Contour Information

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Contour evaluation

MCOSMOS: Version 2.4 R9 E9

Author: Jim Curtis, MAC CTL/LA
Date: 6/3/2005
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You may need more information from the contour. This information can include
the circumference length, the Area inside of the contour or the Centroid of the
contour. After evaluating a contour a result file in created in the
MCOSMOS\Temp folder. The file name is CTEVAL.RES. Here is an example of
the result file.

Example of file „CTEVAL.RES“:

CntrCircumf = 35.33329480
CntrArea = 34.93168867
CntrCentrdX = 1.32577554
CntrCentrdY = 2.62983905
CntrInrtAng = -25.33705692
CntrPtchDMin = 0.04600696
CntrPtchDMax = 0.23642166
CntrPtchDMean= 0.20296281
CntrPtchPMin = 174
CntrPtchPMax = 48

All the calculations that are done in the contour evaluation are based on curves
that are built on the contour points. Also the segment from last point to first point
of a closed contour is included. The contour is not treated as a polygon.

CntrCircumf [mm]
The circumference length of the contour from first point to last point is calculated.
Also the segment from last point to first point of a closed contour is included.

CntrArea [mm²]
Closed contour: Area inside of the contour.
Open contour: Will be 0.0

CntrCentrdX [mm], CntrCentrdY [mm]

The projected coordinate of the centroid of the contour is stored in CntrCentrdX
and CntrCentrdY. This can be a Y and Z value if the contour is projected in YZ
plane or Z and X if the contour is projected in ZX plane.
Closed contour: Centroid of the area.
Open contour: Centroid of the curve.

CntrInrtAng [degree]
A contour can be rotated around the inertial axis with a minimum of force. The
axis crosses the Centroid of the contour.
Closed contour: Inertial axis of the area.
Open contour: Inertial axis of the curve.
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CntrPtchDMin [mm], CntrPtchDMax [mm], CntrPtchDMean [mm]
The straight pitch over the whole contour between two neighbouring points

CntrPtchPMin, CntrPtchPMax
The point which is leading the segment of the minimum and maximum pitch.

These values can be imported into Geopak and printed using variables.
Here is an example. I will import the variables and print the Area of a contour as
a text message. Remember the contour must be evaluated to a nominal contour

1. Select the “Calculate” menu then the “Load variables from file”.
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2. At this dialog click on the icon select file.

3. Select the CtEval.res file and click the open button.

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4. The proper file name and path have been selected.

Click the OK Button.

5. After loading the Variables you will have the following list.
This is the value that is in the CtEval.res file.
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6. You can use one, or all of these values in print statements.

Here is an example. We will print the X value of the Centroid.
Click on the Define string variable icon, right side of screen.

7. Select the Down arrow key in the lower left. This is a list of
defined variables. Select the @[CntrCentrdX]. Select the
red check button next to the field. You will now see the see
the value 67.2730 under the variable name in the top field.
The String Variable Str1 now has this value. Select the OK
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8. Select the Output text icon at the upper right portion of your screen.

9. Type “The X value is @[Str1]. Notice as you type the text message
appears below the typing field. The @[Str1] becomes 67.2730 in the text
message. Select the ok button. When you print the report this message
will print just like any other text message.
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10. You can also use the acquired variables as real values. Let’s say we want
to move the CMM to the X and Y value of the Centroid. Click on the
Machine menu and select Move machine.

11. Select the Move CMM to absolute position Button.

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12. In the X field select the down arrow button
and chose the CntrCentrdX variable. In the
Y field chose the CntrCentrdY variable.
When you select the OK button the CMM
will move to the Centroid of the scan in X an Y.

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