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The interrogative form in French is used to ask questions. There are two main
ways to form interrogative sentences in French:

a) Using inversion
Subject + verb + -t-il/-elle/-on/-ils/-elles or -je/-tu/-nous/-vous

Inversion is used when the subject is a pronoun (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous,
ils, elles).

● Parle-t-il français ? (Does he speak French?)
● Aimes-tu les chats ? (Do you like cats?)
● Ont-elles faim ? (Are they hungry?)
● Travaillez-vous aujourd'hui ? (Are you working today?)

b) Using est-ce que

Est-ce que + subject + verb

Est-ce que is used when the subject is a noun or a stressed pronoun (moi,
toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles).
● Est-ce que vous parlez français ? (Do you speak French?)
● Est-ce que Marie habite à Paris ? (Does Marie live in Paris?)
● Est-ce que les enfants jouent dans le jardin ? (Are the children playing
in the garden?)

c) Using qu’est-ce que

Qu’est-ce que + subject + verb

"Qu'est-ce que" is a French phrase that translates to "what" in English. It is

often used to form questions in French. Here are some examples of how to
use "qu'est-ce que" in a sentence:

• Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? (What are you doing?)

• Qu'est-ce que tu veux manger ? (What do you want to eat?)
• Qu'est-ce que c'est ? (What is it?)
• Qu'est-ce que tu penses de ce film ? (What do you think of this movie?)
• Qu'est-ce que vous cherchez ? (What are you looking for?)

In general, "qu'est-ce que" is used to ask questions that require a simple

and direct answer. It is often followed by a verb or a noun and can be used
in a wide range of contexts.

Note that in both forms, the verb is conjugated in the present tense. Also,
remember that the subject pronoun can be omitted in inversion when
addressing the person directly (i.e. "Parlez-vous français?" instead of "Est-ce
que vous parlez français?").


Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions in French. They allow to obtain
information about a person, a thing, or an action. Here are some examples of
interrogative pronouns in French:

1. "Qui" - used to ask about a person's identity.

"Qui est-ce que tu connais dans cette ville ?" (Who do you know in this city?)

2. "Quoi" - used to ask about information on a thing or an action.

• "Quoi de neuf ?" (What's new?)
• "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ce soir ?" (What are you doing tonight?)

3. "Où" - used to ask about the location of something or someone.

"Où est la bibliothèque ?" (Where is the library?)

4. "Comment" - used to ask about the way something is done or the way
someone feels.
"Comment ça va ?" (How are you doing?)

5. "Pourquoi" - used to ask about the reason or cause of an action.

"Pourquoi as-tu choisi ce travail ?" (Why did you choose this job?)

6. "Quand" - used to ask about the time when something happens.

"Quand est-ce que tu rentres chez toi ?" (When are you coming back

In summary, interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions about a person, a

thing, or an action, by asking for information about the identity, location, time,
way, or reason.

It's important to remember that "en" and "y" come before the verb in a sentence,
and that the order of the words changes depending on whether the sentence is
affirmative or negative. Also, in compound tenses, "en" and "y" come before the
auxiliary verb.
For example:
● "Il en a mangé deux" (He ate two of them)
● "Je n'y vais pas" (I'm not going there)
● "Nous en avons parlé hier" (We talked about it yesterday)
● "Elles y sont allées hier soir" (They went there last night)

Faites une phrase interrogative à partir de la phrase ci-


1. Il est intelligent
2. Elle va à la boulangerie.
3. Nous parlons à nos amis.
4. Vous allez en France.
5. Tu aimes la glace.
6. Peter vient d’Angleterre.
7. Isabelle a trois sœurs.
8. Son père est journaliste.
9. Ils choisissent des chemises rouges.
10.Il dense très bien.

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