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Topic India and Asia (Work sheet 1)

Grade 7

subject Geography

Prepared by Aida Hepzibah

I. Fill in the blanks:

1) The Aral Sea was once the world’s fourth largest lake.

2) The Gobi Desert has hot summers and very cold winters.

3) Verkhoyansk in Russia has world’s greatest temperature range.

4) The Yangtze is Asia’s longest river.

5) Much of the south and east of Asia is volcanic.

6) Asia has 49 countries.

7) China is world’s biggest exporter of clothing.

8) Over half of the world’s oil comes from Saudi Arabia.

9) Turkey and Russia are the only two countries that lie in both Europe and Asia.

10) India has a monsoon climate.

11) Cherrapunji is said to be the world’s wettest place.

II. Answer the following:

1) Describe the physical features of Asia.

Much of the land is barren, with vast, empty deserts and remote treeless plains.
The Himalayan mountains form a massive barrier between the heat of India to
the south and the cold of Tibet to the north. The range is permanently snow-
capped. The world’s highest peak, Mount Everest is located here.
2) Where are the world’s most fertile plains and valleys found in Asia?
Some of the world’s most fertile plains and valleys, particularly along the
great rivers such as the Mekong,Yangtze, Indus and Ganges.
3) What is called the ‘Ring of Fire’?
Volcanoes erupt so often on the rim of land and the islands around the Pacific
that the region is called ‘the Ring of Fire’.
4) How are the Himalayas formed?
The Himalayas are formed by massive earth movements that push the land
5) Which is the oldest rainforest in the world? Give few points about it.
The South-east Asian rainforest is the oldest in the world. It has more land and
animal species than any other rainforest. Deforestation is a severe problem
6) What factors affect many Asian people?
Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate water supplies affect many
Asian people.
7) Name the types of minerals of Asia.
Asia is rich in natural resources such as oil, natural gas, copper, iron ore,
aluminium and other minerals.
8) Name the four types of contrasts in Asia.
Four of these contrasts are in relief, climate and vegetation, settlement and
9) What do you mean by plate tectonics?
It describes how the surface of the earth is divided into segments called plates.
Plates float on molten magma that is found under the crust. The result is that
these plates can move in different directions.
10) How are high fold mountains formed?
Two hundred million years ago, the plate with India on it was located next to
southern Africa in the southern hemisphere. It then moved northwards until
it finally collided with Asia. The impact of this collision caused the rocks
between them to buckle upwards to form the high fold mountains that are the

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