Madinah Market in Prophet's Time

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Madinah Market in

Prophet’s time
BY: Rubaba, Maizah, Hira,
Tiara & Rahma

Once the Muslim society of Medina had settled down,

they felt the need to have their own independent
marketplace where they could trade according to Allah’s
commandments. Another major reason for this was due
to the behavior of the Jews. They were doing wrong
marketing and they made transactions based on
gambling, bribery, and hoarding. The Jews also harassed
Muslim buyers which is why it was vital to have a
marketplace solely for Muslims
The prophet’s motive
The Prophet SAW wanted a separate marketplace for the
Muslims so that all sorts of cheating could be eliminated.
He once visited a market and put his hands into a pile of
wheat on the counter. He felt some moisture at the
bottom and inquired why. The merchant replied, “Oh
Messenger of Allah, it was from the rain”. The prophet was
furious and asked why the merchant could not have put
the wet wheat on top where the people could see it. He
(SAW) said, “A cheater has nothing to do with me!”
The Prophet's influence contributed to the ethical and prosperous
marketplace of Medina during his time. He established separate
marketplaces for Muslims, ensuring commercial independence. The
Prophet PBUH was actively involved in commercial matters, advocating
ethical conduct and honesty in trade. He elevated the status of
merchants and advised them to mix charity into their earnings. By
setting trade principles, emphasizing the importance of permissible
earnings, and prohibiting dishonest practices, the Prophet created a
thriving and prosperous marketplace.
rules of the marketplace

Taxing one another in the market was banned.

Allowing people to enjoy more disposable income which was
ultimately spent, invested, or used in trade, increasing GDP, and
boosting economic growth for the overall benefit of society.
Barriers to entry that blocked potential entrants from entering
the market were abolished; allowing everyone free and open
access to launch a business in the market.
Benefits of the marketplace
The marketplace served as a hub for social interaction,
allowing Muslims to connect with one another, exchange
ideas, and build relationships.
Entrepreneurship: The marketplace encouraged
entrepreneurial spirit among Muslims, fostering innovation,
creativity, and the development of new businesses.
Charity and Generosity: Muslims were encouraged to give to
those in need, and the marketplace provided a platform for
acts of charity and generosity.
The arrival of Islam in Madinah impacted
economic expansion due to increased factors
such as education and the contribution of
economists, scholars, entrepreneurs, and civilians
to the Muslim marketplace. The establishment of
the Muslim marketplace was a prime example of
the application of Allah’s commandments.

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