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Virtual Fitness: Stimulating Exercise Behavior through Media Technology

Article in Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments · December 2006

DOI: 10.1162/pres.15.6.688 · Source: DBLP

97 3,183

5 authors, including:

Wijnand A Ijsselsteijn Yvonne De Kort

Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven University of Technology


Joyce Westerink Marko de Jager

Philips Philips


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Psychology of Self Quantification and Self Improvement View project

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W. A. IJsselsteijn* Virtual Fitness: Stimulating
Y. A. W. de Kort
Eindhoven University of Technology Exercise Behavior through Media
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
J. Westerink
M. de Jager
Philips Research Eindhoven
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
R. Bonants
Eindhoven University of Technology The current paper describes research that is aimed at elucidating our understanding
Eindhoven, The Netherlands of media technology factors that may help users of exercise equipment to stay mo-
tivated for doing regular workouts. In particular, we investigated the effects of im-
mersion and coaching by a virtual agent on intrinsic motivation and the sense of
presence of participants cycling on a stationary home exercise bike. A basic two-by-
two within-subjects experimental design was employed whereby participants were
presented with a virtual racetrack with two levels of immersion (high vs. low) and
two levels of a virtual coach (with vs. without). Results indicate a clear positive ef-
fect of immersion on both motivation and presence. The virtual coach significantly
lowered the perceived control and pressure/tension dimensions of intrinsic motiva-
tion, but did not affect the enjoyment dimension. The presence of the virtual coach
also reduced negative effects associated with VEs, such as feeling dizzy or nause-

1 Introduction

It is clear that moderate exercise on a daily basis yields substantial health

benefits. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 30
minutes of moderate exercise per day. Such regular excercise lowers the risk of
obesity, heart disease, some types of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and
osteoporosis, it reduces depression, and it improves sleep. Obesity, in particu-
lar, has become a major public health concern in much of the developed
world, and, increasingly, in some developing countries over recent years. In
the US in 2001, for example, an estimated 59 million adults were obese.
Childhood obesity has taken on epidemic proportions, where prevalence rates
have increased 2.3-fold to 3.3-fold over about 25 years in the USA and 2.0-
fold to 2.8-fold over 10 years in England (Ebbeling, Pawlak, & Ludwig,
2002). More than 60% of American adults do not get enough physical activity
to provide health benefits. In the Netherlands, where the authors have per-
formed the research reported here, only about 45 percent of the population
complies to the WHO norm of 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day
(Hildebrandt, Ooijendijk, Stiggelbout, & Hopman-Rock, 2004).
Reasons for exercising too little are varied, but often include a lack of intrin-

Presence, Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2006, 688 – 698

© 2006 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology *Correspondence to


IJsselsteijn et al. 689

sic motivation—that is, enjoying the activity of exercis- from doing the activity, whereas extrinsic motivation
ing for its own sake. A recent survey in the Netherlands refers to engaging in a variety of behaviors as a means to
(n ⬇ 900) demonstrated that lack of motivation is cur- an end and not for their own sake (Deci, 1975). Intrin-
rently the number two reason people report for not ex- sic motivation is often considered more powerful and
ercising regularly, after lack of time (Hildebrandt et al., leading to more stable behavior than extrinsic motiva-
2004). Motivation appears to be especially relevant for tion and is highly relevant for sports. Below we will dis-
the use, or rather nonuse, of exercise equipment at cuss how media technology factors, in particular immer-
home. As running or cycling outside is perceived to be sive projection technology and a virtual social agent, are
time-intensive, uncomfortable (e.g., bad weather, thought to influence intrinsic motivation.
smog), or even dangerous around places not well-
adapted to runners or bikers, a logical alternative is of-
1.2 Immersion and Presence
fered by using exercise equipment in the home or in
fitness clubs. However, exercising alone and without the Slater and Wilbur (1997) refer to immersion as
support of any media that provide engaging feedback the objectively measurable properties of a VE. Accord-
during the workout can become quite boring or te- ing to them it is the “extent to which computer displays
dious, and soon the home exercise equipment can be are capable of delivering an inclusive, extensive, sur-
found gathering dust in the attic. Thus, there appears to rounding, and vivid illusion of reality to the senses of
be a clear need for exercise equipment in the home that the VE participant” (p. 604). Thus, immersion refers to
is more stimulating and more gratifying to use, such the system’s ability to accommodate many sensory mo-
that people’s motivational levels will not plummet after dalities with a rich representational capability, offering a
the initial enthusiasm that led to the purchase of the panoramic field of sensory stimulation while shutting
exercise equipment has faded away. out sensations from the real world.
The current study deals with the question whether Presence can be conceptualized as the experiential
virtual environments (VEs) and biofeedback presented counterpart of immersion. It has been defined as the
via a virtual coach can help raise motivation for engag- sense of being there in a mediated environment (e.g.,
ing in a healthy level of physical exercise. We hypothe- Heeter, 1992; Steuer, 1992) and more recently as the
sized that offering a more immersive environment in “perceptual illusion of non-mediation” (Lombard &
which the user feels present would heighten the fun the Ditton, 1997) which broadens the definitional scope
user is having, and would thus have a beneficial effect somewhat, also including social factors. Various empiri-
on the user’s motivation. Additionally, we expected that cal studies have demonstrated a positive effect of immer-
a virtual coach providing biofeedback information on sion factors on presence, including field of view, stereo-
training intensity, specifically heart rate, would increase scopic imagery, interactivity, pictorial realism, spatial
the motivation as well, as it helps goal-setting and raises audio, and haptic feedback (for a review see Sadowski &
perceived control and competency, both of which help Stanney, 2002).
boost motivation. Provided the media content is pleasurable or exciting,
a higher sense of presence is generally associated with a
higher sense of engagement and more intense enjoy-
1.1 Motivation
ment. In support of this contention, Patel and Nichols
Motivation is the concept we use when we de- (2004) report a significant positive correlation between
scribe the forces acting on or within an organism to ini- enjoyment and presence—see also Nichols (1999). The
tiate and direct behavior (e.g., Petri, 1981). We usually history of entertainment media, such as cinema, interac-
discern between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, tive computer games, or location-based entertainment,
where intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an ac- also shows a clear trend towards higher levels of realism
tivity purely for the pleasure and satisfaction derived and immersion, with higher reported levels of presence

to match (IJsselsteijn, 2003). Generally speaking how- coach to help participants increase their motivation to
ever, even though a positive relation between presence exhibit the desired target behavior.
and enjoyment is widely assumed, empirical data to sup-
port this relation are scarce.
1.4 Related Work
One potential drawback of offering more immersive
environments, especially in a sports setting, is the in- Over recent years, there is a growing awareness of
creased risk of simulation sickness, as the information the potential power and relevance that interactive media
arriving from the various sensory modalities may not applications can have in influencing people’s motivation
always be in agreement. The resulting symptoms, such and subsequent behavior. Recent work in the area of
as cold sweating, dizziness, or nausea, presumably have persuasive technology, that is, technology intentionally
a negative effect on enjoyment, and possibly on pres- designed to change a person’s attitude or behavior, tes-
ence. tifies to this effect (Fogg, 2003; IJsselsteijn, de Kort,
In sum, we expect more immersive display conditions Midden, Eggen, & van den Hoven, 2006). The use of
to be associated with higher levels of presence and en- virtual environments in stimulating exercise and other
joyment, thereby boosting participants’ intrinsic motiva- beneficial health-related behaviors is clearly in its early
stages. Although it is fairly common to have a number
tion to exercise, provided that negative effects are kept
of performance (e.g., speed, distance) and physiological
within limits.
(e.g., heart rate, calories used) indicators available when
using fitness equipment, virtual environments are still
1.3 Biofeedback uncommon in most health or fitness clubs. Currently, a
typical kind of feedback would be an LED display show-
The term biofeedback was originally used to de-
ing the exerciser’s progress along an imaginary track.
scribe laboratory procedures (developed in the 1940s)
One early example of the use of virtual environments to
where trained research subjects were provided with in-
promote exercise behavior is the LifeFitness VR Rowing
formation about their own brain activity, blood pres-
Machine, which depicts the participant rowing a boat on
sure, muscle tension, heart rate, and other bodily func-
virtual water, going faster as the participant rows faster.
tions that are normally not under our voluntarily
It also allows rowing against a virtual competitor, or
control, with the purpose of exerting conscious control
being chased by a shark for extra motivation (Fogg,
over them. Today, biofeedback is often used as a train-
2003). The Tectrix VR Bike provides another recent
ing technique in which people are taught to improve example of a virtual environment being offered as a
their health and performance by using signals from their means of motivating and rewarding people for perform-
own bodies. ing certain exercise behaviors. There are different virtual
In the current experiment, heart rate was measured worlds to explore, and speed and direction are con-
and, based on this information, feedback was provided trolled by the participant’s movements. Davis and Bo-
to the participant using a virtual social agent, who could bick (1998) explored various media technologies and
either encourage participants to do better, tell them computer vision algorithms in creating a virtual personal
they were doing great, or tell them to slow down a lit- aerobics trainer—in their case an army drill instructor.
tle, if the heart rate became too high. In this way, the Their study focused on using innovative techniques for
coach could both be an extrinsic motivator and at the creating a working prototype, but did not include any
same time provide feedback on the impact of the exer- user evaluations on the effectiveness of the interventions
cise. This information is likely to enhance the person’s of the virtual social agent on people’s motivation to en-
perceived control and competence and stimulates goal- gage in aerobics exercise.
setting and adherence: the information underlines the To the authors’ knowledge, the only available study
person’s efforts and progress. Thus, we expected the directly addressing the effects of simulations on exercise
IJsselsteijn et al. 691

behavior has been reported by Porcari, Zedaker, and

Maldari (1998)—see also Fogg (2003). They performed
an experiment where 18 people rode an exercise bike
using a virtual environment, and 18 people rode the
bike without the simulation. During the 30 minute ex-
ercise period used in the study, people who used the
virtual environment had higher heart rates and burned
more calories, even though both groups showed no sig-
nificant differences in perceived exertion. In other
words, the simulated environment led to greater exer-
Figure 1. Composite photograph of the experimental setup, with
tion without an awareness of the effort. This result is in the stationary racing bicycle placed in front of the wall-projected
line with our hypothesis regarding the effects of an im- virtual environment. Participants’ viewing distance was approximately
mersive virtual environment, where we expect partici- 2.20 m, with an image size of 1.60 m by 1.10 m.
pants to be more highly motivated and cycle faster.
Our work seeks to extend the understanding of the
media technology factors that play a role in increasing
sented with two levels of immersion (high vs. low) and
people’s motivation and enjoyment as it relates to exer-
two levels of virtual coach (with vs. without).
cise behavior. More specifically, in the above examples,
the systems are preconfigured using a regular CRT
monitor, thereby limiting its immersive nature, and 2.2 Participants
most systems do not include any kind of coach. More-
Twenty-four employees of Philips participated in
over, Porcari et al. (1998) did not include any well-
the study, none of whom engaged in frequent physical
validated measures of motivation or presence in their
exercise. Male/female distribution was even; their aver-
study that could potentially help in furthering our un-
age age was 41.3 years. All participants were naı̈ve to
derstanding of the various psychological mechanisms at
the hypothesis under test.
play. The current experiment aims to explicitly compare
immersive and non-immersive types of environmental
simulations, as well as to investigate the effects of a vir- 2.3 Equipment and Setting
tual coach giving feedback based on participants’ heart The experiment was conducted in the HomeLab,
rate. Dependent variables include subjective measures of at the Philips Research laboratories in Eindhoven, The
intrinsic motivation and presence, as well as one objec- Netherlands. HomeLab is a future home simulation, a
tive behavioral indicator, that is participants’ cycling test laboratory that looks like a normal house and thus
speed. Also, an indication of potential simulation sick- provides us with a relatively natural context in which to
ness is included through the use of the ITC-Sense of test the behavior of the participants using the home fit-
Presence Inventory, five items of which form a scale on ness application. The experiment was conducted in a
negative effects. room that was darkened for the purpose of the experi-
ment to avoid bright sunlight unpredictably influencing
the visibility of the screen. Participants were asked to
2 Method seat themselves on a racing bicycle placed on a training
system with variable resistance. The bicycle was placed
2.1 Design
in front of a wall-mounted screen on which the environ-
A basic two-by-two within-subjects experimental ment and the coach was displayed using a projector (see
design was employed whereby participants were pre- Figure 1). We chose to use projection rather than a

Figure 2. Low immersion condition. The image depicts the

racetrack from bird’s-eye perspective with a moving dot representing
the participant.

Figure 3. High immersion condition with virtual coach. The virtual

environment was generated in real time using the Tacx T1900
CRT-based display, as it allowed for a larger field of “i-magic” VR Trainer software. The Virtual Coach was provided by
view to be displayed, which in previous research has Philips PDSL, and mixed in with the virtual environment (both in the
been shown to be more effective in engendering a sense high and low immersion conditions) using a video mixer.
of presence in participants (e.g., Prothero & Hoffman,
1995; IJsselsteijn, de Ridder, Freeman, Avons, &
Bouwhuis, 2001).
back that is currently available on exercise equipment.
Thus, when comparing the low and high immersion
2.4 Stimuli
conditions, multiple immersion variables that are known
The high immersion condition showed a fairly to affect presence are manipulated, including interactiv-
detailed interactive computer-generated visualization of ity, pictorial realism, and first-person versus third-person
a person cycling on a racing bicycle through a land- point of view.
scape. Interaction with the VE took place via the exer- In the condition with virtual coach, a female virtual
cise bike using handlebars for direction and biking ve- agent appeared every minute (see Figure 3). She gave
locity for speed of navigation through the virtual feedback to the participant, based on heart rate informa-
landscape. We used the Tacx VR Trainer software, tion measured with a special chest belt. The feedback
which is commercially available for home exercise bikes, was offered using a prerecorded female voice to which
and allows for controlling both speed and direction. the (lip) movements of the social agent were synchro-
The low immersion condition showed an abstract pic- nized, and simultaneously displaying the text in a small
ture of a racetrack in bird’s-eye view, with a dot indicat- cartoon-like text balloon. In the conditions without the
ing the position of the biker (see Figure 2). Interaction virtual coach this image did not appear.
with the environment was less rich since participants did
not have to use steering to stay on track, nor could they
2.5 Dependent Variables
influence the velocity of the dot on the track (although
most participants were not aware of this, as they indi- The main dependent measures were intrinsic moti-
cated in the debriefing). The reason for using this type vation and presence. Motivation was measured using an
of visualization was that we wanted to use a realistic existing, well-validated questionnaire, the intrinsic moti-
baseline condition that is exemplary of the kind of feed- vation inventory (IMI, 2003), consisting of six sub-
IJsselsteijn et al. 693

scales: (i) interest/enjoyment—which is the most cen-

tral one to intrinsic motivation, (ii) perceived
competence, (iii) value/usefulness, (iv) perceived con-
trol/choice, (v) felt pressure and tension, and (vi) ef-
fort. For measuring presence various methods have been
used or proposed to date (for a recent comprehensive
review, see van Baren & IJsselsteijn, 2004). The ITC
sense of presence inventory (Lessiter, Freeman, Keogh,
& Davidoff, 2001) provides sufficient sensitivity, while
having proven reliability and validity. It consists of
four subscales: (i) spatial presence, (ii) engagement,
(iii) ecological validity, and (iv) negative effects. Besides
this, heart rate and velocity of the participant were also
measured and recorded. The heart rate was used as in-
Figure 4. Means and standard errors of interest/enjoyment
put for the coach’s directions (i.e., it was not used as a
component of the IMI, for all experimental conditions.
dependent variable); average velocity was considered as
a corroborative behavioral measure of motivation, since
one would expect participants to work harder during
their exercise when motivation is higher, in line with will be reported for intrinsic motivation components
results reported by Porcari et al. (1998). first, then for presence. Lastly we will report bivariate
correlations between the various components.

2.6 Procedure
3.1 Intrinsic Motivation
Participants—in sports clothing—received a short
introduction upon entering the exercise room. After The six IMI components were all subjected to full
putting on the chest belt for easy heart rate measure- model REMANOVAs. Four scales, interest/enjoyment,
ment, they mounted the bicycle for the first session. perceived competence, value/usefulness, and perceived
The total procedure consisted of four sessions, one for control, showed significant effects of immersion: all
each experimental condition, the order of which was scores were higher for high immersion. The latter two
fully counterbalanced. After every session participants of these scales also showed a significant effect of the vir-
filled out the IMI and ITC-SOPI, which also gave them tual coach, as did the pressure/tension scale: value/
10 minutes to recover from their exercise. The total ex- usefulness was higher, perceived control and pressure/
periment took about 1.5 hours to complete. tension were lower with the coach present. Finally, the
effort/importance scale did not show any significant
results. No significant interactions were found. Means
3 Results of the most important scales are visualized in Figures
4 – 6 and reported in Table 1; statistics are reported in
For both the ITC-SOPI and the IMI, components Table 2.
were computed based on the factor structures that were Average velocity was used as a corroborative behav-
validated in earlier studies. Subsequently, repeated mea- ioral measure of motivation. Indeed velocity scores
sures analyses of variance (REMANOVA) were per- showed the same pattern of results as the questionnaire
formed on these components according to the full data did. There was a main effect of immersion
model, with immersion (high vs. low) and virtual coach F(1,23) ⫽ 65.73, p ⬍ .001, with average speed higher
(with vs. without) as independent within factors. Results in the high (v ⫽ 23.8 km/h) versus low (v ⫽ 20.6

Table 1. Means of Motivation Components (IMI)

Immersion low Immersion high

Without With Without With

coach coach coach coach

Interest/enjoyment 3.30 3.55 4.98 4.88

Perceived competence 3.95 3.85 4.40 4.35
Value/usefulness 4.29 4.44 4.92 5.23
Perceived control 3.98 3.33 5.10 4.04
Pressure/tension 4.15 3.28 4.77 3.18
Effort/importance 4.01 4.30 4.19 4.42

Table 2. Repeated Measures Analyses of Variance of

Motivation Components (IMI)
Figure 5. Means and standard errors of pressure/tension
component of the IMI, for all experimental conditions. Immersion
Immersion Coach ⫻ coach

F p F p F p

Interest/enjoyment 29 .00 0.30 .59 1.49 .23

Perceived 7.6 .01 0.68 .42 0.09 .77
Value/usefulness 9.0 .01 6.61 .02 0.09 .77
Perceived control 22 .00 37.41 .00 1.70 .21
Pressure/tension 3.8 .06 21.78 .00 2.93 .10
Effort/importance 1.1 .29 3.85 .06 0.09 .77

showed strong and highly significant effects of immer-

sion, indicating that spatial presence, engagement, and
ecological validity were higher for high immersion. The
effect on the negative effects subscale was smaller, but
Figure 6. Means and standard errors of perceived control also significant. This component also showed a signifi-
component of the IMI, for all experimental conditions. cant effect of coach, as did spatial presence; participants
reported more presence and less negative effects in the
condition with the virtual coach present. No significant
km/h) immersion condition. The virtual coach had no interactions were found. Means are visualized in Figures
significant effects. 7–10 and reported in Table 3. Results of the ANOVAs
are reported in Table 4.

3.2 Presence
3.3 Correlations Between Motivation
Secondly, four separate REMANOVAs were per-
and Presence
formed with the components of presence (spatial pres-
ence, engagement, ecological validity, and negative ef- We were also interested in testing relationships
fects) as dependent variables. Three components between the various components of motivation and
IJsselsteijn et al. 695

Figure 7. Means and standard errors of spatial presence Figure 9. Means and standard errors of ecological validity
component of the ITC-SOPI, for all experimental conditions. component of the ITC-SOPI, for all experimental conditions.

Figure 10. Means and standard errors of negative effects

Figure 8. Means and standard errors of engagement component
component of the ITC-SOPI, for all experimental conditions.
of the ITC-SOPI, for all experimental conditions.

presence. For this reason, bivariate correlations were

computed. In summary, we found considerable correla- presence, engagement, and ecological validity) on the
tions between the motivation scales interest/enjoyment, one hand and motivation components (interest/enjoy-
perceived competence, value/usefulness, and perceived ment, perceived control, pressure/tension) on the other
control (.39 –.69, p ⬍ .01), high correlations between (.24 –.71, p ⬍ .05), with the highest correlation (r ⫽
presence scales—spatial presence, engagement, and eco- .71) not suprisingly being between the interest/enjoy-
logical validity (.77–.84, p ⬍ .001), and some signifi- ment scale of the IMI and the engagement scale of the
cant correlations between presence components (spatial ITC-SOPI, as they both measure similar constructs.

Table 3. Means of Presence Components (ITC-SOPI) the coach may act more as an extrinsic motivator than as
an intrinsic one, thus not heightening enjoyment in the
Immersion low Immersion high
activity as such. However, an effective extrinsic motiva-
Without With Without With
coach coach coach coach tor is still expected to have an effect on training inten-
sity (cycling speed), our objective indicator of motiva-
Spatial presence 1.68 1.95 2.66 2.73 tion. This was not the case in our experiment. Thus, the
Engagement 2.06 2.30 3.34 3.33
virtual coach in its current incarnation may not be very
Ecological validity 1.68 1.81 2.93 2.98
effective in engendering a motivational effect. This re-
Negative effects 1.96 1.71 2.28 1.95
sult underlines the importance of empirically testing the
effectiveness of virtual social agents, rather than merely
assuming their utility based on designed functionalities.
Table 4. Repeated Measures Analyses of Variance of In particular, the effectiveness of virtual coaches will
Presence Components (ITC-SOPI) likely depend on a host of variables including the per-
ceived level of communicative realism and social pres-
Immersion Coach ⫻ Coach ence of the virtual coach, the coaching form and style
F p F p F p (e.g., dominant or cooperative), the informational con-
tent, the types of messages used (e.g., directive versus
Spatial presence 72.22 .00 9.45 .01 1.66 .21
nondirective), gender, age, and personality effects. We
Engagement 90.20 .00 2.62 .12 2.85 .11
are currently exploring these issues in more detail in a
Ecological validity 68.08 .00 1.53 .23 0.45 .51
Negative Effects 4.16 .05 13.49 .00 0.38 .54
series of follow-up studies, also taking extrinsic motiva-
tion and the experienced level of social presence of the
coach explicitly into account as dependent measures.
The presence of the coach giving exercise intensity
information based on heart rate did lower perceived
4 Discussion pressure and tension, which is a positive effect. Appar-
ently, participants felt comfortable in relying on the
The results of this study show that offering a more coach’s directions, which took away some of the stress
immersive environment in which the user feels present or uncertainty and may have helped in goal-setting and
heightens the enjoyment the user is experiencing, and judging one’s own behavior against the desired target
thus has a beneficial effect on the user’s motivation to behavior of doing a good workout. In line with this in-
engage in exercise behavior. In the highly immersive terpretation of the results, the presence of the coach
environment, where the presence experience was stron- also lowered perceived control.
ger, participants reported more interest and enjoyment, Additionally, and interestingly, the virtual coach also
more perceived competence and control and—perhaps lowered the negative effects that participants reported
even more importantly—they cycled faster. These results (as a subscale of the ITC-SOPI) in both the immersive
are in line with our expectations, and extend the results and nonimmersive conditions. This may indicate that
reported by Porcari et al. (1998), who also showed that the presence of the coach ameliorated some mild simu-
participants did a more intensive workout when inter- lation sickness symptoms (i.e., headache, nausea, dizzi-
acting with a VE, indicating higher intrinsic motivation. ness, eye strain, tiredness) associated with both types of
The effects of the virtual coach providing biofeedback simulated environments. This effect may be explained
information were somewhat less straightforward. by the fact that the coach provides somewhat of a dis-
Against our expectation, enjoyment—the most impor- traction, although it probably affected the two condi-
tant indicator of intrinsic motivation—was not higher tions in different ways. In the case of the low-immersion
with the coach. This could be attributed to the fact that condition it is making the experience as a whole some-
IJsselsteijn et al. 697

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