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Name : Wind Spirit

NIM : 2088203056

Class : 6A1

March 24th , 2023

Study Log Week 3

Nama and NIM Wind Spirit 2088203056

Topic A Matter of Facts
Date March 24th , 2023

Sources/Links A Matter of Facts The News Values and Elements Dwi Sloria
Suharti, S.Pd., M.Pd
Learned vocabularies, 1. 1. Factual= ˈfak(t)SH(o͞ o)əl
pronunciation & part of
Part of speech: adjective
speech, definition, and
in context (e.g., in a
Indonesian: nyata
Definition: concerned with what is actually the case rather
than interpretations of or reactions to it..

e.g., " This unit deals with factual messages that are valuable
to readers."

synonyms: real, tangible, obvious, apparent, noticeable,


2. concise = [ kənˈsīs]

Part of speech: adjective

Indonesian: ringkas

Definition : giving a lot of information clearly and in a few

words; brief but comprehensive.

e.g., "a concise account of the country's history"

S synonyms : concise, brief, summary, succinct,

condensed, abbreviated

3. denial = [ dəˈnīəl]
part of speech : noun

Indonesian : penyangkalan
Definition : a refusal to grant something asked for. : a
refusal to admit the truth of a statement : contradiction. a flat
denial of the charges. 3. : a refusal to accept or believe in

e.g., " The reporter must find the truth among the facts, statements
and denials.."
Synonyms : denial, negation, repudiation, disavowal,

4. proximity= [ präkˈsimədē]
Part of speech: noun
Indonesian: kedekatan
Definition: nearness in space, time, or relationship.

e.g., "do not operate microphones in close proximity to

television sets"
Synonyms: proximity, closeness, adjacency, neighborhood,

5. 5.prominence = [ ˈprämənəns]

Part of speech : noun

Indonesian : menonjol
Definition : the state of being important or famous..
e.g., "she came to prominence as an artist in the 1960s"

synonyms : emphasize · highlight · point up · underline ·

underscore · accent · feature
learning strategies Initially, we were supposed to have an offline class on
campus in the second week, but due to some reasons it cannot
be held, so a make-up class will be held in the third week on
Tuesday. However, since the students agreed that it would be
better to hold it online because we are close to Ramadhan, the
lecturer allowed the class to be held online instead. The class
was supposed to start at 1pm, but due to some reasons it was
held at 2pm. It was the second time we had an online meeting
on this topic. We were asked to present our group work and I,
together with my partner Vanesa, presented it and got feedback
to revise some parts. Afterwards, the lecturer sent us a pdf file
called A Matter of Facts and asked us to create an individual
assignment using this file as a topic.

Synopsis / Summary :

We had two meetings this week because we were unable to hold the second meeting on this
topic last week. This third meeting was conducted online, and it was through this meeting
that I learned about A Matter of Facts. According to Mrs. Dwi Sloria Suharti, S.Pd., M.Pd.,
news provides facts (messages) that can help them make better life choices or information
that they find interesting and meaningful (newsworthy). I also learned that news judgment is
a sorting process through some factual messages in choosing those that are meaningful to our
readers using: "news elements" and our readers' knowledge. We also get an exercise, to
which I will respond here:

The Nature of News

Fact vs Opinion

__F_1. It is 86 degrees outside.

__O_2. The school district will probably adopt a block schedule for next year.

__F_3. The school board voted 7-1 not to adopt uniforms at the high school level.

_O__4. It is warm in the building.

__O_5. Hastings High School colors are prettier than Taylor’s colors.

__O_6. The yearbook was really bad last year.

__F_7. The newspaper received the highest ranking from the Columbia Scholastic Press


__F_8. It looks like rain.

_O__9. That food in the cafeteria is very unhealthy.

_F__10. The colors selected by the school board for the new high school are silver and blue.

__F_11. The cost of the prom is $40 per couple.

_F__12. The State Legislature has passed a law outlawing soft drink machines within 50 feet

of the cafeteria.

__O_13. It would really be a shame if high school students had to start wearing uniforms.
__O_14. That girl’s skirt is way too short to be worn to school.

_O__15. The President should not try to push through an amendment banning gay marriage.

__F_16. The President announced that he would be sending 150,000 more troops to the

Middle East.

_O__17. Coca Cola is better than Pepsi.

_F__18. Albertson’s sells twice as much Coca Cola as Pepsi, according to sales reports.

_F__19. Government guidelines show that most schools serve food that is too high in fat

We started our third journalism course of this 6th semester online on Tuesday this week. I
learnt a lot about A matter of facts. I've learnt about distinguishing between opinion and fact,
so I think that as an adult I need to be able to distinguish between facts and opinions from
what I've seen, read and heard. I think that this is a very important thing. The reason is that
there's a lot of news and media nowadays and we need to be wise in filtering the content and
not be vulnerable so that we don't get wrong and false information. In the future, I need to
make sure that my writings should stay true to reality. And it's okay to express my opinion in
my writings, but I shouldn't treat my opinion as fact and end up misleading my readers. I'd
improve my skills and knowledge so that I can provide interesting, truthful and informative
writing and content to the readers or any other audience. I would also do my research first
and make sure it's the truth that I'm delivering. I also need to pay attention to the news
elements such as proximity, prominence, etc. to make my writing newsworthy.

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