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FAHM 3073







INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 3

OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................................. 4

ORGANISATIONA STRUCTURE.................................................................................................5

THEORIES RELEVANCE TO CHANGE MANAGEMENT...............................................................6

Impact of ADKAR and Lewin’s Change Model...................................................................11

CHANGE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................13



Human Process Interventions............................................................................................17

Technostructural Interventions..........................................................................................18

Human Resource Management Interventions...................................................................19


Twitter is a well-known social media network that was established in 2006 and has
completely changed how people communicate, express their ideas, and interact with others
around the world. This business has grown to be a significant player in the digital era by
enabling users to share and access real-time information, breaking news, and participate in
discussions on a variety of subjects. Twitter has established itself as a venue for succinct,
quick, and compelling communication because to its distinctive 280-character limit per

Twitter, which has its main office in San Francisco, California, has developed into a
multibillion-dollar phenomenon with millions of active users who use the site for social,
business, and personal reasons. It has evolved into a crucial tool for public figures,
celebrities, journalists, corporations, and regular people alike, enabling them to voice their
ideas, spread awareness about social concerns, market their brands, and keep up with the
most recent trends.

Twitter has had a significant influence on society, giving voice to underrepresented

groups, igniting social movements, and igniting political discourse. It has been crucial in
promoting international dialogue, dismantling obstacles, and bridging linguistic, cultural, and
geographical divides. Furthermore, during emergencies, natural disasters, and humanitarian
crises, the platform has proven crucial in allowing the broadcast of crucial information.

As Twitter develops, it encounters new difficulties and chances to address problems

with content control, user safety, and maintaining a positive online community. To create a
more welcoming and respectful online environment for its customers, the company has
taken steps to address abuse, false information, and hate speech on its platform.

Conclusively, Twitter continues to lead social media innovation and is always

adjusting to the shifting environment of online communication. The brand continues to
shape conversations, propel discourse, and connect people around the world thanks to its
powerful presence and global reach.

When changes take place within an organisation, it is imperative to be ready to
manage them. This can be achieved by training, early and frequent communication of the
change, and other techniques. The aim of the change and its personal ramifications must be
understood by the staff. Even though managing and leading change can be difficult, it's
important to have a plan in place to make sure that everyone is participating.

The following objectives of this assignment are based on the statement:

1. To identify the theories relevant to organisational development and changes of the

Twitter corporation.

2. To determine the Twitter company's change management initiatives.

3. To determine the Twitter company intervention variables that were at play.

4. To suggest appropriate actions that should be implemented to enhance organisational



Figure 1: Organisational Structure of Twitter

Because Twitter is a publicly traded company, information about its internal structure
is readily accessible. I do not, however, have access to current data regarding the precise
number of employees at each position. I can tell you that the corporation is run by a CEO
who is assisted by a board of directors and a leadership group, though. The business also has
several divisions, including those for engineering, marketing, finance, and human resources.
Executives in charge of these divisions answer to the CEO and the leadership group. In
addition, Twitter has offices and groups operating globally that are managed by regional

The Twitter organization change process under Elon Musk is the combination of
ADKAR and Lewin’s Model that focuses on individual while managing the organizational
changes. The ADKAR model is a goal-oriented change management framework that is
commonly used to guide individuals and organizations through successful change.
Developed by Jeff Hiatt, the model focuses on five key elements that individuals need to
address to navigate change effectively. ADKAR stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge,
Ability, and Reinforcement.

Figure 2: ADKAR

The awareness stage involves creating an understanding of why change is necessary.

For instance, the company CEO’s conducted town hall meetings, email communications, or
presentations to help individuals understand the need for change and the consequences of
not changing. Understanding the need for change is beneficial effect in moving the
organization to a greater future. Other examples can be found in awareness stage including
sharing data and insights such as providing facts, figures, and case studies to highlight the
challenges and benefits associated with the change.

Next, addressing concerns and resistance by engaging in dialogue to address

individual concerns, clarify misconceptions, and overcome resistance has also been
conducted during organizational communication.

The second step in ADKAR model is desire. This stage focuses on developing a
personal motivation or desire to support and participate in change. Examples of activities
during the Desire stage include identifying personal benefits such as highlighting how the
change can positively impact individuals personally and professionally.

Besides that, creating a sense of urgency, for example conveying the importance and
urgency of the change to increase motivation. Next, engaging leaders and influencers
including leveraging influential individuals who can champion change and inspire others to
embrace it.

The third stage in ADKAR model is knowledge. This stage involves providing
individuals with the necessary knowledge and information to understand and execute the
change, for example Providing training sessions, workshops, or e-learning courses to equip
individuals with the knowledge and skills required for the change. Besides that, Job aids and
resources by offering job aids, manuals, or online resources to support individuals during the

The fourth stage in ADKAR model for Twitter managing changes theories are ability:
This stage focuses on ensuring individuals can implement the change effectively. For
example, coaching and mentoring such as providing one-on-one coaching or mentoring to
support individuals in applying the newly acquired knowledge and skills.

After that, practice, and simulation, for example creating opportunities for individuals
to practice and simulate the change in a controlled environment before implementing it in
real-life situations. Lastly, offering support and resources such as providing ongoing support,
resources, and tools to help individuals overcome challenges and perform their tasks

The last stage in ADKAR is reinforcement which the stage involves sustaining the
change and ensuring it becomes the new norm. Celebrating successes such as recognizing
and celebrating milestones and achievements related to change. After that, providing
ongoing feedback by offering feedback and guidance to individuals to reinforce positive
behaviours and address areas that need improvement. Lastly, embedding changes into

processes for example integrating the change into standard operating procedures, policies,
and organizational systems to ensure long-term sustainability.

Figure 3: Lewin’s Change Model

On the other hand, the Lewin's Change Model, developed by psychologist Kurt
Lewin, is a widely recognized and influential framework for understanding and managing
organizational change. The model is based on the idea that change involves a three-stage
process: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.

The first stage is unfreezing: In this stage, the current state and existing behaviours
within the organization are disrupted to create the motivation for change. Communicating
the need for change such as sharing information about market trends, competitive
pressures, or internal challenges that require the organization to adapt and change.

After that, creating a sense of urgency for example conveying the importance and
criticality of the change to inspire individuals to support and participate in the change effort.
Lastly, identifying and addressing resistance, for example engaging with individuals to
understand their concerns and addressing any resistance to change through communication,
collaboration, and addressing misconceptions.

The secondary stage in Lewin’s Model is changing. his stage involves implementing
the desired changes in processes, structures, systems, or behaviours within the organization.
Providing training and development such as offering workshops, seminars, or training
programs to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge required for the

Furthermore, redesigning processes or structure, for example Implementing new

processes, structures, or systems that align with the desired change objectives. Lastly,
encouraging collaboration and involvement such as engaging employees in the change
process by soliciting their ideas, involvement, and feedback to foster a sense of ownership
and commitment.

The last stages in Lewin Model are refreezing where in this stage, the changes are
solidified, integrated, and reinforced to become the new norm within the organization.
Including reinforcing new behaviours. For example, recognizing and rewarding individuals
and teams who demonstrate and embrace the desired changes.

Moreover, aligning systems and processes such as modifying policies, performance

management systems, and other organizational systems to support and reinforce the desired
changes. Lastly, embedding change into the culture such as ensuring that the change
becomes a part of the organization's values, norms, and practices through ongoing
communication, leadership role modelling, and continuous reinforcement.

Lewin's Change Model highlights the importance of addressing psychological and

social aspects of change. It recognizes the significance of people's resistance to change and
their routines and behaviours. This model is applicable to various organizational changes,
including mergers, restructuring, process improvements, cultural transformations, and

technology implementations. It offers a structured approach for understanding and
managing change, enabling organizations to navigate challenges more effectively.

Impact of ADKAR and Lewin’s Change Model.

Both the ADKAR model and the Lewin's Change Model offer valuable frameworks for
understanding and managing change. However, each of the models have pro and cons in
implementing in Twitter organization. For instance, the pro’s that can be stated in ADKAR
model are individual-focused.

The ADKAR model emphasizes individual change and provides a structured

framework to address the psychological and emotional aspects of change. It helps
individuals understand and navigate their own journey through change. The next beneficial
impact is a step-by-step approach such as the model breaks down the change process into
distinct stages, making it easier to identify and address gaps in individual readiness for
change. The third pro that can be found in ADKAR model is action oriented. The ADKAR
model focuses on the specific actions and behaviours needed for successful change. It
provides a clear roadmap for individuals to follow and offers guidance on how to achieve
desired outcomes.

Meanwhile, the LEWIN model offers numerous beneficial impacts to the Twitter
organization such as holistic approach. The Lewin's Change Model considers both individual
and organizational aspects of change. It recognizes the need to unfreeze existing behaviours,
implement change, and then refreeze new behaviours to make them the new norm. Besides
that, change as a process is also one of the beneficial impacts. The model highlights that
change is a process that involves distinct stages. This understanding helps in planning and
managing change efforts effectively. Lastly, focusing on group dynamic is also one of the
advantages that can be found in Lewin’s Model. The model emphasizes the importance of
addressing resistance, collaboration, and involvement of individuals and groups during the
change process.

However, every advantage has its own disadvantages in implying such model in
Twitter organization for managing the changes of its organization. The disadvantages of the
ADKAR model are limited organizational perspective: The ADKAR model primarily focuses on
individual change and may not provide as much guidance on managing change at the
organizational level.

After that, the less emphasis on systems and processes also may contribute to the
disadvantages in implementing the model. The model may not explicitly address the broader
organizational systems and processes that need to be aligned with the change effort. Lastly,
the disadvantages of using the ADKAR model are less emphasis on resistance management.
While the ADKAR model acknowledges resistance to change, it may not provide as
comprehensive a framework for addressing and managing resistance as some other models.

On the other hand, the Lewin’s model disadvantages are lack of specific guidance.
The Lewin's Change Model provides a high-level framework but does not offer detailed
guidance on specific actions or strategies for managing change. Additional methodologies
and tools may be required to complement the model. Besides that, the disadvantages of the
Lewin Model are potential oversimplification. The model's three-stage framework might
oversimplify the complexities and nuances of change, especially in larger or more complex

Lastly, the model itself limited focus on individual change. While the Lewin's Change
Model acknowledges the individual's role in change, it may not provide as comprehensive
guidance on addressing individual-level challenges and facilitating personal transitions.

1. Twitter Changes its Chief of Executive.

Twitter has been under management of board director but in January 2022 Elon
Musk bought the company share and was the highest shareholder by April with this the
board of the director twitter invite Elon Musk to join the board of director. On 14 April, Elon
Musk made a statement in the board director meeting of purchasing the company, but
twitter responded it as “poison pill” strategy to resist a hostile takeover. However, the board
director of twitter unanimously accepted Elon Musk buyout price of 44$ billion dollars of the
company purchase. Hence for, the twitter management team have change which will be
taken over Elon Musk and it will be direct under him from time to time.

2. Twitter released its first version of encrypted Directed Messages (DMs).

Currently the encrypted DMs only can be use by the verified blues only in the twitter
platform but the encryption feature not compatible with group messages and twitter does
not offer protection against man-in-the-middle attack in the platform which may cause
problem towards other user of the platform but in the future the encrypted DMs will be
available for other user without the verified blues to help to protected them from any data
leakage from hackers or unwanted people trying to get their private life.

3. Twitter purging old account and freeing up desired usernames.

Twitter is purging the inactive account which have not been active for years and
giving the other people a chance to use their intended username for their twitter account.
This also help twitter to get rid any possible bot that have been register under false twitter
name which cause people cannot to register their twitter with the intended username which
can cause a lot of time for the user to request to get the username for their twitter account.

4. New Twitter account now must wait only 30 days to purchase Twitter Blue.

Twitter has decided on to decrease the duration on buying the twitter blue for newly
created account from 90 days to 30 days only. This also help twitter to gain more followers to
its platform with these changes to their platform and increase their blue twitter followers
and increase them to hear the voices of their user in their platform.

5. Twitter Blue is now available in more 20 countries.

This expansion also help twitter to increase their social network expansion services in
more 35 more countries across the world. The country that includes in this expansion are
Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark,
Greece, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia,
Luxembourg, Malta, and Cyprus. Twitter also can help them on focusing on how to increase
their network expansion in the future of the company network.

1. Leadership development

Any organization's success depends on having effective leadership. Identifying and

developing Twitter's up-and-coming leaders, offering mentoring, and training in leadership,
and generating chances for leadership development could be the main goals of
organizational development interventions. Twitter may support a healthy leadership pipeline
and make sure that leaders have the abilities and competencies required to advance the
organization by investing in leadership development.

2. Employee Engagement Well-Being

Maintaining a motivated and productive staff requires a high level of employee well-
being. The implementation of efforts to improve work-life balance, the promotion of
employee recognition programmers, conducting employee surveys to get feedback, offering
resources and assistance for mental and physical well-being, and creating employee
recognition programmers are all possible interventions in this area. These initiatives seek to
foster an environment at work where staff members feel appreciated, engaged, and

3. Change Management

Twitter, like many tech companies, competes in a market that is undergoing fast
change. Interventions for organizational development could concentrate on strengthening
the organization's capacity for change management. This entails building effective change
communication techniques, cultivating a change-ready mindset, and offering tools and
training to assist people in adapting to change. Twitter can successfully handle technical
advancements and market upheavals because to these actions.

4. Agile and Adaptive Practices

Twitter works in a sector that is dynamic and moving quickly. Interventions in

organizational development could emphasize encouraging flexibility and adaptability within
the organization. This could entail putting agile project management techniques into
practice, encouraging a learning culture that welcomes experimentation and innovation, and
giving staff the freedom to make independent decisions. These initiatives aid Twitter in
maintaining its competitive edge and ability to adapt to shifting market conditions.

There are many recommendations to enhance to gain effective intervention.
Organizational development (OD) interventions are programs and processes designed to
enhance the organization’s functioning. These interventions aim to make activities that
change leadership styles, organizational structures, or behavioural patterns.

Human Process Interventions

Human process interventions are the earliest and most well-known OD intervention
types related to interpersonal relations, group, and organizational dynamics. It is important
to note that, though concerned with improving workforce performance, organizational
development strategy should not be mistaken for human resource development.

1. Individual Interventions

These interventions are targeted at the individual employee, often around improving
communication with others. During this intervention, the individual is going to be given
direction to better understand their own and others’ emotions, motivations, and behaviours.
The worker may also have support to identify their career needs, set complementary career
goals, and resolve conflict.

2. Group Interventions

OD group interventions help teams and groups within a corporation become more
effective. These interventions are usually aimed toward the group’s content, structure, or

For example, to know more about the group, the department liable for OD will ask team
members to analyse their group’s performance, what the team must do to improve, and
discuss possible solutions to any challenges they need.

3. Team Building

Team building is one among the best-known organizational development interventions. It

refers to activities that help teams improve productivity, communication, performance, and
employee engagement.

Technostructural Interventions
The significance of technology in business cannot be understated. Organizations
worldwide depend on new technologies to help improve their competitive advantage and
drive growth. Technostructural interventions specialise in improving organizational
effectiveness and employee performance by focusing on technology and the structure of the

1. Organizational (Structural) Design

Organizational design refers to how a corporation is structured to achieve its strategic

plan and goals. This structure is important to how the company will operate. There are many
different classifications of organizational structure, like hierarchical, divisional, matrix,
process, customer-centric, and network.

2. Total Quality Management

Total quality management is additionally known as continuous process improvement,

lean, and six-sigma. it is an approach that seeks to improve quality and performance by
placing customer satisfaction at the centre. To realize this, there is a strong focus on
complete employee involvement in the ongoing improvement of products, processes, and
workplace culture.

3. Work Design

Work design impacts an organization’s outcomes, with well-designed work contributing

to improved productivity and financial growth. It also can affect how an employee feels
about their job, like if they feel motivated, engaged, bored, or stressed at work.

Human Resource Management Interventions
Human Resources Management interventions aim to enhance an organization’s
performance and efficiency through improving the team members (individual & group)
performances, dedication, and adaptability. This is often done primarily through methods
that focus on managing the individual.

1. Performance Management

Companies use performance management (reviews) to support employee training,

career development, compensation decisions, and promotions, among other things. The
performance management process includes setting clear expectations for every employee
and providing frequent formal/informal feedback.

2. Wellness Interventions

A wellness intervention combines strategies developed to make behaviour changes or

improve health status and wellbeing among individual employees or the entire staff.
Organizations must understand their teams’ specific needs, it is vital to pinpoint which
wellness interventions would best serve their needs and allow the individual to learn to
manage their own health and wellbeing.

Organizations can function within variety of different structures. Although any
structure that is not effectively managed will be plagued with issues, some organizational
models are better equipped for environments and tasks. A change within the environment
often requires change within the organization operating within that environment.

Change in almost any aspect of a company’s operations are often met with
resistance, and diverse cultures can have different reactions to both the change and
therefore the means to promote the change to better facilitate necessary changes, several
steps are often taken that have been proven to lower the anxiety of employees and ease the
transformation process. Often, the straightforward act of including employees in the change
process can drastically reduce opposition to new methods. In some organizations this level
of inclusion is not possible, and instead organizations can recruit a little number of opinion
leaders to promote the benefits of coming changes.

Some sorts of change, like mergers, often include job losses. In these situations, it is
important to remain fair and ethical while laying off employees. Once change has occurred,
it is vital to take any steps necessary to reinforce the new system. Employees can often
require continued support well after an organizational change.

1. Cullum, D. (2021, December 8). Twitter’s New Org Structure. Dan’s Daily.
2. Calder, A. May (2013). Organizational Change: Models for Successfully Implementing
3. Angtyan, H. (n.d.). ADKAR Model in Change Management -
4. Shakiladevi, A. R., & Basariya, S. R. (2019). Impact of human interventions on
employee performance in organizations. International Journal of Recent Technology
and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(3), 3051–3054.
5. Reidhead, C. (2021). Effective communication as a tool for achieving organizational
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