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Questions on the clip: The origins of lynching culture

1. What is the legal definition of the term lynching?

Three or more,
No court,
For tradition
Aversion of justice

2. What is said about the legal situation during the revolutionary war years?
Not many courts
Dangerous to move around
Local justice

3. The year 1886 marks a watershed in the history of lynching, as it becomes racialized.
What happened?
Blacks exceed whites

4. What is said about first class citizenship?

It’s a privelige, not a right
To those with a certian character and way

5. Why did Social Darwinism have such a devastating effect on all non-white people and
the development of society?
Black inferior to white
White supremacy

6. How did scientists contribute to underpin the theories of Social Darwinism?

Sought to prove prejudice ideas

7. How did Social Darwinism and the new idea of women – their character and their role
in society – coincide and work together to impact racial policies?

8. Ida B Wells began her career as an investigative reporter, but soon directed her efforts
to investigate racial matters. What was her one special focal point?
Anti lynching

9. Why were Ida B Well’s claims both revolutionary and shocking at the time?
Consentual relationships

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