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University education plays a significant role in anyone's life.

Many people got success in their life without tertiary

learning. In my opinion, higher education is compulsory to achieve success in life. This essay will put the light on my

First of all, universities are home of knowledge and talent. In universities, students meet with other intelligent and
talented students, which helps them to grasp their knowledge and way of study. Moreover, university learning leads to
the overall development of students by organizing various extra curriculum activities. It boosts their confidence and
prepare them for various aspects of life. To illustrate, an article published in 2016, in Times of India, showed that
successful people have more impressive personality than others because they are also good in other part of life.

Secondly, in universities, students can take help from their teachers. Teachers have sheer knowledge and observation.
They can teach to solve any complex problem by their techniques and experience in a simpler way. Furthermore, in
universities, students make friends, which help them in their coming life. To demonstrate, if one of your friend is in
higher post, he can help you in your future life to solve your problems related to their past.

In contrast, self studying students' research a lot to solve their problem, which results in the increase of their
knowledge. Although, it is time consuming, but they become expert in their subject and get success. Thomas Edison
and Michal Faraday are successful people who did not pursue a university education, but they contributed in the world

In conclusion, university education is not only paramount for people's future, but it is also crucial for the country's
Having higher schooling from university plays a brighter role in person future and this thing is popular currently in
the world. But, there are countable successful people, who didn't get higher study. From my perspective higher
education is as vital as anything else to be successful in life. And my position is argued further.

To begin with, some groups of folk said that higher education is not important to be successful. In that case, if
someone is popular in their fields doesn't mean they did all the hard work but there are some educated people who
helped them to be in that position. For instance, the most popular platforms like Instagram or WhatsApp in that
business there are engineers who designed codes to work properly in that application and even regular checking of the
data and perfection which only maintained by IT technicians. Hence, they are successful in life but this is all because of
people who did higher studies.

Besides this, while having an idea doesn't mean anybody can make anything but for ,that you need to have skills and
knowledge and that will be only achieved by higher study. For example, the Ubar cab maker does have an idea and
they did start a smaller start-up through 20 cars but they provide their position to the engineer to run and grow that
business while he stayed down for some time until are they popular worldwide. So having knowledge and but for
perfect implication is always comes from studies.

Thus to conclude that having higher education in the current time is much needed because having that skills and
degree on your side means someone definitely feels your value even successful ones too.
In recent years, the significance of higher education has seen a long-term gradual increase. While some people claim
that it is a mandatory step in each persons' life, others argue that there is a multitude of examples, where people can
succeed without passing it. I totally believe that in order to be successful, a person should finish university, and the
following essay will examine my point of view.

To begin with, one predominant factor which contributes to the beneficial aspects of higher education is that many
companies still rely on diploma while searching for a new employee or promoting an existing one. To put it differently,
the information about people's background is the mandatory field in each resume's template, and this is the point of
consideration for management staff as well. To illustrate this , Intel corporation does not allow to hire and promote
people without university's background, so the only option for those is to work as an intern. As a result, it is impossible
to build a brilliant career and gain more money for these humans and consequently to succeed in their life.

In addition, nowadays, a variety of corporations have shifted their emphasis to multinational strategies, and they tend
to organise business trips for their employees, who must have a business visa. In other words, it has become one of
the major requirement for many companies to build a relationship with their partners or clients overseas, that is why it
is important for them to have a staff with a possibility to relocate easily, but the process of the visa obtaining depends
on the educational history as well. As a case in point, the Australian business visa is available only for those who got
higher education, and it is immediately rejected in case there is no information about a diploma. Thus, another
limitation takes place for a person who did not finish university on his way to succeed.

In conclusion, the tendency towards higher education's popularity and importance is all too familiar nowadays.
Whereas there are cases where people could build a brilliant career in their life without this step, I think that is
mandatory to get a diploma. Due to the fact that in order to be promoted or hired for a company, it is still significant
to have higher education, it is extremely difficult to be successful in life without this.
It is considered by some that to be successful in life it is necessary to have a higher education. However, there are
people who do not have a university education but are successful. In my opinion, higher education is not the most
relevant because many celebrities and businessmen have succeeded in life.

On the one hand, education can help us to triumph in life, because there are who have become succeded in life being
a good professional with an excellent career. Owing to university education, there are succeded scientists and the
major discoveries have to be for theirs. Although It can be mentioned scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Marie Curie
or Albert Einstein,I believe, is not the most important because there are those who have a great life without studies.

On the other hand, other people believe that it to need special skills to have a successful life and I agree.Likewise,
there are many businessmen and big leaders successfully live in the world without education but their skills as
responsibility and decisiveness make to have a good life. For instance, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Walt Disney have
achieved carry a successfully life without a higher university degree.

In conclusion, it can be seen that despite there are people who are successful with higher studies, there are who can
to become succeded without university studies and for this reason, I believe is not the most important and necessary
go to the university because if people have special skills, they could carry a successfully life.

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