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A case is given to illustrate how a company operating in a different country could run into issues

if they don't understand the local culture. These businesses, regardless of how large they may be,
can only neglect the cultural side of their global operations at their own risk.To successfully
manage in accordance with the various contexts in the countries in which they operate, managers
must have international experience due to cultural variations and the distinctive ways of life
associated with them. Political, sociocultural, economic, legal, and technological issues all play a
role in this dynamic environment and have an impact on the strategy, operations, and procedures
of any global business.A practical understanding of the cultural factors that could affect their
managerial choices is a crucial competency for managers in the international business world.
They must, in other words, be culturally aware and show a healthy respect for the cultures of
others. Understanding how cultural differences between and within nations can affect how
business is conducted is what cross-cultural literacy is all about.

Managers' cultural insensitivity caused them to fail in their international operations because they
ignored the importance of cultural factors. Understanding the viewpoint of those who live in
other countries, distinct societies and being prepared to practice cultural empathy, or putting
oneself in another's shoes, are requirements for cultural sensitivity.

Gap needs to understand the nature, characteristics, and elements that make up a nation's culture
and how these affect work and organizational processes because it is extremely beneficial for
international managers. Managers should create appropriate policies and procedures for
organizing, leading, regulating, and planning in an international environment with the help of
such cultural knowledge. This includes the process of cultural adaptation that is essential for the
realistic and effective formulation and implementation of organizational objectives and
strategies. It also significantly increases the variety of the workforce globally.In simple words
,Gap needs to analyze and know the country they put their business into.Therefore, they need to
fit in the country and adopt the cultural factors that may affect the business.

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