16 *What do you want to do now? TBD (no score consequence?)
16 ...
16 I want to play too!
17 Reason out to Goro.
17 Chase Hiro
17 You stood up for me.
17 It looks cute on you.
17 You're so cute when you sleep.
18 I don't regret anything at all.
19 Taiga went to the bathroom around 6:30 AM.
19 A sound similar to a camera shot.
19 They both woke up at 7:00 AM
19 Bro-Aiden found a bag.
20 He deserves another chance...
20 How can I help you if you're being like this? / Just tell me so I can help you!
20 I can't let this happen again and again...
Are you saying
20 Keitaro's the only one for me! If score_hiro <=0 Crack Scene we should...
20 I should have paid more attention to you...
21 Actually, I can't stop thinking about it...
21 I like him just as much as he likes me.
21 I'm not ready yet.
21 Sidequest for all other choices Go back to sleep.
22 Racoon-shaped cookies.
23 Let's forget the past, and work on this journal together!
23 Give Hiro a hug
23 Scrub-a-dubba-rubber-duck
24 But, but, butt...
24 All I know is I'm happy when I'm with you...
24 I want you too.
25 [Bake sale - no menu choices]
30 Super Jirou!
30 That's my bat and a pair of baseballs. / It's calling for Super Hiro's help.
31 I'm sure she's doing well!
31 I'll go with you.
32 I won't leave you, no matter what. / Remember the promise I made to you?
33 I realize everything now!
[Game checks score for ending] <0: worst ending
1 - 49: Bad ending
50 - 99: Good ending
100+: Perfect ending
v1.1 by Ninten

Day Prompt / Comment Choice

8 Trust me.
8 I don't mind taking a bath if it's just with you!
8 I’m sorry if I rushed things with you.
8 I thought everyone was already outside!
10 I must have done something to make him upset.
10 Is everything okay between us?
10 But that's not the reason we're friends with you.
10 I tripped and fell into the lake.
11 That drawing meant a lot to me.
11 I didn't think about what you might feel.
11 Take off my shirt. / Get Naked.
11 It's drool!
If score_hunter <=0 Crack You should take off your clothes! / Let me
11 You can change while I do the laundry. Scene Natsumi x Hunter wash your clothes!
11 He was doing all of that for me...
15 You were just trying to help.
15 I'll just stay here then!
15 Don't you trust me anymore?
15 Cute pink nipples! / Bubble butt!
"Truth!" and "Truth." are different -
16 mikkoukun pls Truth. / Dare!
16 I would've been nervous too.
16 He only wanted to have fun with you.
17 Defend Hunter.
17 I don't mind having company.
17 I'm scared of that too...
18 Keitaro loves the camp.
19 He's our camp president. / He's only doing what he thinks is best for the camp.
20 Can I watch you draw?
20 You won't be alone again.
20 Sidequest for all other choices Let's get ourselves comfortable.
21 Offer to wash Hunter's back.
21 What what in the butt. / Butt scrub!
21 But isn't this what makes you really happy?
22 Stargazing!
22 Keitaro would probably do the same.
23 Something romantic!
23 * Give him the D. / Paint the room white.
24 I'm waiting for the right moment.
30 I like what I see. / You're a cute bunny.
30 I'm here with you this time.
30 Let's go on a bunnymoon.
31 Let's get an update about your art school application.
31 Hunter earned an 'Art Badge!
31 Show them all your works so far.
32 Let's not overwhelm Hunter.
32 Hunter needs me!
[Game checks score for ending] <0: worst ending
1 - 49: Bad ending
50 - 89: Good ending
90+: Perfect ending
v1.1 by Ninten

Day Prompt / Comment Choice

8 A handjob.
8 I don't want to do chores either.
8 yoichi_1 I want to make you cum.
15 I got lost. / I wanted to take a photo of something.
15 Stuff it in my mouth please.
15 What Yoichi is trying to say is...
15 He's telling the truth.
16 I know where he is! / I can go look for him
16 But I want to hang out with you too...
16 PORN?!
16 Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
16 You're a really nice guy at heart.
17 He was just standing up for me!
17 I'll help you look for Yuki!
17 Yuki is counting on us.
17 Tend to Yuki's injury.
17 Let's stick together to stay warm.
17 I've heard more than enough.
18 You can't change my mind.
19 That's so sweet of you. / What a handsome nurse...
19 Let's go all the way.
19 Taiga was outside during the time the picture was taken!
19 A snap.
19 They woke up the same time the picture was taken!
19 Buttcheeks and a bag.
20 You were only doing your job as our scoutmaster.
If score_yoichi<0 crack scene
20 No freaking way! yoichi x hiro You asked for it / *kiss*
20 * I want to visit Yuki.
21 Peek-a-dick.
21 Early Day Bee Jay! / Ready for the Meat Seat!
I don't mind anything as long as I'm with you. / Let's continue where we left off
21 earlier.
21 I saved you a cookie.
22 I'm doing this for Keitaro. / We have to do this together.
22 Kiss his cheek.
23 Yuki won't hurt anyone.
23 * Show off the goods
23 Yank the chain. / Gag him
30 Yuki.
30 You go first!
30 Mating season?
31 You should tell that to Scoutmaster Yoshi.
31 Yeah, I guess?
31 How exactly did you meet Yoichi?
31 We'll raise them together!
32 I have to be by his side no matter what.
[Game checks score for ending] <0: worst ending
1 - 49: Bad ending
50 - 99: Good ending
100+: Perfect ending
v1.1 by Ninten

Day Prompt / Comment Choice

8 I know you've got this.
8 I'd like to do 'it' with you.
8 I taught Natsumi how to relax!
15 I was hoping you could relax with me again.
15 You look so sexy!
15 You were groping my crotch!
15 When you came... / When you put it in...
15 I want you to relax.
If score_natsumi < 0 Natsumi x We can do it too, if you want... / I can
15 * Yes... We have. Hunter show you what we did.
16 I'm not sure if I can...
17 Your favorite animal!
17 Just hunt for it like you usually would.
17 Only you can answer that, Natsumi...
18 Natsumi has nothing to do with this.
18 But he needs us too.
18 Sneak in and steal the photo.
18 This is the right thing to do.
18 Look it's a bird! / Intruder alert!
19 Let's trust the scoutmasters. / There's nothing we should worry about.
19 I’m right here.
20 You’re not wearing any underwear… / I can see your… thing.
20 Try playing with it a little. / Let's see if I can make it longer~
20 * Anything with you.
21 I leave it up to you.
21 Fixing this would make Keitaro happy. / Keitaro would want me to help you.
21 It's all because of you.
22 I'm Natsumi's close friend.
22 Is this about your brother?
I can’t believe Natsumi’s really
playing along with this…! This is my
chance… I should choose one that’ll
22 fit him… Choose any
22 Play with his nipples. / Fondle his crotch.
22 Just enjoy your time with your brother. / I'm glad you chose to see it that way.
23 Natsumi tried his best. / What Natsumi did was good enough.
23 Take over. / Let Natsumi get some rest.
24 Naoto was pushing you way too hard.
24 Keitaro is more than just a friend.
25 You could apply as a scoutmaster.
30 Formal would look great on you! / A costume that shows power and authority!
30 It's more than just that... / We're dating, I guess...
30 Is that your baton I'm feeling down there?
31 I'm glad to see you motivated about this. / You're taking it step by step.
31 I'll always be here to help out, sir.
31 I know I'm not ready to be a scoutmaster.
You have to know why you want to be a scoutmaster. / You have to try and see
31 beyond that.
32 I have to make sure they’re alright.
32 I need to help him get through this.
[Game checks score for ending] <0: worst ending
1 - 49: Bad ending
50 - 89: Good ending
90+: Perfect ending
NB: This guide will give you the 'Perfect' Sex and 'Good' ending, as there
is no 'Perfect' ending Gallery Image
NB: For the first few days, the choices for the main 4 will have to be
For the Sex Scenes, each has 4 outcomes based on 4 initial choices. Each
less than Taiga's score, so follow this guide to guarentee getting
has their own Gallery entry. So you need to do this 4 times to get each
Taiga's route

Day Prompt Best Choice

Any choice (They are the main 4 routes) Feel free to go "I want to
Day 1 So, Keitaro! What do you want to do now? try all the food" (Hiro choice)
Any choice (They are the main 4 routes) Feel free to go "It's a
Day 2 Geez, Torch-Head! I just want to take a look! private matter" (Hunter choice)
Day 3 Everything here, this Camp Buddy is just a stupid show I don't understand
This bag of marshmallows was closest to my tent! Who else could've it beloned
to?! Here, you can have it back
Any choice (They are the main 4 routes) Feel free to go "We
(They're blaming each other! I should say something!) should've stayed together" (Natsumi choice)
Any choice (They are the main 4 routes) Feel free to go "Yeah, let's
Day 4 None of you have to worry about this. not make such a big deal of it" (Yoichi choice)
Day 5 I've been waiting for this moment ever since I saw your stupid face! I'm sorry...
Day 6 What about you, Keitaro? What kind of body do you prefer? Any choice
Day 7 (This is getting bad... I should say something..) We're all friends here!
Day 8 I knew you were dumb, but I didn't know you were this DUMB! HAHAHA!!! Let's do our best and have fun!
If you were in my place, you wouldn't have come back here! I want to help you
Can't you see this cabin's a freaking mess? Why don't you be a good roomie
and tidy this up? Okay...

(Here is where you decide if Taiga is Top or Bot)

Taiga as Bot Taiga as Top
It looks so tight and uncomfortable, though... Why would Taiga wear something
Day 9 like this...? To make his butt comfy To support his crotch!
I can show you how to cast it if
(Makes me wonder if Taiga really knows how tto fish or not...) Here, let me show you. you want?"
My eyes are up here! What the fuck are you staring at?! ...your butt! ...your dick!
Day 15 Can't you take a hint? I said I'm fine! How about some water?
(Maybe if I give a more subtle compliment unlike before, he'd be more flattered
than creeped out...) Cool necklace! That bandana really suits you!
(This would be a good oportunity to invite Taiga to hang out with us... Maybe Volleyball sounds fun, right
we can clear the air around him and my friends too...) Want to play too, Taiga? Taiga?
Look, if you're gonna start apologizing of whining like a whimp, I'm gonna... I'm
gonna throw this rock straight at your face. Let's go get some dinner
Oh, oh! You can sleep beside me, Keitaro! We can share a blanket too! I'll stay with Taiga
Day 16 What the hell are you doing out here?! I was looking for you!
Seriously?! Over a badge
(Oh no... They're really cornering Taiga... I need to defuse this situation!) activity?! I've made my decision
I wanted to do this activity with
Count me out of this one you I wanted us to earn this badge
Excellent! Now that I've explained the rules, which test would you two like to
perform first? We'll go for the strength test How about the knowledge test?

During this option, each of the 4 choices gives a different FX. If you
are want them all, you have to replay this route and pick a different
FX Gallery Got any idea what to take pictures of? option

(NB: You can only get one of these options, even if you do both tests. Its
based on whether you initially chose Strength or Knowledge
Knowledge Test (Maybe I should...) Peek at Taiga Sniff his underwear
(Ah it looks like he's struggling a little...! Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I
Strength Test should-) Spread Taiga's legs Push his legs closer

Back to Day 16 (This might be the best time to try and get him to open up to me more!) Let's go watch the sunset! Let's chill somewhere else!
Why do you try so hard to get along with me when all I do is yell at you and I know yoou do things for a
push you around? I want to be close to you reason
Hey, I'm talking to you. What did you mean exactly? I kinda saw you outside
Day 17 (I know Eduard and Lee told me not to bother him... but...) Take down the tent with Taiga Offer to help Taiga
(Oh! He seems to be looking calmly at the waterfall... .) It's really beautiful, huh Taiga? The hike was worth it, wasn't it?
...You shouldn't be here. You'll get in trouble if you stick with me. I don't care if I get in trouble..." I'm not leaving you alone.
(Taiga still doesn't seem to want to open up... I need to see if I can help him I want to know your side of the I want to know what you really
get past this!) story feel.
I'll help you out if you're having
Day 18 I feel like I owe you, everyone, and Scoutmaster Yoshi an apology... trouble with anyone. I know you can do it, Taiga
Don't be silly, you two... It's because of last night It's the magic of the waterfalls
Oh, I'll come with you. You won't be able to carry all that back here on your
own. I can handle it! You can stay and rest!
You know they always think I'm up to no good. Just having them see me
around you already gets on their nerves... It's definitely gonna be awkward for
Day 19 the first little while... You can do it. I know my friends pretty well. (Note, the Bot option may not add Taiga romance score)
I was actually planning to make a cookie for all of the campers I wanna make
up to this summer. Yoshi said we could make as many as we want after all. I'm sure they'd appreciate that. That's a really thoughtful idea
N-Now, I'll leave you guys alone! I'll go check on Taiga ...
Now that we're starting to get along, maybe I could go help each of them with
Day 20 something for a littlle while today? That sounds fun!
Uh, this is a poster. Not a book. You can put your little words on the brochure, Maybe try reaching a middle
since we still have to do that as well. You both make a good point. ground?
Taiga, Keitaro, inform them of how important it is to follow instructions from the You should listen to your team
appointed director precisely! That's not the way to lead people mates.
Yeah, about that, Bro Aiden... I'm a little worried about selling just plai sugar We could design them like Taiga We could use different icing
cookies... did! flavors like Taiga did!
You two have made truly remarkable progress! I can tell that you've both We couldn't have done it without
became great friends! It's all thanks to Taiga! your help, sir!
Come on, where do you wanna clean me first? Your butt Your dick
Day 21 (Taiga seems lost in thought after meeting Kieran...) Change the topic Continue talking about trivial stuff
I'd love to give you a massage
*sigh* This is so embarrassing though Relax...
Day 22 *sigh* Sorry for acting so weird... It's just strenge having him around... It's fine I understand (Note, the Bot option may not add Taiga romance score)
W-Well... It's actually more complicated than that... ... I see
(Kieran's bracelet must be the pair to the one I found in Taiga's stuff the other Did Scoutmaster Yoshi give it
day!) I actually own one too. you by chance?
Then is something on your mind? I'm happy to listen to whatever's bothering
Day 23 you! Don't worry about me! I'm just a little uneasy...
I know you told us nothing's wrong but I can tell something's up, so there's no
Day 24 use hiding it. I'm not used to Kieran yet I feel a little awkward...
GAH! I didn't put this on for that! Stop making it weird! Keitaro, help me out Those tattoos look really cool on
Day 30 here! you That costume is so detailed
I don't mind. You game, Keitaro? I'll come and watch
(But at the same time I want to be honest with how I feel... What should I say
to him?) It's about you and Kieran I've ben feeling a little left out
What do you say, why don't we get wild tonight? My instincts are kicking in Unleash the beast
What do you think I should do, Keitaro...? You have to get your answer
Day 31 Look, I don't wanna talk about it... I'll give you some space. I'm here if you need me
I've already made my decision Will you be alright?
... Why don't you rest?
Day 32 How the hell did you think that going behind my back would help me?! It never chaanged anything I'm sorry
But now we find out you were the reason for his dispear... Is it still a good idea
for you to go after him...? I have to make things right
Foreplay Guide

For fun only - choices don't affect story route.

Keitaro Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipple 6 3 3 3 -9
Neck -9 3 6 -3 -9
Abs -9 -6 3 -3 -9
Crotch -9 3 9 6 -9
Butt 3 -3 6 3 -9

Hiro Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipple 3 6 3 3 3
Neck -6 9 6 -3 3
Abs -6 3 3 -3 -9
Crotch -9 3 6 3 -9
Butt -6 3 6 3 -9

Hunter Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipple -6 3 6 3 -9
Neck -9 3 3 3 -9
Abs -9 -3 -6 3 -9
Crotch -9 3 6 3 -9
Butt 6 3 9 6 3

Yoichi Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipple -9 -3 3 -3 3
Neck -6 -6 3 -3 6
Abs -3 3 6 3 6
Crotch -9 -3 6 3 9
Butt -9 -6 3 -3 3

Natsumi Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipple 9 6 6 3 3
Neck -6 3 3 -6 -9
Abs -3 3 -3 3 -9
Crotch 3 3 6 6 -9
Butt -9 -9 -9 -6 -9

Taiga Pinch Kiss Lick Rub Bite

Nipples 3 -3 3 3 6
Neck -9 3 3 -6 3
Abs -9 3 6 3 -9
Crotch 3 -3 6 9 -9
Butt 3 -3 6 3 -6

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