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ABB Robotics

PRU Title Ref

SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Table of Content

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................................................... 1

GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

How to Migrate from RW5.x to RW 6.x .......................................................................................................................... 2

How to Migrate from RW5.6x to RW 6.x......................................................................................................................... 2

How to Migrate from RW6.x to RW 6.05.x...................................................................................................................... 2

RELEASE INFORMATION..................................................................................................................................... 3

Release Name .................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Release Date...................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Ordering number.............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Documentation .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Controller Hardware Support.......................................................................................................................................... 4

Restrictions in Controller Hardware Support ................................................................................................................. 5

Manipulator Support........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Language Support ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

Incompatibility RW 6.05 .................................................................................................................................................. 7

New Functionality RW 6.05.............................................................................................................................................. 8

Improvements RW 6.05 .................................................................................................................................................. 16

Information / Corrections RW 6.05................................................................................................................................ 21

Product Defect Document RW 6.05 PDD ............................................................................................................. 32

ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863


How to Migrate from RW5.x to RW 6.x

· Technote_140908_RobotWare 6

Contact local ABB for further information.

How to Migrate from RW5.6x to RW 6.x

· Migration Checklist in RobotStudio 6.x
· Migration Tool in RobotStudio 6.x
· License tool in RobotStudio 6.x
· Technote_140908_RobotWare 6

Contact local ABB for further information.

How to Migrate from RW6.x to RW 6.05.x

· Migration Checklist in RobotStudio 6.05.x
· Migration Tool in RobotStudio 6.05.x
· Technote: IRC5 New Main Computer

Contact local ABB for further information.

ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Release Information
The information should be considered as last minutes information and most up-to-date.
For more information please visit Robot Release Information (RRI) Homepage: RRI (Contact local ABB)

Release Name
The release name is RobotWare 6.05
The release contains following:
· RobotWare 6.05
· RobotStudio 6.05

Release Date

Release date 2017-04-10

Ordering number

RobotWare 6.05: 3HAC052368-001 Rev N

See Release Notes on documentation DVD: 3HAC052153-001
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Controller Hardware Support

§ Main computer unit:
§ DSQC1000
§ DSQC1018
§ DSQC1024
§ Flexpandant unit:
§ SxTPU3
§ Drivesystem:
§ DriveSystem 09
§ PCI-express boards
§ DSQC1006, DeviceNet Master/Slave – 1 channel Option 709-1

§ DSQC1005, ProfiBus Controller – 1 channel Option 969-1

§ Fieldbus adapters (HMS-module)

§ DSQC669, EtherNet/IP Adapter Option 840-1

§ DSQC667, ProfiBus Device Option 840-2

§ DSQC668, ProfiNet Device Option 840-3

§ DSQC1004, DeviceNet Slave Option 840-4

§ SoftWare solution
§ EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter Option 841-1

§ Profinet Controller/Device Option 888-2

§ Profinet Device Option 888-3

§ Serial ports (RS232)

§ DSQC1003, RS232 – 1 (2) channel Option 970-1 (COM1 free / COM2 is console output.)

§ SafeMove 2nd Generation:

§ DSQC1015
§ Local IO System
§ DSQC1030 Base unit 16Input, 16Output
§ DSQC1031 Add-on 16Input, 16Output
§ DSQC1032 Add-on 4Analog Inputs, 4Analog Outputs
§ DSQC1033 Add-on Relay 8 Input, 8 Output
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Restrictions in Controller Hardware Support

See Technote_140908_RobotWare 6
See Technote_130415_new_main_computer
See Technote: New Main computer DSQC1018
See Technote: New Main computer DSQC1024

Contact local ABB for further information.

Manipulator Support
See Technote_130415_new_main_computer

Contact local ABB for further information.

ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Language Support
The following languages are supported in RobotWare.
· English
· French
· German
· Spanish
· Italian
· Chinese (simplified Chinese, mainland Chinese) 1) 2)

· Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese) 1)

· Dutch 1)

· Swedish 1)

· Danish 1)
· Czech 1)

· Hungarian 1)

· Finnish 1)

· Korean 1) 2)

· Japanese 1) 2)
· Russian 1) 2)
· Turkish 1)
· Slovenian 1)

1) The language is only supported in the controller and Flex Pendant
2) The language support for Asian languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) and Russian has some specific limitations:
- TPWrite, TPRead, and TPPrint do not work – use English text.
- Printing error text from RAPID (instruction ErrWrite) does not work - use English text.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Incompatibility RW 6.05
SafeMove2 compatibility limitation
An upgrade to 6.05 RobotWare will automatically update the SafeMove2 software.
Configuration files are still compatible and can be reused.
It's recommended to validate critical safety functions after an upgrade of RobotWare and SafeMove2
software to version 6.05.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

New Functionality RW 6.05

IPers with Single and SingleSafe
New switches Single and SingleSafe added on instruction IPers.
New syntax:
[ '\' Single ] | [ '\' SingleSafe ] ','
[ Name ':=' ] < persistent (PERS) of anytype > ','
[ Interrupt' :=' ] < variable (VAR) of intnum > ';'
New Mathematical instructions

MatrixSolve – Solve a linear equation system, A * b = x

[ A ‘:=’ ] < array {*}{*} expression (IN) of dnum > ’,’
[ ‘\’ A_m ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ]
[ ‘\’ A_n ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ] ’,’
[ b ‘:=’ ] < array {*} expression (IN) of dnum > ’,’
[ x ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*} (VAR) of dnum > ’;’

MatrixSVD - Computes a Singular Value Decomposition

[ A ‘:=’ ] < array {*}{*} expression (IN) of dnum > ’,’
[ ‘\’ A_m ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ]
[ ‘\’ A_n ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ] ’,’
[ U ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*}{*} (VAR) of dnum > ’,’
[ S ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*} (VAR) of dnum > ’,’
[ V ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*}{*} (VAR) of dnum > ’,’
[ ’\’ Econ ] ’;’

MatrixSolveQR – Computes a QR-factorization

[ A ‘:=’ ] < array {*}{*} expression (IN) of dnum > ’,’
[ ‘\’ A_m ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ]
[ ‘\’ A_n ‘:=’ < expression (IN) of num > ] ’,’
[ Q ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*}{*} (VAR) of dnum > ’,’
[ R ‘:=’ ] < array variable {*}{*} (VAR) of dnum > ’;’

More information about these instructions can be found in the RAPID manual.

New switch on MotionSup instruction

A new switch \NoBackoff has been added on instruction MotionSup.
[ '\' On] | [ '\' Off ]
['\' Tunevalue':='< expression (IN) of num> ]
[ '\' NoBackoff] ';'
The \NoBackoff switch deactivates the default behavior at a collision.
If NoBackoff switch is used, the robot does not back off at a motion collision.
This argument can only be combined with argument \On.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Motsetdata updated with new data component

The data type motsetdata has been modified with a new Boolean component backoffaftercoll.
The change is related to the modification that is done in instruction MotionSup in this release.
MotionSup has got a new switch \NoBackoff and the backoffaftercoll reflects the setting that is done from
the latest executed MotionSup instruction. The initial value is TRUE.

If the function motion supervision is active both in the system parameters and in the RAPID program and
the motion supervision is triggered because of a collision and so on., then
· the robot will stop as quickly as possible
· the robot will back up to remove any residual force
· the program execution will stop with an error message

New instruction AliasCamera

Define camera device with alias name.
AliasCamera is used to define a camera with an alias name or to use cameras in
built-in task modules. Cameras with alias names can be used for predefined generic
programs. The instruction AliasCamera must be run before any use of the actual
[CameraName':='] IN) of string>
| [ FromCamera ':=' ] < variable (VAR) of cameradev > ','
[ ToCamera ':=' ] < variable (VAR) of cameradev > ';'

New User Logs

New event logs are added in domain Operational:
10115-10118 - Move and clear Serial Memory Board data
10140 - Adjustment of speed
10141-10143 - Any changes of Program pointer
10144 - Simulation of wait-instructions
10145-10146 - Changing Task Selection Panel
10149 - Program Pointer moved to routine
10153-10154 - Changing Execution Run mode
10200-10201 - Clear of Event logs
10202 - Changing date and time
10205-10206 - Changing configuration data
10280-10283 - Changing Coordinate system
10284-10285 - Changing non motion execution settings
10286-10289 - Changing Load, Work Object, Tool
10290 – Calibration
10291 - Goto position
10292 - Update Revolution Counter
10293 - Set path Supervision
10294 - Clear path Supervision
10295 - Set path Supervision Level
10296 - Set jog Supervision
10297 - Clear jog Supervision
10298 - Set jog Supervision level
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

New arguments on TP and UI instructions and functions

Following instructions and functions has been updated with 2 new optional arguments:
TPReadNum, TPReadDnum, TPReadFK, UIMsgBox, UIMessageBox UINumEntry, UIDnumEntry,
UINumTune, UIDnumTune, UIAlphaEntry and UIListView
The name of the 2 new optional arguments is \PersBoolBreak and \PersBoolPassive.
Description of the arguments:

Persistent Boolean Break
Data type: bool
The persistent boolean that may interrupt the operator dialog. If no button is selected when the persistent
boolean is set to TRUE (or is already TRUE) then the program continues to execute in the error handler
unless the BreakFlag is used (see below).
The constant ERR_TP_PERSBOOLBREAK can be used to test whether or not this has occurred.
Persistent Boolean Passive
Data type: switch
This switch overrides the default behavior when using PersBoolBreak optional argument. Instead of
reacting when persistent boolean is set to TRUE (or already TRUE), the instruction should continue in the
error handler (if no BreakFlag is used) when the persistent boolean PersBoolBreak is set to FALSE (or
already is FALSE).
The constant ERR_TP_PERSBOOLBREAK can be used to test whether or not this has occurred.

New RAPID instruction CSSDeact

A new RAPID instruction "CSSDeact" to deactivate SoftMove (CSS) has been added.
It will deactivate CSS without any extra movement.

Create force table when servo gun template file is used

In this release functionality has been added in the service routines to set the force calibration table with
default values if the gun is not force calibrated yet, that is, if working from a template gun configuration file.
Criteria for an un-tuned gun are to check certain sg_process parameters, e.g. squeeze_force or calib_force
values below 10.

Extension user defined error handling

In this release it is possible to handle tip wear or tip change errors from the MeasureWearL and
ReCalcTCP instructions in the SwErrorRecover routine.
For more info see Spot Options manual.

New generation MU
Configuration for the new motor unit MU 250 is added to the utility directory.

New cfg parameter col_detect_at_standstill

A new cfg parameter col_detect_at_standstill is added that enables collision detection at standstill.
Se system parameter manual for more information.
IRB14000 (YuMi) have above parameter set to TRUE as default. All other IRB.s have FALSE as default.

New test signals for position, speed and torque

New test signals were added for reading position, speed and torque for robot joints.
See testsignal section in the manual "Rapid Instructions, functions and data types" for more details.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Add-In for Motor and Gear Units

The Motor and Gear Units add-in includes template configurations for the following units/options as an aid
to set up a system according to our standard offer for motor and gear units.
The configurations that we support are the same as those provisioned in the utility directory of the
RobotWare distribution.
After the installation, additional data such as acceleration, deceleration and working range, tuning etc. has
to be set up by the customer.
The Motor and Gear Units add-in can be found with the RobotWare distribution, together with the add-ins
for Track Motion and Positioner.
Motor Units:
MU 100, MU 200, MU 250, MU 300, MU 400
We have support for installing motor units on both drive module 1 and 2.
We support installing motor units together with a robot on drive module 1 only.
For drive module 1, we support using one SMB box, node 1-3.
The first unit can also be installed according to "lean" concept (using the robot's SMB).
For drive module 2, we support using one SMB box, node 1-6.
Gear Units for Positioning:
MTD 250, MTD 500, MTD 750, MTD 2000, MTD 5000
We have support for installing gear units for positioning on drive module 1 only.
We support installing gear units for positioning together with a robot on drive module 1 only.
For drive module 1, we support using one SMB box, node 1-3.
Gear Units for Interchange
MID 500, MID 1000
We have support for installing gear units for interchange on drive module 1 only.
We support installing gear units for interchange together with a robot on drive module 1 only.
For drive module 1, we support using one SMB box, node 1-3.
Axis Selector
We support installing the axis selector option on drive module 1 only.
For drive module 1, we support using up to 3 axes.

YuMi: New feature Friction compensated lead through

Friction compensation for lead through has been added to lead through for YuMi
The compensation is enabled by the parameter Friction comp. lead through factor
(friction_comp_lead_through_factor) that belongs to the type Robot, in the topic Motion.

Setting the parameter to 0 removes all friction compensation in lead through mode
The behavior is then the same as in RW versions prior to 6.05.

Axis Calibration
Axis Calibration is updated and now also support following robots
· IRB 1600
· IRB 1660ID
· IRB 460
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

New robot variant IRB1200 TypeB

SoftWare support for new robot types:
IRB 1200 / 0.7m 7kg TypeB
IRB 1200 / 0.9m 5kg TypeB
IRB 1200 / 0.7m 7kg Food grade TypeB
IRB 1200 / 0.9m 5kg Food grade TypeB

BrakeCheck service routine

A new service routine has been added in RW6.05.
When not having any SafeMove option or EPS option, BrakeCheck service routine will be installed. This
RAPID procedure can also be called directly from RAPID.
The BrakeCheck routine use the same algorithm to test the brakes as CyclicBrakeCheck, but with limited
More information about BrakeCheck can be found in application manual, IRC5 with FlexPendant.

RCS Module – New manipulator types

New manipulator types added in irc5.cfg for RCS6.05. Support for IRB5500 with new motor types is also
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Enhancement of RobotWare installation concept

In RobotWare versions 6.0 - 6.04, the only way to install RobotWare and Addins to a robot controller was
to use RobotStudio Installation Manager “online” by connecting to one system at a time.
RobotWare 6.05 comes with the following new functionality:
-Possibility to prepare deployment “offline” by using Installation Manager functionality called Repository
editor. Deployment packages can be prepared offline even before robot systems are delivered by ABB.
-Deploy the offline prepared RobotWare systems by using USB sticks on many controllers in parallel.
-Prepare generic (not specific to one controller) upgrades for RobotWare and Addins and apply them to
many controllers in parallel via USB.
-Create a robot controller recovery disk on your PC by using Installation Manager Disk Recovery Tool,
based on a previously stored backup.
To use this functionality, you must use RobotStudio 6.05 or newer version and on the robot controller side
RobotWare 6.05 or newer version.
For more information on this topic, please refer to “RobotWare installation concept” chapter in "Operating
manual – IRC5 Integrator’s guide".

ReadVar and WriteVar handle dnum (PDD2297)

Two new RAPID instructions for sensor communication (ReadVarArr and WriteVarArr) has been added.
They can access multiple datapoints at the same time.
Data types of DNUM can now be accessed when underlying protocol supports it.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Handle the look ahead distance (PDD2385, PDD4596, PDD7761)

Starting with RW 6.05 it is possible to begin tracking before process start - see description below:
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Collision avoidance visualization (PDD5675)

It is now possible to view collision avoidance volumes via RobotStudio (Both RobotStudio and Robotware
has to be at least version 6.05), either on a virtual system or using the online monitor.

Optical Tracking Arc - Max Correction (PDD)7462)

Starting with 6.05 it is possible to update the parameter "max correction" for optical tracking in the error
handler where you are handling tracking errors.
You have to catch the track correction error in an error handler. There you can change the value for
"max. correction" in the trackdata and activate it with "ArcRefresh".
You have to be careful to change all following "max. correction" values on the same seam if you do not
want to fall back to the original value in the next Arc-instruction. If you use the same trackdata, this is no
issue, as you have changed that value already (as in the example below).
PROC WeldTrackTest()

MoveJ p10, v1000, z50, tWeldGun;

MoveL p20, v1000, fine, tWeldGun;
track1.max_corr := 3;
ArcLStart p30, v1000, seam_Leo, weld10, fine, tWeldGun\Track:=track1;
ArcL p40, v1000, seam1, weld1, z50, tWeldGun\Track:=track1;
ArcLEnd p70, v1000, seam1, weld1, fine, tWeldGun\Track:=track1;
MoveL p80, v1000, z50, tWeldGun;
track1.max_corr := 6;

Redirect cyclic bool to a digital output (PDD7533)

New optional argument Signal added to instruction SetupCyclicBool.
The result of the logical condition is set to the digital output signal used in optional argument Signal when
the persistent Boolean variable is updated.

New Switch in RemoveAllCyclicBool (PDD8114)

The RAPID instruction "RemoveAllCyclicBool" removes all connected Cyclic Bool from the task executing
the instruction.
Using the new switch "\AllTasks" will lead to that "RemoveAllCyclicBool \AllTask" removes all connected
Cyclic Bool from all tasks.

Function that reflect if CBC and BC is active or not

A new function IsBrakeCheckActive has been added:
The function returns TRUE if there is an ongoing brake test, i.e. CyclicBrakeCheck or BrakeCheck
procedures is active (executing or stopped).
IsBrakeCheckActive '(' ')'
A function with a return value of the data type bool.
This function will be documented in RW6.06.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Improvements RW 6.05
Added event log when safety configuration is updated
A new event log has been added, indicating that the safety configuration has been updated.
The event log is issued after a restart when a new safety configuration actually is loaded and not when the
configuration is downloaded to the robot controller.

Warning message if event buffer is activated in spot.

When starting a SpotWeld program, each motion task will now perform a check to see if Event Preset Time
is set to a value other than 0 for the corresponding Motion Planner.
If it is set to a value other than 0, a warning will be raised. Error number 687.

No ManualGunSearch if only on gun

In this release there is no need to run the service routine ManualGunSearch if only one gun is configured in
the system.
For ease of use this step will be done automatically at startup of the system (Not Spot MultiMove).

New default value for collision_detection_memory for YuMi

There is a new default value of 0.0 for collision_detection_memory for YuMi.
This will make YuMi not back up after collisions unless it is set to a higher value.
The old default value on YuMi (and still default on other robots) was 0.075.
Disabling backing after collision will sometimes leave the robot in a state with residual forces remaining
after collision. This could trigger new collisions when trying to move away from that position.
In order to move away robustly, several solutions can be used.

For example:
1. Enable lead-through for a short period of time to release tension.
2. Set MotionSup \Off before executing the move instructions.
3. Use ContactL instead of MoveL.

Collisions now only stop one arm on YuMi

Collisions in MultiMove systems typically stop all robots. This is not necessary for YuMi so from RW 6.05
only the colliding arm will stop on a YuMi system, except when doing a coordinated motion.
If SyncMove \On has been set, both arms will stop.

Singularity and joint limit avoidance for all inverse kinematics

Singularity and joint limit avoidance will now be active for all inverse kinematics for YuMi including
CalcJointT and Configurations chosen in RobotStudio.

ProdScr.sys was previously duplicated in all tasks, it's now a shared module

YuMi configurations now only show different cfx

When choosing different configurations in RobotStudio for YuMi, only configurations with different cfx will
now be shown.
This is similar to how it works for other robots. Previously, also configurations with same cfx but different
cf1, cf4 or cf6 were shown for YuMi.

SafeMove2 support of IRB1200 type B

From the 6.05 release, the IRB1200 type B will be supported by SafeMove2.

RCS Module
Open source components are included in RCS installation in the folder "licenses
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Improved motion handling to avoid zones to be converted to fine points (PDD6005)

An improvement has been made to avoid unexpected fine points, event 50024 "corner path failure", after
start from fine point.

tw_ref_dist check (PDD7143)

Supervision of data in the tw_ref_dist array in SWUSER is now done by SpotWare. If one or more values
are outside of a defined sanity interval, an error is thrown.

Possibility to deselect drive modules in MultiMove with SafeMove (PDD7267)

From the 6.05 release, it will be possible to deselect drive modules in the SafeMove configuration.
This means that it will possible to include robot models that is not supported by SafeMove in a MultiMove

SafetyEnable input missing event log at each startup (PDD7329)

If the SafetyEnable signal is sent from the PLC, the event log 90538 "Safety Enable input not set" is always
triggered at startup and after leaving Commissioning mode.
The event log is now deactivated until the user attempts to do Motors ON or the SafetyEnable signal has
been set once.

Execution of CyclicBrakeCheck (CBC) for the second robot in a MultiMove system…. (PDD7407)
From the SafeMove manual:
Brake check for MultiMove system
One of the motion tasks call the routine CyclicBrakeCheck to perform a brake check for all mechanical
units in all tasks.
A check has been added to prevent simultaneous execution of CyclicBrakeCheck and BrakeCheck from
two or more motion tasks at the same time to prevent sys failure in the system.
It is not possible to execute CyclicBrakeCheck or BrakeCheck from service routine level when there is an
active CyclicBrakeCheck or BrakeCheck on normal level.
From now you will get an event log when more than one access to the routine is done at the same time.

IPathPos improvements (PDD7426)

A new optional switch has been added to the IPathPos command.
The switch "\EOffs" will make the saved target include an eventual EOffsSet value in the result.

Spotwelding with SMEQ in Manual combined with SafeMove (PDD7476)

A new parameter “Activation during movement smoother” in the type CSS (topic Motion.) has been added
to prevent false events from SafeMove when SoftMove is activated while robot is moving
The parameter will make linear directions less accurate when robot has moved far away from activation
point and should not be used when application needs robot to move linearly for more than a few
Parameter will only have effect when \AllowMove is set in CSSAct instruction

Laser sensor [on/off] on virtual controller (PDD7541)

In previous releases, pressing the laser sensor button on/off on the virtual controller would hang the virtual
This is now corrected.

Improved performance when editing instruction parameters (PDD7544)

In RW before 6.05 you could get slow response time when clicking a parameter to an instruction in the Flex
In 6.05 the performance has been greatly improved.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Horizontal scrollbar added (PDD7584)

When creating a new system from either backup or virtual then sometimes you are not able to see all the
buttons this have now been sorted out by adding a horizontal scrollbar

Diag+ (PDD7668)
The time out error is a limitation in the profinet configurator.
When you scan for a specific device, scanning is done using the specified network adapter while clicking
the button connect a none specified network adapter is used.
A work around is to use diag+ to turn of all other network adapters on the pc using diag+ (includes wireless
networks), set an ip address of the used network that has a ip address on the subnet of the connected MC,
restart diag+/profinet configurator, scan and connect.

Installation Manager (PDD7749 / PDD7750)

An edit button has been added in the controller sub view and must be selected before start editing.

Multiple selection of items in each tab (PDD7752)

Now it is possible to simultaneously remove multiple items from the different tabs in Repository.

Suppress automatic change of start position for LTC (PDD7839)

LTC optimizes the start position for laser tracker calibration to cut down the time it takes to recalibrate or to
check a sensor. That means, that the start position teached by the user is changed by LTC.
Sometimes it is desirable to keep the position teached by the user. For this reason a new Boolean has
been added in the system module that is generated during sensor definition with LTC.
The system modules are named "LTC__sensornameData.SYS", e.g. LTC__DigiSData.SYS for a sensor
called "DigiS" in LTC.
In this module the Boolean (TASK PERS) "LTC__sensorname_Keep_cal_Start" (e.g.
LTC__DigiS_Keep_cal_Start) is added with a default value FALSE.
If the customer wants to prohibit automatic optimization of the start position, that Boolean has to be set to
TRUE before the calibration is started from LTC.
If a system with optical sensors that were calibrated using LTC is upgraded from a RobotWare earlier than
6.05, the Boolean is not present in the system module that was created by LTC. In this case the customer
should after the startup of the system with the new RobotWare version and before the restore of the
backup re-create all sensors in LTC, take a backup and copy the line defining the Boolean from the new
system module into the corresponding system module in the original backup. After this, the modified
backup can be restored.

Connection timeout multiplier parameter (PDD7859)

Beginning with Robotware 6.05 you can now control the connection timeout multiplier for each EthernetIP
The parameter controls how many lost packages are accepted before a connection is considered lost.

The Arc application on FlexPendant not working correct after a restore. (PDD7890)
Background tasks will automatically be started during startup even though using EXIT, Stop or Break
instructions in PowerOn event routines.

Tracklogsize added to Arc Sensor Properties (PDD7923)

When tracking with an optical sensor, a tracklog can be created in the HOME directory if a tracklogname is
specified in the process configuration, Optical Sensor properties and logfile.
Now the size of the tracklog can be specified/changed. The default value is 1000 lines. The value can be
changed between 1000 and 10000 lines.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

RCS Module - Firewall settings (PDD7933)

This information has been added to the "User's guide - RCS"
To be able to connect and create a session with the RCS server, rcsserv.exe, the firewall settings on the
machine running the server may need to be configured.
Port 5509: RCS communication, TCP/IP
Port 5510: RCS Tool communication, TCP/IP

Improvements to make production screen faster (PDD7998)

It is possible to launch applications at GTPU startup automatically, this will speed up the launch time.
1. Go to Control Panel ->FlexPendant->View on System event
2. Double Click the View on System View Event
3. From the Combo box, select the event, see the screenshot below

Installation Manager - Lack of information regarding missing memory at installation (PDD8001)

New dialog have been added when user connect to a controller and controller have low storage space.
This is to make the user aware about this as soon as possible.
Dialog also shows remaining free space and total space.

Problems in signal timing with flowx_off_time (PDD8008)

When using short segments in beads, and long flowx_off_time delays, it was possible that the flow signal
would not be reset at end of bead.
This risk has now been mitigated.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Change of behavior for Profinet IP-settings and station name (PDD8496)

Starting from 6.05 there is a change of behavior for the Profinet IP-settings and station name.
Previously when a connecting controller or configuration tool modified the IP-settings/station name it was
required to make a warm start in order for the new settings to be applied. This is no longer the case as the
settings are applied immediately and hence no warm start is required.
For the the PROFINET Device -option the following applies:
The connecting controller / configuration tool has the possibility to decide if the changes should be
permanent (saved to CFG) or temporary. If the changes are temporary then the associated settings in CFG
(Station name for Profinet network or IP-settings for the Profinet Network) will be reset to their default value
the next time the robot controller are warm started. For station name this is "" (empty string) and for IP-
settings this is "" for all Ip-fields (IP-address, subnet and default gateway).
This new behavior does not affect the communication as the connecting controller uses the station name to
address the robot controller during the connect sequence and will reconfigure the IP-settings automatically.
For the PROFINET Controller/Device option the behavior is similar with the exception that the configuration
in CFG never can be overwritten. The change is applied and used but not saved to CFG, regardless if the
change is temporary or permanent. When using the Controller/Device option it is the configuration made in
the controller (the robot controller) that is dominant.
These changes were introduced in order to comply with the Profinet standard.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Information / Corrections RW 6.05

CBC in Safety Configuration configured, but with no axes chosen
When using Functional Safety options, if CBC is configured in the Safety configuration but no axes are
chosen to be run in the CBC, the result of running a CBC will be OK.
Note: The cyclic behavior will still work as usual, i.e. warnings, elogs, speed limitation etc.

Option 1180-1 Tool Control together with Option 635-6 Spot Servo Equalizing
In this release it is possible to select option 1180-1, Tool Control and option 635-6, Spot Servo Equalizing
in combination.

Licensed options not chosen by default in Installation Manager

When creating a system using 'Site' license concept the user will now get the choice to select all the
options in the 'Volume' license or not.

Event Logs numbering changes from 20.... to 90....

Event logs with the following numbers 20200-20269 and 20306-20320 have been moved to the safety
area, the first digit has changed from 2 to 9.
For example, event log 20200 has now the number 90200.

RobAPI2: DispencePac/Paintware rw/paint/ipsip does not update the IP-address when PIB IP address is
The RobAPI2 (Robot Web Services) interface would not update the PIB IP address information if changed
while the system was running, so a controller restart was required.
This has been fixed.

Improve error handling in path to avoid stationary ARC

We have now improved the stop handling in the controller.
Previously when the robot stopped due to some error, the stop was sometimes not communicated to the
rest of the controller.
This could lead to problems in process applications like arc welding or dispensing because the stop was
not communicated to the equipment.

Remote control of operating mode

The user manual describes that it is possible to enter Manual Full Speed by using a system input.
This possibility has been removed.
The possibility to enter Manual Reduced Speed and Automatic mode using the system inputs is kept.

Commutation Service Routine Defective (PDD131)

The Commutation service routine will now turn commutation mode of when e.g. moving the PP.

Robot does not retract from Collision (PDD5109)

In some cases the robot has not fulfilled the retraction movement after a collision.
This is the case when the robot has reached the finepoint.
This has been solved to 6.05.

ADU's now selected when selecting a Positioner (PDD5461)

Now when selecting any Positioner the right ADU's will be selected as well .

ABB devices is handled as local IO (PDD5711)

IO devices connected to the private network with vendor ID 75 will be handled as ABB Robotics IO and
therefor the EtherNet/IP options is not needed.

Spot Servo Equalizing on VC (PDD6077)

Equalizing movement on each weld will now be done.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

EGM Path Correction with AO only works…..(PDD6098)

It is necessary to specify either \APTR or \LATR in EGM Path Correction.
This is done in the instructions EGMSetupAI, EGMSetupAO, EGMSetupGI, EGMSetupLTAPP or

Time interpolation and zones (PDD6347)

When using time interpolation and large zones, in comparison with the segment lengths, a drastic speed
increase can sometimes be seen when entering the zone.
With the correction in RW 6.05 the speed increase is reduced.

Cyclic Brake Check (PDD6862)

A correction has been done for the Cyclic Brake Check on a combination of robot(s) and external axes.
The changes will imply the following:
- If the options SafeMovePro, SafeMoveBasic or ProfiSafe are used, the brake check (when calling the
CBC routine) will only be executed for the axes that are configured in the Safety Configuration.
- If CBC is not configured, the brake check (when calling the CBC routine) will be executed for all axes.

Cannot load module files with Chinese folder path (PDD7001)

Robot controller cannot handle Unicode only ISO latin-1 is supported.

Correction of priority for soft safeguard stop (PDD7296)

The internal priority of the types of soft stop on path has been corrected, so that a quick stop (for instance a
configured Soft Stop in Safety Run Chain, or a System Input with action QuickStop) will override an
ordinary soft stop on path (RAPID instruction StopMove \Quick, or a System Input with action SoftStop).
The difference is that faster deceleration is allowed during a quick stop, leading to a shorter stopping
Previously, if an ordinary soft stop on path was already in progress when a quick stop was triggered, the
deceleration limits would not be updated correctly. In some cases, this would result in a longer than
expected stopping distance for the quick stop.
This behavior has now been corrected.

SafeMove2 synchronization by switch does not detect permanently set switch (PDD7377)
When using a synch switch for synching SafeMove2, the system does not react when the input signal is
permanently active.
This is a bug which have been corrected, now the system reacts on a positive flank of the signal.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Trigger Error when using the Production Manager (PDD7381)

If an UNDO existed in the call chain when a TRAP made RAISE, the UNDO was executed but not any error
handlers even if long jump was used. This error is now solved.
PROC main()
TPWrite "callRoutine Err Handler";
TPWrite "UNDO: callRoutine, This UNDO shall not be run?";
PROC RunRoutine()
CONNECT intStopScan WITH StopTrap;
! Trig TRAP
IDelete intStopScan;
ERROR (err_move_stop)
TPWrite "This error handler shall be run";
! TPWrite "UNDO: RunRoutine, how did this happen?";
TRAP StopTrap
RAISE err_move_stop;
TPWrite "ERRNO: StopTrap "\Num:=ERRNO;

RCS Module - Result differs in methods GET_CELL_FRAME and GET_FWD_KIN (PDD7473)

There is a limitation in RCS5 for tracks that is tilting.
A work around is to straighten up the track base frame (base_frame_orient) like the example below.
This problem is corrected in RCS6 versions.
-name "TRACK_1" -use_single_type "IRBT4004_1" -use_joint "track1"\
-base_frame_pos_x 0 -base_frame_pos_y 1.8478\
-base_frame_pos_z 0 -base_frame_orient_u0 1\
-base_frame_orient_u1 0 -base_frame_orient_u2 0\
-base_frame_orient_u3 0 -use_single_jog "TRACK1"

Unexpected movement in RobotWare 6.0 (PDD7545)

The unexpected movement reported problem has been solved

Synch even log deletion between RS and TPU (PDD7604)

Now when event logs are deleted from RobotStudio, the TPU also synchronizes (i.e. refreshes)

Seems to be error while installing Ethernet/IP Scanner/Adapter (PDD7609)

Error during installation of Ethernet/IP Scanner/Adapter option fixed.

Problems replacing Flex Pendant in RW5.11.03 or earlier releases (PDD7693)

The problem arises when you have a flex pendant that is was last used on o a robotware in the version
range RW6.x up to RW6.04.x
If you try to move this flex pendant to a Robot system with RW5.11.03 or earlier, then the flex pendant will
not start up correctly.
This is now corrected.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

CBC: Brake test executed for all axes and no CBC supervision on Safety Controller (PDD7698)
When Cyclic Brake Check (CBC) is not configured, the brake test will be executed for all axes and the
brake test will run without any CBC-supervision on the Safety Controller.

Out of space message (PDD7723)

New dialog have been added when user first connect to a controller and controller have low storage space.
This is to make the user aware about this as soon as possible.
Other improvements in the remaining storage space have also been included.

The system manifest contains multiple entries of the same product but different versions (PDD7731)
In Repository and when creating a new system, products of the same type but different versions cannot be

SafeMove Visualizer: TPU naming has been made consistent with RS (PDD7735)
In Visual SafeMove for SafeMove 2, it is possible to define own names on the configured object, like zones,
tools, geometries.
Those names were previously not presented in the SafeMove Visualizer on the TPU.
This is now corrected.

IM: System duplicates in UI when creating system with the same name as it already exists (PDD7747)
It's not possible to have duplicated system. Systems can have same names but must then have different

Integrated Vision (PDD6545, PDD6546, PDD7099, PDD7191, PDD7771, PDD7932, PDD7951)

· Improved handling of communication channels.
We have changed how the robot communicates with the camera by going from a parallel to a serial
solution. The reason is that some cameras could end up in an undefined state when too many camera
requests were made in parallel. This change leads to a more stable camera communication.
· Improved camera heartbeats.
The internal camera watchdog is now more lightweight so it won't interfere with other camera commands.
· The procedure “CamSetRunMode” is now synchronized with the camera which means that all camera
commands after CamSetRunMode will now be safe to call whenever the user wants.
Before this change a fast camera in combination with a large/complex job file could sometimes put the
controller in an error state.
E.g. when users tried to request image results before the controller had fully switched over to run mode.

· Default communication timeout is now 5 seconds instead of 2 seconds.

We have seen that 2 seconds can sometimes generate unnecessary communication timeouts when
sending a command to a camera that is currently handling large or complex vision tasks.
(This value can be adjusted by the configuration parameter “Communication timeout in ms”).

· The procedure CamReqImage with \SceneId and or \awaitComplete will now put the controller in a state
where it will report “Camera is busy” more accurate.
We have seen that many issues with spontaneous communication timeouts are caused by new
commands being sent to the camera while the camera is busy processing an image request.
Note that the camera will still not directly respond to new camera commands after a raw image request,
e.g. when using CamReqImage without \SceneId, without \awaitComplete or when requesting images via

· The configuration parameter, "Use output to RAPID" will now correctly hide all warnings if a user desires
to run job files without using the output to RAPID functionality in RobotStudio.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

· A new CFG parameter "Maximum time in seconds for an image request" has been added.
This parameter will set a timeout for the image request in the controller. This could be useful in order to
avoid a never ending waiting state in RAPID, e.g. when the controller is busy waiting for a result after an
image request (CamReqImage with \SceneId or \awaitComplete).
However, there is no way to cancel an ongoing request to a camera so eventually the result may end up
in the result database and new camera commands may also end up with a communication timeout due
to a busy camera.

· Corrected a couple of internal issues related to the communication buffers.

· The System info has been updated with new integrated vision related information:
“Communication timeout, running status, busy reason, time to load latest job, time to get latest photo
result and number of communication errors and number of communication timeouts”.
(All this information can be found under Hardware devices -> Controller -> Vision System -> Camera)
· Corrected a bug that sometimes made CamReqImage \awaitComplete to finish before all results had
correctly arrived to the controller.

· New event log: 20651 Image request timed out.

This new event will occur if the results from the latest image acquisition hasn't arrived before the
maximum timeout, i.e. the timeout specified in the new configuration parameter “Maximum time in
seconds for an image request”.

· New event log: 20652 Camera job is not valid.

This event will replace the old event (20630 Camera job is not valid).
This new event will only occur if the camera tries to load a job file that doesn't exist, if job file is corrupt or
if it is incompatible.

· Changed event log: 20630 Camera job missing Output to Rapid.

This event will occur if the current loaded job file doesn't contain any Output to RAPID information.
(This message can be ignored by setting the CFG parameter "Use output to RAPID" to false if a user
wants to run IV without Output to RAPID, CamGetResult and CamNumberOfResult).

Reverted behavior when jogging robot on track (PDD7772)

Reverted behavior when jogging track with robot mounted. Behavior in RobotWare 5.xx was to keep TCP
still except when robot was set to jog in coordinate system Base.
This was wrongly changed in RobotWare 6.02 so that TCP was keep still only when jogging in coordinate
system World.
The behavior has now been reverted to be the same as in RobotWare 5.xx

Conveyor tracking vs picking accuracy (PDD7797)

The problem of inaccuracy during conveyor tracking with IRB1200 has been solved

Sporadic wrong task execution state in MultiMove system ARC, 2x 1600 1 IRBP-R (PDD7798)
When stepping a lot a Multi Move system with WaitSyncTask in at least one task, the system could enter a
state when it says it is stucked in a running state.
This is now solved.

Baseframe calibration to sync with EPS values (PDD7804)

Same screens used in Flexpendant for both EPS and Safe move. So it was not checked inside for EPS/
Safemove option before giving the warning message of Baseframe changed.
Whereas Baseframe is not related with EPS.
Taken care this scenario inside code, by checking the option installed. (Either it's EPS or SafeMove).
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

German text in advanced restore setting dialog is too large (PDD7811)

DrawString method used with Rectangle overload to define the area of text, now German text are
displaying correctly

Cannot toggle I/O signals (PDD7827)

This error has been corrected.

System Input Busy remains high (PDD7841)

The problem with System Input Busy remaining high after System Input MotorsOnStart failed, has been

SpotWeld counter (PDD7854)

In this release a problem with the weld counter has been corrected.
If an external stop occurred before the last process routine SwPostWeld was executed, the weld counter
could be missed sometimes if an external stop occurred.

Interrupt queue full in AW background task (PDD7856)

In previous releases, it could happen that the AW background tasks could stop with the message Interrupt
queue full.
This usually happened if the main task, T_ROB1, T_ROB2, T_ROB3 or T_ROB4 were running without
delays, e.g.
WaitDI di1, 1;

Normally a small delay in the loop would fix the problem in previous releases.
In RW 6.05, the problem is fixed, i.e. it´s possible to run without delays in the main task without getting
interrupt queue full in the AW background tasks.

Updated instructions for YuMi fine calibration (PDD7878)

Updated instructions for YuMi fine calibration to clarify that no tools should be mounted while running the

YuMi Revolution counter issues fixed (PDD7879)

Fixed an issue with rev counter being lost on YuMi after warmstart on RW 6.04.01.
Either upgrading RW to 6.05 or later or replacing SMB-board with the latest version (firmware 6.10) will fix
the problem.

Spot Gun Equipment Name missed in PROC.cfg file (PDD7881)

In this release the gun instance name will also be saved when saving the process configuration from the

Arcwelding instruction synchronization (PDD7921)

In previous releases there could be a problem with synchronized ArcLEnd instructions if for example
T_ROB1 and T_ROB2 were running synchronized motion and T_ROB3 was running independent welding.
T_ROB3 could then destroy the ArcLEnd synchronization for T_ROB1 and T_ROB2 with elog message
110513 Error in Arc instruction synchronization as a result.
This is now corrected.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Safemove1 Safety controller numerical signature empty (PDD7924)

In the TPU view on Control Panel -> Safety Controller you can see the numerical signature for the safety
If the safety controller was not present on Robot 1 but Robot 2,3 or 4 the Numerical Signature would say "-"
or the wrong signature.
This has now been corrected.

ABB devices is handled as Local IO (PDD7928)

IO devices connected to the private network with vendor ID 75 will be handled as ABB Robotics IO and
therefor the EtherNet/IP options is not needed.

Make sensitive Optical Sensor Properties read-only (PDD7934)

The following parameters in the process configuration "Optical Sensor Properties" have been protected
against changes through RobotStudio or the FlexPendant:
* Ipol Servo Delay
* Ipol Correction Gain
* Servo Sensor Factor
* Ipol Correction Filter
* Servo Correction Filter

Migration of some RW Arc systems from 6.02 does not work (PDD7944)
Robot systems with the following power sources cannot be migrated from 6.02 or older (RW6) to 6.03 or
· one arcwelding robot together with 650-10 ESAB AristoMig integrated or 650-9 Fronius Integrated version
· more than one arcwelding robot together with 650-10 ESAB AristoMig integrated
This is corrected in 6.05, i.e. it will be possible to migrate the above mentioned systems from RW 6.02 or
older (RW6) to 6.05.

Untranslated text in IO Device View (PDD7958)


Restore of 6.02 backup in 6.0x (PDD7944)

Restoring a RW 6.02 backup containing RW Arc in RW 6.03 and 6.04 could lead to problems with missing
signal safe levels.
This is now corrected.
It is possible to restore a RW 6.02 backup (after migration) in a RW 6.05 system.
There will still be problems with restoring a RW 6.02 backup in a 6.03 or 6.04 system.
Than the following Signal safe levels must be added in the backup:
-Name "SysFailReset" \
-ActionWhenAccessible "LAST" \
-ActionWhenNotAccessible "DEFAULT" \
-ActionWhenStartup "DEFAULT" \
-ActionWhenShutdown "DEFAULT"
-Name "RegainAndSysFailReset" \
-ActionWhenAccessible "DEFAULT" \
-ActionWhenNotAccessible "DEFAULT" \
-ActionWhenStartup "DEFAULT" \
-ActionWhenShutdown "DEFAULT"

Bitview of PN Devices not possible after once PN_Internal_Anybus was selected (PDD7956)
This fix enables the bitview of PN Devices anytime.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Sysfail when starting systemdiagnostic (PDD7987)

Corrected error resulting in sysfail when starting system diagnostic.

Create from virtual system not showing all folders (PDD7988)

When creating a new system from an already created system sometimes not all system could be seen in
the list of systems.
This has now been solved.

Collision avoidance function not updated.. (PDD8002)

When moving a robot arm using the lead-through functionality, the status (inside/outside) of defined world
zones was not updated.
This has now been corrected so that moving the arm now changes the world zone status if the arm enters
or leaves a zone.
Any digital signal connected to the zone is updated accordingly.
This correction is only relevant for YuMi robots, since this is the only robot yet to have the lead-through

Exception when toggling between YuMi arms (PDD8003)

Exception while toggling between arms have now been solved.

License file add/remove don't select correct options (PDD8013)

When adding and/or removing license file(s) and then going to the options tab not always the correct
options were selected.
Now when you add and/or remove license file(s) the user will get a dialog telling about that license file(s)
have been changed and the user need to take action on the situation.
Either use the license file(s) to update the settings or try use the current settings with the license file(s).

Additional delay of start robot when arc welding (PDD8015)

A delay between the weld ignition and the start of the robot movement has been removed.

Identical PC's - one works ok with RS, the other not..... (PDD8034)
When a user creates a virtual RobotWare system on PC or unpacks a station with RobotStudio, the used
RobotWare will be installed to a local folder under C:\Users\\......
If the contains special characters, such as '&', the VC system will then not start correctly.

RCS Module - Different cycle time between RCS and Robotstudio (PDD8054)
The functionality "Optimized start from finepoint" is not simulated in RCS.
When this functionality is enabled it may cause different cycle time between RCS and IRC5/Robotstudio.
Robot programs with only zones are not affected.

System goes to SYS HALT when using optical tracking arc with IRB4400 (PDD8056)
If optical tracking was used together with an IRB4400 the system was halted due to lack of memory for the
dynamic model calculations. The dynamical model for IRB4400 had been improved, thus demanding more
In RW 6.05 this problem is solved.

Installation manager does not add selected positioner to the system (PDD8100)
Selection of positioner option handling is now corrected.

UIMsgWrite can now handle PERS bool declared in other RAPID tasks (PDD8113)
The optional argument [\PersBoolName] can now handle PERS bool declared in other RAPID tasks, even
if they aren’t declared in the task were UIMsgwrite instruction is executed.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

RemoveAllCyclicBool accidently removed from all tasks (PDD8114)

The RAPID instruction "RemoveAllCyclicBool" shall remove all connected Cyclic Bool from the task
executing the instruction.
A bug led to that "RemoveAllCyclicBool" accidently removed all connected Cyclic Bool from all tasks.
This is now corrected

Installation manager does not add selected track to the system (PDD8121)
Selection of track option adding to system handling is now corrected.

Moving PP to main must reset edit-flag in all MoveOrders (PDD8126)

RW 6.04 contained a limitation that in Arc applications could cause the FlexPendant and the controller to
The only way to get out of this state was to do a Reset (I-start) of the system.
This has now been corrected.

Block ArcWelding in a FlexPositioner System does not work (Motion Timeout Error) (PDD8129)
In RW 6.04 there is limitation that causes the welding robot to not start moving after ignition when welding
on a work object that is being held by another robot.
This has now been corrected.

German Translation for keyless mode switch function (PDD8139)

Translation was missed for keyess switch mode. It is now fixed for all languages (including German).

Smartac - Fronius TPSi (PDD8173)

Below is an example of a configuration that could be used to set up a SmarTac system with Fronius TPSi.
-Name "soFr1SensorRef" -SignalType "DO"
-Name "siFr1PartDetect" -SignalType "DI"
-Name "SmarTacFr1PartDetect" -Res "siFr1PartDetect" -Act1 "soFr1SensorRef"\
-Act1_invert -Oper1 "OR" -Act2 "diFr1TouchSense"
-name "smtsig1" -detect_input "siFr1PartDetect"\
-reference_set_output "soFr1SensorRef" -wire_select_output ""\
-sensor_on_output "doFr1TouchSense"

IO Cross Connection Configuration Issue (PDD8176)

It is now possible to remove an actor in a cross connection.
· It is important that the removal is done in the correct order. First remove the affected actor and
then the operator associated with the actor. Otherwise, if the operator is the removed first, the
cross connection will become invalid
· If three actors are defined (Act1-Act3) and one wants to remove Act2 one must first remove Act3
and associated operator, then Act2 and associated operator, then Act3 and its associated operator
can be re-added as Act2 and Oper1.

Selecting IRB120 forces wrong drive system in Installation Manager (PDD8191)

Solved issue of a force selection of wrong driver when selecting IRB 120
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Robot behaves strangely if SafeMove BrakeCheck is interrupted (PDD8023)

If CyclicBrakeCheck is active, no movements of any type is allowed on other execution levels from any
task. ExitCycle cannot be used either.
This check has been added to prevent strange movements when executing CyclicBrakeCheck and

All UNDO handlers will now execute when moving the program pointer to main (PDD8023)
If stopping in an event routine and move program pointer to main UNDO handlers both in event routine and
normal program will now be executed.
Remaining limitation:
-Using program pointer to position in Program Editor only executes UNDO handlers in EVENT ROUTINE
-If running MultiMove only the first rapid task connected to a robot (T_ROB1) will execute
both UNDO handlers.
-If stopping and start editing the program some changes may cause a program pointer movement no
UNDO handlers will be executed.

SAC Add-In missing install.cmd (PDD8226)

The StandAloneController (SAC) Add-In released with RobotWare 6.04.01 suffers from a number of
missing files, most notably the install.cmd file.
This has been corrected in RobotWare 6.05

Rapid variables got overwritten (PDD8245)

In cases where local arrays are used in rapid code, and the array size is defined by a constant, and the
constant is declared after the array.
Writes to variables declared after this array would cause system crash, and loss of program.
This is fixed in 6.05

Serial port ReadBin timeout not working (PDD8257)

The timeout for ReadBin was not stable when reading from com port.
Ex. If the timeout was set to 0.1s you could get 0.1s but during some cycles the timeout could be > 1s.
This has now been corrected.

Controller lockup when using ProfiEnergy (PDD8277)

Sometimes the controller could freeze up so that no communication was possible using the ProfiEnergy
This is now solved.

Virtual Controllers are Invalid in 6.04.01 but not in 6.03 (PDD8288)

Validness of system is done based on controller files alone, the additional system file check has be
removed and reported issue is solved.

Force Control, Assembly, FCRefForce, stopping time to long (1sec)…. (PDD8299)

When a category 1 stop was initiated and force control was running a search instruction like FCRefForce
the robot continue to move until the brakes was applied.
Now when the category 1 stop is done and force control is running the system will ramp down the
movement as soon as the stop is received instead of waiting 1 second.

Visualize does not work (PDD8300)

Visualize now works with signal parameters, eio signals and AliasIO.
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

YuMi AbsAcc fix for new kinematics (PDD8301)

Fixed issue with new YuMi kinematics that could cause a loss of absolute accuracy of about 0.1mm.

Frozen flexpendant (PDD8369)

An error that could cause the Flex Pendant to stop updating correctly has been solved.

Add instruction pallet crash robapi (PDD8371)

When requesting a non existing instruction list or if due to some internal error when it's not possible to get
the instruction list, will robapi no longer crash.

System Diagnostics causes SafeMove to enter fail state (PDD8425)

Generation of system diagnostics in 6.04 and 6.04.01 could cause the SafeMove to go to fail state.
This has been corrected in the 6.05 release.

Reset safety controller to factory settings limitations (PDD8428)

Reset of safety controller to factory settings is not possible when system is in Motors ON.

Optical Tracking - Restart distance interferes with PreProcessTracking functionality (PDD8479)

PreProcessTracking for optical sensors, which is new in 6.05, does not work as expected if a restart
distance is defined and activated.
In that case the robot will back on the path the distance defined as restart distance from the process start
For RW Arc the restart distance can be set and activated in the Arc System Properties or in the Arc Robot
of the system's process configuration.
For CAP the restart distance can be set and activated in capdata.
A work around is to set the process start point the length of restart distance into the seam.

Installation Manager does not consider dependencies of Add-Ins (PDD8548)

The order of addin and its dependency installation will be in sequence
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

Product Defect Document RW 6.05 PDD

Commutation Service Routine Defective PDD131
ReadVar and WriteVar handle dnum PDD2297
Handle the look ahead distance PDD2385
Handle the look ahead distance PDD4596
Robot does not retract from Collision PDD5109
ADU's now selected when selecting a Positioner PDD5461
Collision avoidance visualization PDD5675
ABB devices is handled as local IO PDD5711
Improved motion handling to avoid zones to be converted to fine points PDD6005
Spot Servo Equalizing on VC PDD6077
Time interpolation and zones PDD6347
Integrated Vision - Program execution blocked on instruction PDD6545
Camera hangs and controller needs to be restarted PDD6546
Cyclic Brake Check PDD6862
Cannot load module files with Chinese folder path PDD7001
CamGetResult hangs if no object is detected by the camera PDD7099
tw_ref_dist check PDD7143
Integrated vision, Camera gets locked in busy state PDD7191
Possibility to deselect drive modules in MultiMove with SafeMove PDD7267
SafetyEnable input missing event log at each startup PDD7329
SafeMove2 synchronization by switch does not detect permanently set switch PDD7377
Trigger Error when using the Production Manager PDD7381
Execution of CyclicBrakeCheck (CBC) for the second robot in a MultiMove system…. PDD7407
IPathPos improvements PDD7426
Optical Tracking Arc - Max Correction PDD7462
Spotwelding with SMEQ in Manual combined with SafeMove PDD7476
Redirect cyclic bool to a digital output PDD7533
Laser sensor [on/off] on virtual controller PDD7541
Improved performance when editing instruction parameters PDD7544
Unexpected movement in RobotWare 6.0 PDD7545
Horizontal scrollbar added PDD7584
Synch even log deletion between RS and TPU PDD7604
Seems to be error while installing Ethernet/IP Scanner/Adapter PDD7609
Problems replacing Flex Pendant in RW5.11.03 or earlier releases PDD7693
CBC not configured -> Brake test executed for all axes and no CBC supervision on Safety Controller PDD7698
Out of space message PDD7723
The system manifest contains multiple entries of the same product but different versions PDD7731
SafeMove Visualizer: TPU naming has been made consistent with RS PDD7735
IM: System duplicates in UI when creating system with the same name as it already exists PDD7747
Installation Manager PDD7749
Installation Manager PDD7750
Multiple selection of items in each tab PDD7752
Handle the look ahead distance PDD7761
IRB14000 Camera disconnecting randomly PDD7771
Reverted behavior when jogging robot on track PDD7772
Conveyor tracking vs picking accuracy PDD7797
Sporadic wrong task execution state in MultiMove system ARC, 2x 1600 1 IRBP-R PDD7798
Baseframe calibration to sync with EPS values PDD7804
German text in advanced restore setting dialog is too large PDD7811
Cannot toggle I/O signals PDD7827
Suppress automatic change of start position for LTC PDD7839
System Input Busy remains high PDD7841
SpotWeld counter PDD7854
Interrupt queue full in AW background task PDD7856
Updated instructions for YuMi fine calibration PDD7878
ABB Robotics
PRU Title Ref
SEROP Release Notes RW 6.05 RP6.xx – 0xx
Department Date Filename Page
RMRO/QMPP 2017-04-06 Release Notes RW 6.05.doc
Author, telephone
Anders Trillkott, +46 21 344863

YuMi Revolution counter issues fixed PDD7879

Spot Gun Equipment Name missed in PROC.cfg file PDD7881
The Arc application on FlexPendant not working correct after a restore. PDD7890
Arcwelding instruction synchronization PDD7921
Safemove1 Safety controller numerical signature empty PDD7924
ABB devices is handled as Local IO PDD7928
Integrated Vision interface, connection problems to cameras on multiple robots PDD7932
RCS Module - Firewall settings PDD7933
Make sensitive Optical Sensor Properties read-only PDD7934
Migration of some RW Arc systems from 6.02 does not work PDD7944
Possible problems with CamSetRunMode PDD7951
Untranslated text in IO Device View PDD7958
Sysfail when starting systemdiagnostic PDD7987
Create from virtual system not showing all folders PDD7988
Improvements to make production screen faster PDD7998
Installation Manager - Lack of information regarding missing memory at installation PDD8001
Collision avoidance function not updated.. PDD8002
Exception when toggling between yumi arms PDD8003
Problems in signal timing with flowx_off_time PDD8008
License file add/remove don't select correct options PDD8013
Additional delay of start robot when arc welding PDD8015
Robot behaves strangely if SafeMove BrakeCheck is interrupted PDD8023
RCS Module - Different cycle time between RCS and Robotstudio PDD8054
System goes to SYS HALT when using optical tracking arc with IRB4400 PDD8056
Installation manager does not add selected positioner to the system PDD8100
UIMsgWrite cannot extend cyclic bool from different tasks PDD8113
RemoveAllCyclicBool accidently removed from all tasks PDD8114
Installation manager does not add selected track to the system PDD8121
Moving PP to main must reset edit-flag in all MoveOrders PDD8126
Block ArcWelding in a FlexPositioner System does not work (Motion Timeout Error) PDD8129
German Translation for keyless mode switch function PDD8139
Smartac - Fronius TPSi PDD8173
IO Cross Connection Configuration Issue PDD8176
Selecting IRB120 forces wrong drive system in Installation Manager PDD8191
SAC Add-In missing install.cmd PDD8226
Rapid variables got overwritten PDD8245
Serial port ReadBin timeout not working. PDD8257
Controller lockup when using ProfiEnergy PDD8277
Virtual Controllers are Invalid in 6.04.01 but not in 6.03 PDD8288
Force Control, Assembly, FCRefForce, stopping time to long (1sec) when Run Chain-Type SoftStop PDD8299
Visualize does not work PDD8300
YuMi AbsAcc fix for new kinematics PDD8301
Frozen flexpendant PDD8369
Add instruction pallet crash robapi PDD8371
System Diagnostics causes SafeMove to enter fail state PDD8425
Change of behavior for Profinet IP-settings and station name PDD8496
Installation Manager does not consider dependencies of Add-Ins. PDD8548

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