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Units 1 and 2

Complete these phrasal verbs

1. Our house is old and doesn’t look good any more. I would like to [DO] it [UP] and make it look better
2. The long journey back from my holidays has really [WORN] me [OUT]
3. My mother asked my to [PICK] [UP] her dress from the cleaners on my way home.
4. If you [GO] [ON] making so much noise, your neghbours will call the police.
5. After a short break to have something to eat, I decided i really had to [GET] [ON] [WITH] my work.
6. There was such a lot of mess after the party that it took us two hours to [CLEAR] [UP]
7. I would like to [SUM][UP] the economic situation in two words. Very worrying.
8. If you can’t think of the answer, then [MAKE] one [UP]. You never know. You could be right.
9. Haven’t you ever played this new videogame? Would you like to [HAVE] a [GO]?
10. My grandfather decided to [TAKE][UP] playing golf when he retired.

Find the adjectives for these definitions

11. A person who takes his or her work very seriously isn’t lazy [HARD]-[WORKING]
12. Someone who is always saying bad things about someone or something [CRITICAL]
13. Someone who has everything in the correct place and is tidy [ORGANISED]
14. Someone you can’t depend on to do what they say they’ll do [UNRELIABLE]
15. Someone who acts in an adult way [MATURE]
16. Someone who is very sure of themselves [SELF]-[CONFIDENT]

Make these adjectives negative

13. Polite [IMPOLITE]

14. Responsible [IRRESPONSIBLE]
15. Enthusiastic [UNENTHUSIASTIC]
16. Reasonable [UNREASONABLE]
17. Sensitive [INSENSITIVE]
18. Concerned [UNCONCERNED]

For these two questions choose the sentence A,B,C, D or E to fit the gap

19. Are you convinced that a year abroad is for you, but you’re worried that your parents will let you do it?
[C]. Explain that studying abroad is a chance of a lifetime and that it offers great academic opportunities.

20. Besides the excitement of travel, you will experience new customs, holidays, foods, art, music, and
politics firsthand. [A]. This is because your viewpoint will be of an active member of the community, not
as a tourist.

A But perhaps more importantly, the different circumstances mean you will learn a lot not only about
cultures and people but also about yourself.
B What could give you more self-confidence than that?
C Use some of the points of view that sold you on the idea to explain why you want to study
D You will have forgotten any doubts you once had at your decision,
E You could join a study program abroad, where high-school and college students live with a host
family in a foreign country.

Present perfect simple or continuous?

21. I HAVE VISITED (visit) this monument 3 times in my life. Once when I was a child and twice since I got
22. I haven’t seen John all day. He HAS BEEN STUDYING (study) in his room for the last five hours.
23. What HAS HAPPENED (happen) to your face? You have a cut on you nose.
24. HAVE YOU SEEN (see) the new ‘Batman’ film yet?
25. John’s French is very good yet. He HASN’T BEEN STUDYING (not, study) very long.
26. Henry, this is Julia! She HAS JUST JOINED (just, join) the company and she’ll be working with you.

Collocations with Make or do

27. Don’t worry about the exam. You can only DO your best
28. Carla dropped a bottle of olive oil and she really MADE a mess
29. If you want more qualifications, you could DO an advanced course if you have time
30. I’ve almost finished tidying my room. All I have to do now is MAKE my bed
31. Try not to MAKE a noise if you get home late tonight.

Comparatives and superlatives

32. John is 1.8m tall and Peter is 1.55m. John is much TALLER THAN Peter
33. John is 1.8m tall and Peter is 1.55m. Peter isn’t AS TALL as Peter
34. John is 1.8m tall and Peter is 1.55m Peter is LESS TALL than Peter
35. Of all the rivers is in the world, the River Nile, in Egypt, is THE LONGEST.
36. Out of Barcelona, Madrid and Ciudad Real, Barcelona is THE FURTHEST (far) from Málaga.
37. Only the students who study the HARDEST (hard) will pass this exam.
38. Of all the student’s in the class, Peter is THE MOST-HARD WORKING (hard-working). He never does his
homework and sleeps in class
39. John doesn’t speak English nearly AS WELL AS (good) he writes it.

Adjectives ING or ED

40. The manager was extremely (disappoint) DISAPPOINTED with John’s progress as a trainee.
41. The climb to the top of the mountain pass was extremely (tire) TIRING for the whole family
42. The history class on the the first inhabitants of Portugal was (bore) BORING
43. John couldn’t find his clothes when he came out of the river after a swim. He found it most (embarrass)

More adjectives to describe activities and situations

44. It surpises you incredibly [ASTONISHING]

45. It makes you feel very very tired [EXHAUSTING]
46. It needs you to make a great effort [DEMANDING]
47. It takes a lot of your time [TIME]-[CONSUMING]
48. It’s pleasing and makes you feel good [DELIGHTFUL]
49. It’s terrible and makes you feel bad [DREADFUL]
Unit 3

Past Simple or Past Continuous or Used to

There (50) USED TO BE (be) a church at the end of the road, but it has been demolished now, so could
take the short route through to my street. When I (51) GOT (get) home I (52) WENT (go) straight to my
bedroom and (53) FELL (fall) on my bed. While I (54) WAS LYING (lie) there, my mobile phone (55)
RANG (ring) and I answered it. It was a girl I (56) USED TO GO OUT (go out) with when I was a
teenager, but we hadn’t seen each other for ages.

Make the past participle

57. Occur OCCURRED

58. Happen HAPPENED
59. Plan PLANNED
61. Try TRIED

Travel, Journey, Trip or Way

62. My father has gone away on a business TRIP to Manchester

63. Could you buy some bread on your WAY home from work, please?
64. I’d like to go to South America one day but the JOURNEY is so long I keep delaying it.
65. Hope you have a nice TRIP to Paris and see lots of famous sites.
66. His mother said goodbye at the station and said she hope he would have a pleasant JOURNEY and that it
wouldn’t be too uncomfortable on the train.

Past perfect simple or past perfect continuous

When I got to the house the others (67) ALREADY LEFT (already, leave) to go to the party. When I
caught up with them they said that they (68) HAD BEEN WAITING (wait) for me for over an hour and that
finally they (69) HAD GOT (get) bored. I explained to them that I (70) HAD BEEN WORKING (work) all
day at the office and I (71) HAD MISSED (miss) the bus because my boss (72) HAD INSISTED (insist)
that I finished the report for him. I (73) HAD ONLY BEEN WORKING (only,work) with the company for a
few weeks, so I had to do what he said.
Anyway, when I got to the party, most of the people (74) HAD BEEN DANCING (dance) all night and they
were already tired of it, which was OK because I didn’t feel like dancing either as I (75) HADN’T
BROUGHT (not, bring) the right shoes.

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