ISO 27001 Checklist Blog LM

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ISO 27001 Checklist

Form an ISO 27001 Internal Team

Step 1 Etch out their Roles & Responsibilities
Ensure Right Level of Oversight

Build your ISMS

Step 2 Define the ISMS Scope
Management Approval for the Scope

Create and Publish ISMS Policies, Procedure & Documentation

Step 3 Ready the Mandatory Policies & Procedures
Set up Processes to ensure Documentation at each step

Conduct Risk Assessment & Treatment

Conduct an Internal Risk Assessment of your Assets & System
Identify the Risks that could impact Data Confidentiality,
Step 4 Integrity, and Availability
Assign a Probability of their Occurrence
Peg the Impact Levels (high to low)
Implement Response/ Controls to placate the likelihood of these risks

Ready the Statement of Applicability (SOA)

Review the 114 controls in Annex A
Step 5 Select the ones that are relevent to your identified risks
Include justifications for the inclusion and exclusion of controls in your SOA
Implement ISMS Policies and Controls
Implement PDCA approach
Step 6 Inform employees of the ISMS Policies & Controls
Set up Employee Review Process for ISMS Policies & Controls

Conduct Employee Awareness & Training Programmes

Step 7 Ensure Employees receive Relevant & Regular Infosec Education
Train Employees on Response to Risks

Monitor ISMS, conduct Gap Analysis and Remediate

Review the ISMS
Step 8 Conduct Gap Analysis, Remediate, Test more and Monitor
Gather Evidence to demonstrate ISMS is meeting Standard's Requirements

Undergo Internal Audit

Select an Internal Auditor
Step 9 Identify Scope
Incorporate the suggestions/feedbacks from the Internal Audit Report

Undergo Stage 1 Audit

Select an accredited ISO 27001 External Auditor
Step 10 Undergo Stage 1 audit - Documentation Review
Incorporate the suggestions/feedbacks from the Audit Report
Based on Audit Readiness, set up a date for Stage 2 Audit (within six months)

Undergo a Stage 2 Audit

Undergo Stage 2 audit - Main Audit
Step 11 Incorporate the suggestions/feedbacks from the Audit Report
Rectify major nonconformities (if any) and share evidence of correction action
with the auditor.
Post Certification, undergo Periodic Surveillance Audits
Undergo Periodic Surveillance Audits
Step 12
Rectify major nonconformities (if any) and share evidence
within three months

Perform Continual Improvement

Review ISMS & its Objectives
Conduct Annual Risk Assessments
Step 13 Treat new/added Risks with Relevant Controls/Measures to mitigate it
Ensure Management Approval for updates/changes to ISMS
Prepare for the Recertification Audit at the end of three years

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