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Professional Standards exam

1. In the introduction, and opening paragraphs, what are the main journalistic
principles we are hoping to safeguard and why are they important?
First need for a journalistic work is to be accurate, impartial, truthful and balanced.
To these main ethical guidelines, journalists add few technical traits regarding the
process of creating the media production no matter of genre, if it is written, audio
or video.
In order to be clear, informative and easy to be understood, in the first paragraph
journalists must state the main topic of their media production.
A journalist would give data about the subject discussed and the reason why that
particular issue is important, what new point of view or what new, relevant
information brings. Also, in the first paragraph, a journalist announces what is
point of view that is going to follow. An important detail at this point is to be able
to show that that particular point of view will be balanced and impartial.
Sometimes, before entering the core of the subject, a journalist could announce
what point of view will be demonstrated, in other words, what will be the end.
Also, one could leave it as a question inviting people to find out the answer as the
topic develops.
2. Explain the difference between impartiality and balance? use examples.
Impartiality requires from a journalist to abstain from expressing personal views or
opinions and to let facts speak. A balance media production presents both sides of
a story. This is considered unnecessary thou in cases that the public already agreed
upon a point of view. Some examples in this category are phenomenon or scientific
discoveries that do not need to be put under question mark any longer: the Earth is
round, not flat; the sun is a fix star and the Earth revolves around it; or things like
climate change; rising number of population on Earth.
Safeguarding both is extremely important in order to convince people of the
quality of the media production. Impartiality and balance are most discussed topics
in media. Misleading, fake news, disinformation just play on presenting a material
that is tearing apart in pieces the principles of impartiality and balance. Since
spread of misguiding media materials, in order to be convincing, productions put to
test the capacity of a journalist to prove accuracy, to assure of fairness (balance), to
abstain from inserting personal opinion.
Reports about political issues require special attention since interpretations of
statements are most frequently encountered. In a situation when a politician is
issuing a statement stirring controversy, a thing that they usually aim to do, is
important to give space to the other part as well to express opinion. Besides
keeping balanced information, in a situation like this, one must be careful to assure
similar level of knowledge for both politicians about that situation, similar position
and representatives in their respective parties. If a journalist gives same amount of
time to both politicians but one has nothing to say because it is not involved, had
no task in the organization to have knowledge about the issues discussed that is not
impartiality. Of course, if the second politician invited to comment or to explain a
situation is avoiding doing so, that means that the journalist respected needs for
balance. In a situation like this, a journalist does not give up but must try obtaining
a statement as close as possible to the truth while abstaining to comment in any
3. We discussed in class the case of the BBC reporter who admitted crying when
witnessing the arrival of Yasser Arafat’s body at his compound. Why is this
problematic, and why did the BBC apologise and partially uphold a complaint
about the broadcast?
BBC had to apologize because the reporter exteriorized personal feelings that
distorted the message of the report the need for accuracy, fairness and balance.
While reporting about a part of the funeral process that was going on, with the
arrival of Yasser Arafat’s body at his compound, the reporter was not supposed to
ask anybody about personal feelings or points of view in the name of keeping
balance. Nevertheless, one could not ignore that Arafat was the leader and an
important political figure of the Palestinians that are at war with the Jews. In a
situation like this, to get emotional, to cry or sigh or give any other indication of
personal feelings give convey the idea that the reporter, and as a consequence, to
media outlet for what it reports, are sympathizing with the grief felt by
Palestinians. Instead of sighing and crying, the reporter showed have presented the
facts as they were at that moment and to add a few details that were describing the
moment without additional comments or manifestations that could be interpreted
as sympathizing with any faction.
4. In your own words, explain the principles of fair dealing and informed consent.
Why are these principles important?
It is extremely important for a journalist to make clear if a dialog is “on the record”
or “off the record”. It builds trust between the source of information and the
journalist and it protects them in facing the law. Disclosing off the record
information should not be acceptable for any media outlet. If a journalist finds
itself in the possession of important information but it is “off the record” it must
search for other sources to prove the accuracy of findings. In the same time, while
researching a topic, findings must be attributed to the organization or persons from
whom the journalist found the data. This not only protects the journalist from
building a material on some mistakes made by the organization or people quoted
but, again, it protects in case of a law. An important observation must be made in
this situation. A journalist does not rely only on one set of data but researches the
information until can corroborate knowledge from at least two sources. This helps
to get accuracy and to deliver a truthful report.
Furthermore, getting consent is important even in investigations. The manner in
which a journalist is working is as important as the work itself. Hidden camera
recordings, undercover journalism has a large history but in digital era is more and
more important to find ways to avoid deception. It is not appropriate practice in
newsgathering. There are other ways one can always find to get the story.
Of course, if there a natural disaster site from what a journalist is delivering live
reports it is impossible to get consent. Nobody is expecting this but public expects
that human decency is protected and victims are not exposed. Victims that are
interviewed and do not give consent should not be published. If the victim agrees
that information given may be used under anonymity that is material that can be
included in a way that does not lead to the person who gave the information.
5. In class, we talked about the journalistic practice of “door-stepping”. This is
when a journalist turns up at a person’s home or place of work and attempts to
conduct an interview without the consent of the interviewee. Likewise, the use of
secret recording is permissible in certain circumstances. In both these examples,
what are the editorial steps a journalist must complete before conducting
interviews of this kind?
Situation must be discussed and clarified in its details with the editorial team. It
must be established if it is a hostile environment, to make a risk assessment. The
editorial tem will establish what is the local knowledge about the person or the
situation a journalist will enquire in the “door-stepping” manner and if it is
absolutely necessary. Team will discuss and agree upon question or questions to
ask, ton and attitude of the journalist sent. The talent of a journalist is proven in
situations like this if it keeps calm, listen to answers given and ask questions
accordingly. From possible legal problems, the team must discuss and take all the
necessary steps to respect guidelines for balance, impartiality and accuracy. In the
absence of consent from the editor in chief or the editor responsible for the
material, a journalist should never just pop up in front of a person and start
questioning while recording.
6. In your own words, summarize why journalists must obey the laws regarding
libel and defamation, court orders, reporting restrictions and contempt. What are
the pitfalls of ignoring these restrictions?
The suits could based on real claims for not respecting and obeying the law but
may be based on frivolous or exaggerated claims to preassure journalists and to
corner freedom of speech. Claimants have very little to do in order to succeed. To
avoid such situations that weaken the image and credibility of this profession,
journalists must work within the limits of the law and respecting rules of ethics.
Journalists have access to information and media platforms to make known their
findings. Therefore they carry the responsibility to handle and to disseminate news
in front of the law and the public as well. Journalists get access to places and
people where civil society could not go or are allowed just in special
circumstances. For this access to knowledge, journalists must be responsible for
what and how they report about their findings while obeying laws in force in that
Journalists or media that resort to libel and defamation are not just risking law suits
but they are rejected by the public that needs to have balanced, impartial and true
information to form a general image about news in the proximity or in the world.
In cases when a journalist is threatened with a law suit, even thou it is clear that
facts were double checked and the story is true, the way of presenting the news
make the difference. Accuracy and fact are extremely important but so are words
chosen to present the truth, avoiding giving opinions and stating why the story is
important for the public interest.
Every day is a battle for a journalist to find out the truth, to serve the public, to
give accurate, balanced and impartial information. In this constant search and
reporting about, a journalist has to conform to laws as any citizen and to deliver
materials that respect the ethical code of the profession and are in the interest of the

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