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Nagpur Institute of Technology,Nagpur

Department of Information Technology

Sub:Database Management System

Sr.No. Questions Objectives Ans

1 There are _________ levels of data abstraction. a) 4 c
b) 1
c) 3
2 A ________ in a table represents a relationship a) Column c
among a set of values. b) Key
c) Row
d) Entry
3 The term _______ is used to refer to a row. a) Attribute b
b) Tuple
c) Field
d) Instance
4 In data abstraction which is lowest level of a)Physical a
abstraction?. b) Conceptual
c) View
d) None of these
5 For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of a) Domain a
permitted values, called the ________ of that b) Relation
attribute. c) Set
d) Schema
6 Database __________ which is the logical design of a) Instance, Schema d
the database, and the database _______ which is a b) Relation, Schema
snapshot of the data in the database at a given instant c) Relation, Domain
in time. d) Schema, Instance

7 Course(course_id,sec_id,semester) a) Relations, Attribute b

Here the course_id,sec_id and semester are b) Attributes, Relation
__________ and course is a _________ c) Tuple, Relation
d) Tuple, Attribute
8 A (n) _________ can be used to preserve the integrity a) Message digest c
of a document or a message. b) Message summary
c) Encrypted message
d) None of the
9 A hash function must meet ________ criteria. a) Two b
b) Three
c) Four
d) None of the
10 The types of access that are supported efficiently a) Access modes b
are called as ________ b) Access types
c) Access time
d) Access overhead
11 The time it takes to insert a new data item is called a) Insertion time a
____________ b) Deletion time
c) Time overhead
d) Access time
12 The additional space occupied by an index a) Access modes d
structure is called as _________ b) Space types
c) Access time
Nagpur Institute of Technology,Nagpur
Department of Information Technology
Sub:Database Management System
d) Space overhead
13 A technique for direct search is a) Binary Search d
b) Linear Search
c) Tree Search
d) Hashing
14 The searching technique that takes O (1) time to find a) Linear Search c
a data is b) Binary Search
c) Hashing
d) Tree Search
15 In the __________ normal form, a composite attribute a) First a
is converted to individual attributes. b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
16 ________ is the smallest unit of allocation in an a) Database d
Oracle database. b) Instance
c) Tablespace
d) Database Block
17 Tables in second normal form (2NF): a) Eliminate all hidden a
b) Eliminate the
possibility of a insertion
c) Have a composite key
d) Have all non key
fields depend on the
whole primary key
18 A data dictionary is created when a __________ a) Instance c
created. b) Segment
c) Database
d) Dictionary
19 Functional Dependencies are the types of constraints a) Key a
that are based on______ b) Key revisited
c) Superset key
d) None of the
20 ………………. first proposed the process of A) Edgar. W b
normalization in DBMS. B) Edgar F.
C) Edward
D) Edward Codd
21 Which forms has a relation that possesses data about a) 2NF c
an individual entity: b) 3NF
d) 5NF c) 4NF

22 Which of these comparisons is slowest? a) INT/INT b

d) All are of same
Nagpur Institute of Technology,Nagpur
Department of Information Technology
Sub:Database Management System
23 To check how MySQL would execute a SELECT a) TELL d
query, which statement is used? b) SHOW
24 Which one of the following is a procedural language? a) Domain relational c
b) Tuple relational
c) Relational algebra
d) Query language
25 The_____ operation allows the combining of two a) Select b
relations by merging pairs of tuples, one from each b) Join
relation, into a single tuple. c) Union
d) Intersection
26 The _______operation performs a set union of two a) Union a
“similarly structured” tables b) Join
c) Product
d) Intersect
27 To perform analysis of key values by the server, the a) ANALYZE KEYS b
statement used is __________ b) ANALYZE TABLE
28 The _______ operator takes the results of two queries a) Union b
and returns only rows that appear in both result sets. b) Intersect
c) Difference
d) Projection
29 A _________ consists of a sequence of query and/or a) Transaction a
update statements. b) Commit
c) Rollback
d) Flashback
30 The _________ requires each transaction executes in a) Validation protocol a
two or three different phases in its lifetime b) Timestamp protocol
c) Deadlock protocol
d) View protocol
31 In order to undo the work of transaction after last a) View c
commit which one should be used? b) Commit
c) Rollback
d) Flashback
32 During __________ phase, the system reads data and a) Read phase a
stores them in variables local to the transaction. b) Validation phase
c) Write phase
d) None of the
33 Read only operations omit the _______ phase a) Read phase c
b) Validation phase
c) Write phase
d) None of the
Nagpur Institute of Technology,Nagpur
Department of Information Technology
Sub:Database Management System
34 A transaction completes its execution is said to be a) Committed a
b) Aborted
c) Rolled back
d) Failed
35 Which of the following is used to get back all the a) Commit c
transactions back after rollback? b) Rollback
c) Flashback
d) Redo
36 Which of these query will display the the table given a) Select employee from c
above ? name
b) Select name
c) Select name from
d) Select employee
37 Which of the following is not a built in aggregate a) avg c
function in SQL? b) max
c) total
d) count
38 Which of the following fields are displayed as output? a) Salary, dept_id d
b) Employee
c) Salary
d) All the field of
employee relation
39 Choose the correct option regarding the query a) The having clause c
checks whether the
SELECT branch_name, COUNT (DISTINCT query result is true or
customer_name) not
FROM depositor, account b) The having clause
WHERE depositor.account_number = does not check for any
GROUP BY branch_id condition
HAVING avg(balance) = 10000; c) The having clause
allows only those
tuples that have
average balance 10000
d) None of the
mentioned ;
40 We apply the aggregate function to a group of sets a) group by a
of tuples using the _______ clause. b) group
c) group set
d) group attribute

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