Chronology File

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Chronology File

By: Aaditya Kekre


The French revolution

1. Birth Of Louis XVI – 23rd August 1754 – Palace of Versailles – House
of Bourbon
2. Louis XVI Ascends the throne – 10th May 1774 – Louis XVI
3. Bastille was demolished – 14th July 1789 – Seven Hundred people
attacking bastille, 7 prisoners released – Fortress of Bastille
4. Louis XVI called together an assembly of Estates General to pass
proposals for new taxes- 5th May 1789 – Palace of Versailles- Etienne
Charles de Lomeine de Brienne
5. Members of the third estate assembled in the hall of an indoor tennis
court in the grounds of Versailles – 20th June 1789 – Indoor Tennis
court – Mirabeau, Abbe Sieyes
6. The Assembly passed a decree abolishing the feudal system of
obligations and taxes – 4th August 1789 – France – Louis XVI
7. Declaration of rights of man – 26th August 1789 – Marquis de la
Fayette - Paris
8. The National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution which
limits the power of the king – 1791 – du marche des innocents – Jean
Louis Prieur
9. The National Assembly voted to declare war against Prussia and
Austria – April 1792 – France, Austria, Prussia – National Assembly
10. Convention abolishing monarchy and declaring France as a republic –
21st September 1792
11. Louis XVI was executed publicly at the Place de la Concorde – 21st
January 17+93
12. The reign of Terror – 1793 -> 1794
13. Robespierre arrested and Beheaded – July 1794
14. The convention free all slaves on the French overseas possessions -
15. Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France – 1804
16. Napoleon defeated at Waterloo – 1815
17.Slavery was finally abolished in French colonies – 1848
18. Women in France won the right to vote – 1946
Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
1. Tsar Nicholas II crowned Emperor – 26th May 1896
2. Strikes in Textile Industry – 1896-1897
3. The Social Democratic Workers Party founded – 1898
4. Bloody Sunday – January 22nd 1905
5. 1905 Revolution - 1905
6. Tsar allowed the creation of Duma – 1905
7. Committees and unions declared illegal – 1905
8. The First World War – 1914
9. Russian Army loses badly in Germany and Austria – 1914
10.Russian army loses badly to Germany - 1916
11.International Women’s Day – 23rd February 1917
12.Petrograd Soviet is formed – 27th February 1917
13.Tsar abdicates as the Emperor – 2nd March 1917
14.Vladimir Lenin returns from his exile – April 1917
15.Popular demonstrations staged by Bolshevik leaders oppressed – July
16.Lenin persuades the Petrograd Soviet and Bolshevik Party to agree to a
socialist seizure- 16th October 1917
17.Uprising begins – 24th October
18.Military men seize two Bolshevik buildings – 25th October
19.Bolsheviks create Military Revolutionary Committee – 25th October
20.Military Revolutionary Committee ordered its supporters to seize
government offices and arrest ministers – October 1917
21.Bolshevik Party renamed to the Russian Communist Party –
22.Bolsheviks conduct elections to the Constituent Assembly but fail to
gain majority support – November 1917
23.Bolsheviks control Petrograd Area after heavy fighting – December
24.Russian Civil War (fight of the ‘whites’, reds’ and ‘greens’) – 1918 –
25.USSR participates in Conference of the Peoples of the East - 1920
26.Bolsheviks now control most of the Russian Empire – January 1920
27.Acute Problem of Grain Supplies – 1927 – 1928
28.The Party forces all peasants to cultivate in collective farms(kolkhoz) –
29.Number of Cattle fell by one-third – 1929 - 1931
30.Industrial Production increases – 1929-1933
31.Bad Harvests lead to one of the most devastating famines in Soviet
Russia – 1930 – 1933

Thanks Folks!

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