Scary Short Films

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195_ttm_revista_ar_Maquetación 1 05/09/16 09:07 Page 19

Age: A1 Age: Teenagers


Bogeyman Lights Out - Who Is There?

Before watching Before watching
A) Discuss as a group. When you were very little, were
you afraid of…
A) When the lights are out at night, we typically pay
attention to every sound in the house, in the street, in
1) …ghosts? 2) … the bogeyman?
4) … big animals?
3) … the dark?
5) … getting lost?
the garden.
In your case, what do you hear?
6) … villains? 7) … monsters under the bed?
8) ……………….? (complete it if necessary)
-The clock ticking.
-A door opening/closing. o
-Dogs barking.
B) Watch the short film at: -Crickets chirping. Stop at 1:55. -The neighbours’ chatting.
-Others: ……………………………………… o
After Watching
C) Memory game. In pairs, tick what you can see in the
kid’s bedroom. Then, watch the video a second time to
B) Watch Lights out - Who is there? at:
check your answers. (Again, stop at 1:55)
C) Complete the sentences with words from the box.
-poster -television -window
-newspaper -dinosaur -CD
bed - frightening - lamp - light - figure - woman a
-lamp -magazine -car
-(wooden) ant
-superhero 1) The woman turns off the light and sees a .................................... b
2) When the ............. turns on the ....................., the figure is gone.
-DVD player
-bed 3) She leaves the lights on and goes to .............................................. l
-plane 4) The ............................'s light starts going on and off, on and
off. e
D) Put the sequence of events in order. 5) There is an ugly and ..............................spectre next to her bed.
1) The mother hits it and runs downstairs with the boy.
2) A scary monster appears next to the boy. D) Choose one option.
3) The mother checks how the boy is doing. 1) What do you think about the film? Did you find it…
4) Then, she washes the dishes. a) terrifying? / not scary?
5) The house transforms. It turns black. b) foreseeable? / unpredictable?
6) As she tries to open the front door, the boy looks back. c) fascinating? / disgusting?

E) Watch the end of The Bogeyman. Answer the

1) What happens to the child?
2) What will happen next?

answer: The bogeyman takes the boy’s heart/soul. Lights Out - Who Is There? C) 1) figure, 2) woman – light, 3) bed, 4) lamp, 5) frightening.
apart, 6) T; Bogeyman C) poster, lamp, bear, shelf, dinosaur, ant, window, car, books, superhero, bed, plane, door; D) 3), 4), 2), 1), 6), 5), E) 1) Possible
Key: Salina Turda D) 1) b), 2) c), 3) a, 4) a), E) 1) T, 2) T, 3) F, The button is red, 4) F, The lights go off, 5) F, He drinks another soda and everything falls 19

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