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Electromagnetic Waves for Underwater Communication: Advantages,

Challenges, and Antenna Design

1. Underwater Communication: Underwater communication has various
practical applications. For short-range communication,
researchers have proposed using electromagnetic waves instead
of acoustic waves.
◦ Why?

▪ Higher Data Rates : Electromagnetic waves, such as radio

waves or microwaves, have the potential to carry more data
compared to acoustic waves.
• Why?
◦ Higher Frequency: Electromagnetic waves have higher
frequencies compared to acoustic waves. In the
electromagnetic spectrum, radio waves and microwaves
fall into the lower microwave and radio frequency
ranges. Higher frequency waves can carry more
information because they can be modulated (altered)
at a faster rate. This allows for encoding more data
in the same amount of time.
Modulation is a technique used to encode data (such
as audio, video, or digital signals) onto a carrier
wave for transmission. When you modulate a wave, you
are changing one or more of its properties to
represent information. The main properties that can
be modulated include amplitude, frequency, and phase.
Amplitude Modulation (AM): In AM, the amplitude
(strength) of the carrier wave is varied to encode
information. For example, when you listen to an AM
radio, the strength of the radio wave is changed to
represent the audio signal.
Frequency Modulation (FM): In FM, the frequency of
the carrier wave is altered to encode information.
This means that the carrier wave changes its
frequency slightly to represent the information. FM
is commonly used in FM radio broadcasting.
Phase Modulation (PM): In PM, the phase of the
carrier wave is modified to carry information. The
phase represents the position of the wave at a
specific point in time.

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Now, how does this relate to higher frequency waves
carrying more information?
Higher frequency waves have more cycles
(oscillations) in a given period of time compared to
lower frequency waves. This means they can change
more rapidly. When you modulate a high-frequency
wave, you can alter its properties (amplitude,
frequency, or phase) more quickly to represent
information. This rapid alteration allows for
encoding and transmitting data at a faster rate.
Think of it like this: Imagine you have two waves—one
with a low frequency and one with a high frequency.
If you modulate both waves to represent the same
information, the high-frequency wave can change its
properties (like frequency or amplitude) more times
in a second than the low-frequency wave. This ability
to change rapidly allows the high-frequency wave to
carry more information in the same amount of time.
So, higher frequency waves are more suitable for
transmitting data quickly because they can be
modulated at a faster rate, allowing for the encoding
of more information in a given time period.
◦ Wider Bandwidth: Electromagnetic waves can utilize
wider bandwidths, which means they can transmit a
broader range of frequencies simultaneously. This
capability allows for the transmission of multiple
signals or higher data rates within the same
frequency band.
◦ Digital Modulation: Electromagnetic waves are well-
suited for digital modulation techniques, such as
amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM),
and digital modulation schemes like phase-shift
keying (PSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation
(QAM). These techniques can encode digital data into
electromagnetic waves with great efficiency.
◦ Propagation Speed: Electromagnetic waves,
particularly in air or vacuum, travel at the speed of
light, which is much faster than the speed of sound.
This high propagation speed allows for rapid data

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◦ Less Signal Attenuation: Electromagnetic waves
experience less signal attenuation (weakening)
compared to acoustic waves, especially over long
distances. This means that data can be transmitted
more reliably and over greater ranges without
significant loss of signal strength.
◦ Compatibility with Electronics: Electromagnetic waves
are compatible with electronic devices, making it
easier to interface with and process data. Modern
communication and computing systems are predominantly
based on electronic components, so using
electromagnetic waves aligns with these technologies.
◦ Directionality: Electromagnetic waves can be focused
and directed with precision, allowing for more
efficient use of available resources and reducing
◦ Multiplexing: Electromagnetic waves enable various
multiplexing techniques, where multiple signals can
be combined and transmitted over the same channel.
This maximizes the use of the available spectrum and
enhances data capacity.
▪ Reduced Signal Attenuation: Electromagnetic waves
experience less signal attenuation (weakening of the
signal) in water compared to acoustic waves. Acoustic
waves tend to lose energy more quickly over distance,
limiting their range. Electromagnetic waves can maintain
their strength over greater distances, which is
advantageous for short-range communication.
▪ Less Susceptibility to Noise: Electromagnetic waves are
less susceptible to environmental noise and interference
in the water. Acoustic waves can be affected by various
underwater sounds, making them less reliable in noisy
environments. Electromagnetic waves are more resistant to
such interference, which is essential for consistent and
accurate communication.
▪ Compatibility with Existing Technologies: Electromagnetic-
based systems may be more compatible with existing above-
water communication technologies. This could facilitate
integration with other communication systems and devices.
▪ Directionality: Electromagnetic waves can be more

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directional, allowing for more precise targeting of
signals. Acoustic waves tend to propagate in multiple
directions, making it challenging to focus on a specific
receiver or area.
2. Antenna Design: The design of antennas for underwater
communication is crucial. The properties of the water
significantly influence the antenna design. Therefore, before
conducting experiments, it's essential to perform detailed
numerical analysis to understand how these antennas will
3. Proof-of-Concept: The paper presents a proof-of-concept by
showcasing the results of a full-wave numerical analysis of
antennas designed for underwater communication between scuba
4. Water Environments: The study considers two types of realistic
water environments: seawater and freshwater. This is important
because the electromagnetic properties of these different types
of water can impact how well the antennas work.

1. Growing Interest in Underwater Communication: In recent years,
there has been a significant increase in research related to
underwater communication and its various applications. These
applications include underwater sensor networks, communication
during scuba diving, unmanned underwater vehicles, and remotely
operated vehicles for ocean exploration and monitoring in

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industries like oil and gas.
2. Acoustic, Optical, and Electromagnetic Waves: Most underwater
devices and systems currently use acoustic waves for
communication. However, researchers have also considered and
studied two other methods: optical waves and electromagnetic
waves. These alternative solutions have their advantages and
3. Advantages of Electromagnetic Waves: Electromagnetic waves,
while not suitable for long-distance communication (limited to
under 1 km) due to water attenuation, offer some advantages
over acoustic waves. They have a broader bandwidth and are less
affected by factors like water turbidity, ambient noise, and
pressure gradients. This makes them a good choice for
applications that require wireless communication over short
distances, such as communication between scuba divers.
4. Challenges with Electromagnetic Waves in Water: Electromagnetic
wave propagation in water is complex. Water's physical
characteristics, like salinity, temperature, and frequency,
impact the electromagnetic parameters like permittivity and
conductivity. These parameters can vary and are subject to
5. Antenna Design for Underwater Communication: The design of
antennas for underwater communication is greatly influenced by
the medium's properties. Antenna design differs between
freshwater (low salinity) and seawater (high salt
concentration) environments.
6. Performance of Proof-of-Concept Antennas: The study presents
the performance of proof-of-concept antennas designed for
communication between scuba divers. In this scenario, the
communication distance is generally short, ranging from 15 to
20 meters.
7. Numerical Simulations: The results of numerical, full-wave
simulations of these antennas operating in a realistic
underwater environment are presented. These results are also
compared with those obtained using a closed-form formulation.

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