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Von Helmont gave the rough equation of photosynthesis

Joseph priestly showed that oxygen is required during photosynthesis

Mohl showed that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis

Dutch scientist Jan Ingenhousz found that light is essential for photosynthesis fromt he hydrilla plant

Engelman found that red and blue light rays produced more oxygen and green light produced the least

Two scientists Pelleteir and caventou obtained and named Chlorophyll

Carotenoids and phycobilins could also aid in photosynthesis

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll in a cell

Chloroplast contains stroma,granum,stroma thylakoid , lipid globule,grana thylakoid, membrane

the main differnce between chlorophyll and Haemoglobin was CHlorophyll contained magnesium instead
of iron

Steps of photosynthesis are:

Conversion of chlorophylll into chl+ +el- in the presence of solar energy

this energy is then used to split water molecule into oh-+h+

This splitting of water molecule is called photolysis of water and was discovered by Robert Hill.

The reaction oh- forms h2o and o2

This h+ is used in the dark reaction where it is picked up a compound called NADP to form the
compound NADPH[Nicotinamide Adinosine Dinucleotide phosphate ]

Then ADP(Adinosine Di phosphate ) and ip(inorganic phosphate) combine to form ATP(Adinosine Tri
phosphate) which is the basic energy unit

Hence ATp and NADPH are called Assimilatory power

In dark reaction the h of NADPH combines with co2 using ATp to form c6h12o6

RUBP(RIbulose 1-5BIs phosphate

Finally glucose is converted into starch)

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