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Amad, Rolando Jr. T.

-I-BSCE Structural- BCHE 111/L-3063

Let’s Check

1. How can you harness energy from a nuclear power plant?

-Nuclear power plants generate heat through a process known as fission, which is then used

to generate steam, which spins a turbine to generate electricity. One-third of the heat

produced by nuclear reactors is converted into electricity. The remaining heat is released into

the environment and could be used to meet process heat requirements.

2. Differentiate fission from fusion.

- The splitting of an atom into two or more smaller ones is known as fission, whereas the

fusion of two or more smaller atoms into a larger one is known as fusion.

3. What is the difference between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction?

- A chemical reaction is a type of reaction in which two molecules interact or atoms of an

element reorganize to form a completely new product. Nuclear reaction, on the other hand, is

a type of reaction in which the structure of an atom's nucleus changes completely while

releasing energy.

Let’s Analyze

1. If gallium – 68 has a half-life of 68.3 minutes, how much of a 160.0 mg sample

is left after 1 half life? 2 half lives? 3 half lives?

2. Iron-59 is used in medicine to diagnose blood circulation disorders. The half

life of iron-59 is 44.5 days. How much of a 2.000 mg sample will remain after

133.5 days?

3. The anticancer drug cis-platin hydrolyzes in water with a rate constant of 1.5 ×

10−3 min−1 at pH 7.0 and 25°C. Calculate the half-life for the hydrolysis reaction

under these conditions. If a freshly prepared solution of cis-platin has a

concentration of 0.053 M, what will be the concentration of cis-platin after 5 half

lives? after 10 half-lives?

4. Ethyl chloride decomposes to ethylene and HCl in a first-order reaction that has

a rate constant of 1.6 × 10−6 s −1 at 650°C. What is the half-life for the reaction

under these conditions? If a flask that originally contains 0.077 M ethyl chloride

is heated at 650°C, what is the concentration of ethyl chloride after 4 half-lives?

5. In 1990, the remains of an apparently prehistoric man were found in a melting

glacier in the Italian Alps. Analysis of the 14C content of samples of wood from

his tools gave a decay rate of 8.0 dpm/g carbon. How long ago did the man

6. It is believed that humans first arrived in the Western Hemisphere during the

last Ice Age, presumably by traveling over an exposed land bridge between

Siberia and Alaska. Archaeologists have estimated that this occurred about

11,000 yr ago, but some argue that recent discoveries in several sites in North

and South America suggest a much earlier arrival. Analysis of a sample of

charcoal from a fire in one such site gave a 14C decay rate of 0.4 dpm/g of

carbon. What is the approximate age of the sample?

In a Nutshell

1. Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant, completed but never

fueled, on Bataan Peninsula. It was the Philippines' only attempt at building a

nuclear power plant. It was mothballed due to safety concerns in the wake of

the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster in the former Soviet Ukraine

and issues regarding corruption. In 2019, the Department of National Defense

and Philippine Nuclear Research Institute expressed its support for the revival

of the nuclear power plant. Despite never having been commissioned, are you in favor of
setting a nuclear plant to operation in the country?

- Yes because the rehabilitation of the Bataan nuclear power plant can contribute to local

economic growth. Nuclear energy will help the Philippines' economic development. Nuclear

power plants provide an important guarantee for the Philippines' economy's long-term

sustainable development.

2. Is using nuclear power really the answer to clean, environmentally friendly energy?

-No, because nuclear power can result in the production of radioactive wastes such as

uranium mill tailings, spent reactor fuel, and other radioactive wastes. These materials can

remain radioactive and hazardous to human health for thousands of years.

3. What kind of resources does nuclear energy require? With this in mind, is it

worth the effort and the investment to acquire nuclear energy?

- It takes a lot of uranium to make the fuel, and the process generates a lot of radioactive


4. Are the impacts of the Chernobyl (Ukraine) and Three Mile Island

(Pennsylvania) nuclear accidents still relevant today? If so, how?

- Only in the Chernobyl (Ukraine) disaster were people suffering from psychological or

mental health issues. People exposed to Chernobyl radiation experience high levels of anxiety

and are more likely to report unexplained physical symptoms and poor health.

5. How likely is it that accidents like those in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and

Fukushima will happen again?

I think it will happen again especially now because there’s a war happening in our world. So,

it is possible to happen accidents in our days now.

- I believe it will happen again, especially now that our world is at war. Accidents are still

possible in our modern world.

6. In case a nuclear disaster happens, what suggestions can you give to protect
ourselves from the invisible bullet?

-To avoid radiation, enter the nearest building or basement. The best options are brick or

concrete. If you were outside after the disaster arrived, remove contaminated clothing and

wipe or wash unprotected skin. If possible, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Do

not use disinfectant wipes on your skin. Stay in the basement and away from the outer walls

and roof. Wear a mask if you are sheltering with people who are not members of your

household. Children under the age of two, people who have difficulty breathing, and those

who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them.

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