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Level : Fourth Year ( Salam Machicho )

Sequence :One Lesson: ppu Function: Comparing.

Learning objective: By the end of the lesson pps should be able to compare landmarks using the comparative of superiority.

Targeted competencies: To interact about famous monuments and landmarks

To interpret pictures and a listening script.
To compare landmarks using the comparative form .
Domain : oral / written Lexis : –pre –acquired lexis Materials : WB- pictures –
Language tools ( target structures) TYE COMPARATIVE FORM
Cross curriculum competencies : Core values :
Intel.Comp: learners can understand and analyze information . Socializing
Method.Comp:learners can interpret an written message and illustrations valuing landmarks and monuments
Commu.Comp: learners can exchange information about their own profiles . Openness to other cultures
Social .Comp: learners can socialize with each other when exchange ideas and information .

Time Framework Procedure Focus Learning objectives VAKT

: The teacher makes a brief revision about the comparative of equality /

Warm up
inequality then hangs on the board pictures of four landmarks. Pps / T Leading the pps
5 min to topic of V
: The pp identify the landmarks and give any information about them . the lesson
: The teacher asks the pps to listen and complete the file fact .

Pps / T

5 min
T / Pps
-Pps listen and complete the file fact .

: The teacher asks the pps to order the landmark according the
Presentation following features height / weight / date of construction then she the pps
20min to complete the stc after asking these questions : Considering a
Pps/ Pps listening script
Which landmark is old (ancient ) the pyramids or Pisa Tower ?
Which landmark is big Pisa Tower or The Pyramids ?
Which landmark is heavy Eiffel Tower of the Pyramids?
Which landmark is more famous? A
What are the adjectives used in each sentence and what are the
T / Pps
transformations accrued to each one ?
Practise 1. …………………………….older than …………………………………..
2. …………………………….heavier than …………………………………..
15 min
3. …………………………….bigger than ………………………………….. Considering
4. …………………………….famous that ………………………………….. sentences to
5. …………………………….beautiful that ………………………………….. draw the rule
: The teacher analyses the answers of the pps to draw the rule of the comparative of
forming the comparative of superiority.

Task 1 : I use the information in the table and the adjectives ( high /
mysterious / big / interesting / small / attractive / modern / old ) to
compare between landmarks
Height Weight Date of construction Practicing
Hagia Sofia 55 m / 360 . the new forms
Statue of liberty 44m 225 tonne 1884
Big Ben 2.2 m tall 13.7 tonne 1854
Eg: Hagia Sofia is older than The Statue of Liberty.
Task 2 : I compare between two famous landmarks or figures using the
comparative form .
 …
 ….
 …
 ..
 ….

The Listening Script :

The Pyramids , Pizza tower , Eiffel Tower and London Eye are four
famous universal Landmarks .The Pyramids in Giza Egypt were
constructed in 2490 BC.They are almost is 2.3 million tonnes , 146.5
height .
London Eye in London is 135 m height 2.100 tonnes and was
constructed in 1999. The third landmark is Pizza Tower in Italy .It is
14.5 tonnes , 55 m height and was constructed in 1372 .Finally Eiffel
Tower in Paris .It is 324 m height , 10.000 T weight and was
constructed in 1889 .

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