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For Individual Assignment One (IA1):

PPT Presentation: maximum 15 minutes with maximum 14 slides

Note: you will need to confirm your schedule selection with the Instructor of the

course (date and topic)

IA1 presentations can be done either individually OR in pairs:

1. IA1 presentations have base/basic starting material for presenters to begin

planning/preparing their presentation- depending on the week- using either the Dess
textbook or short MTD Training Booklet section you are allotted as your primary
focus ("Thinking Strategically").

2. ** REQUIREMENT (All IA1 Presentations): Integrate into your presentation your

choice of a related/relevant and more complex concept/aspect/theory from material
outside of the basic topics. The presentation must reach beyond the base material.

3. ** REQUIREMENT: (ALL IA1 Presentations) Add into your presentation unique and
strong examples that represents the material presented. The use the large
international corporations typically presented/repeated in other MBA classes is
discouraged. To have a more effective and stronger presentation, be unique utilizing
smaller organization examples you have either researched or are familiar with to
apply into the presentation.

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