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(NĂM HỌC 2023-2024)


I. Pronunciation:
1. Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs
2. Contracted forms
II. Vocabulary:
Words and phrases related to Health and fitness and Generational differences.
III. Grammar:
1. Verb tenses: Past simple, present perfect….
2. Modal verbs: must, have to, and should

B. EXERCISE FORMS:70% multiple choice, 30% written answer.

+ Pronunciation and accent
+ Learned grammar topics
+ Idioms
+ Communication culture
+ Rewrite the sentence
+ put the verbs in correct forms
+ Word formation: noun, adjective, adverb...
+ Read the passage and choose the correct option
+ Synonyms and antonyms
+ Find errors
I. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. gap B. generation C. grandparent D. great
Question 2. A. believe B. extend C. respect D. gender
Question 3. A. flesh B. muscle C. sugar D. fish
Question 4. A. ingredient B. nutrient C. vitamin D. mineral

Question 5: A. have B. has C. can D. was

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 6. A. regular B. energy C. position D. diagram
Question 7. A. infectious B. attention C. position D. demonstrate
Question 8. A. asleep B. avoid C. formal D. remind
Question 9. A. create B. platform C. label D. notice
Question 10. A. permission B. difference D. argumentD. cultural

III. Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 11 . Human life expectancy depends ________ the nutrition we eat and the amount of exercise
we do every day.

A. on B. over C. in D. at
Question 12. In developed countries like Australia, life expectancy ________ are as high as 81 years
A. levels B. values C. percents D. rates
Question 13. If you have not been very _______, start exercising slowly, but regularly
A. active B. activity C. acting D. action
Question 14. He’s over seventy;___________, he's still active.
A. and B. since C. however D. so
Question 15. Each generation comes with its characteristics, which are influenced by the__________,
economic, and social conditions of the country they live in.
A. history B. historical C. historian D. historically
Question 16. ________ his brother is young; he is an extremely responsible person for his family.
A. But B. Because C. Although D. So
Question 17. I believe that my brother _____do exercise more because he is over seventy-five kilos now.
A. must B. ought to C. ought not to D. have to
Question 18. Mass media has helped to _________ people’s awareness of lifestyle options.
A. stabilize B. minimize C. raise D. embark
Question 19. The office has a gym for those who like to ________ exercise in their lunch hour.
A. take B. put C. make D. give
Question 20. __________ fruit and vegetables form an important part of a healthy diet
A. Raw B. Fresh C. Frozen D. Cooked
Question 21. Increasing numbers of children are ___________ from mental health problems due to bad
A. suffering B. recovering C. harming D. improving
Question 22. Everyone was _________ towards him, listening carefully to his long explanations.
A. respected B. respective C. respectable D. respectful
Question 23. I live in a/an ____ with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area.
A. extended family B. nuclear family C. extended house D. nuclear house
Question 24. The ____ arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of
A. discrimination B. conflict C. agreement D. gap
Question 25. He doesn’t want to follow in his father’s ___________ as a doctor.
A. attitude B. privacy C. tradition D. footstep
Question 26. Early morning sleep helps us prepare our mind and avoid ________ too stressed.
A. get B. to get C. getting D. got
Question 27. It's also important to eat a ___________ diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and protein
A. balanced B. unhealthy C. poor D. strict
Question 28. I was tired and couldn't ____ on doing my research project properly.
A. concentrate B. look C. pay attention D. put
Question 29. Open communication can bridge the gap between parents and children
A. accept B. increase C. widen D. shorten
Question 30. While smoking and fast food consumption can increase the risk of obesity, doing regular
___________ activity can help people have a good shape.
A. mental B. physical C. daily D. routine

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 31. Father and his son are talking together.
Son: "Dad, I've received a scholarship in America!”
Father: “____________”
A. Oh? Good luck! B. Really! This must be the wonderful news.

C. I couldn't agree more. D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Question 32. Jack and his friend are talking together.
Jack: “My family is going to take a seven-day trip to Phu Quoc Island.”
His friend: “_________”.
A. No, I dont. B. Wow! That’s great. C. The same to you. D. Yes, I can do.
Question 33. A: “Can I give you a hand?” B: “____________”
A. That’s very kind of you B. You’re right.
C. Sorry to hear that. D. I agree with you.
Question 34. “From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally”. – “
A. It's a breathtaking view. B. You lied to me.
C. But you're right. D. There's no doubt about it.
Question 35. Lan: Is it OK if I stay the night at her house after the party?
Lan's mother: Oh, ____________. You must come back home before 10 p.m.
A. Go ahead B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure D. I’m afraid not

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in
Question 36. My father supported the Labour Party all his life.
A. defended B. protected C. upheld D. preserved
Question 37. There was a lot of conflict between him and his father last week.
A. explanation B. happiness C. dispute D. arrival
Question 38. You will become unhealthy if you eat too many snacks.
A. harmful B. nutritious C. sick D. injured
Question 39. Men often gather in the street and laugh with each other. This reduces their stress and risk
of heart diseases.
A. cut down on B. go down C. go up D. give up
Question 40. Another factor lies in differences in musical tastes, fashion, and political views between
young people and their parents
A. ideas B. tastes C. opinions D. visions

VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 41. 30 minutes is enough time to use social media because the screens of electronic devices
give off blue lights
A. release B. absorb C. emit D. discharge
Question 42. She looks like she's put on weight.
A. gain B. lose C. maintain D. dress
Question 43. The extended family was clearly still an important source of leisure and companionship
within the lives of many women in the 1940s and beyond.
A. joint family B. traditional family C. nuclear family D. single-parent family
Question 44. No one in my family objected when I said I would travel to HCM city with my friends.
A. approved B. denied C. supported D. disapproved
Question 45. Stress may weaken your immune system
A. lengthen B. enlarge C. strengthen D. shorten

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 46. Tom ought to not be lazy for this exam because it is a particularly important one.

Question 47. I will leave the party early because I must studying for my exam.
Question 48. I stayed up late last night because I mustn't go to school on Sunday.
Question 49. You need to make sure you eat enough meat and vegetables and avoid to eat too much
added sugar
A. to make sure B. enough C. to eat D. added
Question 50. The plants are an excellent source of vitamin and minerals.
A. are B. vitamin C. minerals D. excellent

VIII. Read the passage and choose the correct option A, B, C, or D that best fits each of the numbered
Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style
(51)_________ is suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are
a yoga beginner, Hatha Yoga, which focuses (52)________ basic postures at a comfortable pace, would
be great for you. If you want to increase (53)_________ through using more of your own body's
resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you. Whether you prefer you're at home, in a private session,
watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge variety of options available to suit your goals and
needs. Improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class,
you probably won't be able to touch your toes. (54)________ if you stick with it, you'll notice a gradual
loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is
built to (55)_________ the muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from
which everything else operates.
Question 51. A. where B. when C. that D. which
Question 52. A. from B. on C. at D. in
Question 53. A. stability B. flexibility C. balance D. strength
Question 54. A. But B. Therefore C. However D. Because
Question 55. A. activate B. reinforce C. introduce D. supply

IX. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each question.
Passage 1:
The family dynamic evolves as a teen matures, and can test the parent-teen relationship. With both
sides feeling mixed emotions, this time can be challenging.
Puberty brings lots of emotions for teens, and is a time of readjustment for the whole family. Parents
have a huge influence on a young child’s values and interests, and so it can often feel hard for them to
separate from their teen, who wants to develop their own identity and to have new freedoms. This may
lead to conflict, as both parents and teens need time to figure out how to adapt the relationship.
As teens get older, it is important for them to take on responsibilities. This highlights the valuable
contribution each family member makes to a home, and teaches teens about what it’s like to be an adult.
Setting clear rules about routine and home life helps teens to know what’s expected of them—even if they
do complain or resist. Expectations go both ways, however, and so constant communication and
flexibility when necessary will help avoid conflict.
It is important for parents and teens to overcome life’s many distractions in order to spend quality
time together. For parents, maintaining a close relationship with a teen who is preprogrammed to separate
from them can be tricky, but it helps to be present and willing. Talking about the things that are going
well is as helpful as discussing areas of conflict
Question 56. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Puberty of teenagers B. Teens’ romantic relationship

C. Parent-teen relationship D. Teens’ responsibilities
Question 57. According to the passage, who are pointed out to considerably influence young child?
A. their peers B. their teachers
C. their parents D. famous people
Question 58. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. Puberty brings lots of emotions for teens
B. Parents have a huge influence on a young child’s values and interests
C. Both parents and teens need time to adapt the relationship
D. Parents cannot separate from their teens who want to be free
Question 59. The word “willing” is CLOSET in meaning to
A. shocked B. ready C. strict D. sympathetic
Question 60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the solution as teens get older?
A. Complain and resist B. Communicate constantly
C. Set rules about routine and home life D. Ask teens to take on responsibilities
Passage 2:
America’s foods began to affect the rest of the world. American emphasis on convenient and rapid
consumption is best represented in fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks. By the
1960s and 1970s fast foods became one of America’s strongest exports as franchises for Mc Donalds and
Burger King spread through Europe and other parts of the world, including Russia and China.
Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace _ gave way to quick lunches and
dinners eaten on the run as other countries imitated American cultural patterns.
By the late 20th century Americans had become more conscious of their diets, eating more poultry, fish
and vegetables, and fewer eggs and less beef. Cooks began to rediscover many world cuisines in forms
closer to their original. In California, chefs combined fresh fruits and vegetables available with
ingredients and spices borrowed from immigrant kitchens to create an innovative cooking style that was
lighter than traditional French, but more interesting and varied than typical American cuisine. Along
with the states wines, California cuisine took its place among the acknowledged forms of fine dining.
Question 61. Fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks
A. are traditional meals of the US people.
B. are popular because of their nutritious values.
C. became more popular than meals cooked at home in China
D. became popular with other European and Asian countries.
Question 62. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word cuisine?
A. cooking B. style of cooking C. cookery D. cook
Question 63. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. Americas cuisine used to have an influence on many countries.
B. Fast foods became one of Americas strongest exports.
C. Mc Donalds and Burger King are American food suppliers successful in Europe.
D. Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace are not common in the US.
Question 64. Which of the following statements is true?
A. By the late 20th century, fast foods had lost their popularity in the USA
B. Americans used to eat more poultry, fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables than they do now.
C. Cooking styles of other countries began to affect Americas by the late 20th century.
D. Fewer eggs and less beef in American diet made them fitter.
Question 65. An innovative style of cooking was created in California
A. to attract more immigrants to the state.
B. and made the states wines well-known.
C. by borrowing recipes from immigrant kitchens.
D. by combining the local specialities with immigrants spices


X. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.
Question 66. These exercises are a great way to increase ____________________ while maintaining
Question 67. Regular exercises are physical or mental activities that we do ______________ to stay
healthy (FREQUENT)-
Question 68. Life ___________________ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20
years (EXPECT) -
Question 69. An ____________ is a substance, for example penicillin, that can destroy or prevent the
growth of bacteria and cure infections (BIOTIC)-
Question 70: Each generation has its _______________________, which are influenced by the historical,
economic and social conditions of the country they live in (CHARACTER)-

XI. Give the correct form / tense of the verbs in the brackets to complete each of the following
Question 71 : I’m hungry. I_____(not eat) anything since breakfast.
Question 72 : Everything is going well. We_____(not have) any problem so far.
Question 73: Sarah has lost passport again. It is the second time this______(happen).
Question 74: When the alarm rang, Jack______(jump) out of bed quickly.
Question 75: John and I______(study) at the same school and we______(be) great friends ever since.
XII. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, without changing their meaning.
Question 76. We aren’t allowed to drive without wearing a helmet.
We ___________________________________________________________________
Question 77. It is better for you to talk to your parents about your problem.
You ___________________________________________________________________
Question 78. It is not neccesary for us to wear uniforms every day
I _____________________________________________

XIII. Complete the following sentences as long as the meaning is unchanged

Question 79. Children/ adolescent/ should/ eat/ sufficient/ nutritious/ foods/ grow/ develop normally.
Question 80. Although/ eat/ breakfast/ dinner/ home/ students/ usually/ have/ lunch/ school.

_______THE END ______

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