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id Dimensional Data for El Laminations Laminations are of the most widely-used cores in power comversien. ‘The dimensional outline for FI lomisationsandan assented tansformer is shown in Figare 3.2 Dimensional dos for EI laminations is given in Table 3-2; sien daa ig givem in Tube 33, [+ | Fp East 1, Landmann ‘Channel Bracket Aemembiy Figure 3-22. EU Lamination Quilise ERS FL EMas ELI30, Bas E180, Design and Dimensional Data for UI Laminations. The dimensional cut for U1 laminations and an asserabled wansformer is shown in Figure 3 ‘Dimenslnmat data fr Li laminations is given iTable & design dara is given in Tab 8, Cail Sicke View: End View Uh, Lenina UI Transtirneer Asgesbiod Figure 2-28. Ul Lamexation Outline Table 3-4, Damenchowal Data for U1 Laminates, Ui Waedard Cariations 14 val ‘Table 368, Design Duta for 14 mil U1 Lamimations, are Calan Design and Dimensional Data for LL Laminations Tae dinscasioeal outline for LL lacninations und em assembled wansformer és shown ia Figure 324, Dineeesoneal dana for IL. amination gives int Table 3-6; design dana is gives in Table 3-7. S Fu UL, Laminations LL Transfer Assensbly Figure 3-24, CL Carsinasion Outline, ‘Table 3-6, Thimenssensl Data for J+ mail LE, Laminahons, Design and Dimensional Data for DU Laminations The dimensiocal outline for DL lemwaations and en assembled tamsformer ts shows in Figure 325. Duwenstosal data for DL anuinatioes is give. in Table 3-8; design dana i gives in Tube 3-9, eo elfe] fe iW DU, Laminations [DU Transformer Assembly Figare 3-25. DU Lamination Outline. Table 3-8, Dimexsioaal Dow for 14 ail DU Laminations, Design and Dimensional Data for Three Phase Laminations ‘The dimensional outline for SPhase El laminations and an assewibled transioemer is shown in Figure 3-86, Dimensional data for Phase El lanunatioas is gives in Table 3-10; dssien daa is given in Fable 3-11 fle 3 == | CF rf a o o Ne Cuil #2 Coit & o fe ‘teen inane ria amen Bsoeity Figure 426 El Three Fase Laminations Outline. Tames 1%, Eineasional Dara Tor 14 yuil EI Thee Phase Laminations, Shave, Slandard Laminations, (harmas & Skinner Mea ‘Table 3-11. Diesips Data for 14 neil EI Three PRaase Laminations pi eae fom Tharmas Skinner Tvl e268 ‘8.373 8.5061 O21 0.62561 OgTsE Loot L300 Looe | B00 Design 1 Data for Tape Wound C Cores “The dimesiicaal outline fir € cores is shun in Figuie 3-27, Dcaenaional cite far C co‘es is iver in ‘able 3-12; ses ata ts piven Tale 313, id Dimension Figure 3-27. Tape C Core Dimensiara Otline ‘Table 3-12, Bemnemsomal Dota for Tape C Cores. Dimensional Outline for Tape Wound RE Cores ‘The dimensional outline for EE cores is shows in Figure 3-28. Dimensional dats for EE cores Table 3-14; design data is given in Table 8-15, given in Figare 2-28. Tape EE Core Dissessiowal Outline Table 3-14. Dasensional Dats fr Tape EE Cores SS area Tan Tart No oo | gs a z Design and Dimensional Data for Tape Wound Tarvidal Cores ‘The dimensiunal oui for lage wnund Turossal cures is show caved tap wound Torwidal coves is givem im Table 316; digs da is eo le Cased Toroid Caseless Toroid ) Figure 3-29, Diniessionsl dam for tuiven in Table 2-17, Enchrere ‘Figere 2-29, Tape Toroidal Core Dimensional Outline. ‘Table 3-16, Dicnensional Duta far Tape Toresial Cores, TmooaTas | a oars | ogeo0ri7 | 15.55 arma | oganaa0 | 41.30 onsen | noonzsn2 | 16.50 08737 | noone | 23,70 ocn320_| nouneisa ‘DasITE | DoNDeIOT | IG) naass4 | ooosians | 23.0 nary | conessa7 | an o7oie4 | ooltasas | 6220 o2e7s | conase | 34.60 sano] ooupeins | 3n.40 Design and Dimensional Data for Tape Wound Torvidal Cores ‘The dimensions oullioe fint tape mune Toroidal cures is shown in Fi cased tage wound Toroidal cores is given in Table 3-16 design dats js piven in Table 3-07 on fe Cased ‘Torwid Caseless Toreid fe E29, Diamessicea data for Eackesre ‘Figure 8-2%, Tape Toroidal Core Dimensional Outline. ‘Table 3-16, Dimensional [ruta far Tape Toroidal Cares q sat Toons oora72 | 0.000071 aor | o.consa0 ontéen | 0.c0u3s42 aowst | o.coasens oo7s20_| o.cong3sa DaszTe | U.coNet6T oudss¢ | o.costam3 o27i87 | o.oonss7 oops | o0r13sas oasa7s | o.cosaase nasno0 | o.co993ns write Cores Design and Dimensional Data for The dimensional ouiline for EE feerite cones i shown ax Figure 3-30, Disvensiomal data foc EE feribe cones ts given in Tbe 3-18; esi daca is given in Table 3.19, ER Femite Cores Perspective View Figure 3-30, Dimension Outline for PE Peerte Cores ‘Table 3-18, Dimensional Data for EE Feeive Cones. ae 8.308 Bs Lot 45 a ats #09 a4 880 | asux | 2.39] 1930] a.016 a1s nm 13} aaae | 3390] 2709] oee7 | i527] te6 | an Tins AL valle fas boa normalized for a permeability of TK. Fura cee apprasimabon of AL for wher ‘ales uf permeability, muhiply this AL. value by the new permeubliy in hilo-perm Wie new spermeatibey is 2500. den we 2.5, Design and Dimensional Data for EE and El Planar, Ferrite Cores ‘The dimensional outline for EE and EY planar ferrite cores is shor EE and El planar ferrite cores is given in Table 3-1 design data is piven in Table 3-21 Figere 3-31. Dimensinaat dats for aatting See Bow t Hh EE oe EL Planar Ferrite Cores Perspective View Figure 3.31. Dimension Outline for EE, 6 Planar Fersive Comes ‘Table 3-28. Dimensional Data for EE, El Planar Fernie Cores Eras] 2ivo | tia | eacr| 1sve| esis | avr feassie| aie | saa ies) 20] aura | ans leewazie) 21601 iio) ise reve] sows | onso fecasia) azie | va} vas | emo] oni | vee Tae meas mans! um 337 perteclity, multiply this AL value the new permcahitiy in kileperen M thee perracahitis is 2500, shen te 35 Design and Dimensional Data for FC, Ferrite Cores The dimensional omiline for EC ferns cures is sherwn in Fiuure 3-32, Diimemsiomal dats for EC ferive cores is givem in Table 3-22: design data is given in Table 3-23 EC Fenite Core Perepoctive Vicor Figure 3-32. Dimension Ouilise for EC Fenite Cares. 0 ota eemeability OFK. For x lowe spprmaimeten of AL for cther values of pemesbli rs AL ani by the new permeability inkilosperm. ifthe new permentaity 5 2800, mes se 25 Design and Dimensional Data for ETD, Ferrite Cores Vie dimensional cutie far ETO feente ces i shown in Figure 3-33, Dimnsional data fr ETD fer ‘ces is given im Table 3-24; desig daca is given in Table 328, ™ D ETD Fete Core Perspective View Figure 333, Dimeasion Outlise for ETD Rerrite Canes ‘Table 324, Dimensioaal Dota foc ETD Fesrite Cures x Ts agin] sha | imi nits] eno | 918 nsses| po | ion TseT] lors | la sos }izets] vxme} i337 | 2x : suse [i060] 212m} 34 | petabilny of Tk. For achee appravinati of AL fr oie valves of pecabily, raiply ia AL value By the new perresilay a kikopern. the new pexmeabiby 4 500. hen use 2s ‘es one 48590 THEY Design and Dimensional Data for E'TD/(low profile), Ferrite Cores ‘The dimensional outline for ETT Ip kaw profile ernie cores ix shawn in Figure 3-24. Dimersioml da for FE Ip tow oie eerie cones vem in Table 3-26: desi daca is given in Table 3-27 Perspective View Figure 3-34, Dimecsson Outline for ETNIp Fertile Cores, ‘Table $26, Dimensional Data for ETD Ip Fesrite Coces. Eig, Ferrite Cores (9S Ferrie Tnieraatioual THDsapy ETDIO(p} EEDM4(Ip) ETDS OST ETDRp) near ETDs) 1a ETpayie) Lael This AL valuchas been serialized Gr permcabiliy ef 1K. Far «clase apprscaioe of AL fo ae vlaee sf permet, malin die A vale hy he ew permrsility in kik-pores Wie new pelt is 250, then use 25 Design and Dimensional Data for ER, Ferrite Cores Sweface Mount Device, SMD The dimensional surlinc for ER ferrite cones és sho in Figure 3-35, Dimensiceal dstw for ER. frrite ores is given in Table 3-28; design dota is given in Table 3-29. hE ER Ferrite Core Perspective View Figure 3-38 Dimension Outline for EB Ferite Cores. ‘Table 3-28. Dimensional Data foe ER Fenite Comes Ta 2100 17a Ts0 La aa os 218 cr a0 iat Dans] wasn | osG] ERD] a0 oso! 500 ie oso] eR sa] S850 Toes wera | (kt 2.1900 Bah paseo 25280 "The AL vane as foes sormealiced fora ponmeabilty of Tk. For w clase pewimation of AL. for thar values ‘of peeaeubitty, up this AL value Oy themes pesmeliy in ki-parm. Uf the mex peels 2200, than use 25, Design and Dimensional Data for RFD, Ferrite Cores: Surface Mount Devics, SMD The EFD coves, (Roomomic Plat Design}, offir + signif miniaturization The dimensional ostline for EFD fesrite cores is shown in Figure 238, Dimes! dats cant advance in power transfocmer circuit lor BED fercte cores is given in Table 3-2 design data is given in Table 3:31 ae Lu | ES (ih ne ——— c 7 ERD Ferrite Cove Perspective View: Figure 3.44, Dimension Quiline for EF Perrite Cores. ‘Table 3-30. Dimensional Data for BET? Ferrite Cores FR eae a Tis ‘Table 331. Desgn Data for BPD Fesrite Cares TEFD, Feriile Cares (Fervoucube) | ss fall cn fm ad | | a | | | io em es coi | cw ‘as | 090 Tanasa7 | 001? ao | 260 anszas | ooorns oa | 7.00 aussie | cosas ins | i620 39376 | aaa ian | 2400: aunon7e | oonos7 This AL value has been nomaliaed fr a permehlity of TK. Fora chee ppreximaticn ofAL fe Ofer values af permeability, alliply this AL value by the new permaababityinkilorperm. (ae new permeability = 2500, then use 25) Design and Dimensional Data for EPC, Ferrite Cores Surface Mount Device, SMD onal curling fr PES fewite coves és shorwn i Figure 3-37, Dimensional dana for ERC: cones isin in Tbe 3-32; design data is piven i Tab 3-33, ise a1 EPC Ferrite Core Perspect ‘The dimen Figure 3:37, Dimeasion Outline for EPC Fecuine Cures. Table 3.82, Dimensional Dara for EC Feerite Cores Ties AL vale ha bees sora perma, eaiiphy this AL Design and Dimensional Data for PC, Ferrite Cores ‘The dimensional outline far PC fernite pot ceces is shown in Figure 3.28, Dimessinnal data for PC ferrite POI coees is piven int Tulse 3-34; design am ie gives ia Table 3-35; Pempective View Figure 338, Dimrosioa Outline for PE Perite Cores Tabbe 334, Dinsexedonal Data for PC Ferrite Cores, [|e |u| | eo | | oe | PC-angts Pc-az616| 2550 | 212 PC-41408 .539 | pc-4a019] 3.000 | 2.500 PC-AI8H| r : 3.360 | 2.990 2 2340 | 3560 z 3 pias Boose Roane iat oana PORT ut | 259 eunas rm red 376 430 sa 20 | 559 | imo. 635 Tas AL valve has oen noctelized fora portesbibity of 1K. Fora Coes appronasion of AL tot oft values of permeability, mally die AL waluc bythe sew permeability kilerperm Ie mew permeable 2504 ther ee ‘Design and Dimensional Data for EF, Ferrite Cores The EP fervite comes are typically vsed in transformer epplicanons. The shape of the exsemibly is almost ccobveal,allauiag high package demities ca the FCB, The dimensional euttine foe EF erie core is shows in Figwe 139, Dimensional data for EP Beste cores is given in Table 3-36; desis dasa given in Table Ban ee cs E B A - | ae Ferrite Core Pengective View Figure 3-39, Dimension Qutlise for EF Berite Comes. ‘Table 3685, Dimension Data for EP Ferrite Cares Taare oaosa ooassa 0.10915 34 3473? *Thes AL valuchas Bese noemalized for spannicahuliy of TR. Far x lose apprommation af AL. tor al ‘luce of permeatslity, mmltiply this AL value by ie new pecreability in hilo-penn, Ifthe mew permeability i 2500 thes use 25 Design and Dimensional Data fer PQ, Ferrite Cores ‘The PQ ferrite coces, (omer Qualityh, dearure round center legs with rather all cross-nections, The dimensional watline for PO) ferrite coves is shown in Figure 3-861 Dimensional dasa for PQ fervite cores & piven in Table 2.28, devin dan is gives Table 2-29. AL w PQ Beenie Cove Perspective View Figure 3-40, Dimension Ousline foe PQ} Ferrie Cores Table 3-38, Dimensional Data for PQ Perrine Cores. Fra ar Wd a comer ET rs ence A a ‘ein. mathe A ue ho peay mo prea 20 en The POVIp cores are a cut down version of the standard MQ cores, ‘The POMIp cores have a subetamilly reduced total height, The dimnsiamal odie Sor MQ femite coves is shown in Figure 3-41, Dimensional daa for FQ Feit eos i piven i Tabs 3-10 design dui piven in Table 241, fat pe + Ae ro ko PQ Fesnae Core, lo peoiie Praapective View Figure 3-41. Dimension Guise for Ppp Fenite Comes ‘Table 3-48, Dimensional Data foe PQMIp Fersite Cones, Pa Pq25-16- 1919 Q32-17- 2p "Thar AL. val in bees normalised fors pemnetiy et 1K. Foraccloerapprosimarion of aL for ataer anaes a permesbiley, ube hie AL valur hy the-eew peramasiligy eo kb-porm. fhe mew penalty x2, ther ume 2 Design and Dimensional Duta for RM, Ferrite Cores. ‘The RM cores, (Rectangular Morulac), were developed for high Pristed Circuit Board, (PCB), packing densities, The dimensional cuthine for RM ferrite cores is shown in Figure 3-42, Diramsional data for RM fennite cores is given in Table 3-42; design data is given in ‘Table 3-43. Perepective View igure $42, Dimension Outline for RM Ferrite Coors, ‘Table 5-42, Dimensional Data far BM Ferrite Coces. RY Ferrite Cores (TDR) otmfefalaletatalal cm No. cm. a cm To D2 | RMI) | 2als | Bios ToT | Lar Ss | wM-t2 | 2925 | 2.55 be has] 71 M aM-l4 | 3az | 295 | 2e8 | a7] 211 im bbe Sa8, Design Data for RM Persite Cores, "This Al valbe Rar been normalfecd for mpermesibility of [Fura close sppeatimation af Al. for other values cf pera, muti this Al. value by the neo permeabsiry in kilo- perm. Ef the new permseaility 1g 2200, them use 26, F RMi(low profile), Ferrite Cores 4 Dimensional Dat Surface Mount Device, SMD The RMIp ferrite cores see a cul dorm veFsioa af the standard RM cones RMIp feet cages i shew im Faun 3449, Dinrcasonal lata for Mp Revie cones bs gives in Table Je IRM Fecrite Core, low profile Perspective View Design (he dimensiczal cutie for 44; design hata is giver is Table 3-45, ‘Figure $43. Dimension Qualine for Rip Pesrite Ceres. ‘Table 3-44, Dimensional Data for RM Ip Ferrite Coves, TMT RMSILP RNa. RMZALP. Trae | OEE aur777 | bones svazr2 | home| scien | ons 3810 | DONTE azmis | boi 734 ‘asm | 0.08827 sont EMILE RMSILP RMBSL Bent 7HLP EMBILP RMIGILP RMIZLP ese RMLAILP sos | 12ans| “Toit AL vale has boos sarreiized Kova perneabsity of TK Fora skes approumeon of AL Re attr valeer of prresiliy, alli this AL owton ty the new permenlity m kikoperrm. IF the me poresea bitty i 250M, then we 25 Design and Dimensional Data for EE, Iron Powder Cores The dimerssonal wulline far EE ston power cones is shown i Figuee 3-52, Dieters! data toe EE (ea fein Table 3-62; desig data is gram in Table 3-83, For more information, see [hap powker copes is EE ron Powder Cores Perspective View Figure 3-52, Dixension Quiline tor roa Poder Cores, ‘Table 3.02, Dinencional Data for EE lroa Powder Cores. TE rea Powder Cares (viievoueiai) TS wan Miede ‘Table 3-68, Dregn Data for EE Irom Power Corrs FE Tes Peete Cree ieee Se Oe 07R24 ones 9.42050. nss0s4 Desiga and Dimensional Data for EE, Sendust Powder Cores The dinensisaal outline fee EE Seedust cones i= shown in Figure 2-52. Dimensional data for EE Serna posite coves is piven in Table 1.64; desig data i given in Toble 8.68, For mane infoemation, seq TASTE] 8 Perspective View Wire Table Resistance Tey Syathtis Awa sQiem Diameter | TumsPer] TumsPer | Weight lem'(10°} ciesmil | 20°C em_| Inch | em [inch] em* | Inch™ | gmiem 1 3 4 7/8 [ofof uf eT TW [52.6100 1038400327 $5.9000 1108600 03670 GINS 35 10 16D CAA un 822600 ALA 445000 $798.00 02380 ond 44 11 1390 0.37504) R 62900521 102200 02130 0084 49 12 17108 029770) iB SI8400 686 28.3400 561000 190 OTS 551) D186 2860) " 410900 $28 22.9500 455600 0.1710 0068 Ga 1S 26 169 0.1870 5 3260.00 104.3 18.3700 362400 0.1530 0.060 68 17 33211 Oa 16 25810018 290800 0.1370 054 73-19 268 OH 0 2052001658 1.6800 232300 01220 0.088 82 21 S133 0.08430 | 18 1624.0 2095 9.3260 1857.00 0.1000 0.013 9128 Gt _—_ ats g.07474 19 | 6s3i0 1289.00 149000 Gos 9.059 192 26 AD «SIS 0.05 2 | 5.1880, 1924.00 1197.00 00879 0035 14 29 99638. 0.04724 a 81230 9480 QOTES 0031 28 32 1M 800 0.03757 2 640.10 761.70 GOTO QDR 143 36 186 1008 .0ades 666.0 3 62000 00632 0.025 158 40 1M 1234 377 25140 49730 00566 0022 176 45 239 1539 0.018% B 3204010620 396.00 H050S 0.020 198 50 3001988. 0,014.94 % 25280 1345.0 31680 0.0452 0.018 221 56378 aL O.OLLS u 20160 6870 250.20 00409 0.016 284 «2 457-2947 o.00m4s B 1588021420 20730 00365 0.014 27.3 69 3680_0.00747 » 1770 26680 169.00 00330 0013 30377 4827 0,006 30 ood 34020 13450 00298 0012 339° 86 5703. 0.00472 u Tom 980 11020 00267 O01 37595 e914 0.00371 2 6400 53150 935 OOM 0.010 41S 108 488 0.00805 x sol 67480 TIS 00216 0.009 463 118, 1065 0.00241 H 3969 $5720 3635 01M 0.008 525-133 13512 0.00189 8 31368 108490 4489 0170 O07 SBE 14) 2645 17060 0.000) % 25.00 136080 3600 00152 0.006 62S 167 3309 21343-00149 ” 025168010 3025 00140 0.006 716 182 3001 25161. 0,00048] 8 60312660, 2401 00124 ons sos 204 4971 32042 m.00077 y 1225277750 1849 00107 0.008 916 233 GEIT—41518 0.00059 40 ol 354000 1444 0.0096 0.004 1006 263 8298 $3522. 0.00046 4" 74 434050 1156 010086 0.003 1157 298 10273 65260 0.00038] 2 625 544200 9.00 0.0076 0.003 1312 33313163 $4901 0.00039 8 484 70308.0 129 0.0069 0.003 1458 370 16291 105076. 0.00025 mn 400850720 625 ob 0.008 187.4 a0 _ 18987122273 _o.an0a9 0.0061 0.0027, 0.0069. 0.0030, Dimensional Data for Film Insulated Magnetic Wire Wire Maximum Diameter Sire [~ Singletnovlation | Hear Inslation Triple lnslation Qua-tnauation Awa [inches [Centimeters meters Ceamimeters|_ Inches [ Centimeters 1 [ote | 02677 [ou [ ozman 0283 [olde | 02800 1 | ossio | 2291 | 00957 | o24at | 0.099 | o.2dor | onpor | o2si7 12 | oog40 ] 02134 | sss | o2t72 | ooxor | 0.22 | mosses | 02056 13] 0.0730 | 0.1908 | 0.0765 0.1943 | 00776 | 0.1971 00796} 0.2022 14 | 0.0670 | ormor | oooss | oirs7_| ooons | ores | oovis | oisis Ts [aos [ois [oss | ois? [poms [oases | 006s [016% 16 | o0sm ] 01356 | oasis | i392 | 0035s | om? | ons7 | 0.466 17 | aos] 0.1214 | 0092 } 1250} oos02 | 0.1275 | o0s20 | oas21 18 | 0.0826] o0sz | 0040 | arms | oo4so | o.1tas | ooses | 01189 19 | aos | cova | ois | aio | oa | o.toze | ooze | nt07 x | cost | 0086s | 0033 | aos [aoa [0.019 | oosTs [poset 2 | 0.0306 | 0.0777 | 0.0317 | 0.0805 0.0326 | 0.0828 | 00M2 | 0.0869 xm | oom | 004s | ome | aor | n0292 | oow2 | nnsos | nove 23 | 0.0244 | 0.0620 | 0.0285 0.0688 |] 0.0283 | 0.0668 | 0.0279 | 0.0709 24_| ooris | o0sss_| 00229 | o0ss2_| 0.0237 | 0.0602 0.6401 as | coves [aos | oome | o0ss | bona | asa 00579 2% | o0l74 | 0oM2 | oorss | oo¥70 | oo1I2 | O08 | o.4206 | 0.0523 x | oots6 | 00% | amiss | oov9 | oom | oor | amiss 2s | ooi39 | 00353 | olds | 0.0376 | oo1ss | 0.034 | onie6 | one My | o012%6 | oor | O14 | 0340 | 0141 0.0988 | 0.0152 | 0.0386 w [oo | oes | oni20 | aoms | oor7 [noms | ors [ons Mi} 0.0100 | 0.0254 | 0.0108 0.0274 | 0.0115 0.0292 | 00124 | 0.0315 32 | ool | ors] ogo | a0249 | oot | 0.267 | amis | o0287 coos | 0.0206 | ogogs | 0228 | coos | ozs | oor | aor aor | ooiss_| 007 |_omi9s | ooo | o.o2is 0.0231 ‘016s | 007 | aorrs | 0.0076 ooose | 0.0208 O0147 | 0.0063 | O.0160 | 0.0069 | 0.0178 | 0.0074 | 0.0188 az | gore | oaos7 | aoiss | 0002 | oois7 | oom | orzo 0.0047 | O.0119 | 0.0051 0.0130 | 0.0056 | 0.0142 | 0.0060 | 0.0152 cos | ooro4 | oo0ds | cons | ooo | aor2r | oooss | 0013s 0.0037 | 6,008 | 6.0040 | 0.0102 | 0.0044 | 0.0112 | O.0047 | 00119 o.0033 | ons | 0.0036 | 9901 | 90040 | oon. ] noo | noI0 0.0030 | 9007 | 00032 | o.o081 | 0.0037 | 0.0091 ] cos | 0.0097 0.0026 | 0.0066 | 0.0029 | 0.0074 | 0.0033 | 0.0084 | 0.0035 0.0089 0.0032 0.0081 AWG ac/dc Resistance Ratio at Common Converter Frequencies 2S KE SOKA TOO KE 200 kHz Diver £ Ra € Rae & Rae & Ras AWG| om cm Ru | cm Rue cm. Ree cm. Rae 12 | 020300 | Ooaises 17.5271 oorv606 [2.007] 0.020934 [2.708] o.014802 [3.699 14 | 0.16132 | ooatger | 1.300) oor96n6 | 1.668) 0.020934 | 2.214] 0.014802 | 2.999 16 O.12814 | 0.041868 | 1.136] 6.029606 | 1.407} 0.020934 | 1.829] 0.014802 | 2.447 18 | 0.10178 | oosiaes | 1.032] oorgen6 | 1.211] 0.020934 | 1.530] 0.018802 | 2.011 20 OOROBS | 0.041868 | 1O0L] 0.029606 | 1.077] 0.020934 | 1,303} 0.014802 | 1.672 22 0.06422 | 0.041868 | 1.000} 0.029606 | 1.006} 0.020934 | 1.137] 0.014802 | 1.410 24 | oosio | 0.091868 | 1.600] 0.029606 | 1.000] 0.020034 | 1.033) o.014802 | 1.214 26 | 0.04052 | 0.081868 | 1.000] 0.029606 | 1.000} 0.920934 | 1.001} 014802 | 1.078 28 | 0.03219 | 0.041868 | 1.000} 0.029606 | 1.000] 0.020034 | 1.000} 0.014802 | 1.006 30_| 0.02557 | o.oais6s | 1.000] 0.029606 | 1.000] 0.020934 | 1,000] 014802 _| 1,000 AWG Copper, skin depth is at 20°C. Triple Insulated Wire (,002) Material Bare Wie With Insulation ‘Arca ] Diameter | Diameter | Resistance | Diameter | Diameter AWG | can'(10) | inch mm | uicen_| inch Te | 130700 | 0050s |~12903 |~ 132 | do0as 1s | 82280 | ows | Lore | 165 | 00523 19} sso | 00359 | o9r9 | 264 | oos79 26} 31880 | 00320 | oss | 332 | oo4so 21 | 4in60 | oor8s | 07230 | 419 | oosas _22_| 32430 | 00253 | 06826 | ss1_| 00373 | 09474 23 | -2sss0 [00226 | os740 | G56 | 0.0346 | o.87ss 24 | 20470 | 00201 | ostos | saz | oosat | sis 2s 16230 | 00179 | 04547 | 1062 | 0.0299_| 0.7595 26 12800 | oa1ss | o4o39 | 134s” | 0.0279" | 0.7087 n io210 | oars2 | 03007 | i687 | 00262 | 0.6055 28} aso4 | 0.0126 | 03200 | 2142 | 0.0246 | 0.6248 29 | 06470 | 0013 | 02870 | 2663 | 00283 | 0598 30 | 0s067 | oo100 | o2s4 | 3402 | oo2z0 | 05588 32_| 03042 | 00080 | 02032 | s31s_| 0.0200 | 0.5080 34} 02011 | 00063 | 0.1600 | 8572 | ooiss | 0.4648 36 | 0.1266 | 00050 | 01270 | 13608 | oor70 | oasis 33_| oosit | ooo | o10is | 21266 | ooi6o | 04064 Three Phase Rectifier Circurt Data Item. Primary VA _ ‘de warts output _ ‘Secondary W/ leg_ E average de output voltage Secondary Vieg _ average de oulput current Secondary VA _ 5 de watts output Primary VA 1.050 dc waits output Secondary Line to Line 0.740 average de output voltage Secondary V/ leg 0.428 to Neutral average de output voltage 5 0317 average de output current Secondary VA 1,050 dc watts output |_Ripple Voltage % Ripple Frequency Tem Factor | Primary VA 1.210 de watts output Secondary Line to Line 0740 “average de output v “Secondary V/ leg 0.855 to Neutral —_| average de output voltage _ Secondary Uleg 0.577 Secondary VA__ 1.480 Delta-Wye 6 Phase Half Wave, Figure 12-14 Trem x | de watts output average de output voltage average de output voltage

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