Pergamon: A Theoretical Study of The Effect of Weld Geometry Parameters On Fatigue Crack Propagation Life

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Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol. 51, No. I, pp.

1-18, 1995
~ Pergamon 0013-7944(94)00241-X
Copyright © 1995 ElsevierScienceLtd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0013-7944/95 $9.50+ 0.00

Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia

Abstract--In the present work, the effect of important butt weld geometry parameters e.g. tip radius of
undercut at weld toe, weld toe radius, flank angle, plate thickness and edge preparation angle, and the
effect of initial crack geometry on the fatigue crack propagation life have been studied by using Linear
Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM), Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and superposition approaches. A
simple mathematical model has been developed to predict the co-influence effect of the above-mentioned
weld geometry parameters on the fatigue stress range vs life (S-N) curve. This model gives an explanation
for the overall effect of weld geometry parameters as the main reason of scatter phenomenon in fatigue
testing practice. The predicted scatter band of S-N curves subject to the variation of all the weld geometry
parameters is in good agreement with S-N curves covered by design classes from D to W (BS 5400). The
design class F which is commonly used for design of butt welded joints has fallen in the middle of the
predicted scatter band of S-N curves. It suggests that for the sake of safe design practice class W should
be used for fatigue design of butt welded joints instead of class F.

r ~ tip radius of undercut at weld toe
t" weld toe radius of butt welded joint
d depth of weld toe undercut
! plate thickness
tO weld bead flank angle
plate edge preparation angle
parametric angle of the ellipse
a crack length (edge crack); also half-length of minor elliptical surface crack
half-length of major elliptical surface crack; also half-length of central through-thickness crack
a/c crack aspect ratio
(a/c)o initial crack aspect ratio
b half-width of cracked plate
h half-length of cracked plate
ai crack initiation length
of final crack length
Np fatigue crack propagation life
C,m material constants in Paris' equation
A,m constants in the model equation representing S N curve in the case of butt welded plate
A 0 ' Dlf) constants in the model equation representing S N curve in the case of un-welded plate (based
CA, C~ material constants in Paris' equation at points A and B of crack front, respectively
K~o stress intensity factor for edge crack in finite plate
K~n stress intensity factor for central through-thickness crack in finite plate
Ksc stress intensity factor surface crack in finite plate
Ksc,A stress intensity factor at point A for semi-elliptical surface crack in flat plate
Ksc,B stress intensity factor at front surface point B for semi-elliptical surface crack in flat plate
AKA range of stress intensity factor at A
AKB range of stress intensity factor at B
stress intensity factor of welded plate for edge crack
stress intensity factor of welded plate for central through-thickness crack
KL.A stress intensity factor at point A for semi-elliptical surface crack in welded plate
K~.B stress intensity factor at front surface point B for semi-elliptical surface crack in welded plate
Y geometry-configuration correction factor which depends upon the geometry of the crack and
loading condition
Yo geometry-configuration correction factor due to cracked flat plate
Mk stress intensity magnification factor produced by weld profile geometry (M k = Y~ Y~)
M~ stress intensity magnification factor produced by weld profile geometry in through-thickness
M~" stress intensity magnification factor produced by weld profile geometry in through-plate width
Q shape factor due to elliptical surface crack
2 T . N . N G U Y E N and M. A. WAHAB

B~Zc-.4 ~ t
tttttll f

)}))))) ) ) ) ) )l)))ll
25 r I

= 2b -

Fig. 1. Surface crack model for transverse butt welded joint.

F stress intensity boundary correction factor

kin, k A proportional constants
f,,(. . .) transformation functions for m
fA(" " ") transformation functions for .4
s remotely applied nominal stress; also fatigue strength of butt welded joint
S(x) stress distribution along potential crack line in x-direction
S(y) stress distribution along potential crack line in y-direction
X through-thickness distance from weld toe
Y through plate width distance from centre of plate thickness direction
re(a, x) Bueckner's weight function for edge crack in a finite strip
G(c,y) Kanazawa's weight function for through-thickness central crack in a finite plate
R cyclic stress ratio R (R = Kmin/Kmax).

FATIGUE behaviour of welded structures is complicated by many factors intrinsic to the nature of
welded joints. Normally crack-like defects e.g. slag inclusions, gas pores, lack of penetration at weld
root or undercut at weld toes may be introduced in welded joints. Fatigue behaviour of welded
joints and welded structures is also greatly affected by the geometry of welded joints[I-7].
However, in design practice, the effect of weld geometry parameters is simply ignored or considered
to be non-significant to fatigue behaviour of welded joints. This conservative attitude is no longer
acceptable due to recent research progress concerning the effect of weld geometry on the fatigue
of welded joints [2-7]. A recent proposal for revision of fatigue clauses in BS PD 6493 [2] has
emphasised the importance of the "size effect" of weld geometry e.g. plate thickness and attachment
length on the fatigue strength of welded joints. However, no further research has been attempted
to study other important weld geometry parameters (e.g. weld toe undercut) or the co-influence
effect of all the weld geometry parameters e.g. tip radius of undercut at weld toe, weld toe radius,
flank angle, plate thickness and edge preparation angle, and the effect of initial crack geometry.
The existence of crack-like flaws in the welded steel joints as a result of weld defects is
unavoidable. Under cyclic loading, fatigue cracks are initiated from these defects and will propagate
through the plastic thickness during the fatigue life. A study by Mattos and Lawrence [7] has
revealed the important effect of weld geometry on fatigue crack initiation life. The effect of
individual weld geometry parameters on fatigue of welded joints has been studied by many other
researchers [8-14]. However, so far no complete theoretical analysis of the effect of weld geometry
parameters on fatigue crack propagation has been carried out. Therefore, this study aims to develop
a model to predict the effect of all the important butt weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack
propagation life, as well as their overall effect on S-N curve.
In this study, a semi-elliptical surface crack model was constructed to evaluate the contribution
of the weld geometry to the stress intensity factor based on Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
(LEFM), superposition and finite elements approaches. Then the co-influence effect of the
above-mentioned weld geometry parameters on the fatigue behaviour of welded joints can also be
evaluated by using dimensional analysis technique.
A theoretical study o f the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 3

ANSYS 5.0 31
OCT 27 1993

ZV =1
DIST = 55
XF = 50
YF = 6.928

ANSYS 5.0 31
OCT 27 1993

ZV =1
* DIST = 15,243
* XF = 6.486
~,* YF = 9 . 7 8 8

Fig. 2. A 2-D finite element mesh used for the calculation of stress distribution along potential crack line
in butt welded joints.


I t is k n o w n from Fracture Mechanics that the stress intensity factor (K) for crack opening
mode (mode I) c a n b e e x p r e s s e d in the following form:

r = r. s. (1)
4 T . N . N G U Y E N and M. A. W A H A B

For the cracks which propagate in the region of stress concentrations produced by the
geometry of welded joints, i.e. cracks at weld toes, a further correction factor (Mk) is introduced
and known as geometry magnification factor [2, 3]. Then eq. (1) can be rewritten as follows:

K = ]I0' Mk" S ' x / ( n • a). (2)

Solutions for the stress intensity factor due to various crack geometries are available from
literature in Fracture Mechanics and can be used for the fatigue assessment of welded structures.
In this study a semi-elliptical surface crack with various initial crack shape aspect ratios (a/c)o (from
0.1 to 1.0) [Fig. 1] is assumed to be located at weld toe as a result of weld defect of the order of
0.1 mm (ai=0.1 mm). This conservative assumption was also supported by other re-
searchers [1, 3, 12]. Then the total fatigue life of the welded plate can be considered as the number
of cycles needed for this initiated semi-elliptical surface crack propagating through the thickness
of welded plate.
An empirical solution for the stress intensity factor due to a semi-elliptical surface crack in
the centre of a finite plate in mode I loading is given by Newman and Raju [15] as follows:

Ksc = S" ( ~ x / ~ " F(a/t, a/c, c/b, ~b0). (3)

However, by using this solution the effect of weld geometry of the welded joint can not be
included. In order to overcome this obstacle, the weight function method was applied to calculate
the stress intensity factor and it is necessary to assume the "similarity effect" between the stress
intensity values of a notched and unnotched body due to various crack shapes. It means that the
ratios of stress intensity values between a notched and unnotched body are the same for surface


20 • ~ r=O.3mm

r =0.5 mm
"; 15
-~-- r = 0.8 m m

r = 1,2mm
r = 2.0turn

r = 2.5ram

! I ' I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

(a) Effect of (r) on K~.A

0.8 --=-- r = 0.3 m m

0.7 r =0.5 mm

0.6 --°~r=O.Smm
0.5 ----o---- r= 1.0ram

0.4 --,-- r = 1.2 m m

0.3 r = 1.6ram

0.2 ----- r = 2.0 m m

0.1 r = 2.5 m m

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Relative crack length (a / t)

(b) Effect of (r) on aspect ratio (a/c).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 5

0.9 • r =0.3mm


¢ / ----c---- r = 0.5 mm

f T
.~= 0.6
7 ;Iiiii t
- - - - - r = 0.8 mm

r = 1.0mm

.~ 0 . 4
f ililil - - ~ r = 1.2 m m

r = 1.6mm
,-3 0.3
--*-- r = 2.0 m m
r = 2.5mm
0 I I I I I I I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of cycles, N x 10 o

(c) Effect of (r) on crack propagation life.


- - - - a - - r =0.3 mm


--'-- r = 0.8 mm
B, 100

r =2.0mm

r = 2.5ram

10 s 10 ' 10"
Number of cycles N

(d) Effect of (r) on the S N curve.

Fig. 3. The effect of the weld toe radius on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints.

crack, edge crack or central through-thickness crack. This assumption is already supported by other
researchers [16, 17]. When a welded joint is considered as a notched body then the following
equations can be written:
K wsc,A/Ksc,A:KeWd/Ked= M A (4)
K~,,/K~c., - Kc~,/K¢~, = M~.
- - w
Using eqs (4) and (5) the stress intensity factors due to the semi-elliptical surface crack at the
weld toe for point A and surface crack front point B (Fig. 1) can be calculated if the stress intensity
solutions for edge crack and central through-thickness crack of welded plate and flat plate are
known. Using Bueckner's weight functions for edge crack in a finite plate [18] and Kanazawa's
weight function for central through-thickness crack [19], stress intensity factors can be calculated
as follows:

Kcd = f"
S ( x ) " re(a, x)" dx (6)

K~n = 2 S(y)" G(c, y)" dy. (7)


When S ( x ) and S(y) are the local stress distributions along potential crack direction x and
y, respectively, then each of them should be a resulting stress due to local stress subjected to weld
geometry and external loading in the proper direction.

Eqs (4)-(7) enable us to study the effect of various weld geometry parameters on the stress
intensity factor, as well as fatigue behaviour of welded joints, quite simply and satisfactorily once
stress distribution along potential crack line in weldment is evaluated. By using 2D-Finite
Elements [20] the local stress distributions subjected to weld geometry can be calculated (Fig. 2)
and fitted into the polynomial form and used for the calculation of the stress intensity factor. With
the above assumptions the stress intensity magnification factors, M A and M~, due to the
co-influence effect of weld geometry parameters can be obtained, and also AKA and AKB can be
The crack-growth rates were calculated by assuming that Paris' equation [21] is obeyed
independently at points A and B at the crack front, and it can be rewritten as:

da/dNp = CA" (AKA)" (8)

dc/dNp = Ca" (AK,)", (9)

where Ca = 0.9" CA as suggested by Newman and Raju [15].

By integrating eqs (8) and (9) simultaneously the fatigue life and fatigue strength of a
butt welded joint subjected to variations of various butt weld geometry parameters can be
evaluated. A computer program was written to facilitate the numerical procedures discussed
above and Simpson's rule was used for the calculation of the integrals. The material constant of
Paris' equations was assumed as m = 3, CA = 3 × 10 -t3 mm/cycle as recommended by Maddox [3]
for a wide range of structural steels. The failure criterion was chosen for the instant when the depth
of the semi-elliptical surface crack in through-thickness direction reached the plate thickness
(af = t).



12 --m-- 0=0¢

0=5 °

,,g --*-- 8= IO °
~ 8
- - - ~ 8= 20 ©

6 0=400

4 9=60 a

S = 80 MPa
0 I I I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

(a) Effect of (O) on K~:.A.


• ' 0=~
o 0=5*

o 0.8 - - ' - - 0=I0'

g 0.6



0.4 e=3¢

~ - - 0=40 ~

0 I I I I --×-- 0=60 •
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Relstlve crack length (s / t)

(b) Effect of (O) on aspect ratio (a/c).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 7

o., i ! • O=0*

0.8 i 0=5"

0.7 --'-- e = 10"

~ 0.6 ---o-- o=]~'

-- 11.5 .L 0=20)

-~0.4 8=30 °

~ 11.3 ----'-- O=~

0.2 I"
-----o---O=5O ~

0.1 S=80MPa --x-- 0=60 •

0 I I I I I ! !
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of cycles, N x 10 6

(c) E f f e c t o f ( O ) o n c r a c k p r o p a g a t i o n life.

• 0=0'


:IE --*-- 0 = 10°

____¢1_ 0=20*
100 u
e 0=30"
" - " ~ - - - - O= 40"

""~-- 0=50'


10' 10' 10
Number o! cycles N

(d) E f f e c t o f ( O ) o n S N c u r v e .

Fig. 4. The effect of flank angle on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints.

In order to quantify the co-influence effect of all the weld geometry parameters on fatigue
behaviour of a butt weld joint, a mathematical model for the S - N curve subjected to the variation
of weld geometry parameters is proposed on the basis of the fatigue design rule BS 5400 [2] as

S".N =A, (10)

m / m o = f m ( r ' / r , r/t, (9, dp, t / b )

A /Ao = f A ( r ' / r , r /t, 69, c~, t /b )

m0=3 and Ao=f(t/b).

By using dimensional analysis technique and transformations [5, 6, 22] the expressions for m
and A can be rewritten as follows:
m / m o = k,, . f , , ( r ' / r ) . f , , ( r / t ) "f m ( ~ ) "Jr,,((/) ) "f , , ( t /b ) (! 1)
A /Ao = kA "f A ( r ' / r ) "f A ( r / t ) "f A ( O ) "fA(c~ ) "f A ( t / b ) (12)
A /Ao = kA "f A ( r ' / r ) "f A ( r / t ) ' f A ( O ) "fA(c~ ) "f A ( t /b ). (13)
Once eqs (11) and (12) are determined, the co-influence effect of all the relevant butt weld
geometry parameters can be evaluated.
8 T.N. NGUYEN and M. A. W A H A B

Effect of weld toe radius
Figure 3(a) shows the effect of the weld toe radius on the stress intensity factor KWA calculated
for the constant stress range S = 80 MPa (other weld geometry parameters are kept constant:
r' 0, 6) = 30 °, q5 = 600 and t = 12 mm). It shows that the value of K sc,A
w is decreased as the weld
toe radius (r) increases. The significant difference between the values of K sc,A~ is observed due to
the increase of the weld toe radius (r) from 0.3 to 2.0 mm. However, only little difference between
the values of K sc,A
w is observed due to the increase of (r) from 2.0 to 2.5 mm.
Figure 3(b) shows the effect of the weld toe radius on the crack aspect ratio (a/c). It shows
that a semi-elliptical surface crack, with a certain initial crack shape [(a/c)o = const] propagating
a butt welded joint with a higher value of weld toe radius, tends to develop at the crack shape
with a higher value of (a/c) during crack propagation life. At the early stage of crack growth
(a/t < 0.1) the surface crack tends to reach the shape with a higher value of (a/c), i.e. close to the
shape of a semi-circular crack. However, the value of ratio (a/c) decreases as the crack propagates
Figure 3(c) shows the effect of the weld toe radius on the fatigue crack propagation life. It
is obvious that the fatigue crack propagation life is increased as the value of (r) increases. It means
that the fatigue life of the butt welded joint can be improved by increasing the value of the weld
toe radius (e.g. by grinding or other post-weld finishing techniques). This conclusion is consistent
with the results claimed by several other researchers [1, 3, 8, 9]. This figure also shows that the
improvement of the fatigue crack propagation life due to an increase of (r) from 0.3 to 2.5 mm
is of the order of 4.5 × 1 0 6 cycles for a constant nominal applied stress range (S = 80 MPa).


/ ---'-- t = 9 mm

4O - ~ : ~ - - - t = 12 rnm

,/ ..-/ --'-- t = 16 mm

20 ---'--- t = 25 mm

~ g.;.~ ...... t = 32 mm

0 I I I I

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8


(a) Effect of (t) on K *sc.A"

1.6 1 ~
• t=9mm
~1"4 t
o t= 12mm

• t= 16ram

o io o t = 20mm

o QD~
• t = 25ram

~o6~ "°OOo,:
"'~. ~. . . . . ~ e ~ t =32ram

0.4 + ," ......... °.~oooooooooo°°~°~.*.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Relative c r a c k length (a / t)

(b) Effect o f (t) on aspect ratio (a/c).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 9

.,P-,,,Q •
• D •
0.8 o * o •
o • o • • t=9mm

v 0.7 o D •
<> • o • o l= 12mm
0.6 / ¢ • O •
• ¢ • o • " t= 16mm
0.5 • o • ~ •
• <> • o • o t= 20mm
0.4 • ¢ * o •
A • o • o • • t = 25 m m
0.3 • o * O •
/~ • o * [] • t~ t = ~ g m m
0.2 A~ • 0 * 0 •

• ¢DI • DI
0.1 " <> " S : 80 M P a
. . . . : . . . . : . . . . .: . . . . : . . . . : . . . .
1 2 3 4 5
Number of cycles, N x 10 s

(c) Effect of (t) on crack propagation life.


• t=9mm

----D--- t = 12 m m

--*-- t = 16 m m
---'¢-~ t = 20 m m

----*-- t = 25 m m

-~---- t = 32 m m

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 s 10 e 10 r
Number of cycles N

(d) Effect of (t) on the S N curve.

Fig. 5. The effect of plate thickness on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints.

Figure 3(d) shows the effect of weld toe radius on the S - N curve. It shows that the S - N curve
tends to move from left to right as the value of the weld toe radius increases. As a result, the fatigue
strength and fatigue life of butt welded joints can be improved correspondingly. This figure also
shows that the fatigue strength of a butt joint at 2 × 106 cycles is increased by 34% as the weld
toe radius increases from 0.3 to 2.5 ram.

Effect of flank angle

Figure 4(a) shows the effect of the flank angle on the stress intensity factor K~.A calculated
for the constant stress range S = 80 MPa (other weld geometry parameters are kept constant:
r = I mm, r ' = 0, q~ = 60 ° and t = 12 mm). It shows that the value of Kw,Ais decreased as the value
of flank angle decreases. The significant difference between the values of K*s c , A is observed due to
the decreasing values of flank angle from 20 ° to 0 °. There is a non-significant difference between
the values of K w s c , A corresponding to the values of flank angle from 20 ° to 60 °.

Figure 4(b) shows the effect of the flank angle on the crack aspect ratio (a/c). It shows that
a semi-elliptical surface crack with certain initial crack shape [(a/c)o = const] propagating in a butt
welded joint with a lower value of flank angle tends to develop the crack shape with a higher value
of (a/c) during crack propagation life. At the early stage of crack growth (a/t < 0.1) the surface
crack tends to reach the shape with a higher value of (a/c), i.e. close to the shape of a semi-circular
crack. For a base plate or flush-ground welded plate (with O = 0) the initial semi-elliptical crack
becomes semi-circular after a few cycles. However, the value of ratio (a/c) decreases as the crack
propagates further. It is also observed from this figure that there is no significant difference between
10 T.N. NGUYEN and M. A. WAHAB

crack shapes that developed during crack propagation life corresponding to various values of flank
angles from 20 ° to 60 ° .
Figure 4(c) shows the effect of flank angle on the fatigue crack propagation life. It is obvious
that the fatigue crack propagation life is increased as the value of (O) decreases. It means that the
fatigue life of the butt welded joint can be improved by decreasing the value of flank angle (e.g.
by grinding or other post-weld finishing techniques). This conclusion is consistent with the results
claimed by several other researchers [1, 3, 8, 9]. The improvement of fatigue crack propagation life
due to the decrease of (6)) from 60 ° to 0 ° is of the order of 14 x 106 cycles for a constant nominal
applied stress range (S = 80 MPa), while the improvement of the fatigue life due to the variation
of (r) is of 4.5 × l06 [Fig. 3(c)]. It means that the degree of influence of the flank angle on the fatigue
crack propagation life is more significant than that of the weld toe radius.
Figure 4(d) shows the effect of the flank angle on the S-N curve. It shows that the S-N curve
tends to move from left to right as the value of the flank angle decreases. As a result, the fatigue
strength and fatigue life of butt welded joints can be improved with respect to a smaller flank angle,
i.e. to smoother weld bead. The flush ground welded plate will have the highest fatigue strength
and this is equal to the fatigue strength of the parent plate [3]. This figure also shows that the fatigue
strength of butt welded joints at 2 x 106 cycles is increased by 21% as the flank angle decreases
from 60 ° to 5° . However, the fatigue strength of the butt joint would be increased up to 54% as
the flank angle decreases further to the level of the base plate (O = 0°).

Effect of plate thickness

Figure 5(a) shows the effect of plate thickness on the stress intensity factor K*sc,A calculated
for the constant stress range S = 80 MPa (other weld geometry parameters are kept constant:


-----a-- ~b: 45'
-----0---- ~ = 50'
--*-- ~ = 60'
- ' - - ' - " - - ~ = 80'
----6--- ~=90 ~
2 S = 80 MPa

0 I I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

( a ) E f f e c t o f (~b) o n K ~ , A.


~ 0.7
--m-- t~=45 o
"~= 0.6

._ ----o--- t~=50 °
~ o.s
--°-- ~=60 °

~o . 4

----o---- ~=70 •
¢=SO °
.~ 0.2


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Relative crack length (a I t)

( b ) E f f e c t o f (q~) o n a s p e c t ratio (a/c).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 11

0.8 I -"-"~-- ¢=45*
0.7 + ¢~=50*
0.6 - - . - - ~,=60o
,~ 0.4
I/i/i ~-- m=80*
0.3 251 ~.,"
----~---, =9o*

.... : .... , .... : .... : .... : .... ; ....
1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of cycles, N x 10 o

(c) Effect of (4)) on crack propagation life.


~-- 0=45.
=2 0=50*
- - ' - - ¢=60'
~-- 0=80*
~ 0=90"

10 ' ' ''"

10 s 10 6 1() 7
Number of cycles N

(d) Effect of (4)) on S N curve.

Fig. 6. The effect of the edge preparation angle on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints.

r = 1 mm, r ' = 0, O = 30 ° and ~b = 60°). It shows that the value of KwA is increased as the value
of plate thickness increases. This can explain the well-known effect of plate thickness [1] in reducing
the fatigue life of a weld joint [Fig. 5(d)].
Figure 5(b) shows the effect of plate thickness on the crack aspect ratio (a/c). It shows that a
semi-elliptical surface crack with certain initial crack shape [(a/c)o = const] propagating in a butt
welded joint of thinner plate tends to develop the crack shape with a higher value of (a/c) during
the crack propagation life. At the early stage of crack growth (a/t < 0.1) the surface crack tends
to reach the shape with a higher value of (a/c), i.e. close to the shape of a semi-circular crack.
However, the value of the ratio (a/c) decreases as the crack propagates further.
Figure 5(c) shows the effect of plate thickness on the fatigue crack propagation life. It is
obvious that the fatigue crack propagation life is decreased as the value of (t) increases. This
conclusion is consistent with the experimental results obtained by several other re-
searchers [I, 3, 12-19]. The improvement of the fatigue crack propagation life due to the decrease
o f ( t ) from 32 to 9 m m is of the order of 3 x 106 cycles for a constant nominal applied stress range
(S = 80 MPa), while the improvements of the fatigue life due to the variations of (r) and (O) are
of the order of 4.5 × 106 and 14 x 106, respectively. It means that the degree of influence of plate
thickness is less significant than that of both the weld toe radius and flank angle.
Figure 5(d) shows that the fatigue life is significantly increased as the plate thickness decreases
from 32 to 9 mm. However, the improvement of the fatigue life due to the decrease of plate
thickness from 20 to 9 m m is non-significant. It means that for the lower range of plate thicknesses
(less than 20 mm), the effect of plate thickness is ignorable. It is also clear from this figure that
12 T . N . N G U Y E N and M. A. W A H A B

the thicker plate tends to move the S-N curve from right to left. It means that the fatigue life and
fatigue strength of welded plates are decreased with increasing value of plate thickness. Fatigue
strength of butt joints at 2 × 106 cycles is decreased up to 21% as plate thickness increases from
9 to 32 mm.

Effect of edge preparation angle

Figure 6(a) shows the effect of the plate edge preparation angle on the stress intensity factor
Kw sc,A calculated for the constant stress range S = 80 MPa (other weld geometry parameters are kept
constant: r = 1 mm, r' = 0, t = 12 mm and O = 30°). It shows that the value of KW.a is slightly
increased as the value of the plate edge preparation angle increases from 45 ° to 90 ° . This effect
of angle (05) becomes more significant at the later stage of crack propagation (a/t > 0.4).
Figure 6(b) shows the effect of the edge preparation angle on the crack aspect ratio (a/c). It
shows that a semi-elliptical surface crack with certain initial crack shape [(a/c)o = const] propagat-
ing in a butt welded joint with lower value of angle (05) tends to develop the crack shape with a
higher value of (a/c) during crack propagation life. At the early stage of crack growth (a/t < 0.1)
the surface crack tends to reach the shape with a higher value of (a/c), i.e. close to the shape of
a semi-circular crack. However, the value of the ratio (a/c) decreases as the crack propagates
Figure 6(c) shows the effect of the edge preparation angle on the fatigue crack propagation
life. It is obvious that the fatigue crack propagation life is increased as the value of (05) decreases
from 90 ° to 45 ° . The improvement of the fatigue crack propagation life due to the decrease of angle
(05) from 45 ° to 90 ° is of the order of 1 x 10 6 cycles for the constant nominal applied stress range
(S = 80 MPa), while the improvements of the fatigue due to variation of (r), ( 0 ) and (t) are of


=-- r ' = 0.05 m m

r'= 0.10mm

. 2o --*-- r ' = 0.15 m m

r ' = 0.25 m m
r ' = 0.35 m m
r ' -. 0.50 rnm

I I ' I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Relative crack length (a / t)

(a) Effect of (r') on K~,A.

--m-- r ' = 0.05 m m

.o r ' = 0.10 rnm

--'-- r ' = 0.15 m m

r ' = 0.25 m m
.~0.3 --,-- r ' = 0.35 m m

..~ 0.2 r'= 0.50ram

~ 0.1

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Relative crack length ( a / t)

(b) Effect of (r') on aspect ratio (ale).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 13

0.8 --'-- r'= 0.05 mm

v~0.7 r' = 0.10 rnm

0.5 / I /'7I --°-- r" = 0.15 mm

r'= 0.25mm
!g J
/Y d --'-- r ' = 0.35 mm
r ' = 0.50 mm
! ! !
0.5 1 1.5
Number of cycles, N x 10 e

(c) Effect of (r') on crack propagation life.


• r'= 0.05 mm

r'= 0.10mm

v ----- r' = 0.15 mm

100 r'= 0.25 mm

~ - - r' = 0.35 mm
r' = 0.50 rnm

10104 10 s 10 e 1{) 7
Number of cycles, N

(d) Effect of (r') on S N curve.

Fig. 7. The effect of radius of curvature of undercut at weld toe on the fatigue of butt joints.

the order o f 4.5 × 106, 14 x 106 and 2 × 106, respectively. It means that the degree of influence o f
the edge preparation angle is less significant than that o f other weld geometry parameters, i.e. the
weld toe radius, flank angle and plate thickness.
Figure 6(d) shows the effect of the edge preparation angle on the S - N curve. It shows the S - N
curve is slightly m o v e d from left to right as the value o f angle (~b) decreases. However, the small
improvement o f the fatigue and fatigue life o f butt welded joints can be considered to be
non-significant as S - N curves corresponding to various values o f angle (4)) almost overlap each
other. This figure also shows that the fatigue strength o f butt joints at 2 × l06 cycles is increased
by 7% as angle (~b) decreases from 90 ° to 45 °. This increment is ignorable due to the large scatter
o f fatigue data often met in fatigue testing.

Effect of undercut at weld toe

Figure 7(a) shows the effect o f the tip radius o f undercut at the weld toe (r') on the stress
intensity factor K~,A calculated for the constant stress range S = 80 M P a (other weld geometry
parameters are kept constant: r = 2 mm, 6) = 30', 4) = 60 c' and t = 12 mm). It shows that the value
o f K sc.A
W is slightly increased as the value o f (r') increases from 0.05 to 0.5 mm. This effect o f (r')
on K,~.A can be used to explain the detrimental effect o f weld toe undercut on fatigue behaviour
o f welded joints. However, when the crack propagates beyond the length of 0.3 times the plate
thickness (0.3 × t) the value o f K w
sc.A is decreased as the value o f (r') increases. It means that the
effect o f weld toe undercut diminishes after that length, and the tip radius of undercut will act as
the weld toe radius.
14 T . N . N G U Y E N and M. A. W A H A B

Figure 7(b) shows the effect of the tip radius of undercut at the weld toe (r') on the crack aspect
ratio (a/c). It shows that a semi-elliptical surface crack with certain initial crack shape
[(a/c)o = const] propagating in a butt welded joint with a higher value of tip radius of undercut
(r') tends to develop the crack shape with a higher value of (a/c) during crack propagation life.
At the early stage of crack growth (a/c < 0.1) the surface crack tends to reach the shape with a
higher value of (a/c), i.e. close to the shape of a semi-circular crack. However, the value of the
ratio (a/c) decreases as the crack propagates further.
Figure 7(c) shows the effect of the tip radius of undercut at the weld toe (r') on the fatigue
crack propagation life. It is obvious that the fatigue crack propagation life is increased as the value
of (r') decreases. It means that the fatigue life of the butt welded joint can be improved by
decreasing the value of (r') or by eliminating the undercut at the weld toe by grinding or other
post-weld finishing techniques. The improvement of the fatigue crack propagation life due to the
decrease of the tip radius of undercut from 0.5 to 0.05 mm is of the order of 1.7 x 10 6 cycles
(S = 80 MPa), while that due to variation of (r), (O), (t) and (q~) is 4.5 x 10 6, 14 x l 0 6, 3 × l06
and I × 10 6 cycles, respectively. It means that the degree of influence of the tip radius of undercut
on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints is less than that of (r), (O) and (t), but stronger
than that of (tk).
Figure 7(d) shows the effect of the tip radius of undercut at weld toe (r') on the S-N curve.
It shows that the S-N curve tends to move from left to right as the value of (r') decreases. It means
that the fatigue strength and fatigue life of butt welded joints can be improved by either partly
or totally removing the weld toe undercut. This figure also shows that the fatigue strength of butt
joints at 2 x 10 6 cycles is increased by 12% as the tip radius of undercut decreases from 0.5 to
0.05 mm.

• a/c :0.1
---o---- ale : 0.2
--°-- a/c:0.3
---'0--- a / c : 0.5
~: 10
8 • ..... a l e : 0 . 8

6 ~ a/c=1.0

0 : : : :
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Relative crack length (a / t)

(a) Effect of ratio (a/c)o on K*sc, A"

-.~ 0.8 • (alc), =0.1
v 0.7
o o (a/c), =0.2
c.: • (a/c), =0.3
~ 0.5
o ( a / c ) , =O.S
~. 0.4
• ( a / c ) , :0.8
~ 0.2 5, ~ e O n n n o n n n n n o n o n e o n o ooooooo
( a / c ) , =1.0

I I l

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Relative crack length (a / t)

(b) Effect of ratio (alc)o on aspect ratio (ale).

A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 15



0.6 • (a / c), :0.1

(a / c), =o.2
o 0.5
----- (a/c), =0.3
~ 0.4
---o--- (a/c), =o.5
~ 0.3 (a / c), =0.8

0.2 ~ (a/C)o =1.o


0 I I I I I I I
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
N u m b e r of c y c l e s , N x 10 s

(c) Effect of (a/c)o on crack propagation life.


--m-- a / c =0.1
v ~ a/c=0.2
--'-- ale=0.3
o -~o--- a / c = O.5

~ - - a l e =0.8
- ~ - a - - - - a i c = 1.0

1010a 10 s 10 e 107
N u m b e r of c y c l e s , N

(d) Effect of (a/c) o on S - N curve.

Fig, 8. The effect of initial aspect ratio (a/c)o on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded joints.

Effect of initial crack shape aspect ratio

The effect of the initial crack shape aspect ratio (a/c)o on the fatigue behaviour of butt welded
joints was investigated by keeping all the relevant butt weld geometry parameters constant and
varying the value of (a/C)o.
Figure 8(a) shows the effect of the initial crack shape aspect ratio (a/c)o on the stress intensity
factor K~.A calculated for the constant stress range S = 80 MPa (other weld geometry parameters
are kept constant: r ' = 0.15 mm, r = 2mm, 69 = 30 °, ~ = 6ff~ and t = 12 mm). It shows that the
value of K wsc,A is decreased as the value of ratio (a/c)o increases from 0.1 to 1.0. However, this trend
seems to be significant at the early stage of crack growth (a/t < 0.1) only.
Figure 8(b) shows the effect of the initial crack aspect ratio (a/c)o on the crack shape during
crack propagation life. It shows that the semi-elliptical surface cracks with various values of (a/C)o
tend to develop the crack shape close to the shape developed by an initial semi-circular surface
crack during crack propagation life. However, this effect of the initial crack shape ratio is significant
only at the early stage of crack propagation (a/t < 0.1) and some of the fluctuations of the value
of(a/c) are also observed. Then the value of(a/c) with respect to various values of (a/c)0 will follow
the same curve as expected from the semi-circular surface crack when the crack propagates further.
Figure 8(c) shows the effect of the initial crack shape aspect ratio (a/c)o on the fatigue crack
propagation life. It is obvious that the fatigue crack propagation life is increased as the value of
(a/c)o increases. It means that the initiated fatigue cracks with lower initial crack shape aspect ratio
tend to be more detrimental to the fatigue life of butt welded joints compared to those with higher
initial crack shape aspect ratios. This deduces that a semi-circular surface crack seems to be less
harmful than the semi-elliptical or edge crack.

EFM ~ l : l - B
16 T, N. N G U Y E N a n d M. A. W A H A B

T a b l e 1. T r a n s f o r m a t i o n f u n c t i o n s f , , ( . . . ) , fA (' " ") a n d p r o p o r t i o n a l c o n s t a n t s k,, a n d k A o b t a i n e d f o r v a r i o u s d i m e n s i o n l e s s

p r o d u c t s o f weld g e o m e t r y p a r a m e t e r s c o r r e s p o n d i n g to eqs (11) a n d (12) i n c l u d i n g the e q u a t i o n f o r A 0
No. Transformation functions k A or km Coeff. r 2
1 f,~(r'/r) = 0.9715 + 0.1897 * (r'/r) - O. 1599 * (r'/r) * In(Y/r) - 0.2125 • (rx/(r'/r) 0.987
2 f,,(r/t)=O.9487-O.O416*(r/t)+O.OOOll/(r/t) k , , = 1.1837 0.998
3 fm ( O ) = 0.9203 -- 0.0001 * O + 0.0088 * I n ( O ) 0.997
4 f,,(q~) = 0.9541 -- 0.4626/,~ (k,,= 1.1158 if 0.999
5 f,,(t/b) = [1.0054 - 3.7887 * (t/b) + 3.7509 * (t/b)2]/[l - 3.7541 * (t/b) + r ' = 0) 0.999
+ 3.7004 * (t/b) 2] ( f o r b = 50 m m )
1 fA(r'/r) = 0.0699 -- 0.1341 * (r'/r) -- 0.2304 *~r'/r) * In(Y/r) 0.993
2 f A ( r / t ) = 0.2157 + 0 . 4 9 7 0 * (r/t) 3 - O.O196/x/(r/t ) k A = 1823.363 0.997
3 f A ( O ) = 0.1894 - 0.0131 * In(0) + 2.9573 * e x p ( - O ) 0.992
4 fA (~b) = 0 . 3 1 6 5 . 0 1 8 , ~b - 0 . 0 3 5 4 * ( x / ~ (k A = 309.1123 if 0.999
5 f A ( t / b ) = O . 2 1 6 8 - O . 1 4 0 2 . x / ( t / b ) (for b = 5 0 m m ) r'=0) 0.999
A0 = [5.6078 + 4.3553 * (t/b) + 10.0300 * (t/b) 2] * 10 ~2 ( f o r b = 50 m m ) 0.999

Figure 8(d) shows the effect of the initial crack shape aspect ratio (a/c)o on the S-N curve.
It shows that the S-N curve tends to move from left to right as the value of (a/c)o increases from
0.1 to 1. This figure also shows that there is no significant difference between the effect of (a/c)o
on the S-N curve for a large range of the initial crack shape aspect ratio from 0.2 to 1.0 mm.
Therefore, it suggests that when using a semi-elliptical crack propagation model to evaluate fatigue
behaviour of butt welded joints an initial crack with aspect ratio of 0.2 can be adopted.

A model to predict the co-influence effect of butt weld geometry parameters

Table 1 shows the transformation functions fro(." "),fa (" " ) and proportional constants k,, and
kA that were obtained for various dimensionless products of weld geometry parameters correspond-
ing to eqs (11) and (12). The value of A0 can be obtained from Table 1 as a function of the
normalised plate thickness. By substituting these transformation functions and suitable constants
(kin and kA) into eqs (11) and (12), respectively, we can get the value of constants m and A for eq.
(10). Then the S-N curve subjected to numerous variations of butt weld geometry parameters can
be constructed correspondingly.
Figure 9 shows a comparison between a scatter band of S-N curves due to variation of the
butt weld geometry parameters and the available experimental data from ref. [23]. Several S-N
curves representing design classes D, F and W (BS 5400) are also constructed for the comparison.
It is obvious from this figure that the S-N curves predicted by the proposed model underestimate
the experimental data. This may be due to the fact that a significant portion of fatigue crack
initiation life has been ignored in this study.
This figure also shows that the predicted scatter band of S-N curves subject to variation of
the weld geometry parameters is in good agreement with S-N curves covered by design classes from


• Class F (BS 5400)

Class W (BS 5400)
--*-- S mln, pred

S max, pred
u~. 100
• Exper. Data [NRIM]

10 4 10 s 10 6 10 7 10 s
Number of cycles, N

Fig. 9. A c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n a s c a t t e r b a n d o f S - N curves d u e to v a r i a t i o n s o f b u t t weld g e o m e t r y

p a r a m e t e r s a n d the a v a i l a b l e e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a f r o m ref. [23].
A theoretical study of the effect of weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life 17

D to W (BS 5400). The design class F which is commonly used for design of butt welded joints
has fallen in the middle of the predicted scatter band of S - N curves. It is suggested that for the
sake of a safe design concept, class W should be used for fatigue design of butt welded joints instead
of class F.

The analysis of the effect of weld geometry of butt welded joints on the fatigue crack
propagation life gives the following important conclusions:
(1) The fatigue life and fatigue strength of butt welded joints can be improved by modifying
one of its weld geometry parameters as follows:
• Increasing the radius of weld toes
• Decreasing the value of flank angle. The significant improvement is obtained when the flank
angle is decreased beyond the value of 20 ° . The best case is to flush-grind the weld bead
to the level of the base plate
• Decreasing plate thickness
• Decreasing the edge preparation angle
• Decreasing the tip radius of undercut at weld toes or eliminating the weld toe undercut
(2) The degree of influence of various weld geometry parameters on fatigue behaviour of butt
joints is in the following order: flank angle, weld toe radius, plate thickness, tip radius of undercut
and edge preparation angle.
(3) The effect of butt weld geometry parameters on fatigue crack propagation life is due to
the early stage of crack growth only. Beyond that crack length the weld geometry no longer has
a significant effect on fatigue crack propagation life.
(4) A theoretical explanation for the well-known side effect of plate thickness in decreasing
the fatigue life and fatigue strength of welded joints is revealed. However, for the lower range of
plate thicknesses (less than 20 mm) this effect is found to be non-significant.
(5) The initial crack shape aspect ratios play important roles in fatigue crack propagation life.
The initial semi-circular surface crack is less harmful than the semi-elliptical or edge one. However,
there is no significant effect between the large range of initial crack shape aspect ratio from 0.2
to 1.0. It suggests that for the fatigue assessment of butt welded joints using LEFM, an initial crack
aspect ratio of 0.2 can be adopted.
(6) A mathematical model that developed in this study to predict the co-influence effect of butt
weld geometry parameters satisfactorily gives a new insight into fatigue design.
This analysis shows the basic understanding of the effect of weld geometry on the fatigue crack
propagation life of butt welded joints in structural steel. It gives a good explanation for post-weld
treatments (e.g. grinding of the weld toe) commonly used in practice to improve fatigue
performance of welded structures. It also introduces the recommendation for more efficient use of
post-weld treatments subject to particular cases.

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(Received 21 February 1994)

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