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Reflection Paper: Ideal Self

By: Princess Marinnor O. Podes

Congruence and Incongruence based on Carl Roger's Theory

Congruence refers to the harmony between an individual's sense of self (or self-concept)
and their actual experiences and feelings. When self-concept accurately aligns with innermost
experiences, congruence arises, leading to enhanced self-esteem, self-trust, and overall
psychological well-being.

Moreover, congruence is not merely an alignment of surface-level attributes; it represents a

deeper sense of integration. Rogers posits that true congruence arises when an individual's
actions, thoughts, and emotions align with their fundamental identity. This authenticity fosters a
genuine connection with oneself, producing a stronger sense of personal agency and allowing
for more fruitful interactions with others.

On the contrary, incongruence emerges when a conflict exists between an individual's self-
concept and their actual experiences. Feelings of unease and anxiety typically accompany
incongruence; it impedes the self-actualization process, restraining personal growth and
inhibiting the formation of healthy relationships. As Rogers argues, individuals experiencing
incongruence often engage in defensive mechanisms, distorting their self-concept or denying
certain aspects of themselves in order to achieve a semblance of psychological equilibrium.

Achieving Congruence: A Quest for Authenticity

Achieving congruence can be daunting due to societal pressures and the fear of judgment.
Society often imposes narrow standards of success and conformity, discouraging individuals
from deviating from the norm. However, to achieve congruence, challenge societal expectations
and embrace vulnerability. It is vital to cultivate a mindset acknowledging one's unique qualities
and valuing individuality over conformity. By doing so, we empower ourselves to live in
alignment with our authentic selves, welcoming both successes and failures as essential
components of personal growth.

Furthermore, effective communication skills are a catalyst for achieving congruence. Being
able to articulate our emotions and needs openly fosters stronger relationships and reinforces
authenticity. Clear and transparent communication helps bridge the gap between experiences
and external expression, allowing us to foster connections based on truth and understanding.

In addition to self-awareness and communication, setting boundaries becomes crucial on

our path toward congruence. Establishing limits enables us to protect our authenticity and
maintain our integrity. Recognizing our capacity and prioritizing self-care create an environment
conducive to congruent living. Setting boundaries respectfully communicates our identity and
cultivates an atmosphere where we are encouraged to do the same.

While achieving congruence may be lifelong, the rewards are profound and transformative.
Living authentically allows individuals to connect deeply with themselves and others, fostering
genuine relationships and promoting personal fulfillment. As Oscar Wilde famously said, "Be
yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

The Enchanting Visions of My Future: A Glimpse into My Life 5-10 Years from Now

Many things can change in the vast expanse of time, and our lives are no exception.
Imagining what my life will be like in 5-10 years is an exciting yet nerve-wracking endeavor. It
urges me to consider the possibilities, the potential for growth, and the inevitable challenges.
While the exact future remains uncertain, I foresee a dramatic transformation in various aspects
of my life.

The first major area of transformation is my career and professional development. Hard
work, dedication, and relentless perseverance, I envision myself thriving in a challenging and
fulfilling career. Five to ten years from now, I see myself as a doctor who wants to help those in
need within an institution that values integrity, respect, collaboration, innovation, and excellence.

To prepare for this future, I plan to pursue medicine after finishing Biology and acquire
specialized knowledge in my field of interest. In this way, I will expand my skill set and increase
my expertise, enabling me to navigate complex professional landscapes. Moreover, I will seize
every opportunity and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share my passion for change.
This will open doors to new possibilities and help me make a lasting difference in my chosen

Alongside my professional aspirations, I anticipate personal growth and transformation. In

the next 5-10 years, I strive to become more resilient, compassionate, and self-aware. Engaging
in introspection, embracing personal challenges, and practicing self-care will be key aspects of
this transformational journey.

To nurture my relationships, I plan to invest time and effort in building strong connections
with my loved ones. to expand my circle of friends and surround myself with individuals who
inspire and support me. Doing so can create a positive and empowering social environment that
contributes to my overall well-being.

In addition, as I step into the professional realm, my career aspirations will require intense
dedication, commitment, and sacrifices. Climbing the corporate ladder, long working hours,
traveling away from home, honing skills. Although these demands may cause strain on my
relationships, I am determined to master the art of work-life balance. Through open
communication, quality time with loved ones, and self-care practices, I will tread the fine line
between pursuing excellence in my career and nurturing meaningful connections with family
and friends.
My goal of achieving financial stability and independence is a significant source of
dramatic transformation. Within the next 5-10 years, I envision cultivating a strong financial
foundation, allowing me to live comfortably and fulfill my dreams. This includes making
intelligent investment choices, meticulously managing my finances, and saving for future
endeavors. I aspire to generate multiple income streams by leveraging my skills and expertise,
providing a safety net. Financial stability will allow me to explore new opportunities, travel, and
contribute towards causes close to my heart.

Moreover, five to ten years from now, I want to live my life fully with my future family. I
couldn't see myself having or bearing a child, but if God allows me ten years from now, I will
create a safe environment for my kids, treat them gently, and give my best to be a mother.

The tapestry of my life, woven with dramatic experiences, challenges, triumphs, and
personal growth, will mold me into the person I aspire to be. The following 5-10 years hold
immense potential for academic success, career advancement, and societal impact. Though
this journey may push me to my limits, I will embrace each twist and turn with unwavering
determination. As the curtains rise on this dramatic chapter of my life, I am opportunities that lie
ahead, transforming self-doubt into self-discovery and flourishing in a future brimming with

The path to achieving our ideal selves is often challenging, requiring intentional actions and
perseverance. Here are concrete steps to transform ourselves into our, acknowledging that the
journey will be dramatic and demanding: Identify and embrace my vision. To bridge between
self and our ideal self, we must set SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant,
and Time-bound. Develop self-awareness. Cultivate positive habits, strengthen emotional
intelligence, and seek continuous learning.

While the road ahead may have obstacles and setbacks, the rewards of achieving my ideal
self will exceed any temporary challenges faced. By putting in the effort and dedicating myself
to personal growth, I am confident that my ideal self is within reach.

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