White Fang

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White Fang

Part 3

Chapter 1-3:
The cub comes upon Indian Village. The residents saw him and they laughed. The cub was afraid because he felt the power of
that men. He bared his teeth and others laughed at his white fangs. And that’s how He got his name. He bit one of the men and
they started kicking him. He was crying for help until his mother arrived. They recognized the mother – it was a Kiche. Kiche
was a Gray Beaver wolf, one of the men from village. She tied her and pet her and White fang . White fang was afraid at first,
but he realized that he is not in danger. Men are the makers and the keepers of laws and justice.
Lip-Lip was the first enemy of the White fang. It was the another dog, slightly older and stronger than new cub. He destroyed his
pride and he was so angry about it that he threw himself at the fire. He burnt his tongue and nose. Days passed and White fang
never actually learned how to play with other dogs. His mother was sold to a Three Eagles. He couldn’t take it so He chased her
until Gray Beaver came and beat him to near death. Now, everybody wants to kill White fang. He can only run to the woods or
fight to the death. All of the camp, besides Gray Beaver, attacked WF. He started living as an outcast.

Chapter 4-6:
In the Fall, village packed themselves to go hunting. Fang decided to stay behind. He was left alone one night. Feeling lonely and
hungry, he started chasing and searching for his people in the morning. He found Gray Beaver, and by his choice, he became a
dog. In December, Gray Beaver decided to travel to Mackenzie by sled. Fang was in the formation. They were placed one after
another, so the first one is always chased by others. Fang had the chance to become a leader, but he was more like a savage and
tyrant than a leader. Fang realized that Gray Beaver has a little affection to him. He let him attack a boy that attacked him. Fang
also learned to defend human property against enemies. In the spring they returned to the village where fang met new dogs. They
respected him. In the summer Fang met his mother again, but she was hostile to him. Fang was left with confusion. Fang was
formed to a wolfish dog. Famine came again and He left the village to go into the woods. There, he found and killed Lip Lip .
after some time, he came back.

Part 4

Chapter 1-3:
Fang became vicious. Mit sah placed him at the front pack. When he was not around, all other dogs attacked Fang and he fought
back. Grey Beaver couldn’t believe that there is someone as vicious as Fang. When Fang was five, Beaver took him to the
Yukon. Fang became master in fighting, he couldn’t lose to any wolf or dog. It was summer of 1898, so called Gold Rush. After
selling all of the fur that beaver had, he made a thousand percent profit. Fang saw white man for the first time and he felt
superiority over Indians but they didn’t have strong dogs. He met Beauty, a beast of a human and Fang felt that. He wanted him
but beaver didn’t want to sell him. So Beauty tricked him with an alcohol and made him repay with a Fang. He tried to escape
from Beauty and go back to Beaver several times, but he ended up in a chains. He became fighting dog. Everybody was betting
on him. He expressed his hatred of Beauty on dogs in cage. He also killed Lynx

Chapter 4-6
Cherokee and Fang was 1 on 1. Bulldog versus wolf. Fang was faster but bulldog had thicker fur and skin. Cherokee grabbed the
chance and sink his teeth into Fang’s throat. When Fang started dying, two men came to separate two beasts. They paid Beauty
around 150 dollars for Fang. Two men were Scott, mining expert, and Matt the dog musher. He attacked Matt first and Scott
wanted to kill Fang but Matt stopped him. After that Fang attacked Scott. Matt grabbed the gun but Scott stopped him. Fang
knew what is the meaning of the gun, so he went to hide. Scott and Matt decided to try again. The next day, Scott was finally able
to pet Fang. Dog felt kindness for the first time. He got very close to Scott. One night, men heard someone crying outside. IT
was a Beauty trying to kidnap Fang.

Part 5

Chapter 1-2
White fang felt something is wrong – Scott is preparing for a trip. He is going back to California, but without fang. He locked up
Fang on the day he went for a boat. Dog started crying and howling in the dark house, but he managed to escape and chase for his
master. On the boat, Scott realized he can’t leave this type of love, so he decided to bring fang with him. Fang was very confused,
because he has never seen cars, buildings and that many people on one place. They went to the house outside of city. He saw
Scott hugging someone and started barking out of the fear. Sheep dog attacked him but he didn’t attack back because she was
female. He also saved deer-hound’s life.
Chapter 3-5:
White fang was slowly adapting to this type of life. Deer-hound stopped attacking him, and Collie started being friendly. He
learnt that he must be kind to children, must respect all of the house members , but he couldn’t help with chickens. One night he
killed 50 chickens. He made a bet with Judge Scott. Scott will lock wolf with the chickens. For every killed chicken, he will get
one coin, but for every 10 minutes without killing chicken, Judge must say that he is the smartest dog. Judge said that 16 times.
One day, In the forest, Scott fell off the horse and broke his leg. Fang went to the porch to find help. In that moment he felt that
he became part of the family . Collie became her mate. About this time, Jim Hall has escaped the prison. Judge sentenced him to
prison and he wanted to eliminate his entire family. He would do it if Fang wasn’t on watch. Jim shot Fang, but smart wolf
survived and killed the prisoner. They called the ambulance, and after few days, dog was alright. And that’s the end of this story

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