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The two pie charts provide information about the proportion of

water which was consumed and the income generated by the same
aspects/segmentations/categories in 2014.

The two given pie charts clearly detail the comparison of

agricultural water consumption and corresponding income
generated by the same sectors in 2014.
the amount of water which was consumed = water consumption
The number of cars which were produced = car production
aspects/segmentation/categories: phan nhom, hang muc

Overall, it is clear that though the category of livestock used the
most water, it generated the least income, while rice growers used
the least amount of water, yet accounted for a considerable share
of income.

Chiem %: accounted for, occupied, to be responsible for,
constituted, comprised of.

To begin, the large proportion of water was used in livestock
production at over a third (36%). However, this sector only
produced a mere fraction of 5% of total income in the agriculture.
Fruit growers accounted for 21% of the total water usage and
generated the greatest proportion of income in the industry, 36%.
In terms of dairy production, dairy farmers’ shares of water usage
and the income they produced were relatively similar/ close, at
19% and 21% in turn.

share of water usage = the proportion of water which was consumed.
Share of income = the percentage of income
5% = a mere fraction
<3% = a negligible fraction
8%-10%: a slight fraction
>90%: an overwhelming proportion = almost= virtually= the
majority of + noun (dd) + most of + noun (dd, ko dd).

The remaining three agricultural sectors had relatively low water

consumption, with rice growers using 5%, sugar producers 10%
and all the other agricultural businesses 9%. The shares of income
they produced were, however, very different, with “rice”
accounting for 19%, while the earnings of sugar growers and
businesses classified as “Other” were 10% and 9% respectively.

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