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Summative Topics

Summative will be in the next week.... Revise the given topics:

1.The Conquest of Makkah
2.The Conquest
3. Cleansing of Ka’aba (Read only for True/False)
4. The Battle of Hunain
Questions, (Examples for Fill in the blanks) and
True/False are attached)

Q2. Fill in the blanks
• The Conquest of Makkah is the greatest event in _______MUSLIM____

• _______________BANU BAKAR______, with the help of Quraish attacked

the tribe of _BANU KHUZAH_________________.

• He laid down three ________CONDATIONS________ before the Quraish.

• Immediately, they decided to send ____ABU SUFIYAN__________ to

Madina for a renewal of the treaty.

• On the _________________, after full preparation, the Prophet (PBUH)

leading an army of _____________ left for Makkah.

• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself entered the city reciting _____________ (Victory).

• The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was a messenger of peace for all ___MANKIND__________.

• It was more a conquest of _____HEARTS_____ and _____MINDS______
then a city.

• There were _____MORE THEN 360___________ idols present inside the


• After the conquest, Prophet stayed in ____MAKKAH________ for

_____2_______ weeks.

Q3. True or False

• The messenger of Allah was keen to enter Makkah without any bloodshed.
(T / F)

• On the 18th Ramazan, the Muslim army arrived outside Makkah. (T/ F)

• The world has never seen a better example of tolerance and forgiveness. (T /

• The Ka’aba was issued after the Battle of Badr. ( T/ F)

• After the Ka’aba was cleared and purified, the Prophet (PBUH) asked Hazrat
Umar R.A. to call the Azaan. (T / F)

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