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2022 – 2023

Teacher's name: Lic. Leticia Guerra Grade: 3ro “D” B.G.U

Name: Gallardo Joseph Date: 22/12/2022


1. Title of the film

The title of the movie is "The Help".

2. Setting
2.1 Place

The film was produced in the United States.

2.2 Time

The movie came out in the 1960.

3. Plot
3.1 Conflict

The problem of social classes is approached from an approach that could have been
that of the servants who worked for white-skinned people in times of greater racial
discrimination, two positions are appreciated: a positivist position on the part of
whites, and another that is the Marxist position of the reporter and the maids.

3.2 Climax

The scene that I liked the most was when a young woman with strong ideas and
desire to be a journalist. Seeking to be hired by an important newspaper, the girl
agrees to write an anonymous column about cleaning, although her real objective
was to get some time to talk to the maids and thus make her point of view about the
reality of that moment known.

3.3 Resolution

Aibileen confronts Sloping, who breaks away and goes on a rampage. and Elizabeth
orders Aibileen to leave, Aibileen says goodbye to Mae Mobley and begs Elizabeth
to give her little girl a chance, as Elizabeth begins to cry. Aibileen considers the
experience and discovers the bottom line, looking to her own future as an author.

4. Characters
4.1 main characters

The main characters are: Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter

4.1.1 physical features

The characteristics that the characters present are, their skin color, one was
white and the other was black, and the color of their eyes.

4.1.2 psychological features

The psychological characteristics is that one had a slavery mentality and the
other is that they had a freedom thought.

4.2 secondary characters

The secondary characters are: Hilly Holbrook, Elizabeth Leefot and Celia Foote.

4.2.1 physical features

The physical characteristics that he had is that his skin tone is white and light

4.2.2 psychological features

The psychological characteristics they have are that one is very racist and the
other is very friendly with his maid.

5. main character evolution

The evolution of the main character is that she started in a house as a maid so she
could get information about how people treated the maids, and she started
collecting information so she could work and be a great journalist and get hired by a
big journalist company. After everything that happened, she seems like a great

6. Viewpoint

- The story of The Help places us in the southern town of Jackson, Mississippi, to
show us how the aspiring journalist Skeeter (Emma Stone), seeks the complicity
of two black servants, who work and are denigrated by white families, to get
their light the moral poverty and impropriety in American society of the time.

- It also seems very important to me as a girl despite what people lived at that
time, I was able to see the level of recism that existed and the constant abuse by
the white spersoans.

7. Summary

Kathryn Stockett narrates in a concrete way but without much exaggeration, or lies,
but with honesty and sincerity through the mouths of perfectly defined characters,
life in Jackson, Mississippi, a town or city in the southern United States, where the
slavery, contempt or racism towards black people and whites who defended them
were frowned upon. History that narrates the conflict of white power over black, the
peaceful uprising of African-Americans to be recognized and considered that
although happily in this it is less but has not disappeared.
It also presents three main protagonists, who are the ones who narrate the main
events themselves: two are African-American domestic workers, or black as they
were called in those days who work for white women, and a young white woman
who wants to do something with his life.
And three secondary protagonists who are white who are the bosses with their
respective characteristics, one of whom Aibileen works for, one of whom is a poor
white woman who does not know how to behave or dress, rejected by the women of
the town and for whom Minny works. ( 185 words )

8. Vocabulary

- Approached: to put close to something or someone

- Greater: you have many more experiences
- Marxist: is the one who fundamentally shares the theories or methodology of Marx
- Happily: is to be happy

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