Learning English Is A Route To A Better Life.

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Learning English is a route to a better life

I completely agree with this statement. Learning English might sound like a really
difficult task – but it can really open new doors for us.

First of all, English is one of the most commonly spoken languages on the planet –
wherever you are in the world. In fact, nearly 2 billion people speak English. It is
the official language in 55 countries and the most common second language in
many countries worldwide.

The second reason of importance knowledge of English is opportunity to travel

easily. You are guaranteed to find someone who speaks or understands English to
ask for help or make new friends.

Also most movies, music, and books worldwide are in English or translated into
the English language. Learning English allows us to access all that information
about the countries, traditions, cultures.

And the most important reason for me it is that English language skills would help
me succeed in any business venture or career path me choose. Many companies
hire professionals who are fluent in English because it is believed that you are
well-educated. So, learning the English would boost your career opportunities.
You can make your name by working all around the world.

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