ms4 Seq 01 Adjectives of Degree

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T: Aboubaker-Chouit S-Dridi Saadi Middle School Level: 4MS

Sequence : 01 Me, Universal Landmarks and Lesson: I practise V Framework :PPU

Outstanding Figures in History, Literature and Arts
Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson my Ls will be able to describe and value outstanding figures and famous landmarks
using adjectives of degree
Targeted Competences: Domain (s): Oral-Written (Both) Materials: WB- Ls’ Copybook
Interact .Interpret .Produce +flashcards
Target Structures: lexis and expressions related to tourism and travelling, famous landmarks / as…as/ not as…as/ very+ adj….
Cross Curricular Competencies Core values
* Intel: L can understand, interpret verbal and non verbal texts. *Valuing travelling as a source of
* Meth: -L can work in pairs or in groups. knowledge/
*Com: -L can use a role play to communicate appropriately. * Openness to other cultures.
-L can describe and value outstanding figures and famous landmarks using * Valuing world heritage.
adjectives of degree. *Raising awareness of the importance of
* Per and Soc: -L can show responsibility towards team work. landmarks
-L can socialize through oral and written messages.
Time Frame Procedure Focus Objectives Aids VA
work KT
050 Warm -T-Greets his Ls and welcomes them, they respond. T⤑L Establish a A
up -T- Gives his Ls a short passage then he asks some questions good V
In 2008, I travelled to Egypt. It was a very nice trip. I still remember classroom
the pyramids, those very big tombs of the Pharaohs. They represent Atmospher
the very old Egyptian civilization .after a long day of walk, I felt very e
hungry and very tired. A friend invited us for a traditional dinner. It To present
was very tasty. the target
-T-What is the kind of words in bold? structure
L: (Adjectives) In a context
-T-How do you see the word ‘very’ that preceded the adjectives?
L: repetition/ boring.
preceded by (very) and thinking about the repetition.
-T-Suggest other adjectives that express the word ‘very’
-T-Asks his Ls replace the adjectives by these ones
( starving /wonderful / delicious / ancient / massive / exhausted Hando A
) uts+ V
In 2008, I travelled to Egypt. It was a wonderful trip. I still Interacting Ls’
150 Presen remember the pyramids, those massive tombs of the Pharaohs. They T⤑L to elicit the books
tation represent the ancient Egyptian civilization .after a long day of walk, I target
felt starving and exhausted. A friend invited us for a traditional structure
dinner. It was delicious.
-T-Explains to his Ls how to identify and distinguish
Eg 01: to state the
Ketchawa mosque is big rule
Ibn Badis mosque is very big
The great mosque is massive ( strong / extreme adjective)
Eg 02:
Scott Fitzgerald is a famous writer.
Joseph Conrad is a very famous writer.
Shakespeare is a well-known writer.(strong /extreme adjective)

Task 01(Oral): 09 p37 I use my dictionary and identify the 03

intruders adjectives
Lovely- Marvellous- Incredible- Terrible- Amazing- Wonderful-
Awful- Awesome- Stunning- Fantastic- Superb- Horrible- To train on
Exceptional- Outstanding. the use
(TPS) Think Pair Share) strong adj
Task 02(Oral): I match each base adjective with its strong one and
0 consolidate
25 Practic T⤑L WB- V
Base adjective Strong adjective comparativ
e L⤑T e Ls’ A
_good _fascinating
_bad _boiling structure Copyb T
_big/large _freezing ook
_small/ little _exhausted to
_interesting _great/brilliant/ fantastic reinforce
_warm/hot _huge/massive/enormous
_cold _tiny
_glad/happy/pleased _filthy correction
_attractive _terrible and
_tired _well-known cooperative
_dirty _gorgeous /stunning
_famous/popular _gorgeous/stunning
_hungry _overjoyed
_tasty _astonished
_nice _starving
_old _ancient
_Angry _furious
_surprised _delicious
TPS) Think Pair Share

Task 03: (Written): I select 6 strong adjectives and use them in a/

paragraph describing landmarks / outstanding figure WB-
L⤑T To reinvest Ls’ V
Use Lovely- Marvellous- Incredible- Amazing- Wonderful - Awesome- prior Copyb A
Stunning- Fantastic- Superb- - Exceptional- Outstanding. knowledge ook + T
what he book
Last weekend I went with my friend to Setif. It was a lovely
learnt to
trip..We visited Djmila……………. make a
(TPS) Think Pair Share passage

-T-Asks Ls to copy down the topic in their copybooks.

The Teacher’s comments
What Worked What hindered Action Points
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