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Manalo, Katherine C.

November 3, 2023

Assignment 2 : Cell Structure and Function

Answer the following. Cite your references.

1. What is Cell?
• Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. It performs vital tasks, gives the
body structure, and absorbs nutrients from food.

2. What are the differences of plant cell to other cells?

• A plant cell has a square or rectangular shape while the animal cells have an irregular
or round shape. Plant cells comprise a large central vacuole that occupies most of the
volume and makes the cell larger. It has cell wall, specialized plastids, and
chloroplasts since it needs to perform photosynthesis.

3. Draw the structure of a plant cell, label its parts and give the function/s of each part.
• Cell Wall – a rigid layer located outside the cell membrane which protects and
provide structural support to the cell.
• Cell Membrane – semi-permeable membrane present within the cell wall. It regulates
entry and exit of specific substances within the cell.
• Nucleus – stores DNA or hereditary information required for cell division, metabolism
and growth.
• Plastids – necessary to store starch and to carry out the process of photosynthesis
• Central Vacuole – sustain turgor pressure against the cell wall or storage
• Golgi Apparatus – involved in distributing synthesized macromolecules to various
parts of the cell
• Ribosomes – comprise of RNA and protein; they are sites for protein synthesis (also
referred to as protein factories of the cell)
• Mitochondria – provides energy by breaking down carbohydrate and sugar molecules
• Endoplasmic Reticulum
a. Soft ER - used for creation and storage of lipids and steroids
b. Rough ER – transports, modifies, and packages proteins for delivery

o Admin. (2023c, October 5). Difference Between Plant and Animal Cell Are Explained In
Detail. BYJUS.
o Plant vs animal cells review (article) | Khan Academy. (n.d.-b). Khan Academy.
o Admin. (2023c, August 23). Plant Cell - Definition, Structure, Function, Diagram &
Types. BYJUS.

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