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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Muntinlupa
Phase 2, Southville III, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City


Grade 9 - English
S.Y. 2022-2023
I. Read each paragraph. Answer each question. Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.
One the most popular musical instruments is the piano. In the traditional
musical instrument classification system of string, woodwind, percussion and brass,
the piano falls into two categories. It is considered a string instrument because the
sound comes from the strings inside the piano. It is also considered a percussion
instrument, since the player strikes the keyboard, which signals an internal hammer
to strike the strings.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Piano is a string instrument.
B. Piano is a popular musical instrument.
C. The strings of a piano make the sound.
D. Piano is a traditional instrument.
2. What 2 statements support the main idea?
A. sentences 1 and 2 C. sentences 2 and 3
B. sentences 3 and 4 D. sentences 1 and 4
3. What word from the sentence means an instrument that needs tapping or striking to make sounds?
A. string C. percussion
B. woodwind D. brass
As important as water conservation is, it is also very easy. A few simple habits
can significantly reduce the water consumption of a household. One way to save
water is to turn off the faucet when reduce the water consumption of a household.
One way to save water is to turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Also, don’t
allow faucets to drip; one drip can waste a large amount of water over a short period
of time. Baths require less water than showers, so by taking a bath instead of a
shower, you can reduce the amount of water your home uses. In the kitchen,
running a dishwasher when it is completely full, rather than half full, can save up to
20 gallons a day. These simple changes will save water and save money.

4. What sentence tells the main idea of the paragraph?

A. sentence 1 B. sentence 2 C. sentence 3 D. sentence 4
5. What word in the paragraph means using up a resource?
A. conservation B. significantly C. waste D. consumption
II. Write B if the statement shows Bias and P if it is Prejudice.
6. A man in wheelchair was not hired because the employer thought that he couldn’t do the job well.
7. Fritz and her friends were the only guests in the hotel who were asked to be searched because they were
8. Mrs. Sy promoted Ashton because he graduated from a well-known university.
9. Ana prefers IOS than Android phones because she believes that a more expensive phone is better than
the less expensive ones.
10. Joe received high marks in almost all of his subjects, but only an average in English. His parents were
upset because of it.
11. Kelly went to Laguna to visit a scenic spot there where she saw from a vlog. To her surprise, it was not
what she expected.
12. My uncle does not quit smoking because he has known someone who has lived for a century despite
being a chain smoker.
13. Though Lindsay is the smartest among her classmates, she was still failed by the teacher because of
being too outspoken.
14. Rachel chose Jerry because she thought that she would not have a good future with Tom.
15. Zeke’s neighbors avoid him because his brother is ill.
III. Identify the factors that we can consider in determining the ideas of an author. Choose the letter
of your best answer.
16. The author’s feelings, attitude, or behavior towards a topic.
A. tone B. point of view C. purpose D. main idea
17. It tells what the passage or text is all about.
A. main idea B. topic C. tone D. title
18. It is the purpose of the author in his writing.
A. persuade B. inform C. entertain D. a, b, and c
19. Theme is also the ______ of a text.
A. topic B. main idea C. plot D. title
20. It is the author’s way of deciding who is telling the story to whom
A. theme B. main idea C. point of view D. tone
21. It is the I/We point of view
A. 1st person C. 3rd person omniscient
B. 2nd person D. 3rd person limited
22. A point of view that states that the narrator is all knowing.
A. 1st person C. 3rd person omniscient
B. 2nd person D. 3rd person limite
23. An implicit main idea ___________.
A. is an implied idea that can be drawn from the text.
B. is a concluding idea.
C. is an implied idea that can be drawn from the title.
D. is a directly stated idea.
24. An explicit main idea ___________.
A. is an implied idea that can be drawn from the text.
B. is a concluding idea.
C. is an implied idea that can be drawn from the title.
D. is a directly stated idea.
25. To encourage and to try to get the reader to act or think in a certain way.
A. persuade B. inform C. entertain D. a, b, and c
III. Read the questions carefully and choose letter of the correct answer.
26. It is evidence that accurately represents the whole topic.
A. facts C. validity
B. representative D. None of the above
27. Insufficiency of evidence tells whether ________.
A. facts are effective in the text
B. evidence is enough to support the ideas
C. sources are not evident in a piece of writing
D. evidence is not enough to support the ideas
28. Which expression is NOT used to introduce an opinion?
A. I agree C. However
B. I believe D. From my point of view
29. Which among the following is NOT used to introduce reasons?
A. since C. because
B. due to D. as a result
30. What do you call the words or phrases that act as bridges between and among sentences and
A. appositives C. voices of the verb
B. direct objects D. transitional devices
31. Which of the following ideas can be used to support an opinion?
A. facts C. experiences
B. reasons D. point of view
32. What does reading critically mean?
A. Critical reading is understanding the author’s point of view.
B. Critical reading is a process of analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating the text.
C. Critical reading is giving the readers freedom to express insights about the text read.
D. Critical reading is pointing the issue raised in the text.
33. These are skills required for a reader to make meaning from the text read, EXCEPT:
A. Word recognition C. Comprehension
B. Interest D. Fluency
34. “Joyful day, a time for new beginnings, and a time to be hopeful.” What is the implied meaning of this
A. To be optimistic C. To be passive
B. To be pessimistic D. To be aggressive
35. “Hold a point of steadiness and moderation. Find a point of equilibrium and peaceful coexistence in the
midst of change.” What does this quote say?
A. Live a peaceful life C. Live a prosperous life
B. Live a wonderful life D. Live a contented life
36. “Now, we march on to a new year wiser, stronger, and more prepared for the challenges ahead.” What
does this quote say?
A. Sense of readiness C. Sense of preparedness
B. Sense of oneness D. Sense of kindness
37. In listening to an argumentation, if you heard the speaker presenting the similarities and/or differences
of the two major concern, which of the following techniques is being used?
A. Analogy C. Comparison-contrast
B. Definition D. Analysis
38. When you want to persuade your readers through logical reasoning, which among the following must
you consider?
A. Steps C. Grammar
B. Techniques D. Form

There might be life on Mars because it has an atmosphere that

contains oxygen just like the Earth.
39. Which among the techniques in argumentation is used in writing the text above?
A. Analogy C. Definition
B. Comparison-contrast D. Analysis

Marijuana are drugs that can kill a person if used illegally and
abusively. However, this can also be used for medical purposes as
approved by the authority.
40. Which among the techniques in argumentation is used in writing the text above?
A. Analogy C. Definition
B. Comparison-contrast D. Analysis

IV. Fill in the blanks with correct transitional devices. Pick your answers from the word pool.

also therefore for example

because however like

41. There are a lot of delicious Filipino dishes __________ adobo, menudo, and sinigang.
42. The fresh breeze from the sea provides relief for people suffering from chest complaints. __________,
attacks of asthma and other allergies can be minimized by living near the sea.
43. A noisy passenger entered the jeepney. __________, all the other passengers were disturbed.
44. Keeping a healthy diet is good for your health. __________, it can help you avoid acquiring any
45. Josie had to leave for the province __________ there was an emergency.
46. The sun had not risen yet. __________, people are already busy on the streets.
47. A pandemic hit our city; __________, people were instructed to stay inside their homes and keep
48. The sea can cure certain physical diseases. __________, it eases psychological problems.
49. A day at the beach may entail additional expenses. __________, the people still love to go to the beach
to have fun.
50. People were preparing; __________, the visitors were not sure to come.

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