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Dear Captain,

Allow me to address this letter to you with a special request. My name is Daniel ALSIDANT, I
am 16 years old, and I am an aviation enthusiast and a member of an Aero Club. My
greatest dream is to experience the unique opportunity of sitting in the cockpit during a flight.
I have heard that some airlines grant this privilege to aviation enthusiasts, and I sincerely
hope that you would be open to the idea.

I fully understand that safety and the smooth operation of the flight are your top priorities as
a captain. However, I want to assure you that I am a responsible passenger who respects
the rules. I am fully aware of the strict requirements associated with being in the cockpit. I
commit to following all instructions given by you and your crew.

My intention in requesting this opportunity is to gain a unique perspective on the workings of

a flight and to get a closer look at the professionalism and skill required to safely and
efficiently pilot an aircraft. As an aviation enthusiast, my admiration for the hard work and
expertise of pilots is immense, and I firmly believe that this experience would enrich my

I kindly request that you consider my request with benevolence and take into account my
deep passion for aviation. I would be honored and grateful to have the chance to sit in the
cockpit, on the jumpseat, for this flight Istanbul-Beyrouth. If you have any additional
requirements or specific conditions, I am fully prepared to comply with them.

I understand that you are often very busy, but if you could take a moment to evaluate my
request, I would be extremely grateful. Please feel free to contact me if you need further
information or if you would like to discuss my request further.

Thank you sincerely for your attention and consideration. I hope to have the opportunity to
experience this extraordinary moment and share your passion for aviation.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Khaled ALSIDANT

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