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Practice for making Match Plate Pattern

Submitted By:

Ahmad Hassan (2021-mm-23)

Rao umair (2021-mm-13)
Muhammad zain (2021-mm-

Submitted To:

Suleman Habib


The main aim of this experiment is to create mold cavity by match plate is to facilitate efficient
and repeatable casting production by ensuring consistent mold cavity dimensions and geometry.
Speeding up the molding process by using a standardized, two-part mold pattern. Reducing labor
and setup time, resulting in cost-effective and high-quality castings.

Match plate pattern:

A match plate pattern is a type of pattern used in foundry operations for creating sand molds in
metal casting. It consists of a two-part pattern mounted on a single plate, known as the match
plate. The two parts, often referred to as cope and drag patterns, are positioned on opposite sides
of the match plate and correspond to the top and bottom halves of the mold.

The match plate design streamlines the molding process by ensuring consistent mold cavity
dimensions and geometry, reducing the time and labor needed to create molds for casting. This
efficiency makes it especially suitable for high-volume production of complex or repetitive
castings. Match plate patterns are commonly used in foundries to improve productivity and
maintain casting quality standards. Gating systems are almost always attached to the plate.

Advantages of match plate pattern:

1. Consistency: Match plate patterns ensure consistent mold dimensions and geometry, resulting
in uniform castings. This consistency is crucial for meeting product specifications and quality

2. Efficiency: The two-part pattern design (cope and drag) simplifies the mold-making process.
It reduces labor and setup time, enabling faster mold production and higher productivity, making
it ideal for high-volume casting operations.
3. Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing labor, material waste, and rework, match plate patterns lead
to cost savings in foundry operations. The initial investment in match plates pays off with
increased efficiency and reduced production costs.

4. Precision and Accuracy: These patterns are often machined or produced with great precision,
resulting in accurate molds. This precision helps avoid defects and casting errors, improving the
overall quality of the cast products.

5. Repeatability: Match plate patterns are ideal for repetitive casting requirements. Once the
pattern is created, it can be used consistently for multiple casting runs, ensuring that each casting
closely matches the previous ones.

6. Quality Control: The consistency provided by match plate patterns simplifies quality control
processes. It becomes easier to identify and rectify any issues in the mold-making stage, leading
to higher overall quality in castings.

7. Minimized Setup Time: Switching between different casting jobs is faster with match
plate patterns compared to traditional patterns. This minimizes downtime and facilitates
production scheduling.

Materials required:

 Flask: A two-part container used to hold and shape the molding sand. It typically
consists of a drag flask (bottom part) and a cope flask (top part).

 Molding Sand: The type of sand used may vary depending on the casting process
(e.g., green sand, resin-bonded sand, or other specialty sands).

 Parting Powder: A material applied to the pattern and flask surfaces to prevent
sticking and aid in pattern separation.

 Rammer: A tool used to compact the molding sand around the pattern to create the
mold cavity.

 Sprue Pin: A pin or rod used to create a channel (sprue) for pouring the molten
metal into the mold.

 .Measuring Tools: Calipers, rulers, or other measuring instruments are essential

for ensuring accurate dimensions and alignment of the match plate pattern.
 Safety Equipment: Personal protective equipment, including safety glasses, gloves, and
dust masks, is important to protect workers from potential hazards associated with
casting and mold making.


 We prepared the molding sand according to our requirement.

 The sand was firmly packed into both the cope and drag sections of the molding
flask until it achieved the desired strength, which is done by hammer and roller.
 Parting sand was evenly distributed over both the cope and drag sections.
 We gently placed the match-plate pattern onto the molded sand in the drag section of
the molding flask.
 The cope part of the molding flask was positioned above the match-plate pattern
and securely fastened.
 We compacted the sand on both sides, and later, the cope part was removed.
 Finally, we shaped the mold cavity on the end where the molten metal would be poured.

Safety precautions:

 Wear lab coat.

 Wear gloves
 Wear glasses.
 Wear close shoes

Following is the image of mold formed by match-plate pattern in casting as a result;
After performing experiment, we get a smooth mold cavity of our required shape and dimension,
which is ready for pouring. Because if mold cavity is smooth, our final casting product will have
smooth surface which is beneficial.

Risk and hazards during mold making and casting:

Risk Analysis: Identifying potential risks, such as exposure to high temperatures, heavy machinery
operation, and manual handling of materials, helps in understanding the likelihood and impact of
accidents or errors during mold production.

Hazard Analysis: Hazard analysis focuses on recognizing specific dangers within the foundry, such as
molten metal spills, dust exposure, or equipment malfunctions. This analysis informs safety protocols
and protective measures.

category of risks:
Risk category is the process of assessing and categorizing risks based on their severity and likelihood to
prioritize them for mitigation or management. It helps organizations focus resources on addressing the
most critical and impactful risks first.

In a foundry lab when making molds with match plate patterns, there are several risks and
hazards to be aware of:

 Chemical Hazards: The foundry process often involves the use of various chemicals such
as binders, coatings, and other molding materials, which can be hazardous if not handled

 Heat and Burns: Molten metal is used in the casting process, which can cause severe burns
if there's accidental contact with it.
 Dust and Fumes: Sand and other materials used for molding can create dust, and the
melting of metal can produce fumes that may pose respiratory hazards.

 Noise: Foundry operations can be noisy, potentially causing hearing damage to workers if
proper protection isn't used.

 Heavy Equipment and Lifting: Moving and handling heavy molds, match plates, and
castings can lead to musculoskeletal injuries if not done with proper equipment and

 Machine Hazards: The machinery used in foundries, including sand mixers and
molding machines, can pose risks if safety procedures aren't flowing

To overcome these hazards and risks:

1. Training and Education: Properly train and educate all personnel on safe working
procedures, the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and how to handle

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Ensure that all workers have and use appropriate
PPE, such as heat-resistant clothing, gloves, safety glasses, and respiratory protection.

3. Ventilation and Dust Control: Implement effective ventilation systems and dust control
measures to minimize exposure to harmful fumes, dust, and airborne contaminants.

4. Safe Equipment Operation: Regularly inspect and maintain machinery to ensure they're in
good working condition. Follow safe operating procedures, and use machine guards when

5. Ergonomics and Lifting Training: Provide training on proper lifting techniques and use
lifting equipment when handling heavy objects.

6. Emergency Response Plan: Have a well-defined emergency response plan in place to deal
with accidents, fires, or chemical spills.

7. Regular Safety Inspections: Conduct regular safety inspections and audits to identify and
address potential hazards.

8. First Aid and Medical Facilities: Ensure that first aid facilities are readily available and that
personnel are trained in basic first aid procedures.

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