Examen Biologia 2do, 3ro, 4to, 5to en Ingles

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STUDENT'S NAME: __________________________________________________


ANSWER. (VALUE 15 pts)

1. How is the basic, functional and structural unit of all living beings known?

a) Cytoplasm
b) Protocell
c) Cell
d) cell nucleus

2. ¿What structures of the plant cell are not found in the animal cell?

a) Rigid cell wall and cytoplasm

b) chloroplasts and cell wall
c) nucleus and cell membrane
d) cell membrane and cell wall

3. The cellular structure that facilitates the transformation of energy is:

a) Cytoplasm
b) Core
c) Mitochondria
d) Plasma membrane

4. The function of the respiratory system is:

a) Carry oxygen to the lungs and release carbon dioxide.

b) Bring food and oxygen to the body.
c) Provide the body with all the energy it needs.
d) Send the appropriate messages to the different parts of the body.
5. The diagram below represents the comparison between mitosis and meiosis.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding it?

a) During A there is a division of cellular material

while in B there is a duplication of it.
b) The daughter cells in A contain different genetic
material from the original ones.
c) In A each daughter cell receives a portion of
cytoplasm with the organelles necessary to carry
B. out its vital life functions and in B this is not the
d) The daughter cells in B contain the same genetic
material as the original cells.

6. The following model represents the process of:

a) Asexual reproduction
b) Sexual reproduction
c) Binary fission
d) Conjunction

7. The process by which a new being is produced from two individuals is known
a) Asexual reproduction
b) Sexual reproduction
c) Binary fission
d) Conjunction
8. What is the so-called essential vital fluid in living beings?

a) The Blood
b) Water
c) Cytoplasm
d) Acid

9. Look at the following image and answer the question.

How is the process shown in the image known?
a) Metabolism
b) Catabolism
c) Photosynthesis
d) Homeostasis

10. ¿ What is the name of the green pigment found in plants?

a) Chloroplasts
b) Chlorophyll
c) Chlorolite
d) Chlorolites

11. What is the name of the gelatinous substance that is inside the cell?

a) DNA
b) Plasma
c) Cytoplasm
d) Chloroplasm

12. By which molecule the genetic information is transmitted from generation to

a) RNA
b) DNA
c) AFN
d) AFM
13. In what substance do most biochemical reactions take place?

a) Blood
b) The cytoplasm
c) Water
II. Relate the rows by placing the letter inside the parentheses according to the
realm that corresponds to each statement. (Value 15 pts)

a) Fungi Kingdom b) Protista Kingdom c) Monera Kingdom d) Animal Kingdom e)

Plant Kingdom

• All vertebrate and invertebrate animals are grouped into… ( )

• Plants, herbs, shrubs and trees are organisms that use solar energy and correspond… (
• There are different types of fungi, some edible, poisonous, and these organisms absorb
decomposing organic matter and are classified into ... ( )
• Bacteria that develop in an organism and that cannot be seen with the naked eye are
located in ( )
• Organisms that are made up of a single cell or unicellular corresponds to ( )

III. Using the concepts in the box, fill in the blanks. (Value 20 pts)

• Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur • Calcium, Sodium,

Potassium, magnesium • 7.4 • 7.0 • Water • bipolar • oxygen, hydrogen and
nitrogen • oxidant • Calcium • Hydroxyapatite

1. _______________________________________ are the primary bioelements

2. _______________________________________ are secondary bioelements
3. The PH of the blood is ____________________
4. _________________________is the most abundant biomolecule in living things.
5. Water H2O is a _______________ molecule
6. The most important atoms in the body are _____________________________
7. In living matter, water is considered a universal solvent because of its character.
8. Element that participates in blood clotting ________________
9. Main inorganic component in bones and teeth _________________
10. The PH of the water molecule is ______________

¡¡Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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