Arguemenative Essay

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Should we keep the ill alive even when they are in agony for the sake of our morals?


is highly debated about and is considered very controversial to the public. Like with a poll that

took place in 2020, 74% respondents agreed that doctors should be allowed to end patients’ lives

“by some painless means” if they and their families request it. Many agree with Euthanasia that

we should have a right while some disagree calling it “suicide or assisted murder. “Euthanasia

has many different types, there is active and passive euthanasia. It is mainly for those suffering

with a terminal or incurable disease which brings discomfort or uproots them from their normal,

daily life. Euthanasia should be legal for, Individual freedom and quality of life.

One of the biggest reasons for Euthanasia is individual freedom which is the choice to do what

people want with their bodies. We as a society value personal autonomy, which is the freedom of

doing what you want with your life which in this case is ending it. Many people have different

views on death which is based on morals, religion, and values. Although many people use their

religion and beliefs as why Euthanasia should not be legal, I believe we should try to be more

open and realize that there are many different people from besides yourself with different

perspectives. You can disagree by saying its morally or religiously wrong but just because you do

not agree does not mean you should force your beliefs and values on others. When we legalize

Euthanasia, it displays that we have respect for different opinions and beliefs. With many

religions looking at death in different ways, people have the choice of making decisions based on

their religion or that aligns with their ideals. For example, Buddhism & Hinduism, death is

accepted as inevitable and not feared. We should give ill people the choice of ending their

suffering which many of us will never understand just how painful it really is. By giving them

their autonomy, they can control their fate, whether they want to fight or not. Furthermore, it can
give them the comfort that if they don’t want to live through their painful disease, they can go

out on their own terms and go peacefully.

One of the most important qualities of life is your physical health. For people suffering with

terminal illnesses and chronic pain, day to day life can be unbearably excruciating. For

instance, many cancer patients hate chemotherapy because of the effects that it causes to their

bodies. Some side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss and can lead to bone loss.

Despite the advance of medicine technology, there are times when the pain medication the ill

patients are given to subside the pain feels like no help. Likewise, the mental health of these

patients is just as important. These severe illnesses can leave patients feeling lost, depressed,

and hopeless. With Euthanasia, it can help relieve some of the emotional strain and give a

sense of control over their life. When having a choice that, when they don’t have to suffer, it

can reduce that anxiety giving them peace of mind. By having Euthanasia as a choice, it can

help improve the quality of life for those that are suffering.

Overall, legalizing euthanasia gives respect for personal autonomy. It recognizes the right

people must what they feels fit in their lives and how they want to pass on. I believe with

regulations to make sure sick individuals are not taken advantage of and with the practices of

euthanasia. It can open a door to new advancements in medicine and give patients and

families peace of mind. Euthanasia should be legal because it respects people's freedom to

make their own choices and improves their quality of life. Although many can argue that its

murder and just not morally right. I believe instead of viewing it as murder and relying on

morals, we should look with an open mind and perception. Instead of disliking, we should try

to understand how this can benefit those who are in pain. A quote that I believe that supports

my belief is from Pamala Bone, it reads ““I'm not afraid of being dead. I'm just afraid of what
you might have to go through to get there. “It shows that death with disease is not a joyful

one. But rather a long miserable journey that no person should have to go through. With the

legalization of Euthanasia, I believe we can help give the ill a easier way to live.

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