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J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng.

(2013) 35:479–491
DOI 10.1007/s40430-013-0045-7


Development of volume of fluid methods to model free surface flow

using new advection algorithm
Mohammad Javad Ketabdari • Hassan Saghi

Received: 3 December 2011 / Accepted: 14 February 2012 / Published online: 4 July 2013
Ó The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2013

Abstract In this paper, a new advection algorithm is Keywords Navier–Stokes equation  Free surface flows 
presented to model free surface flows using volume of fluid Volume of fluid (VOF)  Shear test  Advection
method. To model the fluid flow, Navier–Stokes equations
are solved as governing equations using two-step projec- List of symbols
tion method on the Cartesian staggered grids. In the vol- t Time (s)
ume of fluid method, several algorithms such as flux- V Velocity vector (m2/s)
corrected transport (FCT) and Youngs’ algorithms are used p Hydrodynamic pressure (N/m2)
to model the free surface. In these methods, for staggered m Kinematic fluid viscosity (m2/s)
grids, fluxes to neighboring cells are estimated based on g Gravity acceleration (m/s2)
cell face velocities. It means that fluid particles in the cell F Scalar function of VOF method
have the same velocity of the cell faces. However, in Un Velocity field in old time level (m/s)
practice, the particles velocity varies between two adjacent U^ Intermediate velocity field (m/s)
cell faces velocities. In the present research, modified U nþ1 New velocity field (m/s)
Youngs’ and flux-corrected transport methods are pre- convn Convection term
sented. In these methods, the velocity in mass center of Diff n Diffusion term
fluid cell is estimated and used to calculate cell face fluxes. Bn Body force including gravity acceleration
The performance of the modified schemes has been eval- dx Mesh sizes in the x direction
uated using a number of alternative schemes taking into dy Mesh sizes in the y direction
account translation, rotation, shear test and dam break on
dry bed. The results showed that the modified Youngs’
method is more accurate than the original one particularly
in coarse grid. It is also more accurate than the modified 1 Introduction
flux-corrected transport method.
In the numerical computations of free surface flows such as
water waves and splashing droplets, accurate representa-
tion of the interface is very important. Some researchers
Technical Editor: Francisco Cunha. used different methods such as immersed boundary, cut
cell, deformable mesh, level set and volume of fluid
M. J. Ketabdari (&) methods to model interfacial flows between water–solid or
Faculty of Marine Technology, Amirkabir University
of Technology, 15875-4413 Tehran, Iran water–air (e.g. [1, 2, 4, 5, 21, 24, 28, 29, 31]. The volume
e-mail: of fluid (VOF) method is a convenient and powerful tool to
model the free surface flows. In this method, the VOF
H. Saghi function is averaged over each computational cell and is set
Department of Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University
of Mashhad, 91779-48974 Mashhad, Iran as unity and zero in full fluid and empty cells, respectively.
e-mail: While between these values, it presents the free surface

480 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

Fig. 1 Definition of velocity

arrangement in MFCT method

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

simplified line interface calculation (SLIC) method of Noh

and Woodward [20] such as SOLA-VOF [18] or its cor-
rected form as in NASA-VOF2D [30], the VOF method of
Hirt and Nichols [12] and the method of Youngs [25, 32].
VOF advection algorithm can be classified according to the
free surfaces reconstructing technique in each cell and the
method of computing boundary flux integration. Some
VOF methods represent free surface interfaces as a line
parallel to one of the grid co-ordinates which are referred to
as piecewise constant scheme. Some of them are the
methods used by Nichols et al. [18], Hirt and Nichols [12],
Torrey et al. [30] and Duff [6] where free surface interfaces
Fig. 2 Interface orientation in a free surface (i,j) cell are constructed in a stair-shaped profile. The alternative
methods are known as piecewise linear schemes. They are
cells. Using this function, the VOF method is able to model developed by Rider and Kothe [23], Harvie and Fletcher
flows with complex free surface geometries such as rising [10], Harvie and Fletcher [11], Geuyffier et al. [7] and
bubbles [3] and the merging and fragmentation of the drop Scardovelli and Zaleski [26, 27]. In these methods, oriented
[15]. In addition, in comparison with other methods, it is free surface interface is in a direction perpendicular to the
remarkably economical in computational point of view. It locally evaluated VOF gradient. These schemes are com-
is due to requiring only one array for storing the VOF plex but more accurate than their piecewise constant
function and a simple algorithm to advect the function counterparts associated with more computational costs. In
during each computational time step. Several volume this research, a new advection method in FCT and YV
advection techniques were developed with the aim of methods as modified flux-corrected transport (MFCT) and
maintaining sharp interface. The more famous ones are the modified Youngs’ VOF (MYV) methods are presented.

J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491 481

Fig. 3 Definition of velocity

arrangement in MYVM method

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Table 1 Velocity calculation

Velocity Case Velocity of center gravity
for new arrangement in MFCT
method Horizontal velocity of a UCG ¼ U ðI;J ÞþU
ðI1;J Þ
mass center ðUCG Þ
b UCG ¼ U ðI;J ÞþU
ðI1;J Þ

c UCG ¼ 12 ½U ðI; J Þ þ U ðI  1; J Þ þ ð1  F ðI; J ÞÞ½U ðI  1; J Þ  U ðI; J Þ

d UCG ¼ 12 ½U ðI; J Þ þ U ðI  1; J Þ þ ð1  F ðI; J ÞÞ½U ðI; J Þ  U ðI  1; J Þ
Vertical velocity of mass a VCG ¼ 12 ½V ðI; J Þ þ V ðI; J  1Þ þ ð1  F ðI; J ÞÞ½V ðI; J  1Þ  V ðI; J Þ
center ðVCG Þ
b VCG ¼ 12 ½V ðI; J Þ þ V ðI; J  1Þ þ ð1  F ðI; J ÞÞ½V ðI; J Þ  V ðI; J  1Þ
c VCG ¼ V ðI;J ÞþV2 ðI;J1Þ
d VCG ¼ V ðI;J ÞþV2 ðI;J1Þ

2 Governing equations oF
þ ðmrÞF ¼ 0; ð3Þ
For viscous, Newtonian and incompressible fluids, the 2D
where F has a specific value in each scalar cell as
continuity and Navier–Stokes Equations (NSE) are:
follows. Specific technique must be used to discrete
rV ¼ 0 ð1Þ Eq. 3.
oV    8
þ ðVrÞV ¼ rp=q þ r m rV þ rV T þ B: ð2Þ >
ot <1 inside water
F¼ 0 inside air : ð4Þ
To model the free surface by VOF method, a step function >
of F(x, y, t) is used. This function is expressed as [20]: between 0 and 1 free surface cells

482 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

Table 2 Velocity calculation

Velocity Case Velocity of center gravity
for new arrangement in MYV
method Horizontal velocity of mass a UCG ¼ UðI; JÞ þ S3b ðU ðI  1; J Þ  U ðI; J ÞÞ
center ðUCG Þ
b UCG ¼ UðI; JÞ þ 3SðSr þ2S l
r þSl Þ
ðU ðI  1; J Þ  U ðI; J ÞÞ
c 4S2 þ4S2b 5St Sb
UCG ¼ UðI  1; JÞ þ 1  t 3ðSt þS bÞ
ðU ðI; J Þ  U ðI  1; J ÞÞ

d UCG ¼ UðI; JÞ þ 1  63 3ð1St Þ ð1Sl Þ
ð1St Þð1Sl Þ ðU ðI  1; J Þ  U ðI; J ÞÞ

Vertical velocity of mass a VCG ¼ VðI; JÞ þ 1  3 ðV ðI; J  1Þ  V ðI; J ÞÞ
center ðVCG Þ  
b 4S2 þ4S2r 5Sr Sl
VCG ¼ VðI; JÞ þ 1  l 3ðSl þS rÞ
ðV ðI; J  1Þ  V ðI; J ÞÞ
c VCG ¼ VðI; JÞ þ 3SðtSþ2S b
t þSb Þ
ðV ðI; J  1Þ  V ðI; J ÞÞ
d 3ð1St Þð1Sl Þð2þSl Þ
VCG ¼ VðI; JÞ þ 1  63ð1St Þð1Sl Þ ðV ðI; J  1Þ  V ðI; J ÞÞ

Fig. 4 Lid-driven cavity test:

a boundary condition, b induced

Fig. 5 Lid-driven cavity test, mesh independency for a Re = 100 and b 3,200

J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491 483

Fig. 6 Lid-driven cavity test, comparison between results of horizontal velocity of present model and those of Ghia et al. for a Re = 1,000,
b 10,000

Fig. 7 Lid-driven cavity test, comparison between results of vertical velocity of present model and those of Ghia et al. for a Re = 1,000,
b 10,000

The present method is explicit and first order in time,

3 Solution algorithm and stability criteria whereas the order of the space discretization depends on
the scheme used for the convective terms. The velocity
In this study, two-step projection method is used to solve field must satisfy the continuity equation. Therefore, taking
the time-dependent NSE. The governing equations are the divergence of Eq. 6, the Poisson’s equation for the
discretized on a Cartesian staggered grid system [9]. The pressure is obtained:
two-step advancement algorithm is used as: 1 ^
r2 Pnþ1 ¼ rU: ð7Þ
^  Un
¼ convn þ Diff n þ Bn ð5Þ At first, the intermediate velocity field is obtained by
Eq. 5. Then, the pressure distribution in the new time level
U nþ1  U n is obtained using Eq. 7. In this step, the new velocity field
¼ rPnþ1 : ð6Þ
Dt is calculated using Eq. 6. The position of the free surface is

484 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

then updated using VOF method. In this procedure, proper Uði; jÞdtdy if U ði; jÞdt\Fði; jÞdx
selection of Dt is very effective in the accuracy of final Fr ¼ : ð10Þ
Fði; jÞdxdy if U ði; jÞdt [ Fði; jÞdx
results. Therefore, time step was selected based on two
stability criteria as Courant and diffusion conditions, Other fluxes are estimated similarly. In the above
respectively, as follows [22]: formulas, the horizontal fluid particles velocity is
" ! !# assumed equal to cell face velocity (U(i,j)). While in
Dxi Dyj practice, they are varied between two neighboring cell
Dtc ¼ min min   ; min   ð8Þ
ui;j vi;j faces velocities (U(i,j) and U(i - 1,j) in cell (i,j)). In the
2 3 developed model, fluxes are estimated based on horizontal
and vertical velocities of fluid mass center (CG). Figure 1
16 1 7
Dtm ¼ 6  7: ð9Þ shows new arrangement of velocity in MFCT method.
2 4  1 2  1 2 5
me Dxi þ Dyj The new equations of velocity in the mass center are
presented in Table 2. For example, horizontal velocity of
Using the above-mentioned relationships, the time step particles in Fig. 1d is estimated as:
must be calculated to consider the smaller in the numerical 1
UCG ¼ ½U ði; jÞ þ U ði  1; jÞ þ ð1  F ði; jÞÞ
simulation. 2
 ½U ði; jÞ  U ði  1; jÞ  dt  dy: ð11Þ

4 Definition of new advection method Fluxes from cell faces are estimated using these new
velocities. For example, Eq. 10 is rewritten using Eq. 11
In solution procedure of governing equations, it is required as:
to store the velocity components. Staggered and collocated UCG ði; jÞdtdy if UCG ði; jÞdt\Fði; jÞdx
grids can be used to evaluate this problem. On staggered Fr ¼ : ð12Þ
Fði; jÞdxdy if UCG ði; jÞdt [ Fði; jÞdx
grids, the velocity components are stored at the cell faces
and the scalar variables such as pressure are stored at the
central nodes. However, on collocated grids, all parameters 6 Modified Youngs’ VOF method
are defined at the same location at the central nodes. The
staggered grids method gives more accurate pressure gra- Youngs’ method uses a more accurate interface recon-
dient estimation. However, collocated grids method is struction than FCT method. At first, estimation is made for
simpler for solving the equations [14]. Among developed the interface orientation b. The interface within a cell is
volume advection techniques, flux-corrected transport then approximated by a straight line segment with orien-
(FCT) and Youngs’ VOF (Y-VOF) are used in this tation b as shown in Fig. 2.
research. In these methods, free surface is tracked based on Free surface cuts the cell in such a way that the frac-
fluxes between two neighboring cells [13, 19]. In the tional fluid volume is given by F(i,j). The geometry of the
staggered grids, the velocity components are defined in the fluid resulting from this reconstruction is then used to
cell faces. Fluxes are then estimated using these velocity determine the fluxes through any side on which the velocity
components. Flux translation is estimated as volume of
fluid passed through the cell faces with constant velocities,
while the particles of fluid between two adjacent faces have η (cm ) MFCT methoad
different velocities. In this paper, new advection methods 6 MYV method
Nakayame and Washizu [28]
based on velocity in the mass gravity of fluid in a cell are
developed denoted by MFCT and MYV methods to 4
increase the accuracy of free surface simulation.

5 Modified flux-corrected transport method 0 2 4 6 8 10
In Zalesak’s FCT method, the interface is reconstructed using
a straight line parallel to one of the co-ordinate directions. It -4
is a direction-split algorithm during which only cell neigh- t (sec)
bors in the sweep direction are used to determine the inter-
face reconstruction. For example, the fluxes from right cell Fig. 8 Comparison between new models result and that of Nakayama
face (Fr) shown in Fig. 1d is estimated as: and Washizu [17]

J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491 485

Fig. 9 Numerical results of

advection test for validation of
VOF model a exact solution,
b Hirt–Nichols, c FCT,
d MFCT, e YV, f MYV

is directed out of the cell. For example, flux from right cell In the developed model, fluxes are calculated based on
face (Fr) in Fig. 3a can be estimated as: horizontal and vertical velocities of fluid cells mass center.
(   Figure 3 shows new arrangement of velocity in MYV
Uði; jÞdt 2  Uði;jÞdt Sr dy if Uði; jÞdt\Sb dx method.
Fr ¼ 2 S b dx :
Fði; jÞ  dx  dy if Uði; jÞdt [ Sb dx For example, fluxes from cell faces in Eq. 13 are esti-
ð13Þ mated using these new velocities as:

486 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

Fig. 10 Final shape of circle

after 2,000 steps forward and
then 2,000 steps backward for
different mesh sizes using YV
and MYV methods: a,
b NX = NY = 50; c, d
NX = NY = 100; e,
f NX = NY = 200

2  UCGSði;jÞdt 7 Model validation
2 UCG ði; jÞdt dx Sr dy if UCG ði; jÞdt\Sb dx
Fr ¼ b :
Fði; jÞ  dx  dy if UCG ði; jÞdt [ Sb dx To validate the modified models, a series of standard tests
ð14Þ such as lid-driven cavity, sloshing problem, constant uni-
The new equations of velocity in the mass center are directional velocity field, shear test and dam break over a
estimated using equations summarized in Tables 1 and 2. dry bed was carried out.

J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491 487

Fig. 11 Final shape of circle

after 2,000 steps forward and
then 2,000 steps backward for
different mesh numbers using
FCT and MFCT methods: a,
b NX = NY = 50; c,
d NX = NY = 100; e,
f NX = NY = 200

7.1 Lid-driven cavity side walls. Due to the simplicity of the cavity geometry,
applying a numerical method on this flow problem in terms
Lid-driven cavity is the fluid flow in a rectangular container of coding is quite easy and straight forward. Despite its
which moves tangentially to itself and parallel to one of the simple geometry, the driven cavity flow retains a rich fluid

488 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

Fig. 12 Results for shearing

field using YV and MYV
methods, respectively, and
NX = NY = 100: a, b After
1,000 steps forward; c, d After
2,000 steps forward; e, f After
2,000 steps forward and then
2,000 steps backward

flow physics manifested by multiple counter rotating figure shows the mesh size independency of the
recirculation regions on the corners of the cavity depending problem.
on the Reynolds number. The boundary condition and The model is then performed for various Reynolds
induced eddies are shown in Fig. 4. numbers in a range of 100–10,000. The results were
A sensitivity analysis is performed on mesh size. For compared with those of Ghia et al. [8]. For example, the
example, horizontal velocities for Re = 100 and 3,200 results for Re = 1,000 and 10,000 are presented in Figs 6
and for different mesh sizes are shown in Fig. 5. This and 7. The agreement between the results is good.

J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491 489

vertical velocities of 1 m/s toward the top right-hand cor-

ner of the computational domain. Figure 9 shows the fluid
position computed using the Hirt and Nichols, FCT, YV,
MFCT and MYV methods, for 0.7 s by 0.1 s time steps.
The computational time step in these calculations 1 
103 s yields a courant number of 0.1.
It is evident in these figures that the geometric shape of
the translated hollow square in modified models of MFCT
and MYM has not been improved relative to FCT and YM

Fig. 13 Dam breaking test, comparison of models’ results with that

8.2 Shear test, the Rudman vortex
of Martin and Moyce

The final advection test examined in this study employs a

Table 3 Comparison of SSE and SAE errors of different VOF
algorithms in dam break test non-uniform vorticity field with stretch and shear free
surface interfaces as fluid is translated through the com-
putational domain. A 2D computational domain with
SSE 0.67 0.48 0.25 0.15 dimensions of 3.1 9 3.1 m composed of Nx  Ny uni-
SAE 1.364 1.3 0.97 0.81 formly sized square cells is used in the shear test. The
velocity field is specified as:
U ðx; yÞ ¼ A sinðpxÞ cosðpyÞ ð15Þ
7.2 Sloshing problem
V ðx; yÞ ¼ A cosðpxÞ sinðpyÞ; ð16Þ
Sloshing of a liquid low amplitude wave under forced
which A equals 1 for first N computational time step, and
movement is another problem to test the interfacial flow
-1 for the second N time steps. The initial fluid geometry
solver. In this test, a rectangular tank with a width of 0.9 m
is a circle of radius 0.2 m. Time step is selected using
and a water depth of 0.6 m was exposed to a horizontal
courant number of 0.25 based on the maximum velocity
periodic sway motion as X ¼ 0:002 sinð5:5tÞ leading to
within the computational domain. A sensitivity analysis is
exciting acceleration as ax ¼ 0:0605 sinð5:5tÞ. The dis-
performed on the mesh sizes. The final shape of circle
placement of a node on the free surface in contact with
after 2,000 steps forward and then 2,000 steps backward
right-hand sidewall ðgÞ was calculated and compared with
for different mesh numbers is estimated using different
those of Nakayama and Washizu [17]. The results are
VOF methods. The results are presented in Figs. 10
presented in Fig. 8. The existence of a good agreement
and 11.
between results is evident.
The results show that the present methods improve the
results relative to original ones for coarse grids. But they
have the same accuracy for fine grids. The results in three
8 Numerical results
steps for NX = NY = 100 and for YV and MYV methods
are presented in Fig. 12.
Herein, VOF solvers are validated by different volume-
tracking schemes using standard tests.
8.3 Dam break over a dry bed
8.1 Constant, unidirectional velocity field
Another test problem used for free surface case is the
The simplest test involves advection of a geometric shape collapse of water column over a dry bed. This problem was
in the computational domain. In this test, the geometric first studied and used as benchmark by the developers of
shape should remain intact, and total amount of the fluid SOLA-VOF [18]. It is a very useful benchmark providing
within the region should be conserved. The test examined extreme conditions to assess the numerical stability as well
here is a hollow box being translated by a uniform constant as the capability of the model to treat the free surface
velocity field. This is chosen to highlight the problem problem. In this test, a square computational domain with a
existing in some recent methods [7]. The 2D Cartesian length and height of 22.8 cm is set. A water column with
region shown in Fig. 9 has dimension of 1 m 9 1 m and is the width of L = 5.7 cm and height of 2L is assumed at the
composed of equally sized cells. A square fluid blocks of left of the computational domain surrounded by walls with
dimensions 0.1 9 0.1 m move with equal horizontal and no-slip boundary condition. The spatial step sizes in the

490 J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. (2013) 35:479–491

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