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Vince Nixau A.

Padel September 30, 2023

CHETE 43 A Quiz 2

1. Provide one (1) of the three principles in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Collection and explain its
importance in the management of solid wastes.
One of the key principles in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Collection is Source Separation
and Segregation and it holds significant importance for several reasons. Firstly, it facilitates the
effective retrieval of valuable recyclable materials, thereby decreasing the need for virgin resources
and mitigating the environmental repercussions of resource extraction and production. Additionally,
by segregating organic waste, it streamlines the composting process, resulting in nutrient-rich soil
amendments and diverting organic matter away from landfills, where it would otherwise generate
harmful methane emissions. Furthermore, these practices reduce the risk of contamination in
recyclables and hazardous waste, enhancing safety and the quality of recycled materials. Finally, by
curbing the volume of waste destined for landfills, source separation and segregation extend the
operational life of landfill sites, conserving space and reducing potential environmental hazards
linked to landfilling.
2. Considering the impact on the energy usage, resource usage and carbon dioxide emissions of the
recycling, which recycling process do you think has the most beneficial impact on the environment, (a)
paper, (b) glass, (c) plastic or (d) metal recycling? Provide a brief explanation on your answer/choice.
In terms of the beneficial impact on the environment regarding energy usage, resource
usage, and carbon dioxide emissions, metal recycling (option d) typically has the most positive
influence. his is because recycling metals, such as aluminum and steel, requires significantly less
energy compared to mining and refining virgin ores. The recycling process for metals also results in
substantial reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, as it avoids the energy-intensive processes
involved in primary metal production. Furthermore, metals can be recycled indefinitely without losing
quality, leading to resource conservation. While paper, glass, and plastic recycling also have
environmental benefits, metal recycling stands out due to its substantial energy and emissions
savings, making it a highly sustainable option.
3. Among the five (5) types of composting technologies, which do you think is the most appropriate
technology in treating biowaste generated in your community (Barangay)? Provide a brief explanation on
your answer/choice.

The most suitable option for my community is the Passively Aerated Windrows. This
involves creating large, well-ventilated piles of biowaste that are periodically turned to maintain
proper aeration. This method is efficient and effective for communities because it can handle a
moderate volume of biowaste, requires less labor and equipment compared to other methods like
windrow composting, and it produces high-quality compost relatively quickly. Furthermore, it
minimizes odor and leachate issues commonly associated with biowaste composting. It can be
adapted to both rural and urban settings, making it versatile for different community environments.

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