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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Ministry of LGRD & Cooperatives

(RD & Co-operatives Division)

Technical Assistance Project Proposal (TAPP)

Participatory Rural Development Project (PRDP)

Bangladesh Rural Development Board

Planning, Evaluation & Monitoring Division
Planning Section
Link Model Cell (LMC)
Palli Bhaban, 5, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka

May 2005
1. Project – ID

2. TAPP DATE : May 2005
5. ADM. MINISTRY/ : Rural Development & Cooperatives Division,
DIVISION Ministry of Local Govt. Rural Development and
7. SECTOR : Rural Development and Institution
8. Project Director : Joint Director/ Deputy director deputed by
 8131037, 8124113,
9. TAPP PREPARED BY : 1) Mr. Md. Jahangir Chowdhury
Director (Planning), BRDB, Dhaka
2) Mr. Mahbubur Rahman
Project Director, PLMVDP.
 8131037, 8124113 & Res. 9130431
3) Mr. Md. Sadeque Ali Dewan
Deputy Director (Planning)
4) Mr. ATM Monowarul Islam
Assistant Director (Planning)
Link Model Cell, BRDB, Dhaka
 8124113, 8131037.
5) Mr. Md. Abdus Samad
Asstt. Rural Dev. Officer
Link Model Cell, BRDB
 8124113, 8131037
6) Mr. Md. Borhan Uddin
Research Associate
PRDP-I, Project Site (JICA)
 8124113, 8131037
Address/ Phone of BRDB HQ:
“Palli Bhaban”, 5, Kawran Bazar C/A,
 8114686, 9117874, 9138836.

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Project Dates
10. PLANNED START : June, 2005


Project Financing
12. DONOR : Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA)

13. LOCAL COST SOURCE : Government of Bangladesh


14. FOREIGN EXCHANGE : Japan International Co-operation

(Source) Agency (JICA)

15. CURRENCY RATE : $ 1 = Taka 61.39

(Taka in Lakh)

Project 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

2005-2006 378.06 378.06 65.72 312.34 312.34
2006-2007 449.68 449.68 92.03 357.65 357.65
2007-2008 360.37 360.37 103.66 256.71 256.71
2008-2009 322.06 322.06 113.98 208.08 208.08
2009-2010 311.36 311.36 124.80 186.56 186.56
Total 1821.53 1821.53 500.19 1321.34 1321.34
Note: Project AID will be spent in Local currency directly by JICA termed as DPA (Direct Project Aid)
instead of RPA. The cost of Foreign training, JICA/JOCV Experts/ Volunteers services etc. in terms of FE
will be borne by JICA separately for which it has not been included in the Project cost.
Main Item-wise Cost summary (Taka in Lakh)
Sl No. Items JICA Cost Total Cost
1. Pay & Allowances (local Staff) 193.06 111.35 304.41
2. TA & DA 15.00 - 15.00
3. Training (local) - 287.97 287.97
4. Building (renovation & extension) 11.75 91.00 102.75
5. Local Consultant - 19.00 19.00
6. Micro-infrastructure 57.30 230.20 287.50
7. Equipment - 61.60 61.60
8. Furniture - 31.67 31.67
9. Vehicle (minibus, micro-bus & motor bike) - 103.80 103.80

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10. Public relation - 42.73 42.73
11. Fuel, Oil & Lubricant 12.00 44.65 56.65
12. Repair & Maintenance 14.91 46.58 61.49
13. Utility (Electricity, Tel. & mobile, Water & Sewerage) 43.85 8.40 52.25
14. Stationary - 28.80 28.80
15. Meeting Expenses - 17.70 17.70
16. Miscellaneous 6.66 55.32 61.98
17. Cost Escalation 73.66 140.57 214.23
18. Block Fund for Pay rise & unseen cost 72.00
Total 500.19 1321.34 1821.53
Note: Calculation is done by using Excel. So, the two decimal figures may vary in some extend due to rounding.

Record of Discussions (MOU) has been signed

on 28-04-05 between GOB (ERD) & JICA.

: Resident Representative, JICA, Bangladesh

Plot No. 57 & 57/A, 7 Floor
Gulshan Avenue (South), Circle-1

Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
9891897, 9891899, 9891972

Fax: 9891689, 9891753


COMPLETION OF THE : GOB / Self finance by the beneficiaries


Loan : ---
Grant : Yes
ADP Budget : Yes
Revenue Budget : ---

27. SELF-FINANCING : Partial GOB/ partial self-financing from the

Contribution of the beneficiaries.

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PART – D-1
Project Description


1) Introduction
In Bangladesh, where over 75% of the population resides in rural areas, political
influence, socio-economic constraint, insufficient administrative resources and improper use
of human resources have been preventing rural population from receiving necessary services.
In response to this issue, “Link Model1” as a strategy to connect local administration and
rural villages was proposed based on the experiences of the Joint Study on Agriculture and
Rural Development (JSARD) conducted by Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and
Kyoto University, Japan in 1986-90; and the Joint Study on Rural Development Experiment
(JSRDE) which was jointly carried out by Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development,
Comilla (BARD), Rural Development Academy, Bogra (RDA), Bangladesh Rural Development
Board (BRDB) and Kyoto University in 1992-95. Following these study and experimental
phases, a pilot scale Participatory Rural Development Project (PRDP) was implemented by
BRDB from 2000 to 2004 to establish the Link Model in four Unions of Kalihati Upazila,
Tangail District. All of these projects have been supported by technical cooperation of Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
The Link Model consists of the Village Committee (VC) for each village; the Union
Coordination Committee composed of Union Parishad (UP) chairman and members, VC
representatives, extension workers of Nation Building Departments (NBDs) and some selected
NGOs; and the Union Development Officers (UDOs). The Link Model promotes close
coordination and cohesion among administrative services, and link administrative services to
villagers. Villagers’ initiative is most valued in establishing these horizontal and vertical links
with a very strong sense of ownership/belonging.
The final evaluation of PRDP implemented by a joint team of GOB and JICA in November
2003 found that the Link Model was well functioning in the four pilot unions. The team
recommended applying the Link Model at the Upazila level to strengthen the model to
become more sustainable and adaptable to different local conditions. BRDB also highly valued
the outcome of PRDP, and wished to expand the Link Model to other areas in rural
Preceding the final evaluation, the mid-term National Seminar on PRDP held in June
2002 and the subsequent mid-term evaluation by GOB and JICA recommended BRDB to
extend PRDP activities to other regions including two more unions in Titash Upazila under
Comilla District and Meherpur Sadar Upazila under Meherpur District by creating the Link
Model Cell (LMC) under main stream of BRDB.
As per the recommendation as mentioned above, a project titled “Participatory Link
Model Village Development Project” has been proposed to continue PRDP beyond June 2004
to a second phase PRDP-II with a gap bridge period of one year from July 2004 to June
2005, which should be owned by GOB (BRDB). Accordingly, BRDB submitted a PCP showing
the GOB cost of Tk.20.39 lakh. Meanwhile JICA dispatched an expert-cum-counterpart to the
Secretary of RDCD to follow up activities in the gap bridge period, and he has been
conducting a baseline survey for the formulation of forthcoming future project and providing
training to the stakeholders under JICA expenditure. The total outlay of JICA’s assistance may
be Tk. 44.40 lakh to cover the required costs in the gap bridge period. Recognizing de fact
cooperation of JICA, the PCP has been changed to a TAPP under the same title.

The Project defines the Link Model as “a framework to link villages and local government institutions
concerning rural development for incorporating needs of the villagers in the process of development.”

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On the basis of the above-mentioned TAPP the Link Model activities are continuously
running in the six Unions with close coordination and supervision of the authorities of the Link
Model Cell of BRDB, the JICA expert and JOCV members.
In response to the request of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for
the Participatory Rural Development Project, Phase-II a Japanese Preparatory Study
Team visited Project sites, held workshops, and had a series of meetings and exchanged
views with the authorities concerned of the Government of Bangladesh and the Government
of Japan. According to the result of the study a Minutes of Meeting (M/M) was signed on
October 12, 2004 between the Japanese Preparatory Study Team and authorities concerned
(Economic Relation Division) of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on Japanese technical
cooperation for Participatory Rural Development Project, Phase-II for the period of 5 years
starting from June 2005.
Accordingly the draft TAPP has been recommended for approval in the SPEC meeting
held on 21 April 2005 (Minutes of the meeting attached) and Record of Discussion (RD) has
been singed on 28 April 2005 between GOB represented by ERD and JICA (copy attached,
TAPP Page 69-84).
2) Target group of Project
All representatives of the peoples from all class/professions from the whole village/para of
the selected unions and elected chairman of the union and the respective members (both
male/female) are included in the target group. Moreover NBDs’ officers/staff and NGOs
workers operating in the union as per objectives of the Project are also included as the target
3) Main components :
The Project is comprised of four main components, viz.:
-- To Implement the Link Model covering all the 12 unions in Kalihati Upazila in Tangail
District, and two outreach unions in Titash Upazila in Comilla District, and two more outreach
unions in Meherpur Sadar Upazila in Meherpur District in order to verify the efficacy of the
Link Model at the Upazila level, and under different regional characteristics.
-- To implement small infrastructure with bottom-up planning and collective implementation
by villagers.
-- To strengthen BRDB’s project management capacity for not only successful project
implementation but also for enhancing its institutional capacity in preparation for possible
expansion of the Link Model to wider regions in the future.
-- To conduct extensive and intensive stakeholder training for successful project
The main and sub-components are summarized as follows, and each component will
be described in the next section.
(1) Implementation of the Link Model:
a) Village Committee (VC) and Village Committee Meeting (VCM)
b) Union Coordination Committee (UCC) and Union Coordination Committee Meeting
c) Union Development Officer (UDO) of BRDB deployed at each union
d) Union Development Center (UDC)/ Union Parishad Complex
(2) Small infrastructure development
(3) Strengthening of project management
(4) Training:
a) Human resource training
b) Foreign training
c) Workshops and seminars
d) Motivational campaign of villagers

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4) Brief description of the main components:
(1) Creation of organizational structure:
a) Village Committee (VC) and Village Committee Meeting (VCM)
Village Committee (VC) is an informal body, comprising of 15-30 members
selected on the basis of consensus among the majority of a village community. Most
of the members will be representing their social unit called para in a village. Each VC
has a chairperson, a vice-chairperson and a secretary, and a representative attends
the UCCM every month to articulate local needs, and report information back to the
village he/she represents. It also functions as a collective recipient of extension
services of NBD functionaries and also as a vehicle to materialize various village
needs especially micro-infrastructure schemes.
The village people will initiate planning of small and micro project/scheme and
implement them by bearing 22% of the project cost in cash or by labour as matching
contribution. Through this process, local social capital would be accumulated and
dependency on the government would be reduced in due course of time.
b) Union Coordination Committee (UCC) and its Meeting (UCCM)
A proposal has been taken to form a Union Coordination Committee with proper
coordination among the chairman and members of Union Parishad, one each
representative of the Village Committees, all concerned NBD functionaries and
representatives of some selected NGOs operating in the union.



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Formation of the Committee:
1. Union Parishad Chairman Chairman
2. Union Parishad members Member
3. All representatives of NBDs working at the union Member
4. Selected NGO representatives working in the union Member
5. Representatives of Village Committees Member
6. UDO appointed under the Project Member-Secretary
UCC holds a monthly meeting with the UP Chairman in the chair and UDO as the
member secretary. In the monthly meeting all service providers report their activities
of the previous month and prepare action plans for the next month in consultation
with the VC representatives and UP members. At the same time, representatives
from villages express types, volumes and timing of services their villages require so
that rural services match the villagers’ needs. UCC will bear responsibility for the
supervision of small/micro infrastructure projects in their selection, prioritization,
planning, cost estimation, implementation, inspection and auditing.
Another important function is to maintain good liaison and coordination with
Upazila Development Coordination Committee.

c) Union Development Officer (UDO)

Union Development Officer acts as a link-pin between the service providers and
the recipients. He/she plays important roles in formulating VCs, helping UP chairman
conduct UCCM as the member secretary, and assisting VCs to plan and implement
village micro-infrastructure schemes. He/she also motivates villagers and NBD
extension workers to interact with each other more often. UDO is a new position to
be deployed at Union level by BRDB. Important functions of UDOs are as follows:
(a) To prepare resolutions on decisions taken in the UCCM and to distribute
them to the respective persons in time.
(b) To collect and collate all information regarding rural development for the
respective Union and Upazila.
(c) To ensure maintenance and utilization of notice boards placed in the
project area and arrange publishing notices regarding GO and NGO
services and utilities for the village people.
(d) To discharge the duties of coordination among Union Parishad, NBDs and
NGOs working in the Project area.
(e) To ensure linkage among UpDCC, UCC and VC through extensive
correspondence with UDCC.
e) Union Parishad Complex
The UCCM will be held in the Union Parishad offices. Conference rooms of the
Union Parishad Complexes (UPCs) provide best venues for such multifarious groups
to meet showing visible signs of coordinated works at the Union level. In this
connection, PRDP expects more UPCs would be constructed in due course of time in
the Unions where no such facilities are available. The present conditions of meeting
rooms/halls of Union Parishad in the Project Unions are indicated in Appendix .
(2) Training
a) Human resource development training
Human resources development will be the component of utmost importance for
successfully implementing PRDP activities, whence the following training modules

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will be provided:
(a) Orientation training programs for officers and staff of central, district,
upazila and union levels.
(b) Intensive and continuous skill and On-the-Job type training (OJT) for UDOs
and Organizers.
(c) Skill training for all the UCCM participants including VC representatives,
Union Parishad, NBDs and NGOs functionaries.
(d) Exchange and mutual visit programs for all concerned VC members who
may account for about 8,000 persons.
(e) Seminars/symposiums/workshops
Trainers will be recruited from leading academic/training institutes in
Bangladesh. A long-term JICA Expert and a few more short-term JICA Experts
will help organize the training modules.
Total cost outlay for running the local training activities is estimated to be Taka
287.97 Lakh (will be borne by JICA). The existing Women Training Institute (WTI,
Tangail) in the premise of BRDB Tangail District Office will be renovated to enhance
its hostel capacity, improve classroom facilities and provide office spaces for the
purpose of conducting the training programs efficiently.
The Tangail Training Center (uses the existing WTI facilities) will be up-graded
to a BRDB Link Model Training Institute after completion of this Project.
b) Foreign Training
JICA provides opportunities for study visits and training in Japan for project
personnel over the project period. The number of trainees will be decided each
year by JICA headquarters and nominees will be selected from Project personnel
including (a) BRDB and some related departments/ ministries/ institutions including
RDCD, Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, NBD officers, etc., (b) upazila
officers and professional staff, (c) union parishad chairmen, (d) selected UDO/O,
and others. The number of nominees may be not more than ten each year. The
period of the visits/trainings may be from two weeks to one month for individual
visit; and from one to two months for group training which will be focused on rural
development, local resource management, poverty alleviation, local governance,
etc. As the foreign training personnel and cost will be determined on the basis of
yearly actual requirement during the project implementation cost can not be
decided now and is not included in TAPP cost. The cost will be separately borne by
c) Workshop and Seminars
National workshops and seminars will be organized at the inception and the
mid-term, respectively, and an international seminar will be held at the
conclusion of the Project.
d) Motivational Campaign for Villagers
Motivational campaign of the participatory link model will be conducted in the
villages particularly at the time of VC formation. Not only audio visual aids, but
also local music/folk songs and performances of local theatrical troupe will be
used for effective campaigning.
Under the broad bracket of training, the Project will support awareness
campaign in various forms and methods including fairs, exhibition and mela that
may be organized by different Nation Building Departments, particularly
conducted at the union level.

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(3) Small Infrastructure Development
As one of their major tasks, VCs will plan and carry out micro-infrastructure
projects (VC scheme). Experiences from the previous phase indicates that VC can
keep itself quite active when it implements VC schemes at the pace of one scheme in
a year. The bottom up planning and participatory implementation of the schemes can
keep VC busy and active enough to regularly hold VC meetings and carry out tough
negotiations among stakeholders in collecting union taxes and ensuring 20%
matching contribution of the construction costs. The VC scheme would be used for
realization of villagers’ common interest, particularly addressing the public benefit
such as repairing village primary schools, para roads, culverts and installing village-
wide sanitary latrines etc.
The cost of the VC scheme will be shared among three main stakeholders:
villagers, the Union ADP block fund, and the Project. Villagers’ contribution will be set
at 20% for road repairs and may be up to 30% for sanitation scheme. The
contribution will be made either in labour or in cash before starting the work to be
done by the Project’s contribution. The contribution of the Union ADP block fund is
assumed to be 10% in the first year, to be increased to 20% in the second year, and
up to 30% in the following years, depending on the availability of such fund. The
Project’s contribution that accounts for between 70% and 40% is expected to be
decreasing over years, so that such a micro-infrastructure buildup will be sustained
even when the Project will recede after the Project period. It is noted here that
Project assistance would be disbursed only after union tax will be cleared including
both current and arrear. As VCs monetary matching contribution is motivational and
optional and it will not be released from Project fund. The anticipated project cost
has not been included in total TAPP cost.
The mode of implementing the VC scheme is designed as follows:
(1) The Project will announce the number of projects to support for each union
each year.
(2) VCs will propose their project plans to the Union Coordinating Committee
(3) UCCM will make an annual plan of implementation with priority order.
(4) A Project Implementation Committee (PIC) will be formulated for each project
consisting a concerned Union Parishad (UP) member, a concerned Nation
Building Department (NBD) extension worker, a concerned VC representative
and a UDO. A woman may be selected additionally unless the PIC already
includes a woman.
(5) The VC collects union taxes and the 20-30% matching contribution from the
villagers. (The collection has been made relatively smoothly in PRDP-I.)
(6) The PIC starts implementing the VC scheme for the portion to be contributed
by the villagers by mobilizing their own labour and/or hiring labourers, and
subsequently continues the work with the fund disbursed by the Project
following due processes.
(7) The PIC will be vested responsibilities including cost estimation, labor
management, general monitoring, auditing and finally reporting to UCC.
(8) The overall coordination of the VC scheme implementation will be made by the
List of probable small infrastructure are given below:
(a) Construction of para roads, small culverts and ring culverts
(b) Improvement of derelict tanks for fish cultivation
(b) Repair and provision of furniture of village primary schools
(d) Village-wide sanitation
(e) Other need-based micro-infrastructures

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(4) Project management:
The Project will be administered following the line of commands as indicated in the
PRDP-II Organogram (Page-13). Some of the important components are described as
a) Link Model Cell (LMC):
Under the memo No. BRDB/PRDP/56/2002/339 dated 07-09-2002 a Link Model Cell
was established under the following TOR to implement the project.
♦ To operate & coordinate the activities of the Unions beyond the Participatory
Rural Development Project (PRDP).
♦ To arrange appointment of Assistant Rural Development Officer (ARDO) for the
new Project Unions.
♦ To send proposal and ensure formation of Union Coordination Committee (UCC).
♦ To maintain continuity of the activities of the completed Participatory Rural
Development Project (PRDP) and expand its activities in the new areas.
♦ To keep Union Coordination Committee Meeting (UCCM) going beyond PRDP
♦ To assist in forming Village Committees.
♦ To communicate with development partners, prepare new project proposals and
to take necessary action for submitting PCP/TAPP.
The Link Model Cell (LMC) is consisted of Director (Planning, Evaluation &
Monitoring), Joint Director (Research, Evaluation & Monitoring), Deputy Director
(Planning), Assistant Director (Planning) and one Assistant Rural Development Officer
(b) Link Model Implementation Committee (LMIC)
There shall be a Link Model Implementation Committee (LMIC) in the BRDB Dhaka
headquarters consisting of the following officers:

1. Director General, BRDB Chairman

2. Director (PEM) Member
3. Director (FS) Member
4. Director (Administration) Member
5. Director (Training) Member
6. Director (F&A) Member
8. Deputy Director (Planning) Member
9. Assistant Director (Planning) Link Model Cell, BRDB Member
10. Project Director* Member-Secretary
* Project Director (Joint Director/ Deputy Director level) will be appointed/ deputed by the GOB/BRDB
authority. Project Director will remain responsible to the Director General, BRDB.
TOR: The LMIC will sit quarterly during the year by the request of the Project Director. This committee will
observe the progress of the project activities and will direct, instruct and advice the Project Director
on the issues of the smooth implementation of the project as required.

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c) National council:
There shall have a National Council for the Project consisted of Secretaries of
concerned ministries and Director Generals of some selected departments as listed
below with Minister for LGRD&C in the chair.
(i) Hon’ble Minister, LGRD&C Chairman
(ii) Secretary, Economic Relation Division Member
(iii) Secretary, M/o LGRD & C (Local Government Division) Member
(iv) Secretary, M/o. Agriculture Member
(v) Secretary, M/o. Fisheries & livestock Member
(vi) Secretary, M/o. Health and Family Welfare Member
(vii) Secretary, M/o. Women and Children Affairs Member
(viii) Secretary, M/o. Youth & Sports Member
(ix) Secretary, M/o. Social Welfare Member
(x) Division Chief, Planning Commission Member
(xi) Director General, IMED, Dhaka Member
(xii) Director General, BRDB, Dhaka Member
(xiii) Director General, BARD, Comilla Member
(xiv) Director General, RDA, Bogra Member
(xv) Secretary, Rural Development & Cooperatives Division Member-Secretary
TOR: The National Council may meet once a year by the request of the Joint
Coordination Committee to take decision on principal issues of the Project.

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PRDP II Organogram
National Council
Joint Coordination chaired by
Committee RDCD Sec. Minister LGRD&C
chaired by
RDCD Sec., & attended by
Co-chaired by Secretaries and
LGD Secretary DGs of concerned
& Attended by DGs of BRDB DG ministries
NBDs incl. Agril, Ansar
Education, Fishery, FP,
Health, LGED, Livestock, Director (PEM)
NGO, Soc Wel, Women,
Youth; research institute Quarterly
NILG, RDA; and Coordination
representatives of ERD, LMC, BRDB Meeting
IMED, LGD, PC, RDCD㩷 PD=JD/DD chaired by
DD (Planning) Director (PEM)
AD (Planning)
JICA Expert ARDO (LMC) DG & All Directors
JICA Coordinator of BRDB
Adv. Task Force
BRDTI, NILG, RDA Tangail Training Center DD BRDB, Tangail UpDCC
DD (Training)
AD (Training)
+ 11 WTI staff Kalihati Proj. Office UNO
Nat’l instructors ARDO

Agril, BRDB Fish,
Livestock LGED,
NGOs WeeklyStaff Meeting DPHE, Health,
Part in the Chaired by URDO FP,
linkage & Soc Welfare,
VC Women,
scheme Education, Ansar
12 Union UDO Offices, Kalihati Upazila, Tangail VDP

Kushtia Distirct Comilla District

Meherpur Sadar Titash Upazila
Two Union UDO Offices Two Union UDO Offices
Meherpur Sadar, Meherpur Titash Upazila, Comilla


(Union level)

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d) Joint Coordination Committee (JCC)
The Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) shall be established to facilitate
communication among concerned ministries and departments, and to enhance
coordination and cooperation among these concerned ministries/ departments.
JCC will be composed of the following members2.

01. Secretary, Rural Development and cooperative Division Chairman

02. Secretary, Local Government Division Co-Chairman
03. Additional Secretary, Local Government Division Member
04. Additional Secretary, Economic Relations Division Member
05. Division Chief, Planning Commission Member
06. Director General, NGO Bureau Member
07. Director General, Department of Agriculture Extension Member
08. Director General, Department of Fishery Member
09. Director General, Department of Livestock Member
10. Chief Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department Member
11. Chief Engineer, Department of Public Health Engineering Member
12. Director General, Department of Health Member
13. Director General, Department of Family Planning Member
14. Director General, Department of Social Welfare Member
15. Director General, Department of Women Affaires Member
16. Director General, Department of Youth Development Member
17. Director General, Department of Primary Education Member
18. Director General, Department of Ansar and Village Member
Defense Party
19. Director General, Bangladesh Rural Development Board Member
20. Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Member
21. Joint Secretary (Development), Rural Development and Member
Cooperatives Division
22. Joint Secretary, Establishment Division Member
23. Joint Secretary, Finance Division Member
24. Director General, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development, Member

25. Director General, Rural Development Academy, Bogra Member

26. Director General, National Institute of Local Government Member
27. Director General, Implementation, Monitoring and Member
Evaluation Division
28. Director, Bangladesh Rural Development Training Institute, Sylhet Member
29. Project Director, PRDP-II Member-Secretary
TOR: The Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) will meet at least once a year, and additionally
on an ad-hoc basis when needs arise. The JCC are to formulate annual work plan of the
Project, review overall progress of the Project, and recommend necessary measures to be
taken by JICA and the Government of Bangladesh for smooth implementation of the Project.

The following representatives from JICA side shall be members in the JCC:
(a) JICA Bangladesh Office
(b) JICA Expert, Chief Advisor
(c) Embassy of Japan

Departments will be represented by Director Generals, national research and training institutes by Director
Generals, and ministry level by Joint Secretaries.

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In addition to the above members the following officers shall be observers:
(a) Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Kalihati Upazila, Tangail District
(b) Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Meherpur Sadar Upazila, Meherpur District
(c) Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Titash Upazila, Comilla District
(d) JOCV Senior Volunteer

e) District Coordination Committee (DCC)

District Coordination Committee shall be formulated at the district level with the
Deputy Commissioner (DC) in chair and the following officers as the members.
1. Deputy Commissioner (DC) Chairman
2. Civil Surgeon Member
3. Deputy Director, Department of Agriculture Extension Member
4. Executive Engineer, LGED Member
5. Executive Engineer, Department of Public Health Member
6. District Livestock Officer Member
7. District Fishery Officer Member
8. Deputy Director, Department of Family Planning Member
9. District Women Affairs Officer Member
10. Deputy Director, Department of Social Welfare Member
11. Deputy Director, Department of Youth & Sports Member
12. Representative, District level NGO (Selected by Deputy Member
13. Deputy Director, BRDB Member-Secretary
(Committee can co-opt a district level officer in the committee if necessary).
TOR: The District Coordination Committee (DCC) will sit once in a year to review Project activities
and give necessary advice and recommendations to Upazila level officers participating in the

f) Upazila Coordination Committee (UpCC)

There shall be a Upazila Coordination Committee (UpCC) under the chairmanship of
the Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO). The officers of NBDs and NGOs as listed below will be
the members of the UpCC.
1. Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Chairman
2. Upazila Health Officer Member
3. Upazila Family Planning Officer Member
4. Upazila Agriculture Officer Member
5. Upazila Engineer, LGED Member
6. Upazila Livestock Officer Member
7. Upazila Fishery Officer Member
8. Upazila Cooperative Officer Member
9. Upazila Social Services Officer Member
10. Upazila Women Affairs Officer Member
11. Sub Assistant Engineer, Dept of Public Health Member
12. NGO representatives (selected by UNO) Member
13. Upazila Rural Development Officer (URDO) Member-Secretary
TOR: UpCC reviews the progress of the Project twice a year and gives necessary
recommendation on appropriate course of action to the concerned stakeholders
participating in the Project.

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5) Evaluation:
GOB and JICA joint evaluation will be carried out at the mid-term and six months prior to
the termination of the Project. The mid-term evaluation would suggest changes in course of
action of the Project in the remaining period.
Mid-Term Evaluation Committee:

01. Director, IMED. Chairman

02. Representative from Planning Commission. Member
03. Representative from Economic Relations Division. Member
04. Representative from Rural Development & Cooperatives Member
05. Evaluation Mission from JICA Head Quarter (4 Members). Member
06. Project Director, Participatory Rural Development Member-Secretary

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PART – D-2
1) General Objective:
The overall and general goal3 of the Project is set as “the Link Model is extended in
Bangladesh in accordance with the regional characteristics.” It is BRDB’s policy to extend the
Link Model in Bangladesh, and the Project will enhance BRDB in building a durable and
flexible Model that could be adopted by different upazilas and districts after the Project will be
The immediate goal4 is set forth as “the Link Model functions in the project area”, which is
meant: (a) the Link Model has been proved effective at the upazila level, (b) the Link Model
has been adapted to the unions in two different upazilas, and (c) BRDB has gained
institutional capacity to operate the Link Model.
2) Specific Objectives:
(1) Union Development Officers (UDOs) and Organizers, responsible for overall
coordination and facilitation at Union Coordinating Committee (UCC) as well as at
Village Committee (VC), are institutionalized in BRDB.
(2) UCC functions as a platform to facilitate overall coordination among upazila, union,
and villages.
(3) Village committee (VC) functions as an organization to ensure villagers’
participation in rural development process in order to improve the villagers’ quality
of life.
a) Organize Village Committee (VC),
b) Promote organization of women’s group under VC,
c) Promote planning for small-scale infrastructure projects (VC scheme),
d) Implement the VC scheme with bottom-up planning and villagers’ collective
participation. Ensure the clearance of union taxes and the villagers’ matching
contribution of scheme costs,
e) Promote NBD extension workers’ visit of VC meeting.
(4) The operational system of the Link Model is enhanced in BRDB.
(5) Training of human resource development is ensured for possible future extension of
the Link Model to different regions.


If the project is not approved the successful outcome of the Participatory Rural
Development Project, Phase-I can not be tested for its suitability and applicability to wider
regions, say to the Upazila level. As a result, the efforts and costs involved in the earlier
project would go in vain and wasted.
It is reiterated that a Preparatory Study Team from JICA Tokyo headquarters that
visited in September-October 2004 evaluated the previous projects (PRDP-I and Participatory
Link Model Village Development Project (PLMVDP)) highly favourably, and exchanged
signature on the Minutes of the Meeting (M/M) between the Team Leader and the authorities
concerned of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (ERD). Should this
proposal fail to be approved, JICA will become reluctant to render further assistance to the
proposed PRDP Phase-II which is scheduled to commence from June 2005, despite that it has
indicated to bear their portion of expenditure through their Experts.

The goal that shall be attained several years after the Project completion.
The immediate goal that must be attained by the end of the ongoing Project period.

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The Project objectives have similarities with some projects. Notable related projects include
the followings:

1) Sirajganj Local Governance Development Fund Project (SLGDFP)5

Project period July 1999- December 2004
Project area Sirajganj District (covering all nine upazilas and gradually
increasing the number of target unions)
Executing agency Local Government Division (LGD), MLGRD&C
Donor agency UNCDF/UNDP
The project aims to provide improved participatory local governance for socio-economic
development and poverty alleviation in the Sirajganj District through the following
 Delivery of rural services and construction of basic infrastructure in a sustainable
 Building capacity of local government bodies to plan, finance and manage basic
development activities in responsive and accountable manner, and
 Drawing lessons on improved local government practices of wider relevance in
2) Local Governance Support Program (LGSP)6

Project Period 5 years

Project area Six district including Sirajganj District
Executing agency Local Government Division (LGD), MLGRD&C
Donor agency UNCDF/UNDP
Based on the tested model of the SLGDFP, a successive project is planned to
replicate the model. LGSP supports fiscal decentralization to UPs for participatory,
sustainable, efficient, transparent, pro-poor and accountable delivery of services.
3) Local Governance and Sustainable Development Program (LGSDP)7

Project period 5 years

Project area Faridpur and Rajbari Districts
Executing agency Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Local
Government Division (LGD), MLGRD&C
Donor agency SIDA
The program is at the planning stage. The program document is designed for the
pilot phase of the first five years of implementation of a potential 15-year program. The
implementation unit of the program will be located in two districts of Greater Faridpur,
namely Faridpur and Rajbari Districts. The program will also have a policy and advocacy
unit in Dhaka.
The overall objective of the program is to empower local governments and other
stakeholders for participatory governance, sustainable development and poverty
reduction. Under this mandate, the program will focus on the following three primary
• Capacity building of participating local government institutions and other local
stakeholders, through improving their basic skills and enhancing their understanding
UNCDF/UNDP (1999) Project Document: Sirajganj Local Governance Development Fund Project
UNDP/UNCDF, 2004. Draft Local Governance Support Program.
Sida, 2004. Draft Program Document: Local Governance and Sustainable Development Program.

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on their roles and responsibilities, as well as, awareness raising within the community
at large;
• This capacity building will lead into improved coordination concerning the delivery of
services by the government’s line departments; and
• Development of a community-based planning process that will identify problems and
design proposals for consideration, prioritization and selective approval by the elected
councils leading to the proposals’ subsequent implementation.

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Project Output
(In qualitative and quantitative terms)


1) Qualitative:
(1) People's participation in the rural development is ensured,
(2) Available local resources and manpower are utilized,
(3) Community consciousness among the villagers is raised,
(4) Horizontal and vertical linkages of the beneficiaries with NBDs, service delivery
mechanism of the GO and NGOs are established,
(5) System of information dissemination to the villagers is developed,
(6) Manual for the replication of the project activities in new areas in the future is
(7) Human resources are developed,
(8) Capacity of the NBDs as well as beneficiaries is built up, and
(9) Existing union and village leaders are utilized while new and younger leadership will
be grown up.
2) Quantitative:
Sl. Particulars Nos.
1. Institutional Support for UPs and Village Councils 16 Ups & 420 VCs
2. Beneficiaries Apprx. 500,000 pop.
3. Trained UDOs & Organizers 16+16 persons
4. Trained NBDs, UP and villagers Apprx.11,000 persons
5. Management Improvement of UPs and Village Councils 16 UPs & 420 VCs
6. VC micro-infrastructure schemes Apprx.400 schemes
7. Tangail Link Model Training Center, building and 1
8. Kalihati Upazila Palli Bhaban, building & facility 1


On condition that the Link Model will have been proved to be highly workable and
suitable for total village development ensuring villagers’ full participation at all levels, the
similar project can be replicated in all Upazilas of Bangladesh in phases with necessary
modification according to regional characteristics. For this purpose, possible funding by the
GOB or collaboration of any other promising development partners may be sought.
Kallihati Upazila will be maintained by BRDB as a laboratory area by keeping UDOs,
Organizers and many other participants to UCCMs as instructors of the Link Model approach
to rural development. The Tangail Link Model Training Center will be upgraded to a national
institute to train personnel required for BRDB to expand the Model to other areas.

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PART – F-1
Project Input, Personnel
34. Expatriate Consultants:

1) Long Term Consultants**

No. Expatriate Consultants MONTHS CONSULTANT (Tk. in

(Tk. in Lakh) Lakh)

1. Chief Advisor 60 1 - -

2. Rural Development / 60 1 - -
3. Training 60 1 - -
4. Coordinator/ Gender 60 1 - -

2) Short Term Consultants**

Sl. Man Total Cost/ Total

No. Short Term Consultants Months Months in Man Cost
/Year 5 years Month
1. Rural Social Survey 4 20 - -
2. Local Administration 2 10 - -
3. Stakeholders Training 2 10 - -
4. Public Relations/ Grass-root Campaign 2 10 - -
5. Information/ Communication 2 10 - -
6. Coordination with GOB 2 10 - -

3) JOCV Volunteers **
Proposed PRDP Phase-II shall be collaborated with the Japan Overseas Cooperation
Volunteer (JOCV) Senior Volunteer and Volunteers working in the Project areas for the
effective implementation of the project. As of May 2005, one Senior Volunteer is serving
the Link Model Cell at BRDB headquarters, and six Volunteers at Tangail Project sites,
and one Volunteer in Titash Upazila respectively are working under the direction of the
** Note: Cost of Expatriate Consultants is not included in the Project cost. JICA will bear the said
cost as per their rules and procedures.


1) Long Term Consultants
Chief Advisor
In cooperation with Director General, Director (PEM), Project Director, and Link Model Staff
of BRDB, the Chief Advisor will manage overall progress of the Project, and guide the Link
Model to function in the Project areas. Chief Advisor’s responsibilities are the following:

• Manage overall progress of the Project.

• Coordinate the Joint Coordinating Committee.
• Monitor the Link Model throughout central, district, Upazila and union levels, and make
adjustment as necessary.

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• Assist LMC for issuance of gazette notifications, government orders, and other
• Coordinate the work of JICA experts, JOCV senior member and JOCVs.
• Coordinate with other donors, such as UNDP, SIDA and DFID, which implement projects
in related development fields.
• Recruit candidates for training in Japan and provide them with guidance.
• Organize workshops and national seminars.

Years of experiences: No less than 15 years

Qualifications: Relevant degrees of Ph.D./ Master level from recognized university.
Rural Development / Participatory Development
In cooperation with Chief Advisor Project Director and counterparts, the Rural
Development / Participatory Development Expert will provide guidance in the implementation
of Project activities mainly in Kalihati, Meherpur Sadar and Titash Upazilas, and prepare for
institutionalization of the Link Model. The Expert’s responsibilities are the following:

• Monitor and provide guidance to Project implementation in Kalihati, Meherpur Sadar and
• Conduct skill up training for Union Coordinating Committee Meetings, Village Committee
Meetings and other meetings.
• Provide guidance to Union Development Officers, Organizers and Research Assistants in
documenting their findings and experiences in the Project.
• Promote coordination with Nation Building Departments at the field level.
• Provide guidance on public relations at the field level. To maintain good working relations
between local personnel and JOCV volunteers.

Years of experiences: No less than 5 years.

Qualifications: Relevant degrees in development studies at Master/ Bachelor levels from
recognized university.
In cooperation with the Project Director and counterparts, the Training Expert will
manage overall training activities mainly at the Tangail Training Center, and promote the
concept and practices of the Link Model to be well accepted by concerned personnel at every
level. The Expert’s responsibilities are the following:

• Monitor overall progress of training activities mainly at the Tangail Training Center, and
maintain quality of training.
• Provide guidance to Research Officers and Research Associates in finalizing training
manuals and textbooks.
• Recruit trainers.
• Receive trainees from Meherpur Sadar and Titash Upazilas, and send trainers to these
• Conduct public relations to recruit trainees from outside of the Project areas.
• Coordinate work with the Women Training Institute, Tangail.

Years of experiences: No less than 10 years.

Qualifications: Relevant degrees in development studies at Master/ Bachelor levels from
recognized university.
Coordinator/Gender will assist Chief Advisor and Project Director as well for smooth
implementation of Project activities. The Coordinator will also monitor gender issues of the
Project. The Coordinator’s responsibilities are the following:

• Manage overall schedule of Project activities.

• Manage Project related documents.
• Assist the Chief Advisor in promoting coordination with other donors.
• Monitor gender issues of the Project.
• Manage accounting of Project JICA budget.
• Function as the secretariat of public relations and workshops / seminars.

Years of experiences: No less than 5 years.

Qualifications: Relevant degrees at Bachelor level or above from recognized university.

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2) Short Term Consultants:
Rural Social Survey
He/she trains LMC personnel and field staff on advanced rural social survey methods so that
all concerned would be able to conduct continuous monitoring survey of PRDP-II activities,
following up the baseline survey.
 Identify appropriate survey methods applicable to monitoring of PRDP-II activities
 Train LMC personnel, Research Officers, Research Associates and Assistants, UDOs and
Organizers on effective monitoring survey of PRDP-II activities
 Compile comprehensive reports on the monitoring survey

Qualification: Masters/ Bachelor degree with over 10 years of practical experiences in rural social
survey and analysis.

Local Administration
He/she gives a series of lectures to PRDP-II participants of central, district, upazila and
union levels on theories and current trends of rural/regional development in Asian countries
(Japan, India and Southeast Asian countries), in order for these participants to be oriented to
institutionalization of the Link Model in BRDB and GOB framework.

 Give a series of lectures as mentioned above to participants of BRDB, district, upazila and
union levels in PRDP-II orientation training courses.

Qualification: Ph.D./ Master/ Bachelor degree, with profound academic and teaching experiences
over 15 years in rural/ regional development in Asian countries.

Stakeholder Training
He/she gives advanced training to LMC personnel and trainers on training/teaching

 Train trainers on advanced teaching methods

 Train trainers on advanced editing of texts/manuals
 Train trainers on advanced audio-visual training methods
 Train LMC personnel and trainers on training schedule management

Qualification: Masters/ Bachelor degree with over 10 years of theoretical and practical
experiences in training/teaching methods.

Public Relations / Grass-root Campaign

Rural Bangladesh has various methods/ tools for grass-root campaign. He/she conducts full
survey of them and improves them for effective use in PRDP-II campaign.

 Survey current and traditional campaign method/tools available in rural area

 Reorganize the available methods/tools for effective use in PRDP-II campaign
 Train trainers regarding grass roots campaign using the above methods/tools

Qualification: Minimum Bachelors degree with over 10 years’ studies and field observations in
Bengal traditional culture. Should be proficient in Bangla language.

Information & Communication

He/she gives general training to trainers and LMC personnel regarding information
dissemination technology.

 Give lecture and OJT to UDOs, Organizers and selected NBD functionaries.
 Give training to trainers on audio-visual presentation techniques.
 Propose formats of reporting and monitoring between LMC and field offices.
 Help LMC for preparing Union Proceedings/ Resolutions /Gazetteers.
 Give training on information dissemination including notice board, etc.

Qualification: Minimum Bachelor degree with good experiences in agricultural extension over 10
years. Should be proficient in Bangla language.

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Coordination with NGOs
He/she conducts survey and identifies efficient local NGOs and proposes detailed programs
for possible collaboration with them.

 Survey of local efficient NGOs

 Select some efficient NGOs for possible collaboration with PRDP-II through UCCMs and VCs
 Propose promising areas of NGO collaboration

Qualification: Minimum Bachelor degree with over 10 years’ practical experiences in working
for NGO. Should be proficient in Bangla language.


1) Local Consultants: (Paid by JICA)
Sl. Local Consultants Man Total Cost/ Man
No. Months/Y Months in Month Total Cost
ear 5 years
1. Chief Advisor 6 30 0.30 9.00
2. Advisor, Rural Social Survey 2 10 0.20 2.00
3. Advisor, Local Administration 2 10 0.20 2.00
4. Advisor, Stakeholders Training 2 10 0.20 2.00
5. Advisor, Public Relations 2 10 0.20 2.00
6. Advisor, Information &
2 10 0.20 2.00
Total 16 80 19.00


1) Local Consultants:
Six local consultants will be recruited from leading academic/training institutions for
advising training and field operations of PRDP-II. A senior professor who is familiar with the
present and past Link Model project activities will be the chief advisor, and those experienced
trainers from the four training institutions will be the advisory trainer of relevant courses. The
chief advisor will be assigned part-time for four months a year, and the advisors will be also
part-time for two months a year each.

Chief Advisor
Along with the expatriate chief advisor, the chief advisor will give overall advice on policies,
operations and training of PRDP-II, and conduct public campaign at all levels including central
and local governments, villagers in the project areas as well as general public.

Qualification: Senior professor from leading university with profound background in rural
development and agriculture extension with over 15 years’ theoretical and practical experiences.
He must have working experiences in international organizations as a consultant.

Advisor, Rural Social Survey

As a counterpart of the expatriate advisor on rural social survey, he/she trains LMC
personnel and field staff on advanced rural social survey methods so that all concerned would
be able to conduct continuous monitoring survey of PRDP-II activities.
 Identify appropriate survey methods applicable for monitoring of PRDP-II activities
 Train LMC personnel, Research Officers, Research Associates and Assistants, UDOs and
Organizers on effective monitoring survey of PRDP-II activities

Qualification: Masters Degree with over 15 years’ experiences in rural development, particularly
rural social survey.

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Advisor, Local Administration
As a senior counterpart of the expatriate advisor on local administration, he/she gives a
series of lectures to PRDP-II participants of central, district, upazila and union levels on
theories and current trends of rural/regional development, in order for these participants to
be oriented to institutionalization of the Link Model in BRDB and GOB framework.
 Give a series of lectures as mentioned above to participants of BRDB, district, upazila
and union levels in PRDP-II orientation training courses.
Qualification: Masters Degree with profound academic and teaching experiences over 15
years in local administration.
Advisor, Stakeholders Training
As a counterpart of the expatriate advisor on stakeholder training, he/she gives
advanced training to LMC personnel and trainers on training/teaching techniques.
 Train trainers on advanced teaching methods
 Train trainers on advanced editing of texts/manuals
 Train trainers on advanced audio-visual training methods
 Train LMC personnel and trainers on training schedule management
Qualification: Masters Degree with over 15 years of theoretical and practical experiences in
training/teaching methods.
Advisor, Public Relations
As the counterpart of the expatriate advisor on public relations, he/she advises on
effective methods of public campaign in the villages. He assists his counterpart expatriate
advisor in conducting surveys on locally available traditional public motivation methods.
 Survey current and traditional campaign method/tools available in rural area
 Reorganize the available methods/tools for effective use in PRDP-II campaign
 Train trainers regarding grass roots campaign using the above methods/tools
Qualification: Minimum Bachelor Degree with over 10 years’ studies and field observations
in Bengal traditional culture.
Advisor, Information & Communication
Assisting the expatriate advisor on information and communication, he/she gives
general training to trainers and LMC personnel regarding information dissemination
 Give lecture and OJT to UDOs, Organizers and selected NBD functionaries
 Give training to trainers on audio-visual presentation techniques
 Propose formats of reporting and monitoring between LMC and field offices
 Help LMC for preparing Union Proceedings/ Resolutions /Gazetteers
 Give training on information dissemination including notice board, etc.
Qualification: Minimum Bachelor Degree with good experiences in agricultural extension
over 10 years.

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38. Project Personnel’s (GOB):
1) Project Personnel (GOB)
Figures in Lakh Taka
Sl. Position Grade of No. of Man/ Cost/ Total Cost
No. Pay Person Years Years
Head Office Dhaka
A. 1. * Project Director 4 1 5 2.52 12.59
2. *Deputy Director (Planning) 6 1 5 2.28 11.38
3. *Asstt. Director (Planning) 7 1 5 1.51 7.57
4. *Asstt. Rural Dev. Officer 10 1 5 0.89 4.43
5. Computer Operator 13 1 5 0.62 3.10
6. Driver 16 2 5 1.11 5.53
7. Peon 20 1 5 0.46 2.29
Sub Total 8 5 9.37 46.87
B. WTI Tangail 6 1 5 2.28 11.38
1. *Deputy Director 7 1 5 1.51 7.57
2. *Asstt. Director
Sub Total 2 5 3.79 18.95
C. Field Offices
i. Kalihati
Upazila Level
1. *Asstt. Rural Dev. Officer 10 1 5 0.89 4.43
Union level (Key Persons)
2. Union Dev. Officer (UDO) 10 12 5 10.63 53.14
Organizer (Union Level) 12 12 5 7.80 38.98
Sub Total 25 5 19.32 96.54
ii. Titash
1. Union Dev. Officer (UDO) 10 2 5 0.885 8.86
2. Organizer (Union Level) 12 2 5 0.650 6.50
Sub Total 4 5 3.07 15.35
ii. Meherpur
1. Union Dev. Officer (UDO) 10 2 5 1.77 8.86
2 Organizer (Union Level) 12 2 5 1.30 6.50
Sub Total 4 5 3.07 15.35
Sub total of (C)=(i+ii+iii) 33 5 25.45 127.25
Grand Total (A+B+C) 43 5 38.61 193.06

*To be deputed from GOB/BRDB revenue head.

Note: Calculation is done by using MS Excel in different Annexures. So, the two decimal figures may
vary due to rounding. The pay & allowances includes two festival allowances equivalent to basic pay
and gratuity equivalent to two months gross pay.

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2) Existing Manpower working in the WTI under GOB are as follow

Sl. Position Grade No. of Man/ Cost/ Total Cost

No. of Pay Personnel Years Man (In Taka)
A. WTI, Tangail
1. Manager 9 1 5 1.05 5.23
2. Accountant 11 1 5 0.68 3.40
3. Head Trainer 12 1 5 0.65 3.25
4. Hostel Superintendent 14 1 5 0.57 2.84
5. Trainer 15 2 5 1.11 5.53
6. Driver 15 1 5 0.55 2.76
7. Head Cook 19 1 5 0.47 2.37
8. Asstt. Cook 20 1 5 0.46 2.29
9. Peon and Guard 20 2 5 0.91 4.57
Total 11 5 6.45 32.25

Note: Total Cost Tk. 32.25 Lakh of Manpower of WTI, Tangail (mentioned above) not to be included
with the total project Cost.

GOB JICA Total Remarks

(Full Time) - - - -
(Part-time) -- -- -- --


Sl. DESIGNATION Nos. Qualification TASK/ TOR
No. of
1. Project Director 1 Master’s degree with at least 15 To act as project head and
(Project H/Q) years experience in the senior look into the project’s overall
position in BRDB not below the implementation and should
rank and status of Joint Director/ be responsible to the
Deputy Director. Director General, BRDB.

2. Deputy Director 1 Master’s degree with at least 15 To assist the Project Director
(Project H/Q) years experience in the senior in the overall implementation
position in BRDB not below the activities of the project.
rank of Deputy Director. Having
experience in planning will be

3. Asstt. Director 1 Master’s degree in economics/ To assist the Project

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 27

(Project H/Q) Dev. Studies with at least 15 Director/ Deputy Director in
years experience as Asstt. the overall implementation
Director in BRDB. Having and project management
planning background will be activities of the project. And
preferred. activities relates to Admin,
Finance & Accounts, Link
Model, Reporting, Monitoring
and Training
4. Asstt. Rural 1 Master’s degree in Management/ To assist the Project
Development Dev. Studies with at least 10 Director/ Deputy Director/
Officer years experience in the field of Asstt. Director in relates to
(Project H/Q) Admin., Rural dev., Finance & Admin, Finance & Accounts,
Accounts and Training in BRDB. Link Model, Reporting,
Having planning background will Monitoring and Training
be preferred. activities.
5. Computer 1 H.S.C. Pass. Graduate will be To assist the Project
operator-cum- preferred. Having experiences in Director/ Deputy
Office Assistant data processing & analysis, Director/Asstt.
(Project H/Q) Computing functions, office filing Director/ARDO in relates the
works and admin. Functions. data processing & analysis,
Qualification may be relaxed for Computing functions, office
exceptionally experienced filing works and admin.
person. Functions.
6. Driver 2 Read up to class VIII and To drive the vehicle of the
(Project H/Q) minimum three years driving project.
experience with valid driving
7. Peon 1 Read up to class VIII and having To carryout orders etc. of
(Project H/Q) two years experience as peon. the authority.
8. Deputy Director 1 Master’s degree. Having 15 years To assist Project Director/
(WTI, Tangail) experience in training and Rural JICA Expert in the field of
Dev field in BRDB and serving as training and Link model
Deputy Director in BRDB. activities.
9. Asstt. Director 1 Master’s degree. Having 15 years To assist Project Director/
(WTI, Tangail) experience in training and Rural JICA Expert/ Deputy
Dev field in BRDB and serving as Directors in the field of
Asstt. Director in BRDB. training and Link model
10. Asstt. Rural 1 Master’s Degree. Having To assist URDO and
Development experiences in rural development concerned project authority.
Officer field of BRDB incase of To supervise the activities of
(For Kalihati) deputation from BRDB. UDOs and Organizers.
Experience in rural development,
poverty alleviation. Work
experience in Link Model, BRDB
will be considered as additional
11. Union 16 Master’s Degree. Bachelor’s To act as Secretary of Union
Development degree having experience in rural Coordination Committee
Officer (UDO) development field of BRDB and Meeting and coordinate the
Link Model activities will be activities of Organizers and
preferred. motivate villagers etc. .
12. Organizer 16 HSC pass. Bachelor’s Degree To assist the UDO &
(Union Level) holder will be given priority. concerned Officers in daily
Having experience in the field of activities of Link Model. To
Link Model activities will be motivate village People to
preferred. form VC & prepare
infrastructure Schemes etc..
Total Post 43

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1) JICA PERSONNEL: (Specialized manpower)
( Figures in Lakh Taka)
SL. Nos. of
Grade Person Man/ Cost/ Total
No. Designation Pay Years Years Cost
A. Head Office, Dhaka
1. Accountant-Cum-Office Assistant 11 1 5 0.68 3.40
2. Computer Operator 13 1 5 0.62 3.10
3. Driver 16 1 5 0.55 2.76
Sub Total (of A) 3 1.85 9.26
B. WTI, Tangail
1. Research Officer 7 1 5 1.51 7.55
2. Instructor 10 2 5 1.77 8.86
3. Computer Operator/Office Asstt. 13 1 5 0.62 3.10
4. Driver 16 1 5 0.55 2.76
5. Sweeper 20 1 5 0.46 2.29
6. Mali 20 1 5 0.46 2.29
Sub Total (of B) 7 5.37 26.85
C. Field Offices
i. Kalihati:
1. Research Officer 7 1 5 1.51 7.57
2. Research Associate 9 1 5 1.05 5.23
3. Accountant-cum-Office Assistant 11 1 5 0.68 3.40
4. Research Assistant 12 4 5 2.60 12.99
5. Computer Operator 13 3 5 1.86 9.29
6. Peon 20 1 5 0.46 2.29
7. Night Guard 20 2 5 0.91 4.57
Sub Total (of i) 13 5 9.07 45.33
ii. Titash:
1. Research Associate 9 1 5 1.05 5.23
2. Accountant-cum-Office Assistant 11 1 5 0.68 3.40
3. Research Assistant 12 1 5 0.65 3.25
4. Computer Operator 13 1 5 0.62 3.10
Sub Total (of ii) 4 2.99 14.97
iii. Meherpur:
1. Research Associate 9 1 5 1.05 5.23
2. Accountant-cum-Office Assistant 11 1 5 0.68 3.40
3. Research Assistant 12 1 5 0.65 3.25
4. Computer Operator 13 1 5 0.62 3.10
Sub Total (of iii) 4 2.99 14.97
Sub Total (of C) 21 15.07 75.26
Grand Total (A+B+C) 31 22.29 111.37
Note: Calculation is done by using MS Excel in different Annexures. So, the two decimal figures may
vary in some extent due to rounding.

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2) Task and Qualifications required:

Sl. Nos.
Designation Of Qualification Tasks/ TOR
1 Research Officer 2 MS Degree, having background To assist the JICA Experts/
in agriculture extension with Project Director the related
experience in conducting the fields. To perform all the
field of research, data Research, Evaluation,
processing, analyzing and Monitoring and Reporting. To
report writing works. Supervise the activities of the
Having research experiences in Research Associates and other
Link Model activities will be JICA personnel.
2. Research Associate 3 Master’s Degree, To monitor and supervise the
having experience in activities of Research
conducting research, data Assistants, writing of report,
processing and report writing and assist JICA Experts and
works. Research Officers in the related
3. Instructor 2 Master’s degree with To assist the JICA Expert/
experience in related field. Project Director/Relating
Qualification may be relaxed Officers of the project. To
for the exceptionally perform all the training related
experienced candidates functions and other duties
working in the field of assigned by the project
participatory link model field. authority.
4. Accountant-cum- 4 Minimum Graduate with To assist the JICA Expert /
Office Assistant experience in the Accounts, Project Director & concerned
Finance & Administrative field. officers of the project in
Commerce Graduate will be Accounting, Finance and
preferred. Administration and other
related jobs assigned by the
project authority.
5. Computer Operator- 7 Minimum Graduate having To operate and enter data in
cum-Office Assistant experience in word processing the computer as per
and data entry. requirement of the project.
6. Research Assistant 6 Minimum Graduate To assist the concerned
(Minimum one post having experience in related officers in the field of research
for female) field. Qualification may be and to prepare union resource
relaxed for the experiences in map, collection of data etc.
the similar assignment. and other related works as
assigned by the authority.
7. Driver 2 Read up to Class Eight having To drive the vehicles of the
two years driving experience project.
with valid driving license.
8. Peon and Night 3 Read up to Class Eight with To serve all the order of
Guard some experience project officers and staff.
9. Mali 1 Read up to Class Eight with To perform gardening works
some experience and to perform other duties
from time to time assigned by
the authority of the project.
10. Sweeper 1 Read up to Class Eight with To perform all the sweeping
some experience works of the project.

Total 31

Note: Since it is a continuous project based on PRDP-I and gap-bridging project staff working from thereon
may continue on account of experience and uninterrupted continuity of work on affirmation by the project
authority as deem fit for the project period on their satisfactory job performance and contractual modalities.
Staff will be transferable in the Project areas. Hire & fire principles will be followed for job performance of the
staff i.e. Reward for good work and punishment for bad work so as to ensure quality as well as quantity of
this project component wise activities.

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 30

(Figure in Lakh Taka)

estimated Project Expatriate Local Project
Years Personnel Total Cost
Personnel Personnel Consultants Consultant (others)
(5 years) (JICA)
cost (Tk. in GOB (JICA) (JICA) JICA
2005-06 64.686 38.612 -- 3.800 22.274 26.074
2006-07 64.686 38.612 -- 3.800 22.274 26.074
2007-08 64.686 38.612 -- 3.800 22.274 26.074
2008-09 64.686 38.612 -- 3.800 22.274 26.074
2009-10 64.686 38.612 -- 3.800 22.274 26.074
Total 323.430 193.060 -- 19.000 111.370 130.37
Details cost given at Annexure: Page-.

PART – F-2
Project Input Equipment
45. Project Input:
1) Building: Renovation and extension of Kalihati Palli Bhaban and WTI, Tangail
2) Micro infrastructure (VC scheme):
3) Vehicles
4) Equipment (New equipment other than vehicles)
5) Furniture (New furniture):


No. (Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh)
01. Building* 11.75 91.00 102.75
02. VC Scheme 57.30 230.20 287.50
03. Vehicles 0.00 103.80 103.80
04. Equipment 0.00 61.60 61.60
05. Furniture 0.00 31.67 31.67
Total 69.05 518.27 587.32
*Existing building renovation and extension.
Note: Project Input costs excluding the old vehicles, equipment & furniture.

6) Old Vehicle, Equipment and Furniture: The following vehicles and equipment
inherited from PRDP-I/PLMVDP will be utilized in PRDP-II. So the costs are not included
in the TAPP.
Items Quantity
1. Jeep (Toyota Land Cruiser) 1
2. Jeep (Toyota Land Cruiser Prado) 1
3. Pick-up (Toyota) 1
4. Motorcycle 10
5. Bicycle 10
6. Spare-parts for Transportation -
7. Photocopier 2

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 31

8. Desktop Computer 6
9. Laser Printer 4
10. Dot Printer 1
11. UPS 6
12. Stabilizer 6
13. Fax & Telephone 3
14. Cyclostyle Machine 5
15. Bengali Typewriter 5
16. Desktop Calculator 7
17. AC Machine 5
18. Overhead Projector 1
19. Slide Projector 1
20. Furniture 14 sets
21. Office Equipment -
22. Fan 20
Year GOB Cost JICA Cost Total Cost
(In Lakh Taka) (In Lakh Taka) (In Lakh Taka)
2005-06 8.45 163.84 172.29
2006-07 10.45 176.96 187.41
2007-08 14.45 74.27 88.72
2008-09 16.85 51.60 68.45
2009-10 18.85 51.60 70.45
Total 69.05 518.27 587.32
PART – F-3
Project Input, Training
47. SPECIFICATION 48. 49. NOs. OF 50. COST
1. Orientation Dhaka H/Q/ 1833
Training.(National/Dist District/Upazila/ (3591 22.43
rict/Upazila/ Unions) Unions. incl. observer)

2. Training/ Mutual WTI/ BARD/

observation for NBDs/ BRDTI 10168 185.77
UP/ UCC/ VC Members.
3. On Job/Skill-up training WTI/ BARD/ 144
for UDO’s & FA’s. BRDTI (990 incl. observer)
4. Seminar/ Symposium/ BRDB HQ/ District
Workshop level/ WTIC
Tangail/ Upazila 1900 43.54
Centres/ Union
5. Midterm and Final Dhaka 500 9.50
Total (17149 including 287.97

Note: Foreign training schedule, personnel, number and cost can not be determined now as
explained at serial no b) Foreign training at Page 9.

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 32


Year GOB Cost JICA Cost Total Cost

(Tk. in lakh)
2005-06 0.00 68.36 68.36
2006-07 0.00 76.86 76.86
2007-08 0.00 76.25 76.25
2008-09 0.00 48.06 48.06
2009-10 0.00 18.44 18.44
Total 0.00 287.97 287.97

PART – F-4
Project Input Others


No. (Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh)

01. TA/DA, overtime allowance,

Honorarium etc. 15.00 0.00 15.00
02. Repair
and maintenance of 12.00 26.15 38.15
03. Fuel, Oil & Lubricant 12.00 44.65 56.65
04. Repair & Maintenance cost of
Equipment (Old & New) 2.91 20.43 23.34
05. Utility: 43.85 8.40 52.25
(a) Electricity 33.60 0.00 33.60
(b) Telephone & Mobile 7.80 8.40 16.20
(c) Water & Sewerage 2.45 0.00 2.45
06. Union Coordination Committee 0.00 17.70 17.70
and other meeting expenses
07. Stationery 0.00 28.80 28.80
08. Public Relations/Communications 0.00 42.73 42.73
09. CD/VAT 00.00 0.00 00.00
10. Office Miscellaneous 6.66 55.32 61.98
Sub Total 92.42 244.18 336.60
11. Cost escalation 73.67 140.56 214.23
12. Block Fund for Pay rise & Unseen cost 72.00 -- 72.00
Grand Total 238.09 384.74 622.83



(Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh) (Tk. in Lakh)
2005-06 18.66 54.07 72.73
2006-07 42.97 77.77 120.74
2007-08 50.60 80.11 130.71
2008-09 58.52 82.35 140.87
2009-10 67.34 90.44 157.78
Total 238.09 384.74 622.83

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 33

54. PROVISION IN FIVE-YEAR : Allocation of fund for the project will be
PLAN available from the Rural Development
and Institution Sector of 2004-2005.

55. PROVISION IN THE ADP/ : Included in the ADP of 2004-2005 with

ATAP block allocation.

56. NOs. OF ENCLOSURES : Pages from 36 to 115.

Director General BRDB Signature of the Recommending Authority

TAPP_SPEC_Samad_Borhan-Pay rise.doc Page 34

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