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Finals Consumption

annual income less the amount of that income saved that year
Governments tax economic activities, including Wealth - value of a person’s accumulated savings and
income-earning activities and consumption of goods and investments at any point in time
services Consumption- is the portion of income that is not saved, while
Other means of obtaining funds wealth is the net value of a person’s stock of accumulated
● Governments also raise funds from enterprises they savings or investments.
operate General Tax - taxes all of the components of the economic
● Fees and charges base, with no exclusions, exemptions, or deductions from the
● Governments must borrow funds when they cannot tax base
cover all their expenditures from tax and nontax Selective Tax -taxes only certain portions of the tax base, or it
receipts might allow exemptions and deductions from the general tax
What Are Taxes? base
Taxes are compulsory payments associated with certain Tax Rate Structure- describes the relationship between the
activities.Revenues collected through taxation are used tax collected during a given accounting period and the tax
to purchase the inputs necessary to produce government- base.
supplied goods and services or to redistribute purchasing 1. Proportional Tax Rate Structure- is one for which the
power among citizens. ATR
Tax financing refers to the use of tax revenues by does not vary with the value of the tax base sometimes called
governments to finance their activities,including the provision a flat-rate tax.
of goods and services to citizens. 2. Progressive Tax Rate Structure the ATR increases
Taxation can cause changes in the relative prices of some with the size of the base. The larger the tax base, the
inputs due to government demands on resources and the larger the ATR applied.
reduction in private demands caused by taxes. 3. Regressive Tax Rate Structure ATR declines as the
Tax Base item or economic activity on which the tax is levied. size of the tax base increases
What are the most commonly used tax bases? ABILITY-TO-PAY PRINCIPLE taxes should be distributed
● Income according to the capacity of taxpayers to pay them.
● Consumption HORIZONTAL EQUITY achieved when individuals of the
● Wealth same economic capacity (measured, for example, by income)
Income pay the same amount of taxes per year (or over their
sum of the value of his annual consumption of goods and lifetimes).
services and annual saving.
PRELIM Government Expenditure -portion of the national budget.
Public finance - field of economics that studies government Classification of Expenditures
activities and the alternative means of financing A.Current Operating Expenditures
government expenditures. B. Capital Outlays
Process of Public Finance A. Current Operating Expenditures
1. Formulation of Fiscal and Monetary Policy appropriations for the purchase of goods and services for
2. Generation of Revenue from Taxation and Other Sources current consumption or for benefits expected to terminate
3. Expenditure of Funds Through The National Budget within the fiscal year
4. Public Borrowings 1. Personal Services
Why do the Government Borrow? 2. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
● To finance national government deficits; B. Capital Outlays
● To obtain foreign exchange; appropriations for the purchase of goods and services.
● To secure financing at more favorable terms than the MODES OF DISBURSEMENT
opportunity cost of revenues; 1. Cash
● To take advantage of benefits attached to the funds, 2. Checks
e.g. technology; and, 3. List due and demandable accounts payable advice to
● To balance the timing of resources with the project debit accounts
gestation and repayment of benefit. 4. Tax remittance advice
Governments - organizations formed to exercise authority 5. Working Fund
over the actions of people who live together in a society and to 6. Direct payment method
provide and finance essential services. POSITIVE AND NORMATIVE ECONOMICS
Political institutions Constitute the rules and generally Positive economics scientific approach to analysis that
accepted procedures that evolve in a community for establishes cause and-effect relationships among economic
determining what government does and how government variables.Statement what is, what was, what will be “If..then”
outlays are financed. Normative economics based on value judgments about what
Mixed Economy - government supplies a considerable is desirable or what should be done to achieve the desired
amount of goods and services and regulates private economic outcome.“should”,“think”,“ought to”,Cannot be tested
activity. Marginal Conditions for Efficiency
Pure Market Economy - all goods and services would Marginal Social Benefit of a good is the extra benefit
be supplied by private firms for profit and all exchanges of obtained by making one more unit of that good available per
goods and services would take place through markets, with month (or over any other period).
prices determined by free interplay of supply and demand.
Total Social Benefit Any given quantity of an economic good Subsidies benefit given by the government to groups or
available will provide a certain amount of satisfaction to those individuals, usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax
who consume it reduction.
Marginal Social Benefit measured as the maximum Economic Stabilization Governments engage in monetary
amount of money given up by people to obtain the extra unit of and fiscal policies in an effort to stabilize the economy.
Total Social Cost value of all resources necessary to make a EQUITY perceived fairness of an outcome
given amount of the good available per month Utility-possibility curve The trade-off between improvements
Marginal Social Cost minimum sum of money required to in efficiency and changes in the distribution of welfare.
compensate the owners of inputs used in producing the good Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff conflict between maximizing
for making an extra unit of the good available. economic efficiency and maximizing the equity (or fairness) of
Marginal Net Benefit difference between its marginal social society in some way.
benefit and its marginal social cost Mid - term
Why do we have markets? EXTERNALITIES costs or benefits of market transactions not
Markets are organized so that there's a mutually gainful trades reflected in prices
between buyers and sellers NEGATIVE EXTERNALITIES aka external costs ,costs to third
Marginal private benefit (MPB) dollar value placed on parties not reflected in the market price
additional units of the good by individual consumers. POSITIVE EXTERNALITIES benefits to third parties not
MPB = MSB provided that no one except the buyer receives reflected in prices
any satisfaction when the good is consumed. PECUNIARY EXTERNALITIES effects of increases (or
Marginal Private Cost (MPC) cost incurred by sellers to decreases) in the price of a good on existing consumers as
make an additional unit of output available for sale. a result of changes in the demand or supply of a good
When Does Market Interaction Fail to Achieve Efficiency? REAL EXTERNALITIES ARE UNPRICED COSTS OR
1. Monopolistic Power -influences the price of the BENEFITS
product it sells by reducing output to a level at which MARGINAL EXTERNAL COST (MEC) extra cost to third
the price it sets exceeds marginal cost of production parties resulting from production of another unit of a good or
2. Monopoly inefficiencies -Can restrict output leading service.
to higher prices therefore lead to the under- MARGINAL PRIVATE COST (MPC) It is the marginal cost that
consumption of the goods or services that the producers base their decisions
monopoly produces.
POSITIVE EXTERNALITIES prices do not fully equal the means of excluding those who refuse to pay from enjoying the
marginal social benefit of a good or service benefits of a given quantity of a public good

marginal private benefit or cost of goods and services Nonexcludable Nonrivalrous
are adjusted so that the users consider the actual marginal - costly or impossible - when one person
social benefit or cost of their decisions for one user to uses a good, it does
UNDER NEGATIVE EXTERNALITY marginal external cost is exclude others from not prevent others
added to marginal private cost for internalization using a good. from using it.
UNDER POSITIVE EXTERNALITY marginal external benefit FREE RIDER someone who wants others to pay for a public
is added to marginal private benefit to internalize the good but plans to use the good themselves
externality PURE PUBLIC GOOD nonrival in consumption for an entire
CORRECTIVE TAXES: A METHOD OF INTERNALIZING population of consumers, and its benefits have the
NEGATIVE EXTERNALITIES characteristic of non exclusion
private cost of a good or service in such a way as to internalize Leads to neither positive nor negative externalities.
CORRECTIVE SUBSIDIES: A MEANS OF INTERNALIZING results in widely consumed external benefits to all people
CORRECTIVE SUBSIDY payment made by government to where,after a point, the enjoyment received by the consumer
either buyers or sellers of a good so that the price paid by is diminished by crowding or congestion.
consumers is reduced. PRICE-EXCLUDABLE PUBLIC GOODS those with benefits
COASE THEOREM The Coase theorem is an economic and that can be priced.
legal theory that addresses dispute resolution between two Lindahl Equilibrium theoretical state of an economy where
parties without any transaction cost PROPOSED BY Ronald the optimal quantity of public goods is produced and the cost
Coase of public goods is fairly shared among everyone.
PUBLIC GOODS ARE NONRIVAL IN CONSUMPTION Public Choice made through political interaction of many
PRIVATE GOODS Goods that are rival in consumption people according to established rules
NON EXCLUSION implies that it is too costly to develop a

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